2023-02-02 10:31:36 +08:00

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Util 15

G6 provides a set of util functions for data pre-processing and graphics computation.


Import G6, and call a util function by G6.Util.functionName. The following demo shows the usage of processParallelEdges to process multiple edges between two nodes.

import G6 from '@antv/g6';

const data = {
  nodes: [
    { id: '1' }, { id: '2' }
  edges: [
    { source: '1', target: '2' },
    { source: '1', target: '2' },

const offsetDiff = 10;
const multiEdgeType = 'quadratic';
const singleEdgeType = 'line';
const loopEdgeType = 'loop';
G6.Util.processParallelEdges(data.edges, offsetDiff, multiEdgeType, singleEdgeType, loopEdgeType);

Data Pre-processing

processParallelEdges Process Multiple Edges

If the two end nodes of the two edges are the same, the two edges are said to be parallel to each other. When there are multiple edges between a pair of nodes, rendering them directly without processing may lead to edge overlappings. processParallelEdges will find the parallel edges in the edges and calculate a reasonable control point offset curveOffset of Bezier curve for them, and assign curveOffset to the edge data. Then, the curveOffset will take effects while rendering with the edge type quadratic or a custom type based on quadratic.



Name Type Required Description
edges EdgeConfig[] true The edge data array need to be processed
offsetDiff number false The offset between two parallel edges, 15 by default
multiEdgeType string false The edge type for the parallel edges, 'quadratic' by default. You can assign any custom edge type based on 'quadratic' to it
singleEdgeType string false The edge type for the single edge between two nodes, undefined by default, which means the type of the edge is kept unchanged as it is in the input data
loopEdgeType string false The edge type for a self-loop edge, undefined by default, which means the type of the edge is kept unchanged as it is in the input data



traverseTree: Depth-first Top to Bottom Tree Data Traversing

Traverse the tree data depth-first from top (the root) to bottom (the leaves).


Name Type Required Description
data TreeData true The tree data to be traversed
fn function true The callback function called when visit a node. Returning false from the callback function will stop traversal.

Parameters of the callback function fn in the table above:

Name Type Description
node T Tree node being currently visited
parent T null
index number Index of current tree node among the parent's children


const treeData = {
  id: '1',
  children: [
      id: '2',
      children: [{ id: '3' }, { id: '4' }],
      id: '5',
      children: [
        { id: '6' },
          id: '7',
          children: [{ id: '8' }, { id: '9' }],
      id: '10',
      children: [{ id: '11' }],

traverseTree(treeData, (subTree) => {
  subTree.color = '#f00';
  return true;

traverseTreeUp Depth-first Bottom to Top Tree Data Traversing

Traverse the tree data depth-first from bottom (the leaves) to top (the root).


Name Type Required Description
data TreeData true The tree data to be traversed
fn function true The callback function called when visit a node. Returning false from the callback function will stop traversal.

Parameters of the callback function fn in the table above:

Name Type Description
node T Tree node being currently visited
parent T null
index number Index of current tree node among the parent's children


const treeData = {
  id: '1',
  children: [
      id: '2',
      children: [{ id: '3' }, { id: '4' }],
      id: '5',
      children: [
        { id: '6' },
          id: '7',
          children: [{ id: '8' }, { id: '9' }],
      id: '10',
      children: [{ id: '11' }],

traverseTreeUp(treeData, (subTree) => {
  subTree.color = '#f00';
  return true;

Bounding Box Calculation

calculationItemsBBox Returns the BBox of a Set of Node Items

Returns the bounding box of a set of node items.

Name Type Required Description
items Item[] true The array of node items to be calculated