2023-02-02 10:31:36 +08:00

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Utilizing Iconfont 10


Due to the good compatibility, type diversity, color diversity, The iconfont is popupar for front-end developments now. Refer to the Iconfont Library of Alibaba.



Download the iconfont

Browse the Iconfont Library of Alibaba and download the iconfont you like by searching a iconfont -> adding it to your library -> going to your library by clicking the shopping cart logo on the right top -> adding it to your project (new one if you do not have any project) -> downloading the iconfont in 'my project' -> decompressing. You will get the files as shown below if everything is right:

Copy the files in the red area (there are lots of unecessary files, we can still copy them all since the unused files will not be packed)to your project. In general, the iconfont files are on the directory of 'static/icons' or 'assets/icons'. New the directory if there is no such directory. It is also fine to put them into any directory. But note to import the right path when you use it. Now, the importing process is done.

PS: The directory for this example is '/static/icons'.

Import G6

There are several ways to import G6 introduced in Getting Started.
PS: We import G6 by CDN in this example.

<script src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/lib/antv/g6/4.3.11/dist/g6.min.js"></script>

Import the Iconfont

We import the iconfont in HTML here:

  @import '/static/icons/iconfont.css';

Using Iconfont

G6.registerNode('iconfont', {
  draw(cfg, group) {
    const { backgroundConfig: backgroundStyle, style, labelCfg: labelStyle } = cfg;

    if (backgroundStyle) {
      group.addShape('circle', {
        attrs: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          r: cfg.size,
        // must be assigned in G6 3.3 and later versions. it can be any string you want, but should be unique in a custom item type
        name: 'circle-shape',

    const keyShape = group.addShape('text', {
      attrs: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        fontFamily: 'iconfont', // 对应css里面的font-family: "iconfont";
        textAlign: 'center',
        textBaseline: 'middle',
        text: cfg.text,
        fontSize: cfg.size,
      // must be assigned in G6 3.3 and later versions. it can be any string you want, but should be unique in a custom item type
      name: 'text-shape1',
    const labelY = backgroundStyle ? cfg.size * 2 : cfg.size;

    group.addShape('text', {
      attrs: {
        x: 0,
        y: labelY,
        textAlign: 'center',
        text: cfg.label,
      // must be assigned in G6 3.3 and later versions. it can be any string you want, but should be unique in a custom item type
      name: 'text-shape2',
    return keyShape;

const COLOR = '#40a9ff';
const graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  modes: {
    default: ['collapse-expand', 'drag-canvas', 'drag-node'],
  defaultNode: {
    backgroundConfig: {
      backgroundType: 'circle',
      fill: COLOR,
      stroke: 'LightSkyBlue',
    type: 'iconfont',
    size: 12,
    style: {
      fill: '#fff',
    labelCfg: {
      style: {
        fill: COLOR,
        fontSize: 12,
  // 布局相关
  layout: {
    type: 'compactBox',
    direction: 'LR',
    getId(d) {
      return d.id;
    getHeight() {
      return 16;
    getWidth() {
      return 16;
    getVGap() {
      return 20;
    getHGap() {
      return 60;

graph.edge(({ target }) => {
  const fill = target.get('model').backgroundConfig && target.get('model').backgroundConfig.fill;
  return {
    type: 'cubic-horizontal',
    color: fill || COLOR,
    label: target.get('model').relation || '',
    labelCfg: {
      style: {
        fill: fill || COLOR,
        fontSize: 12,

const data = {
  isRoot: true,
  id: 'Root',
  label: '可疑人员王**',
  text: '\ue6b2', // 对应iconfont.css 里面的content注意加u后面的自行修改一下。
  style: {
    fill: 'red',
  labelCfg: {
    style: {
      fill: 'red',
  backgroundConfig: null, // 自定义项,用于判读是否需要圆背景
  size: 30,
  children: [
      id: 'SubTreeNode1',
      label: '**网咖',
      text: '&#xe605;',
      relation: '上网',
      children: [
          id: 'SubTreeNode2',
          label: '多伦多',
          text: '&#xe64b;',
          id: 'id1',
          label: '小王',
          text: '&#xe622;',
          children: [
              id: 'SubTreeNode1.2.1',
              label: '182****2123',
              text: '&#xe60d;',
              id: 'SubTreeNode4',
              label: '今晚在吗',
              text: '&#xe629;',
      id: 'SubTreeNode3',
      label: 'subway',
      text: '&#xe653;',
      children: [
          id: 'SubTreeNode3.1',
          label: '王五',
          text: '&#xe622;',
          id: 'SubTreeNode3.2',
          label: '张三',
          text: '&#xe622;',
      id: 'SubTreeNode5',
      label: '小花',
      relation: '老婆',
      text: '&#xe74b;',
      backgroundConfig: {
        fill: 'Coral',
      style: {
        fill: '#fff',
      labelCfg: {
        style: {
          fill: 'Coral',
      children: [
          id: 'SubTreeNode1.2.1',
          label: '182****2123',
          text: '&#xe60d;',
          relation: '通话',
          backgroundConfig: {
            fill: 'Coral',
          style: {
            fill: '#fff',
          labelCfg: {
            style: {
              fill: 'Coral',
          id: 'SubTreeNode3.3',
          label: '凶器',
          text: '&#xe673;',
          relation: '指纹',
          backgroundConfig: {
            fill: 'Coral',
          style: {
            fill: '#fff',
          labelCfg: {
            style: {
              fill: 'Coral',
      id: 'SubTreeNode6',
      label: '马航37*',
      relation: '乘坐',
      text: '&#xe610;',



In fact, iconfont is a text shape.

1、The fontFamily of the text and the font-family in iconfont.css shoulde be kept consistent:


2、The text in data is the content in iconfont.css. And add an u after \.

download download

3、If the iconfonts are rendered wrongly (maybe it is rendered as an empty rect), check whether the font file has been loaded:

If there is no node using font icon in the page, the font file will not be automatically downloaded, so you can add a hidden node to trigger the loading. If it is already loaded, you can try the following code to refresh the rendering.

// Call the following code after graph.render()
setTimeout(() => {
}, 16);

Tool Function getIcon

You can write a function as below to transform unicode. Attention, unicode cannot be connected manually (\\u${icon.unicode}). Here we use the code_decimal in iconfont.json. For more detail, please refer to MDN String.fromCodePoint.

import fonts from '../fonts/iconfont.json';

const icons = fonts.glyphs.map((icon) => {
  return {
    name: icon.name,
    unicode: String.fromCodePoint(icon.unicode_decimal), // `\\u${icon.unicode}`,
const getIcon = (type: string) => {
  const matchIcon = icons.find((icon) => {
    return icon.name === type;
  }) || { unicode: '', name: 'default' };
  return matchIcon.unicode;


    type: 'text',
    attrs: {
        id: 'node-icon',
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        fontSize: iconSize,
        fill: primaryColor,
        text: getIcon('logo'), //logo is the name of the unicode
        fontFamily: 'iconfont', // same as font-family: "iconfont"; in CSS
        textAlign: 'center',
        textBaseline: 'middle',