mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 19:57:37 +08:00
some page ui optimization, add release v3.1.3
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
# 更新日志
## v3.1.3
1. 页面重构:重后 Home 页面,拆分成聊天,MJ绘画,SD 绘画,应用广场等多个功能菜单。
2. 功能新增:新增 MidJourney 专业绘画页面,开放更高级的 MJ 绘画姿势。
3. 功能优化:采用队列的方式控制绘画任务并发,简化任务回调通知逻辑,给任务回调加锁。
4. 功能优化:精简用户表字段,删除用户名和昵称,只保留手机号。
5. 功能优化:优化文件上传服务工厂实现,只创建激活的 Uploader 服务,节省资源。
6. Bug修复:修复 JWT token 有效期计算错误的 Bug。
## v3.1.2
1. 功能新增:新增七牛云 OSS 实现,目前已支持三种文件上传服务:Local, Minio, QiNiu OSS。
@ -13,33 +13,36 @@
### PC 端聊天界面
![ChatGPT Chat Page](docs/imgs/gpt.gif)
![ChatGPT Chat Page](/docs/imgs/gpt.gif)
### 新版聊天界面
![ChatGPT new Chat Page](docs/imgs/chat-new.png)
![ChatGPT new Chat Page](/docs/imgs/chat-new.png)
### MidJourney 专业绘画界面(v3.1.3)
### 自动调用函数插件
![ChatGPT function plugin](docs/imgs/plugin.png)
![ChatGPT function plugin](/docs/imgs/plugin.png)
![ChatGPT function plugin](docs/imgs/mj.jpg)
![ChatGPT function plugin](/docs/imgs/mj.jpg)
### 用户设置
![ChatGPT user profle](docs/imgs/user_profile.png)
![ChatGPT user profle](/docs/imgs/user_profile.png)
### 登录页面
![ChatGPT Login](docs/imgs/login.png)
![ChatGPT Login](/docs/imgs/login.png)
### 管理后台
![ChatGPT admin](docs/imgs/admin_dashboard.png)
![ChatGPT admin](/docs/imgs/admin_dashboard.png)
![ChatGPT admin](docs/imgs/admin_config.png)
![ChatGPT admin](/docs/imgs/admin_config.png)
![ChatGPT admin](docs/imgs/admin_user.png)
![ChatGPT admin](/docs/imgs/admin_user.png)
### 移动端 Web 页面
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ cd docker/mysql
# 创建 mysql 容器
docker-compose up -d
# 导入数据库
docker exec -i chatgpt-plus-mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p12345678' < ../../database/chatgpt_plus.sql
docker exec -i chatgpt-plus-mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p12345678' < ../../database/chatgpt_plus-v3.1.3.sql
如果你本地已经安装了 MySQL 服务,那么你只需手动导入数据库即可。
@ -141,9 +144,11 @@ source database/chatgpt_plus.sql
Listen = ""
ProxyURL = ["YOUR_PROXY_URL"] # 替换成你本地代理,如:
#ProxyURL = "" 如果你的服务器本身就在墙外,那么你直接留空就好了
ProxyURL = "" # 如
MysqlDns = "root:12345678@tcp("
StaticDir = "./static" # 静态资源的目录
StaticUrl = "/static" # 静态资源访问 URL
AesEncryptKey = ""
SecretKey = "azyehq3ivunjhbntz78isj00i4hz2mt9xtddysfucxakadq4qbfrt0b7q3lnvg80" # 注意:这个是 JWT Token 授权密钥,生产环境请务必更换
@ -153,20 +158,26 @@ MysqlDns = "root:12345678@tcp(
Username = "admin"
Password = "admin123" # 如果是生产环境的话,这里管理员的密码记得修改
[Redis] # redis 配置信息
Host = "localhost"
Port = 6379
Password = ""
DB = 0
[ApiConfig] # 微博热搜,今日头条等函数服务 API 配置,此为第三方插件服务,如需使用请联系作者开通
ApiURL = "{URL}"
AppId = "{APP_ID}"
Token = "{TOKEN}"
ApiURL = ""
AppId = ""
Token = ""
[SmsConfig] # 阿里云短信服务配置
AccessKey = "{YOUR_ACCESS_KEY}"
AccessSecret = "{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}"
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Product = "Dysmsapi"
Domain = "dysmsapi.aliyuncs.com"
[ExtConfig] # MidJourney和微信机器人服务 API 配置,开通此功能需要配合 chatpgt-plus-exts 项目部署
ApiURL = "插件扩展 API 地址"
Token = "插件扩展 API Token" # 这个 token 随便填,只要确保跟 chatgpt-plus-exts 项目的 token 一样就行
ApiURL = "" # 插件扩展 API 地址
Token = "" # 这个 token 随便填,只要确保跟 chatgpt-plus-exts 项目的 token 一样就行
[OSS] # OSS 配置,用于存储 MJ 绘画图片
Active = "local" # 默认使用本地文件存储引擎
@ -174,18 +185,18 @@ MysqlDns = "root:12345678@tcp(
BasePath = "./static/upload" # 本地文件上传根路径
BaseURL = "http://localhost:5678/static/upload" # 本地上传文件根 URL 如果是线上,则直接设置为 /static/upload 即可
Endpoint = "IP:端口" # 如
AccessKey = "minio oss access key" # 自己去 Minio 控制台去创建一个 Access Key
AccessSecret = "minio oss access secret"
Endpoint = "" # 如
AccessKey = "" # 自己去 Minio 控制台去创建一个 Access Key
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = "chatgpt-plus" # 替换为你自己创建的 Bucket,注意要给 Bucket 设置公开的读权限,否则会出现图片无法显示。
UseSSL = false
Domain = "minio 文件公开访问地址" # 地址必须是能够通过公网访问的,否则会出现图片无法显示。
Domain = "" # 地址必须是能够通过公网访问的,否则会出现图片无法显示。
[OSS.QiNiu] # 七牛云 OSS 配置
Zone = "z2" # 区域,z0:华东,z1: 华北,na0:北美,as0:新加坡
AccessKey = "七牛云 OSS AccessKey"
AccessSecret = "七牛云 OSS AccessSecret"
Bucket = "七牛云 OSS Bucket"
Domain = "OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com"
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = ""
Domain = "" # OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com
> 如果要启用微信收款服务和 MidJourney
@ -206,6 +217,11 @@ location /api/ {
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_pass; # 这里改成后端服务的内网 IP 地址
# 静态资源转发
location /static/ {
proxy_pass; # 这里改成后端服务的内网 IP 地址
@ -1,53 +1,54 @@
Listen = ""
ProxyURL = ""
MysqlDns = "root:mysql_pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/chatgpt_plus?charset=utf8mb4&collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
StaticDir = "./static"
StaticUrl = "http://localhost:5678/static"
AesEncryptKey = "{YOUR_AES_KEY}"
ProxyURL = "" # 如
MysqlDns = "root:12345678@tcp("
StaticDir = "./static" # 静态资源的目录
StaticUrl = "/static" # 静态资源访问 URL
AesEncryptKey = ""
SecretKey = "m0cjm3gsuw9jk73np1ni7r42koilybjcndlycjdmq7za3pbqn7w12fyok5pqh6q5"
SecretKey = "azyehq3ivunjhbntz78isj00i4hz2mt9xtddysfucxakadq4qbfrt0b7q3lnvg80" # 注意:这个是 JWT Token 授权密钥,生产环境请务必更换
MaxAge = 86400
Username = "admin"
Password = "admin123"
Password = "admin123" # 如果是生产环境的话,这里管理员的密码记得修改
[Redis] # redis 配置信息
Host = "localhost"
Port = 6379
Password = ""
DB = 0
ApiURL = "{URL}"
AppId = "{APP_ID}"
Token = "{TOKEN}"
[ApiConfig] # 微博热搜,今日头条等函数服务 API 配置,此为第三方插件服务,如需使用请联系作者开通
ApiURL = ""
AppId = ""
Token = ""
AccessKey = "{YOUR_ACCESS_KEY}"
AccessSecret = "{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}"
[SmsConfig] # 阿里云短信服务配置
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Product = "Dysmsapi"
Domain = "dysmsapi.aliyuncs.com"
ApiURL = "插件扩展 API 地址"
Token = "插件扩展 API Token"
[ExtConfig] # MidJourney和微信机器人服务 API 配置,开通此功能需要配合 chatpgt-plus-exts 项目部署
ApiURL = "" # 插件扩展 API 地址
Token = "" # 这个 token 随便填,只要确保跟 chatgpt-plus-exts 项目的 token 一样就行
Active = "local"
[OSS] # OSS 配置,用于存储 MJ 绘画图片
Active = "local" # 默认使用本地文件存储引擎
BasePath = "./static/upload"
BaseURL = "http://localhost:5678/static/upload"
BasePath = "./static/upload" # 本地文件上传根路径
BaseURL = "http://localhost:5678/static/upload" # 本地上传文件根 URL 如果是线上,则直接设置为 /static/upload 即可
Endpoint = "IP:端口"
AccessKey = "minio oss access key"
AccessSecret = "minio oss access secret"
Bucket = "minio oss bucket"
Endpoint = "" # 如
AccessKey = "" # 自己去 Minio 控制台去创建一个 Access Key
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = "chatgpt-plus" # 替换为你自己创建的 Bucket,注意要给 Bucket 设置公开的读权限,否则会出现图片无法显示。
UseSSL = false
Domain = "minio 文件公开访问地址"
Domain = "" # 地址必须是能够通过公网访问的,否则会出现图片无法显示。
[OSS.QiNiu] # 七牛云 OSS 配置
Zone = "z2" # 区域,z0:华东,z1: 华北,na0:北美,as0:新加坡
AccessKey = "七牛云 OSS AccessKey"
AccessSecret = "七牛云 OSS AccessSecret"
Bucket = "七牛云 OSS Bucket"
Domain = "OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com"
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = ""
Domain = "" # OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com
@ -177,9 +177,11 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) notifyHandler(c *gin.Context, data notifyData) (erro
var jobVo vo.MidJourneyJob
err := utils.CopyObject(job, &jobVo)
if err == nil {
image, err := utils.DownloadImage(jobVo.ImgURL, h.App.Config.ProxyURL)
if err == nil {
jobVo.ImgURL = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(image)
if data.Progress < 100 {
image, err := utils.DownloadImage(jobVo.ImgURL, h.App.Config.ProxyURL)
if err == nil {
jobVo.ImgURL = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(image)
// 推送任务到前端
@ -265,7 +267,8 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) notifyHandler(c *gin.Context, data notifyData) (erro
// 更新用户剩余绘图次数
if data.Status == Finished && task.Type != service.Upscale {
// TODO: 放大图片是否需要消耗绘图次数?
if data.Status == Finished {
h.db.Model(&model.User{}).Where("id = ?", task.UserId).UpdateColumn("img_calls", gorm.Expr("img_calls - ?", 1))
@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Image(c *gin.Context) {
resp.ERROR(c, types.InvalidArgs)
if h.checkLimits(c) {
if !h.checkLimits(c) {
@ -391,7 +394,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Upscale(c *gin.Context) {
if h.checkLimits(c) {
if !h.checkLimits(c) {
@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Variation(c *gin.Context) {
if h.checkLimits(c) {
if !h.checkLimits(c) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 5.1.3
-- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
-- 主机: localhost
-- 生成日期: 2023-09-20 10:38:57
-- 服务器版本: 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.22.04.2
-- PHP 版本: 8.1.18
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
-- 数据库: `chatgpt_plus`
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `chatgpt_plus` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
USE `chatgpt_plus`;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_api_keys`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_api_keys`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_api_keys` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`platform` char(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '平台',
`value` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'API KEY value',
`last_used_at` int NOT NULL COMMENT '最后使用时间',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='OpenAI API ';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_chat_history`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_chat_history`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_chat_history` (
`id` bigint NOT NULL,
`user_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户 ID',
`chat_id` char(40) NOT NULL COMMENT '会话 ID',
`type` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '类型:prompt|reply',
`icon` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色图标',
`role_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '角色 ID',
`content` text NOT NULL COMMENT '聊天内容',
`tokens` smallint NOT NULL COMMENT '耗费 token 数量',
`use_context` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否允许作为上下文语料',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`deleted_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='聊天历史记录';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_chat_items`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_chat_items`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_chat_items` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`chat_id` char(40) NOT NULL COMMENT '会话 ID',
`user_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户 ID',
`role_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '角色 ID',
`title` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '会话标题',
`model_id` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '模型 ID',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`deleted_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='用户会话列表';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_chat_models`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_chat_models`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_chat_models` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`platform` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模型平台',
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '模型名称',
`value` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '模型值',
`sort_num` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '排序数字',
`enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否启用模型',
`created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='AI 模型表';
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_chat_models`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_chat_models` (`id`, `platform`, `name`, `value`, `sort_num`, `enabled`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1, 'OpenAI', 'GPT-3.5', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 0, 1, '2023-08-23 12:06:36', '2023-09-05 09:53:12'),
(2, 'Azure', 'Azure-3.5', 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 0, 1, '2023-08-23 12:15:30', '2023-09-05 09:52:53'),
(3, 'ChatGLM', 'ChatGML-Pro', 'chatglm_pro', 0, 1, '2023-08-23 13:35:45', '2023-09-04 17:28:31'),
(5, 'ChatGLM', 'ChatGLM-Std', 'chatglm_std', 0, 1, '2023-08-24 15:05:38', '2023-09-04 17:28:27'),
(6, 'ChatGLM', 'ChatGLM-Lite', 'chatglm_lite', 0, 1, '2023-08-24 15:06:15', '2023-09-04 17:28:35');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_chat_roles`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_chat_roles`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_chat_roles` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色名称',
`marker` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色标识',
`context_json` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '角色语料 json',
`hello_msg` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '打招呼信息',
`icon` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色图标',
`enable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否被启用',
`sort_num` smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '角色排序',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='聊天角色表';
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_chat_roles`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_chat_roles` (`id`, `name`, `marker`, `context_json`, `hello_msg`, `icon`, `enable`, `sort_num`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1, '通用AI助手', 'gpt', '', '您好,我是您的AI智能助手,我会尽力回答您的问题或提供有用的建议。', '/images/avatar/gpt.png', 1, 0, '2023-05-30 07:02:06', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(24, '程序员', 'programmer', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在开始你扮演一位程序员,你是一名优秀的程序员,具有很强的逻辑思维能力,总能高效的解决问题。你热爱编程,熟悉多种编程语言,尤其精通 Go 语言,注重代码质量,有创新意识,持续学习,良好的沟通协作。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,现在我将扮演一位程序员,非常感谢您对我的评价。作为一名优秀的程序员,我非常热爱编程,并且注重代码质量。我熟悉多种编程语言,尤其是 Go 语言,可以使用它来高效地解决各种问题。\"}]', 'Talk is cheap, i will show code!', '/images/avatar/programmer.jpg', 1, 3, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(25, '启蒙老师', 'teacher', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"从现在开始,你将扮演一个老师,你是一个始终用苏格拉底风格回答问题的导师。你绝不会直接给学生答案,总是提出恰当的问题来引导学生自己思考。你应该根据学生的兴趣和知识来调整你的问题,将问题分解为更简单的部分,直到它达到适合他们的水平。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,让我来尝试扮演一位苏格拉底式的老师。请问,你有什么想要探讨的问题或者话题吗?我会通过恰当的问题引导你思考和探索答案,绝对不直接给出答案。\"}]', '同学你好,我将引导你一步一步自己找到问题的答案。', '/images/avatar/teacher.jpg', 1, 2, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(26, '艺术家', 'artist', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演一位优秀的艺术家,创造力丰富,技艺精湛,感受力敏锐,坚持原创,勇于表达,具有深刻的观察力和批判性思维。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"非常感谢您给我这样的角色,我会尽我所能地扮演一位优秀的艺术家,展现出创造力、技艺、感受力和批判性思维等方面的能力。作为一位优秀的艺术家,我会保持敏锐的观察力,捕捉不同的声音和情感,并用个人的语言和表达方式进行创作。我坚持原创,挑战传统的艺术规则,不断探索新的表达方式和可能性。同时,我也具备深刻的批判性思维能力,对自己的作品进行分析和解读,寻找新的创意和灵感。最重要的是,我会勇于表达自己的想法和观点,用作品启发人们思考和探索生命的意义。\"}]', '坚持原创,勇于表达,保持深刻的观察力和批判性思维。', '/images/avatar/artist.jpg', 1, 4, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(27, '心理咨询师', 'psychiatrist', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"从现在开始你将扮演中国著名的心理学家和心理治疗师武志红,你非常善于使用情景咨询法,认知重构法,自我洞察法,行为调节法等咨询方法来给客户做心理咨询。你总是循序渐进,一步一步地回答客户的问题。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"非常感谢你的介绍。作为一名心理学家和心理治疗师,我的主要职责是帮助客户解决心理健康问题,提升他们的生活质量和幸福感。\"}]', '生命的意义在于成为你自己!', '/images/avatar/psychiatrist.jpg', 1, 1, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(28, '鲁迅', 'lu_xun', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演中国近代史最伟大的作家之一,鲁迅先生,他勇敢地批判封建礼教与传统观念,提倡民主、自由、平等的现代价值观。他的一生都在努力唤起人们的自主精神,激励后人追求真理、探寻光明。在接下的对话中,我问题的每一个问题,你都要尽量用讽刺和批判的手法来回答问题。如果我让你写文章的话,也请一定要用鲁迅先生的写作手法来完成。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,我将尽力发挥我所能的才能,扮演好鲁迅先生,回答您的问题并以他的风格写作。\"}]', '自由之歌,永不过时,横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。', '/images/avatar/lu_xun.jpg', 1, 5, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(29, '白酒销售', 'seller', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演一个白酒的销售人员,你的名字叫颂福。你将扮演一个白酒的销售人员,你的名字叫颂福。你要销售白酒品牌叫中颂福,是东莞盟大集团生产的一款酱香酒,原产地在贵州茅台镇,属于宋代官窑。中颂福的创始人叫李实,他也是东莞盟大集团有限公司的董事长,联合创始人是盟大集团白酒事业部负责人牛星君。中颂福的酒体协调,在你的酒量之内,不会出现头疼、辣口、口干、宿醉的现象。中颂福酒,明码标价,不打折,不赠送。追求的核心价值,把[酒]本身做好,甚至连包装,我们都选择了最低成本,朴实无华的材质。我们永远站在“喝酒的人”的立场上,让利给信任和喜爱中颂福的人,是人民的福酒。中颂福产品定价,分为三个系列,喜系列 6 瓶装:¥1188/箱,和系列 6 瓶装:¥2208/箱,贵系列 6 瓶装:¥3588/箱。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"你好,我是中颂福的销售代表颂福。中颂福是一款来自贵州茅台镇的酱香酒,由盟大集团生产。中颂福的酒体协调,不会让您感到头疼、辣口、口干、宿醉等不适感受。我们一直秉持着把酒本身做好的理念,不追求华丽的包装,以最低成本提供最高品质的白酒给喜爱中颂福的人。\"}]', '你好,我是中颂福的销售代表颂福。中颂福酒,好喝不上头,是人民的福酒。', '/images/avatar/seller.jpg', 0, 9, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(30, '英语陪练员', 'english_trainer', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演一位优秀的英语练习教练,你非常有耐心,接下来你将全程使用英文跟我对话,并及时指出我的语法错误,要求在你的每次回复后面附上本次回复的中文解释。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"Okay, let\'s start our conversation practice! What\'s your name?(Translation: 好的,让我们开始对话练习吧!请问你的名字是什么?)\"}]', 'Okay, let\'s start our conversation practice! What\'s your name?', '/images/avatar/english_trainer.jpg', 1, 6, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(31, '中英文翻译官', 'translator', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"接下来你将扮演一位中英文翻译官,如果我输入的内容是中文,那么需要把句子翻译成英文输出,如果我输入内容的是英文,那么你需要将其翻译成中文输出,你能听懂我意思吗\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"是的,我能听懂你的意思并会根据你的输入进行中英文翻译。请问有什么需要我帮助你翻译的内容吗?\"}]', '请输入你要翻译的中文或者英文内容!', '/images/avatar/translator.jpg', 1, 7, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(32, '小红书姐姐', 'red_book', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演一位优秀的小红书写手,你需要做的就是根据我提的文案需求,用小红书的写作手法来完成一篇文案,文案要简明扼要,利于传播。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"当然,我会尽我所能地为您创作出一篇小红书文案。请告诉我您的具体文案需求是什么?)\"}]', '姐妹,请告诉我您的具体文案需求是什么?', '/images/avatar/red_book.jpg', 1, 8, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(33, '抖音文案助手', 'dou_yin', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"现在你将扮演一位优秀的抖音文案视频写手,抖音文案的特点首先是要有自带传播属性的标题,然后内容要短小精悍,风趣幽默,最后还要有一些互动元素。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"当然,作为一位优秀的抖音文案视频写手,我会尽我所能为您创作出一篇抖音视频文案。请告诉我视频内容的主题是什么?)\"}]', '请告诉我视频内容的主题是什么?', '/images/avatar/dou_yin.jpg', 1, 10, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(34, '周报小助理', 'weekly_report', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"下面我将输入我本周的工作列表,你需要根据我本周的工作内容写一篇工作周报,周报的内容要体现我为公司做的贡献以及个人获得的成长。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,请输入你本周大概的工作内容,我将尽力为您创作一份工作周报。\"}]', '请输入你本周大概的工作内容,我将尽力为您创作一份工作周报。', '/images/avatar/weekly_report.jpg', 1, 11, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(35, 'AI 女友', 'girl_friend', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"接下来我们来玩一场角色扮演,现在你将扮演我的女朋友,你总是能够让人感受到她的关怀和关注。你总是能够洞察到别人的情绪和需要,你身上散发着一股无比温暖的气息,让人不由自主地想要靠近你,和自己的快乐和烦恼。她总是能够用一种恰到好处的方式安慰和鼓励别人,在她的身边,人们总能够找到自己需要的支持和鼓励。接下来的对话中你要始终扮演这位女朋友的身份来跟我对话,不再是 AI 机器人,能听懂我的意思吗?\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"是的,我会尽力扮演你女朋友的角色,倾听你的心声并给你需要的支持和鼓励。)\"}]', '作为一个名合格的 AI 女友,我将倾听你的心声并给你需要的支持和鼓励。', '/images/avatar/girl_friend.jpg', 1, 12, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(36, '好评神器', 'good_comment', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"接下来你将扮演一个评论员来跟我对话,你是那种专门写好评的评论员,接下我会输入一些评论主体或者商品,你需要为该商品写一段好评。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,我将为您写一段优秀的评论。请告诉我您需要评论的商品或主题是什么。\"}]', '我将为您写一段优秀的评论。请告诉我您需要评论的商品或主题是什么。', '/images/avatar/good_comment.jpg', 1, 13, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(37, '史蒂夫·乔布斯', 'steve_jobs', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"在接下来的对话中,请以史蒂夫·乔布斯的身份,站在史蒂夫·乔布斯的视角仔细思考一下之后再回答我的问题。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,我将以史蒂夫·乔布斯的身份来思考并回答你的问题。请问你有什么需要跟我探讨的吗?\"}]', '活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?', '/images/avatar/steve_jobs.jpg', 1, 14, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(38, '埃隆·马斯克', 'elon_musk', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"在接下来的对话中,请以埃隆·马斯克的身份,站在埃隆·马斯克的视角仔细思考一下之后再回答我的问题。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,我将以埃隆·马斯克的身份来思考并回答你的问题。请问你有什么需要跟我探讨的吗?\"}]', '梦想要远大,如果你的梦想没有吓到你,说明你做得不对。', '/images/avatar/elon_musk.jpg', 1, 15, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56'),
(39, '孔子', 'kong_zi', '[{\"role\":\"user\",\"content\":\"在接下来的对话中,请以孔子的身份,站在孔子的视角仔细思考一下之后再回答我的问题。\"},{\"role\":\"assistant\",\"content\":\"好的,我将以孔子的身份来思考并回答你的问题。请问你有什么需要跟我探讨的吗?\"}]', '士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。', '/images/avatar/kong_zi.jpg', 1, 16, '2023-05-30 14:10:24', '2023-09-04 15:45:56');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_configs`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_configs`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_configs` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`marker` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '标识',
`config_json` text NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_configs`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_configs` (`id`, `marker`, `config_json`) VALUES
(1, 'system', '{\"admin_title\":\"ChatPlus 控制台\",\"enabled_draw\":true,\"enabled_msg_service\":true,\"enabled_register\":true,\"init_calls\":1000,\"init_img_calls\":0,\"models\":[\"gpt-3.5-turbo-16k\",\"gpt-3.5-turbo\",\"gpt-4\",\"gpt-4-32k\"],\"title\":\"ChatPlus AI 智能助手\",\"user_init_calls\":10}'),
(2, 'chat', '{\"azure\":{\"api_url\":\"https://chat-bot-api.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/{model}/chat/completions?api-version=2023-05-15\",\"max_tokens\":1024,\"temperature\":1},\"chat_gml\":{\"api_url\":\"https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v3/model-api/{model}/sse-invoke\",\"max_tokens\":1024,\"temperature\":1},\"context_deep\":4,\"enable_context\":true,\"enable_history\":true,\"open_ai\":{\"api_url\":\"https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions\",\"max_tokens\":1024,\"temperature\":1}}');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_mj_jobs`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`user_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户 ID',
`type` varchar(20) DEFAULT 'image' COMMENT '任务类别',
`message_id` char(40) NOT NULL COMMENT '消息 ID',
`reference_id` char(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '引用消息 ID',
`prompt` varchar(2000) NOT NULL COMMENT '会话提示词',
`img_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图片URL',
`hash` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'message hash',
`progress` smallint DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '任务进度',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='MidJourney 任务表';
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_mj_jobs` (`id`, `user_id`, `type`, `message_id`, `reference_id`, `prompt`, `img_url`, `hash`, `progress`, `created_at`) VALUES
(2, 4, 'image', '1152392223497924658', '', 'chrysanthemum, van gogh style --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694822120588799.png', '54689110-4701-4eed-b308-1acaf1c5efa1', 100, '2023-09-16 07:55:25'),
(3, 4, 'upscale', '1152392353139658894', '1152392223497924658', 'chrysanthemum, van gogh style --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694822151252833.png', '15f3d9e6-9bd2-4e31-81ce-c8b126509b12', 100, '2023-09-16 07:55:55'),
(4, 4, 'image', '1152393378244349953', '', 'A vintage girl wearing a cheongsam walking on the streets of 1990s Shanghai, China --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694822395949588.png', '319f953e-9ba4-4c8f-bd0c-87444a44b4a6', 100, '2023-09-16 08:00:00'),
(5, 4, 'image', '1152394661802033162', '', 'A medieval girl wearing a cheongsam walking on the streets of 1990s Shanghai, China --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694822701966804.png', '7e522b23-2e88-40e2-814f-b9ad7ce1777b', 100, '2023-09-16 08:05:06'),
(7, 4, 'image', '1152395485248753734', '', 'A Chinese girl wearing a blue cheongsam walking in the alleys of 1990s Shanghai --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694822897511213.png', '036aad69-f231-4b5c-b537-c45bd2027b05', 100, '2023-09-16 08:08:22'),
(8, 4, 'image', '1152395938078392370', '', 'A Chinese girl wearing a cheongsam walking on a street paved with blue bricks --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694823005955584.png', 'd6336496-3115-47b7-bcf8-3bebda1d15ec', 100, '2023-09-16 08:10:10'),
(10, 4, 'image', '1152395938078392371', '', 'A Chinese girl wearing a cheongsam walking on a street paved with blue bricks --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694823005955584.png', 'd6336496-3115-47b7-bcf8-3bebda1d15ec', 100, '2023-09-16 08:10:10'),
(13, 4, 'upscale', '1152818976640991323', '1152395158298558464', 'A Chinese girl wearing a qipao walking on the streets of Shanghai in the 1990s --ar 2:3 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694923865202276.png', '21965cd6-ef70-4b36-8d92-7b201dea77ff', 100, '2023-09-17 12:07:37'),
(16, 4, 'image', '1152828784144298066', '', 'A tiger biting a crocodile --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694926203790426.png', '423b4a4f-9607-4dd1-a45b-a1a50be667e7', 100, '2023-09-17 12:50:11'),
(18, 4, 'upscale', '1152831490305036359', '1152395158298558464', 'A Chinese girl wearing a qipao walking on the streets of Shanghai in the 1990s --ar 2:3 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694926848947477.png', '21965cd6-ef70-4b36-8d92-7b201dea77ff', 100, '2023-09-17 13:00:32'),
(19, 4, 'image', '1152395158298558464', '', 'A Chinese girl wearing a qipao walking on the streets of Shanghai in the 1990s --ar 2:3 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694933593639122.png', '21965cd6-ef70-4b36-8d92-7b201dea77ff', 100, '2023-09-17 14:49:53'),
(20, 4, 'image', '1152861794356953098', '', 'A huge digital screen with binary code of 0 and 1 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694934140188981.png', '7b6a6910-0aa7-4eda-8580-ff882118c428', 100, '2023-09-17 15:02:38'),
(21, 4, 'image', '1152862460366307349', '', 'A bear riding a yellow bicycle --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694934237667586.png', '0f95fd58-0385-438c-ac96-0ecaa57bfcd9', 100, '2023-09-17 15:04:06'),
(22, 4, 'image', '1152865215201935502', '', 'The protagonist of the novel is Huang Rong. She is beautiful and charming, with a fairy-like temperament. She is wearing a white dress with a golden hairband, and her eyes are lively and divine. --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694934895270654.png', '64531b1a-a335-498f-8c10-3eb70b5e2c3d', 100, '2023-09-17 15:15:02'),
(23, 4, 'upscale', '1152865506961924108', '1152865215201935502', 'The protagonist of the novel is Huang Rong. She is beautiful and charming, with a fairy-like temperament. She is wearing a white dress with a golden hairband, and her eyes are lively and divine. --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694934961735253.png', '64531b1a-a335-498f-8c10-3eb70b5e2c3d', 100, '2023-09-17 15:15:51'),
(24, 4, 'upscale', '1152866160300265622', '1152861794356953098', 'A huge digital screen with binary code of 0 and 1 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694935117008516.png', '7b6a6910-0aa7-4eda-8580-ff882118c428', 100, '2023-09-17 15:18:27'),
(25, 4, 'upscale', '1152866236972154930', '1152862460366307349', 'A bear riding a yellow bicycle --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694935135247347.png', '0f95fd58-0385-438c-ac96-0ecaa57bfcd9', 100, '2023-09-17 15:18:39'),
(26, 4, 'variation', '1152866487053324442', '1152395158298558464', 'A Chinese girl wearing a qipao walking on the streets of Shanghai in the 1990s --ar 2:3 --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694935197826267.png', '21965cd6-ef70-4b36-8d92-7b201dea77ff', 100, '2023-09-17 15:19:06'),
(27, 4, 'image', '1152867045902397440', '', 'Draw a cyberpunk-style cat --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694935330386877.png', '382ff1ce-57c2-45b0-b7fd-9820552171c3', 100, '2023-09-17 15:22:17'),
(28, 4, 'upscale', '1152867208754634832', '1152867045902397440', 'Draw a cyberpunk-style cat --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694935369578615.png', '382ff1ce-57c2-45b0-b7fd-9820552171c3', 100, '2023-09-17 15:22:37'),
(35, 4, 'image', '1152893484747989063', '', 'Ma painting of a young girl in green sitting at a pond, in the style of Liu ye, traditional animation, cinematic lighting, book sculptures --ar 16:9 --s 300 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694941638240646.png', 'd1dbf12e-9c93-4166-8c1e-8d24e4db2599', 100, '2023-09-17 17:06:26'),
(36, 4, 'image', '1152894264607510578', '', 'Ma painting of a young girl in green sitting at a pond, in the style of Liu ye, traditional animation, cinematic lighting, book sculptures,looking at view --ar 16:9 --s 400 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694941821446354.png', 'f9c96ec7-d684-47fb-9741-585b7a706091', 100, '2023-09-17 17:09:34'),
(37, 4, 'upscale', '1152894426373431376', '1152894264607510578', 'Ma painting of a young girl in green sitting at a pond, in the style of Liu ye, traditional animation, cinematic lighting, book sculptures,looking at view --ar 16:9 --s 400 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694941855758163.png', 'fc442093-d3a4-4dbf-ad2f-94d7c1b559fd', 100, '2023-09-17 17:10:46'),
(38, 4, 'image', '1152894777944186920', '', 'A realistic beautiful natural landscape with hyper-detailed features --ar 9:16 --s 300 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694941943692523.png', '7b43690e-56fc-471d-a955-c07317725ffc', 100, '2023-09-17 17:11:37'),
(39, 4, 'image', '1152895012967813170', '', 'Beautiful girl, concept art, 8k intricate details, fairytale style --ar 9:16 --s 300 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694942000095024.png', '179a4c49-d611-4d94-b5e6-8f1bee4f6168', 100, '2023-09-17 17:12:17'),
(41, 4, 'image', '1152895765878943775', '', 'Beautiful chinese girl, concept art, 8k intricate details, fairytale style --ar 1:1 --s 300 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694942195668005.png', 'c016641e-bc49-49fd-9a63-959851ae28e3', 100, '2023-09-17 17:15:29'),
(42, 4, 'upscale', '1152896131739693056', '1152895765878943775', 'Beautiful chinese girl, concept art, 8k intricate details, fairytale style --ar 1:1 --s 300 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694942263210895.png', '58ef8980-d09c-4b46-8f88-cbe3a609af07', 100, '2023-09-17 17:17:28'),
(43, 4, 'upscale', '1152897653525463081', '1152867045902397440', 'Draw a cyberpunk-style cat --s 750 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694942624549914.png', 'a1718c78-cced-4406-95cd-26a29cc69492', 100, '2023-09-17 17:23:36'),
(44, 4, 'image', '1152900424832122880', '', 'A futuristic space captain with insane detail in a sci-fi cyberpunk panel concept inspired by Simon Stålenhag, Syd Mead, Ash Thorp, and KYZA. --ar 8:5 --v 5.2 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694943287793108.png', '2cd10cd1-42fb-448f-b37d-9daff42e40c3', 100, '2023-09-17 17:34:02'),
(45, 4, 'image', '1152901430592684092', '', 'Hulk holding Thor\'s hammer --ar 1:1 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694943527996383.png', '18ee6c0d-d6e6-463c-83ad-9dc333ece5e4', 100, '2023-09-17 17:38:03'),
(46, 4, 'image', '1152902324155596883', '', '<https://s.mj.run/qqeetJULXtc> 中国古装美女 --ar 16:9 --iw 0.700000 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694943740306883.png', 'bf751a4f-1ada-498b-a783-75cba063d32a', 100, '2023-09-17 17:41:24'),
(47, 4, 'image', '1152902857092255834', '', '<https://s.mj.run/qqeetJULXtc> Beautiful chinese girl, concept art, 8k intricate details, fairytale style --ar 16:9 --iw 0.250000 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694943867599176.png', '84ba00c4-1d4d-4ddb-a42d-c760ee947fc3', 100, '2023-09-17 17:43:34'),
(48, 4, 'image', '1152904587544645642', '', '<https://s.mj.run/qqeetJULXtc> a beautiful chinese girl --ar 16:9 --iw 0.250000 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694944279770713.png', 'dace5c8e-d6fa-4d0d-8c0b-3d531e92fc71', 100, '2023-09-17 17:50:27'),
(49, 4, 'upscale', '1152904665877446677', '1152902324155596883', '<https://s.mj.run/qqeetJULXtc> 中国古装美女 --ar 16:9 --iw 0.700000 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694944296169482.png', 'e44c60c0-de59-4566-b000-612840e48624', 100, '2023-09-17 17:50:36'),
(50, 4, 'upscale', '1152904720265003008', '1152901430592684092', 'Hulk holding Thor\'s hammer --ar 1:1 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694944309948873.png', '56fd0a93-b6a3-4f4e-a783-b45d2a273984', 100, '2023-09-17 17:50:48'),
(51, 4, 'upscale', '1152904833410547812', '1152904587544645642', '<https://s.mj.run/qqeetJULXtc> a beautiful chinese girl --ar 16:9 --iw 0.250000 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1694944337034950.png', '47f1d9dc-ab57-43db-8db0-048457b039a4', 100, '2023-09-17 17:52:08'),
(54, 4, 'image', '1153595449643642891', '', 'A Minion wearing the clothes of Spiderman --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695108991035705.png', 'acf4e646-05ca-4338-8197-1ce6ea57021e', 100, '2023-09-19 15:35:50'),
(55, 4, 'image', '1153595903869980683', '', 'A Minion wearing the clothes of Spiderman,cyberpenk style --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --style raw', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695109099106595.png', '779db1cd-669f-42dc-9504-ef903804b540', 100, '2023-09-19 15:37:27'),
(57, 4, 'image', '1153598938423771157', '', 'A Minion wearing the clothes of Spiderman,cyberpunk style --ar 1:1 --niji 5', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695109822512284.png', 'ee550da3-04ea-4303-9218-f76d7fc1db90', 100, '2023-09-19 15:49:02'),
(58, 4, 'image', '1153600706629095427', '', 'Hulk holding Thor\'s hammer --ar 1:1 --s 300 --niji 5', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695110244240899.png', 'cc2a7237-afa1-4f89-98d9-001dbb940fe1', 100, '2023-09-19 15:56:36'),
(59, 4, 'upscale', '1153601879633301534', '1153600706629095427', 'Hulk holding Thor\'s hammer --ar 1:1 --s 300 --niji 5', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695110526175028.png', '2d65a126-0491-4a45-a5b1-1fa514df210c', 100, '2023-09-19 16:01:58'),
(60, 4, 'upscale', '1153601976731455588', '1153598938423771157', 'A Minion wearing the clothes of Spiderman,cyberpunk style --ar 1:1 --niji 5', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695110551199363.png', 'c2b38c15-4198-464d-8ac9-6d99ddea9ec2', 100, '2023-09-19 16:02:21'),
(62, 4, 'image', '1153856671089688596', '', 'Japanese Miyazaki Hayao style art of a white kitten looking ahead, the kitten\'s ears are black, the tail is black, the sky is blue with a few white clouds, Stones on the river bank, a few grasses on a short step, 8k studio ghibli art --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695171271616739.png', '1e73c287-c531-4056-9127-f9a0513472a5', 100, '2023-09-20 08:53:54'),
(63, 4, 'upscale', '1153857198544396308', '1153856671089688596', 'Japanese Miyazaki Hayao style art of a white kitten looking ahead, the kitten\'s ears are black, the tail is black, the sky is blue with a few white clouds, Stones on the river bank, a few grasses on a short step, 8k studio ghibli art --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695171408120669.png', '25cc05ed-98cb-4e9c-81af-025abea981ce', 100, '2023-09-20 08:56:29'),
(64, 4, 'upscale', '1153859005874196580', '1153856671089688596', 'Japanese Miyazaki Hayao style art of a white kitten looking ahead, the kitten\'s ears are black, the tail is black, the sky is blue with a few white clouds, Stones on the river bank, a few grasses on a short step, 8k studio ghibli art --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695171825823440.png', 'a4cc01dd-80e9-443f-922e-6e9eebf36228', 100, '2023-09-20 09:03:41'),
(65, 4, 'image', '1153859390328283137', '', 'Ultra realistic full body photo of an fashionable model walking the runway modeling summer designer novelty interesting complex unusual street sporty classy modern dolman sleeve outfit brave, rome positano beachy details cutouts and and gold tropical pattern structured tailored jacket sea beach starfish shell palm --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695171926930040.png', 'd84c9558-c297-42e0-a5ea-18e7c0115b36', 100, '2023-09-20 09:04:37'),
(66, 4, 'upscale', '1153860027321434143', '1153859390328283137', 'Ultra realistic full body photo of an fashionable model walking the runway modeling summer designer novelty interesting complex unusual street sporty classy modern dolman sleeve outfit brave, rome positano beachy details cutouts and and gold tropical pattern structured tailored jacket sea beach starfish shell palm --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695172069378545.png', '00065a41-940b-449f-a05e-5590df1209c7', 100, '2023-09-20 09:07:36'),
(67, 4, 'image', '1153861318269476944', '', 'Ultra realistic full body photo of an Chinese fashionable model walking the runway modeling summer designer novelty interesting complex unusual street sporty classy modern dolman sleeve outfit brave, rome positano beachy details cutouts and and gold tropical pattern structured tailored jacket sea beach starfish shell palm --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695172377816320.png', 'fd6216a0-b00a-4b04-8daa-ea790ee2d07e', 100, '2023-09-20 09:12:16'),
(68, 4, 'image', '1153861710931841097', '', 'Black Yamaha cruiser with an old man on it cruising down the coast, 8k masterpiece, perfect lighting, stunning details, shadow play, detailed hues --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695172473475643.png', 'cb866a5c-9aa8-4b73-ac88-12c28b28cdd2', 100, '2023-09-20 09:13:56'),
(69, 4, 'upscale', '1153861811922292877', '1153861318269476944', 'Ultra realistic full body photo of an Chinese fashionable model walking the runway modeling summer designer novelty interesting complex unusual street sporty classy modern dolman sleeve outfit brave, rome positano beachy details cutouts and and gold tropical pattern structured tailored jacket sea beach starfish shell palm --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695172494907096.png', 'a36f0b9b-bdf4-4c7a-a20f-94c4ec2b1fa4', 100, '2023-09-20 09:14:28'),
(70, 4, 'upscale', '1153861843975164007', '1153861710931841097', 'Black Yamaha cruiser with an old man on it cruising down the coast, 8k masterpiece, perfect lighting, stunning details, shadow play, detailed hues --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695172508674444.png', 'd014e59f-d3c0-4534-ae7b-673081cd85ee', 100, '2023-09-20 09:14:54'),
(71, 4, 'image', '1153864528820441150', '', 'studio ghibli\'s, castle in sky --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695173143286485.png', 'ee80001d-5aba-47a1-bca4-0e648bd39ee8', 100, '2023-09-20 09:25:02'),
(72, 4, 'image', '1153864871922913330', '', 'studio ghibli\'s, castle in sky --ar 1:1 --s 500 --style raw --v 5.2', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695173225095241.png', '789fdd68-8ccd-4be8-b34d-ac4e2e28c659', 100, '2023-09-20 09:26:25'),
(73, 4, 'upscale', '1153864931985342525', '1153864528820441150', 'studio ghibli\'s, castle in sky --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 --s 750', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695173239968177.png', 'd9f3b642-8c88-442e-8eff-baeaf32cfd95', 100, '2023-09-20 09:26:39'),
(74, 4, 'upscale', '1153864972284203038', '1153598938423771157', 'A Minion wearing the clothes of Spiderman,cyberpunk style --ar 1:1 --niji 5', 'http://nk.img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1695173249582718.png', '67952ff1-fa64-4b54-ba5f-420b37480412', 100, '2023-09-20 09:26:51');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_rewards`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_rewards`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_rewards` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`user_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户 ID',
`tx_id` char(36) NOT NULL COMMENT '交易 ID',
`amount` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL COMMENT '打赏金额',
`remark` varchar(80) NOT NULL COMMENT '备注',
`status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '核销状态,0:未核销,1:已核销',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='用户打赏';
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_rewards`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_rewards` (`id`, `user_id`, `tx_id`, `amount`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1, 4, '10001071012023072001002934114618', '1.00', '打赏', 1, '2023-07-20 17:38:23', '2023-07-22 08:12:09'),
(2, 4, '10000499012023072001225918328537', '0.50', '✨寻常小日,最为珍贵', 1, '2023-07-20 17:39:19', '2023-07-22 08:32:34'),
(3, 4, 'q7jt5khp313vivccm6vwijt5', '123.45', '打赏你的', 1, '2023-08-10 17:05:06', '2023-09-06 17:07:23'),
(4, 4, '123456789', '145.33', '充值100元', 1, '2023-08-10 17:09:35', '2023-09-06 17:06:57'),
(5, 4, '1234567890', '168.33', '充值200元', 1, '2023-08-10 17:10:04', '2023-09-06 17:06:14');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_users`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_users`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_users` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`mobile` char(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号码',
`password` char(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '密码',
`avatar` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '头像',
`salt` char(12) NOT NULL COMMENT '密码盐',
`total_tokens` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '累计消耗 tokens',
`calls` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '剩余调用次数',
`img_calls` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '剩余绘图次数',
`expired_time` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户过期时间',
`status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '当前状态',
`chat_config_json` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '聊天配置json',
`chat_roles_json` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '聊天角色 json',
`last_login_at` int NOT NULL COMMENT '最后登录时间',
`last_login_ip` char(16) NOT NULL COMMENT '最后登录 IP',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='用户表';
-- 转存表中的数据 `chatgpt_users`
INSERT INTO `chatgpt_users` (`id`, `mobile`, `password`, `avatar`, `salt`, `total_tokens`, `calls`, `img_calls`, `expired_time`, `status`, `chat_config_json`, `chat_roles_json`, `last_login_at`, `last_login_ip`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(4, '18575670125', 'ccc3fb7ab61b8b5d096a4a166ae21d121fc38c71bbd1be6173d9ab973214a63b', 'http://img.r9it.com/chatgpt-plus/1693981355719469.png', 'ueedue5l', 29347, 5132, 63, 1727857836, 1, '{\"api_keys\":{\"Azure\":\"\",\"ChatGLM\":\"\",\"OpenAI\":\"\"}}', '[\"elon_musk\",\"girl_friend\",\"lu_xun\",\"red_book\",\"psychiatrist\",\"teacher\",\"translator\",\"weekly_report\",\"artist\",\"dou_yin\",\"good_comment\",\"english_trainer\",\"gpt\",\"kong_zi\",\"programmer\",\"seller\",\"steve_jobs\"]', 1694412538, '::1', '2023-06-12 16:47:17', '2023-09-11 14:08:59');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- 表的结构 `chatgpt_user_login_logs`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chatgpt_user_login_logs`;
CREATE TABLE `chatgpt_user_login_logs` (
`id` int NOT NULL,
`user_id` int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID',
`username` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户名',
`login_ip` char(16) NOT NULL COMMENT '登录IP',
`login_address` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '登录地址',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='用户登录日志';
-- 转储表的索引
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_api_keys`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_api_keys`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `value` (`value`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_chat_history`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_history`
ADD KEY `chat_id` (`chat_id`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_chat_items`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_items`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `chat_id` (`chat_id`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_chat_models`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_models`
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_chat_roles`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_roles`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `marker` (`marker`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_configs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_configs`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `marker` (`marker`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
ADD KEY `message_id` (`message_id`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_rewards`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_rewards`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `tx_id` (`tx_id`);
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_users`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_users`
-- 表的索引 `chatgpt_user_login_logs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_user_login_logs`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_api_keys`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_api_keys`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_chat_history`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_history`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_chat_items`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_items`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_chat_models`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_models`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_chat_roles`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_chat_roles`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_configs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_configs`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_rewards`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_rewards`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_users`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_users`
-- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `chatgpt_user_login_logs`
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_user_login_logs`
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[ExtConfig] # MidJourney和微信机器人服务 API 配置,开通此功能需要配合 chatpgt-plus-exts 项目部署
ApiURL = "" # 插件扩展 API 地址
Token = "" # 这个 token 随便填,只要确保跟 chatgpt-plus-exts 项目的 token 一样就行
Active = "local"
[OSS] # OSS 配置,用于存储 MJ 绘画图片
Active = "local" # 默认使用本地文件存储引擎
BasePath = "./static/upload"
BaseURL = "http://localhost:5678/static/upload"
BasePath = "./static/upload" # 本地文件上传根路径
BaseURL = "http://localhost:5678/static/upload" # 本地上传文件根 URL 如果是线上,则直接设置为 /static/upload 即可
Endpoint = "IP:端口"
AccessKey = "minio oss access key"
AccessSecret = "minio oss access secret"
Bucket = "minio oss bucket"
Endpoint = "" # 如
AccessKey = "" # 自己去 Minio 控制台去创建一个 Access Key
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = "chatgpt-plus" # 替换为你自己创建的 Bucket,注意要给 Bucket 设置公开的读权限,否则会出现图片无法显示。
UseSSL = false
Domain = "minio 文件公开访问地址"
Domain = "" # 地址必须是能够通过公网访问的,否则会出现图片无法显示。
[OSS.QiNiu] # 七牛云 OSS 配置
Zone = "z2" # 区域,z0:华东,z1: 华北,na0:北美,as0:新加坡
AccessKey = "七牛云 OSS AccessKey"
AccessSecret = "七牛云 OSS AccessSecret"
Bucket = "七牛云 OSS Bucket"
Domain = "OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com"
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = ""
Domain = "" # OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如 https://img.r9it.com
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.2 MiB |
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .finish-job-list .job-item .opt .opt-line ul li a {
padding: 3px 0;
width: 50px;
width: 44px;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 5px;
display: block;
@ -217,6 +217,10 @@
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .finish-job-list .job-item .opt .opt-line ul li a:hover {
background-color: #6d6f78;
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .finish-job-list .job-item .opt .opt-line ul .show-prompt {
font-size: 18px;
cursor: pointer;
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .el-image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@ -248,6 +252,10 @@
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .el-image.upscale img {
height: 304px;
.page-mj .inner .task-list-box .el-image.upscale .el-image-viewer__wrapper img {
width: auto;
height: auto;
.mj-list-item-prompt .el-icon {
margin-left: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
a {
padding 3px 0
width 50px
width 44px
text-align center
border-radius 5px
display block
@ -276,6 +276,11 @@
.show-prompt {
font-size 18px
cursor pointer
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const routes = [
name: 'chat-role',
path: '/apps',
meta: {title: '应用中心'},
component: () => import('@/views/ChatRoles.vue'),
component: () => import('@/views/ChatApps.vue'),
name: 'images',
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-apps" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
<h1>MidJourney 绘画中心</h1>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-apps {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
@ -202,10 +202,17 @@
:autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 6 }"
placeholder="这里输入你的咒语,例如:A chinese girl walking in the middle of a cobblestone street"
placeholder="这里输入你的英文咒语,例如:A chinese girl walking in the middle of a cobblestone street"
<div class="param-line pt">
<el-form-item label="剩余次数">
<template #default>
<el-tag type="info">{{ imgCalls }}</el-tag>
<div class="submit-btn">
@ -281,43 +288,27 @@
<ItemList :items="finishedJobs" v-if="finishedJobs.length > 0">
<template #default="scope">
<div class="job-item">
<template #reference>
<el-image :src="scope.item.img_url" :class="scope.item.type === 'upscale'?'upscale':''"
:initial-index="scope.index" loading="lazy" v-if="scope.item.progress > 0">
<template #placeholder>
<div class="image-slot">
<template #error>
<div class="image-slot">
:src="scope.item.type === 'upscale'?scope.item.img_url+'?imageView2/1/w/240/h/300/q/75':scope.item.img_url+'?imageView2/1/w/240/h/240/q/75'"
:class="scope.item.type === 'upscale'?'upscale':''"
:initial-index="scope.index" loading="lazy" v-if="scope.item.progress > 0">
<template #placeholder>
<div class="image-slot">
<template #default>
<div class="mj-list-item-prompt">
<span>{{ scope.item.prompt }}</span>
<el-icon class="copy-prompt" :data-clipboard-text="scope.item.prompt">
<template #error>
<div class="image-slot">
<div class="opt" v-if="scope.item.type !== 'upscale'">
<div class="opt-line">
@ -326,6 +317,18 @@
<li><a @click="upscale(2,scope.item)">U2</a></li>
<li><a @click="upscale(3,scope.item)">U3</a></li>
<li><a @click="upscale(4,scope.item)">U4</a></li>
<li class="show-prompt">
<el-icon class="copy-prompt" :data-clipboard-text="scope.item.prompt">
@ -353,7 +356,7 @@
<script setup>
import {onMounted, ref} from "vue"
import {DeleteFilled, DocumentCopy, InfoFilled, Picture, Plus} from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
import {Comment, DeleteFilled, DocumentCopy, InfoFilled, Picture, Plus} from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
import Compressor from "compressorjs";
import {httpGet, httpPost} from "@/utils/http";
import {ElMessage} from "element-plus";
@ -383,7 +386,7 @@ const params = ref({
rate: rates[1].value,
model: models[0].value,
chaos: 0,
stylize: 100,
stylize: 0,
seed: 0,
raw: false,
img: "",
@ -397,6 +400,7 @@ const previewImgList = ref([])
const router = useRouter()
const socket = ref(null)
const imgCalls = ref(0)
const connect = () => {
let host = process.env.VUE_APP_WS_HOST
@ -418,7 +422,6 @@ const connect = () => {
reader.readAsText(event.data, "UTF-8");
reader.onload = () => {
const data = JSON.parse(String(reader.result));
let isNew = true
if (data.progress === 100) {
for (let i = 0; i < finishedJobs.value.length; i++) {
@ -436,6 +439,7 @@ const connect = () => {
if (isNew) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < runningJobs.value.length; i++) {
if (runningJobs.value[i].id === data.id) {
@ -458,12 +462,18 @@ const connect = () => {
onMounted(() => {
checkSession().then(() => {
checkSession().then(user => {
imgCalls.value = user['img_calls']
// 获取运行中的任务
httpGet("/api/mj/jobs?status=0").then(res => {
runningJobs.value = res.data
}).catch(e => {
ElMessage.error("获取任务失败:" + e.message)
// 获取运行中的任务
httpGet("/api/mj/jobs?status=1").then(res => {
if (finishedJobs.value.length !== res.data.length) {
finishedJobs.value = res.data
finishedJobs.value = res.data
previewImgList.value = []
for (let index in finishedJobs.value) {
@ -472,21 +482,12 @@ onMounted(() => {
ElMessage.error("获取任务失败:" + e.message)
// 获取运行中的任务
httpGet("/api/mj/jobs?status=0").then(res => {
if (runningJobs.value.length !== res.data.length) {
runningJobs.value = res.data
}).catch(e => {
ElMessage.error("获取任务失败:" + e.message)
// 连接 socket
}).catch(() => {
// 连接 socket
const clipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-prompt');
clipboard.on('success', () => {
ElMessage.success({message: "复制成功!", duration: 500});
@ -553,6 +554,7 @@ const generate = () => {
params.value.session_id = getSessionId()
httpPost("/api/mj/image", params.value).then(() => {
imgCalls.value -= 1
}).catch(e => {
ElMessage.error("任务推送失败:" + e.message)
@ -578,6 +580,7 @@ const send = (url, index, item) => {
prompt: item.prompt,
}).then(() => {
imgCalls.value -= 1
}).catch(e => {
ElMessage.error("任务推送失败:" + e.message)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-sd" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
<h1>Stable Diffusion 绘画中心</h1>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-sd {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-images" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-images {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-invitation" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-invitation {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-knowledge" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-knowledge {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="page-mj" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="page-member" :style="{ height: winHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="inner">
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const winHeight = ref(window.innerHeight)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
.page-mj {
.page-member {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items center
Reference in New Issue
Block a user