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synced 2024-12-04 04:38:55 +08:00
293 lines
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293 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Visual Mapping</title>
.g6-tooltip {
border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #545454;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
padding: 10px 8px;
box-shadow: rgb(174, 174, 174) 0px 0px 10px;
<div id="tip">节点:颜色 —— cluster;大小 —— value;形状 —— subCluster
<br/>边:颜色 —— 起始点颜色;粗细 —— weight
<div id="mountNode"></div>
<script src="../build/g6.js"></script>
<script src="./assets/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
const colors = [ 'rgb(64, 174, 247)', 'rgb(108, 207, 169)', 'rgb(157, 223, 125)',
'rgb(240, 198, 74)' ];
const shapes = [ 'circle', 'rect' ];
const data = {
"nodes": [{
"id": "0",
"label": "0",
"value": 10,
"cluster": "a",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "1",
"label": "1",
"value": 20,
"cluster": "b",
"subCluster": "sb"
"id": "2",
"label": "2",
"value": 5,
"cluster": "a",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "3",
"label": "3",
"value": 10,
"cluster": "a",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "4",
"label": "4",
"value": 12,
"cluster": "c",
"subCluster": "sb"
"id": "5",
"label": "5",
"value": 18,
"cluster": "c",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "6",
"label": "6",
"value": 3,
"cluster": "c",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "7",
"label": "7",
"value": 7,
"cluster": "b",
"subCluster": "sa"
"id": "8",
"label": "8",
"value": 21,
"cluster": "d",
"subCluster": "sb"
"id": "9",
"label": "9",
"value": 9,
"cluster": "d",
"subCluster": "sb"
"edges": [{
"source": "0",
"target": "1",
"weight": 20,
"source": "0",
"target": "3",
"weight": 12,
"source": "0",
"target": "4",
"weight": 19,
"source": "0",
"target": "5",
"weight": 2,
"source": "0",
"target": "7",
"weight": 8,
"source": "0",
"target": "8",
"weight": 14,
"source": "0",
"target": "9",
"weight": 5,
"source": "2",
"target": "3",
"weight": 20,
"source": "4",
"target": "5",
"weight": 10,
"source": "4",
"target": "6",
"weight": 11,
const graph = new G6.Graph({
container: 'mountNode',
width: 1000,
height: 800,
layout: {
type: 'force',
linkDistance: 100,
nodeStrength: -30,
edgeStrength: 0.1,
modes: {
default: [{
type: 'tooltip',
formatText(model) {
const text = 'NODE'
+ '<br/> id: ' + model.id
+ '<br/> cluster: ' + model.cluster
+ '<br/> subCluster: ' + model.subCluster
+ '<br/> value: ' + model.value;
return text;
shouldUpdate: e => {
return true;
type: 'edge-tooltip',
formatText(model) {
const text = 'EDGE'
+ '<br/> source: ' + model.source
+ '<br/> weight: ' + model.weight
+ '<br/> target: ' + model.target;
return text;
shouldUpdate: e => {
return true;
defaultNode: {
size: [10, 10],
color: 'steelblue',
style: {
opacity: 0.8,
lineWidth: 1,
stroke: '#999'
defaultEdge: {
size: 1,
color: '#e2e2e2',
style: {
opacity: 0.6,
lineAppendWidth: 5
// mapping
const edges = data.edges;
const nodes = data.nodes;
const nodeMap = new Map();
const clusterMap = new Map();
const subClusterMap = new Map();
let clusterId = 0;
let subClusterId = 0;
nodes.forEach((node, i) => {
nodeMap.set(node.id, node);
// cluster
if (node.cluster && clusterMap.get(node.cluster) === undefined) {
clusterMap.set(node.cluster, clusterId);
clusterId ++;
// subCluster
if (node.subCluster && subClusterMap.get(node.subCluster) === undefined) {
subClusterMap.set(node.subCluster, subClusterId);
subClusterId ++;
const cid = clusterMap.get(node.cluster);
const scid = subClusterMap.get(node.subCluster);
if (node.style) {
node.style.fill = colors[cid % colors.length];
} else {
node.style = {
fill: colors[cid % colors.length]
node.shape = shapes[scid % shapes.length];
// map the value to node size
let maxEdgeWeight = -9999,
minEdgeWeight = 9999;
edges.forEach((edge, i) => {
const source = nodeMap.get(edge.source);
const target = nodeMap.get(edge.target);
edge.color = source.style.fill;
// lineWidth
if (maxEdgeWeight < edge.weight) maxEdgeWeight = edge.weight;
if (minEdgeWeight > edge.weight) minEdgeWeight = edge.weight;
// map the value to node size
let maxNodeValue = -9999,
minNodeValue = 9999;
nodes.forEach(n => {
if (maxNodeValue < n.value) maxNodeValue = n.value;
if (minNodeValue > n.value) minNodeValue = n.value;
const nodeSizeRange = [10, 30];
const nodeSizeDataRange = [minNodeValue, maxNodeValue];
const lineWidthRange = [0.5, 3];
const lineWidthDataRange = [minEdgeWeight, maxEdgeWeight];
scaleNodeProp(nodes, 'size', 'value', nodeSizeDataRange, nodeSizeRange);
scaleNodeProp(edges, 'style.lineWidth', 'weight', lineWidthDataRange, lineWidthRange);
function scaleNodeProp(elements, propName, refPropName, dataRange, outRange) {
const outLength = outRange[1] - outRange[0];
const dataLength = dataRange[1] - dataRange[0];
elements.forEach(n => {
if (propName.split('.')[0] === 'style') {
if (n.style) {
n.style[propName.split('.')[1]] = (n[refPropName] - dataRange[0]) * outLength / dataLength + outRange[0];
} else {
n.style = {
[propName.split('.')[1]]: (n[refPropName] - dataRange[0]) * outLength / dataLength + outRange[0]
} else {
n[propName] = (n[refPropName] - dataRange[0]) * outLength / dataLength + outRange[0];
</html> |