2023-02-02 10:31:36 +08:00

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Arrow 2

No matter built-in edges or custom edges, arrows can be assigned to the end or begin position of an edge. There are three kinds of arrows in G6: default arrow, built-in arrow, and custom arrow.


Default Arrow



Configure the endArrow or startArrow to true in the style of an edge:

style: {
  endArrow: true,
  startArrow: true

Built-in Arrow

Supported by v3.5.8 and later versions.


Name Parameters Usage Result
The paramters are arrow's width (10 by default), length (15 by default), and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.triangle(10, 20, 25),
d: 25
The paramters are arrow's width (15 by default), length (20 by default), and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.vee(10, 20, 25),
d: 25
The paramters are arrow's radius (5 by default) and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d) respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.circle(10, 25),
d: 25
The paramters are arrow's width (15 by default), length (15 by default), and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.diamond(10, 20, 25),
d: 25
The paramters are arrow's width (10 by default), length (10 by default), and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.rect(10, 20, 25),
d: 25
The paramters are triangle's width (15 by default), triangle's length (20 by default), rect's width (15 by default), rect's length (3 by default), gap between the triangle and the rect (3 by default), and offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively.
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.triangleRect(15, 15, 15, 3, 5, 25),
d: 25


Call G6.Arrow.arrowName for the path in style's endArrow or startArrow:

style: {
  endArrow: {
    path: G6.Arrow.triangle(10, 20, 25), // Using the built-in edges for the path, parameters are the width, length, offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively
    d: 25
  startArrow: {
    path: G6.Arrow.vee(15, 20, 15), // Using the built-in edges for the path, parameters are the width, length, offset (0 by default, corresponds to d), respectively
    d: 15

Custom Arrow

Please follow the Custom Arrow in the Advanced Doc.

Configure the Arrow Style

Only built-in edges and custom edges can be configured.


Name Required Type Description
fill false String Filling color. No fill by default
stroke false String The stroke color. Same as the edge by default
lineWidth false Number The line width. Same as the edge by default
opacity false Number Opacity
strokeOpacity false Number The stroke opacity
shadowColor false String The color of the shadow
shadowBlur false Number The blur degree of the shadow
shadowOffsetX false Number The x offset of the shadow
shadowOffsetY false Number The y offset of the shadow
lineDash false Array The style of the dash line. It is an array that describes the length of gaps and line segments. If the number of the elements in the array is odd, the elements will be dulplicated. Such as [5, 15, 25] will be regarded as [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25]


// Built-in Arrow
style: {
  endArrow: {
    path: G6.Arrow.triangle(10, 20, 25),
    d: 25,
    fill: '#f00',
    stroke: '#0f0',
    opacity: 0.5,
    lineWidth: 3,
    // ...

// Custom Arrow
style: {
  endArrow: {
    path: 'M 0,0 L 20,10 L 20,-10 Z',
    d: 5,
    fill: '#f00',
    stroke: '#0f0',
    opacity: 0.5,
    lineWidth: 3,
    // ...