--- title: TooltipConfig --- [Overview - v5.0.0-alpha.9](../../README.en.md) / [Modules](../../modules.en.md) / [plugins](../../modules/plugins.en.md) / TooltipConfig [plugins](../../modules/plugins.en.md).TooltipConfig The `TooltipConfig` interface contains the following properties: - `getContent`: An optional function for getting the content of the tooltip. It takes an optional argument of type `IG6GraphEvent`, and returns a value of type HTMLDivElement, string, or Promise (resolving to HTMLDivElement or string). - `offsetX`: An optional number representing the offset of the tooltip in the X direction. - `offsetY`: An optional number representing the offset of the tooltip in the Y direction. - `shouldBegin`: An optional function for determining whether the tooltip should be displayed. It takes an optional argument of type `IG6GraphEvent`, and returns a boolean value. - `itemTypes`: An optional array of strings representing the types of items for which the tooltip is allowed to be displayed. The possible values are 'node', 'edge', 'combo', and 'canvas'. - `trigger`: An optional string, either 'pointerenter' or 'click', representing the event type that triggers the display of the tooltip. - `fixToNode`: An optional array of two numbers, a string representing a placement, or undefined, representing how to fix the tooltip to a node. - `loadingContent`: An optional HTMLDivElement or string representing the loading DOM. ## Hierarchy - `IPluginBaseConfig` ↳ **`TooltipConfig`** ## Properties ### className • `Optional` **className**: `string` #### Inherited from IPluginBaseConfig.className #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts:6](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts#L6) ___ ### container • `Optional` **container**: `string` \| `HTMLDivElement` #### Inherited from IPluginBaseConfig.container #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts:5](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts#L5) ___ ### fixToNode • `Optional` **fixToNode**: [`number`, `number`] \| `Placement` How to fix tooltip to node #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:85](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L85) ___ ### getContent • `Optional` **getContent**: (`evt?`: [`IG6GraphEvent`](../behaviors/IG6GraphEvent.en.md)) => `string` \| `HTMLDivElement` \| `Promise`<`string` \| `HTMLDivElement`\> #### Type declaration ▸ (`evt?`): `string` \| `HTMLDivElement` \| `Promise`<`string` \| `HTMLDivElement`\> Function for getting tooltip content ##### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `evt?` | [`IG6GraphEvent`](../behaviors/IG6GraphEvent.en.md) | ##### Returns `string` \| `HTMLDivElement` \| `Promise`<`string` \| `HTMLDivElement`\> #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:71](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L71) ___ ### graph • `Optional` **graph**: [`IGraph`](../graph/IGraph.en.md)<`BehaviorRegistry`, `ThemeRegistry`\> #### Inherited from IPluginBaseConfig.graph #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts:7](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/types/plugin.ts#L7) ___ ### itemTypes • `Optional` **itemTypes**: (``"node"`` \| ``"edge"`` \| ``"combo"`` \| ``"canvas"``)[] Types of items for which tooltip is allowed to be displayed #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:81](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L81) ___ ### loadingContent • `Optional` **loadingContent**: `string` \| `HTMLDivElement` Loading DOM #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:87](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L87) ___ ### offsetX • `Optional` **offsetX**: `number` Offset of tooltip in X direction #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:75](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L75) ___ ### offsetY • `Optional` **offsetY**: `number` Offset of tooltip in Y direction #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:77](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L77) ___ ### shouldBegin • `Optional` **shouldBegin**: (`evt?`: [`IG6GraphEvent`](../behaviors/IG6GraphEvent.en.md)) => `boolean` #### Type declaration ▸ (`evt?`): `boolean` Determine whether to display tooltip ##### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `evt?` | [`IG6GraphEvent`](../behaviors/IG6GraphEvent.en.md) | ##### Returns `boolean` #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:79](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L79) ___ ### trigger • `Optional` **trigger**: ``"click"`` \| ``"pointerenter"`` Event type that triggers display of tooltip #### Defined in [packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts:83](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/a69acd5592/packages/g6/src/stdlib/plugin/tooltip/index.ts#L83)