2023-02-02 10:31:36 +08:00

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Behavior and RegisterBehavior 13

Behavior is the compound interactions in G6. In general, a Behavior includes one or more event listeners and a set of item operations.

By default, Behavior has three callbacks: shouldBegin, shouldUpdate, and shouldEnd, representing the beginning of the behavior, whether to update the items, the ending of the behavior respectively. If they return false, the default behavior will be prevented.

This document is going to introduce how to customize a behavior. The infomation about the built-in behaviors can be found in the Built-in Behaviors. When the built-in Behaviors cannot satisfy your requirments, custom a type of Behavior by G6.registerBehavior(behaviorName, behavior). See Behavior API for detail.

// highlight-start
G6.registerBehavior(behaviorName: string, behavior: BehaviorOption)
// highlight-end

// Custom a type of Behavior
G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  // Bind the event and its callback
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onClick',
      mousemove: 'onMousemove',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
   * Handle the callback for node:click
   * @override
   * @param  {Object} evt The handler
  onClick(evt) {
    const node = evt.item;
    const graph = this.graph;
    const point = { x: evt.x, y: evt.y };
    const model = node.getModel();
    // TODO
   * Handle the callback for mousemove
   * @override
   * @param  {Object} evt The handler
  onMousemove(evt) {
    // TODO
   * Handle the callback for :click
   * @override
   * @param  {Object} evt The handler
  onEdgeClick(evt) {
    // TODO


Name Type Required Description
behaviorName String true The name of custom Behavior.
behavior BehaviorOption true The configurations of custom Behavior. For more information, please refer to Behavior API.


Define and handle events when user customize a Behavior.

The usage of getEvents() can be refered to Event


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onNodeClick',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
      'mousemove': 'onMouseMove'


onNodeClick, onEdgeClick, and onMouseMove are custom events for handling node:click, edge:click, and mousemove.


Name Type Required Description
evt Event false contains event handler, current target, and coordinates.

The parameter evt contains:

Name Type Description
x Number x coordinate of view port.
y Number y coordinate of view port.
canvasX Number x coordinate of the canvas.
canvasY Number y coordinate of the canvas.
clientX Number x coordinate of the client / screen.
clientY Number y coordinate of the client / screen.
event MouseEvent Event handler.
target Shape The target.
type String Operation type.
currentTarget Object
item Shape The target item.
removed Boolean Whether the target is removed / destroyed.
timeStamp Number The time stamp.
bubbles Boolean Whether it is a bubbled event.
defaultPrevented Boolean Whether to prevent the default event.
cancelable Boolean Whether it is cancelable.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onNodeClick',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
      mousemove: 'onMouseMove',
  onNodeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onEdgeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onMouseMove(evt) {
    // TODO


Default configurations while customing a Behavior. The configurations will be mixed by the configurations from user.

Tips: This function is not required.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getDefaultCfg() {
    return {
      trigger: 'click' // mouseneter or click

BehaviorOption.shouldBegin(evt, self)

Whether to prevent the behavior. Return true by default, which means do not prevent the behavior. User should call it by themselves. Supported after v4.7.16 The last parameter is the behavior instance, which will be convenient to get it in arrow function formatted shouldBegin.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  shouldBegin(evt, self) {
    // Customize it according to your scenario
    return true;

BehaviorOption.shouldUpdate(evt, self)

Whether to update the data and the view. Returns true by default, which means allow updating. Supported after v4.7.16 The last parameter is the behavior instance, which will be convenient to get it in arrow function formatted shouldUpdate.


const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 500,
  height: 500,
  modes: {
    default: [
        type: 'self-behavior',
        shouldUpdate: (e, self) => {
          if (e.target.type !== 'text') {
            return false;
          return true;

BehaviorOption.shouldEnd(evt, self)

Whether to end the behavior. Returns true by default. Supported after v4.7.16 The last parameter is the behavior instance, which will be convenient to get it in arrow function formatted shouldEnd.