import { Graph, Extensions, extend } from '@antv/g6'; // import by this way in your project. 在您的项目中请这样引入 // import { supportsThreads, initThreads, ForceLayout, FruchtermanLayout, ForceAtlas2Layout } from '@antv/layout-wasm'; const { supportsThreads, initThreads, ForceLayout, FruchtermanLayout, ForceAtlas2Layout } = window.layoutWASM; // WASM layout is not built-in G6 stbLib, you need to exend G6 with it. const ExtGraph = extend(Graph, { layouts: { 'force-wasm': ForceLayout, 'forceAtlas2-wasm': ForceAtlas2Layout, 'fruchterman-wasm': FruchtermanLayout, }, }); const container = document.getElementById('container'); const width = container.scrollWidth; const height = container.scrollHeight || 500; const descriptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(descriptionDiv); let timer; const beginTimer = () => { const begin =; timer = setInterval(() => { descriptionDiv.innerHTML = `节点数量:1589, 边数量:2742
⏰ Computing Time: ${Math.floor( - begin, )}ms`; }, 10); }; beginTimer(); fetch('') //'' .then((res) => res.json()) .then(async (data) => { const supported = await supportsThreads(); const threads = await initThreads(supported); const layoutConfigs = { 'force-wasm': { type: 'force-wasm', threads, dimensions: 2, maxIteration: 130, minMovement: 0.4, distanceThresholdMode: 'mean', height, width, center: [width / 2, height / 2], factor: 1, gravity: 10, linkDistance: 200, edgeStrength: 200, nodeStrength: 1000, coulombDisScale: 0.005, damping: 0.9, maxSpeed: 1000, interval: 0.02, }, 'forceAtals2-wasm': { type: 'forceAtlas2-wasm', threads, dimensions: 2, maxIteration: 100, minMovement: 0.4, distanceThresholdMode: 'mean', height, width, center: [width / 2, height / 2], kg: 5, kr: 10, ks: 0.1, }, 'fruchterman-wasm': { type: 'fruchterman-wasm', threads, dimensions: 2, maxIteration: 1000, minMovement: 0.4, distanceThresholdMode: 'mean', height, width, gravity: 1, speed: 5, }, }; // remove positions in data to avoid the affecting data.nodes.forEach((node) => { delete node.x; delete node.y; }); const graph = new ExtGraph({ container: 'container', width, height, renderer: 'webgl', transforms: ['transform-v4-data'], layout: layoutConfigs['force-wasm'], autoFit: 'view', modes: { default: ['zoom-canvas', 'drag-canvas', 'drag-node', 'brush-select', 'click-select', 'hover-activate'], }, data, }); graph.on('afterlayout', (e) => { clearTimeout(timer); }); const btnContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; container.appendChild(btnContainer); const tip = document.createElement('span'); tip.innerHTML = '👉 Change Layout:'; btnContainer.appendChild(tip); Object.keys(layoutConfigs).forEach((name, i) => { const btn = document.createElement('a'); btn.innerHTML = name; = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)'; = '4px'; = i > 0 ? '24px' : '8px'; btnContainer.appendChild(btn); btn.addEventListener('click', () => { beginTimer(); graph.layout(layoutConfigs[name]); }); }); }); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') window.onresize = () => { if (!graph || graph.destroyed) return; if (!container || !container.scrollWidth || !container.scrollHeight) return; graph.setSize([container.scrollWidth, container.scrollHeight - 160]); };