2023-02-02 10:31:36 +08:00

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TreeGraph Layout 1


Graph layouts are the algorithms arranging the node positions to obtain a understandable visualizaiton. According to the differences of data strucutre, the layouts can be categorized into: general graph layout and tree graph layout. There are several layout algorithms for them respectively. By utilizing the built-in layouts, Translating the layouts and their configurations, translating the data can be achieved. Besides, G6 provides the Web-Worker for general graph layout in case layout calculation takes too long to block page interaction.

Besides, G6 supports Custom Layout mechanism for users to design their own layout algorithm.

In fact, 'layout' is a free mechanism in G6. The built-in layouts only calculate and manipulate the x and y in node data. In other word, users can assign x and y to nodes by any other ways including the algorithms from the third-party libraries. Once G6 find the x and y information on data, it will render the graph according to it.

In order to handle the tree data structure, G6 extends Graph to TreeGraph. Refer to: TreeGraph API. TreeGraph is appropriate for visualizing hierarchy data. In this ducoment, we will introduce the TreeGraph layout algorithms in detail.

TreeGraph Layouts Overview

Configure the TreeGraph

Similar to Graph, assign layout to Graph instance to set the layout for a TreeGraph. The Expand/Collapse behavior can be assigned to the TreeGraph by modes.

const graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  modes: {
    default: [
        // Assign the collapse/expand behavior
        type: 'collapse-expand',
  // Assign the layout
  layout: {
    type: 'dendrogram', // Layout type
    direction: 'LR', // Layout direction is from the left to the right. Options: 'H' / 'V' / 'LR' / 'RL' / 'TB' / 'BT'
    nodeSep: 50, // The distance between nodes
    rankSep: 100, // The distance between adjacent levels

Layouts for TreeGraph


Description: CompactBox is the default layout for TreeGraph. It will consider the bounding box of each node when layout.
API: CompactBox API

Name Type Example/Options Default Description
direction String 'TB' / 'BT' / 'LR' / 'RL' / 'H' / 'V' 'LR' The direction of layout.
- TB —— Root is on the top, layout from the top to the bottom
- BT —— Root is on the bottom, layout from the bottom to the top
img     img
(Left)TB. (Right)BT.
- LR —— Root is on the left, layout from the left to the right
- RL —— Root is on the right, layout from the right to the left
img             img
(Left)LR. (Right)RL.
- H —— Root is on the middle, layout in horizontal symmetry.
- V —— Root is on the middle, layout in vertical symmetry.
img          img
> (Left)H. (Right)V.
getId Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return d.id + 'node';
undefined Sets the id for each node
getHeight Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 10;
undefined The height of each node
getWidth Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 20;
undefined he width of each node
getVGap Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 100;
undefined The vertical separation of nodes
getHGap Function (d) => {
// d is a node
  return 50;
undefined The horizontal separation of nodes
radial Boolean true false If layout the graph in radial style. If radial is true, we recommend to set direction to 'LR' or 'RL': img


Description: Arranges all the leaves on the same level. It is appropriate for hierarchical clustering. It does not consider the node size, which will be regarded as 1 px.
API: Dendrogram API

Name Type Example/Options Default Description
direction String 'TB' / 'BT' / 'LR' / 'RL' / 'H' / 'V' 'LR' The direction of layout.
- TB —— Root is on the top, layout from the top to the bottom
- BT —— Root is on the bottom, layout from the bottom to the top
> (Left)TB. (Right)BT.
- LR —— Root is on the left, layout from the left to the right
- RL —— Root is on the right, layout from the right to the left
> (Left)LR. (Right)RL.
- H —— Root is on the middle, layout in horizontal symmetry.
- V —— Root is on the middle, layout in vertical symmetry.
> (Left)H. (Right)V.
nodeSep Number 50 0 Node separation
rankSep Number 100 0 Level separation
radial Boolean true false Wheter layout the graph in radial style. If radial is true, we recommend to set direction to 'LR' or 'RL':


Description: Indented layout represents the hierarchy by indent between them. Each node will take a row/column. It is appropriate for file directory.

API: Indented API

Name Type Example/Options Default Description
direction String 'LR' / 'RL' / 'H' 'LR' layout direction
'LR' —— Root is on the left, layout from the left to the right(left image below)
'RL' —— Root is on the right, layout from the right to the left(center image below)
'H' —— Root is on the middle, layout in horizontal symmetry(right image below)
indent Number 80 20 Colunm separation
getHeight Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 10;
undefined The height of each node
getWidth Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 20;
undefined The width of each node
getSide Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 'left';
undefined The callback function of node position(left or right of root node). Only affects the nodes which are connected to the root node directly. And the descendant nodes will be placed according to it


Description: Mindmap arranged the nodes with same depth on the same level. Different from compactBox, it does not consider the size of nodes while doing layout.
API: Mindmap API

Name Type Example/Options Default Description
direction String 'H' / 'V' 'H' layout direction
- H: Root is on the middle, layout in horizontal symmetry.
- V: Root is on the middle, layout in vertical symmetry.
getHeight Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 10;
undefined The height of each node
getWidth Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 20;
undefined The width of each node
getVGap Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 100;
18 The vertical separation of nodes
getHGap Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 50;
18 The horizontal separation of nodes
getSide String Function (d) => {
  // d is a node
  return 'left';
} / 'right'
The callback function of node position(left or right of root node). Only affects the nodes which are connected to the root node directly. And the descendant nodes will be placed according to it