feat: refactor MidJourney service for conpatible drawing in chat and draw in app

This commit is contained in:
RockYang 2023-09-12 18:01:24 +08:00
parent 036a6e3e41
commit fa341bab30
12 changed files with 467 additions and 262 deletions

View File

@ -49,15 +49,6 @@ type ChatModel struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
type MjTask struct {
ChatId string
MessageId string
MessageHash string
UserId uint
RoleId uint
Icon string
type ApiError struct {
Error struct {
Message string
@ -77,5 +68,3 @@ var ModelToTokens = map[string]int{
"gpt-4": 8192,
"gpt-4-32k": 32768,
const TaskStorePrefix = "/tasks/"

View File

@ -131,6 +131,13 @@ func (h *ChatHandler) sendAzureMessage(
utils.ReplyMessage(ws, "![](/images/wx.png)")
} else {
f := h.App.Functions[functionName]
if functionName == types.FuncMidJourney {
params["user_id"] = userVo.Id
params["role_id"] = role.Id
params["chat_id"] = session.ChatId
params["icon"] = "/images/avatar/mid_journey.png"
params["session_id"] = session.SessionId
data, err := f.Invoke(params)
if err != nil {
msg := "调用函数出错:" + err.Error()
@ -142,22 +149,8 @@ func (h *ChatHandler) sendAzureMessage(
} else {
content := data
if functionName == types.FuncMidJourney {
key := utils.Sha256(data)
logger.Debug(data, ",", key)
// add task for MidJourney
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(key, ws)
task := types.MjTask{
UserId: userVo.Id,
RoleId: role.Id,
Icon: "/images/avatar/mid_journey.png",
ChatId: session.ChatId,
err := h.leveldb.Put(types.TaskStorePrefix+key, task)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error with store MidJourney task: ", err)
content = fmt.Sprintf("绘画提示词:%s 已推送任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data)
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(session.SessionId, ws)
// update user's img_calls
h.db.Model(&model.User{}).Where("id = ?", userVo.Id).UpdateColumn("img_calls", gorm.Expr("img_calls - ?", 1))

View File

@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ package handler
import (
@ -38,25 +40,26 @@ type Image struct {
type MidJourneyHandler struct {
leveldb *store.LevelDB
redis *redis.Client
db *gorm.DB
mjFunc function.FuncMidJourney
mjService *service.MjService
uploaderManager *oss.UploaderManager
lock sync.Mutex
func NewMidJourneyHandler(
app *core.AppServer,
leveldb *store.LevelDB,
client *redis.Client,
db *gorm.DB,
manager *oss.UploaderManager,
functions map[string]function.Function) *MidJourneyHandler {
mjService *service.MjService) *MidJourneyHandler {
h := MidJourneyHandler{
leveldb: leveldb,
redis: client,
db: db,
uploaderManager: manager,
lock: sync.Mutex{},
mjFunc: functions[types.FuncMidJourney].(function.FuncMidJourney)}
mjService: mjService,
h.App = app
return &h
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Notify(c *gin.Context) {
Content string `json:"content"`
Prompt string `json:"prompt"`
Status TaskStatus `json:"status"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Progress int `json:"progress"`
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&data); err != nil || data.Prompt == "" {
resp.ERROR(c, types.InvalidArgs)
@ -86,95 +89,142 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Notify(c *gin.Context) {
defer h.lock.Unlock()
// the job is saved
var job model.MidJourneyJob
res := h.db.Where("message_id = ?", data.MessageId).First(&job)
if res.Error == nil {
taskString, err := h.redis.Get(c, service.MjRunningJobKey).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.SUCCESS(c) // 过期任务,丢弃
data.Key = utils.Sha256(data.Prompt)
wsClient := h.App.MjTaskClients.Get(data.Key)
//logger.Info(data.Prompt, ",", key)
if data.Status == Finished {
var task types.MjTask
err := h.leveldb.Get(types.TaskStorePrefix+data.Key, &task)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error with get MidJourney task: ", err)
var task service.MjTask
err = utils.JsonDecode(taskString, &task)
if err != nil {
resp.SUCCESS(c) // 非标准任务,丢弃
if task.Src == service.TaskSrcImg { // 绘画任务
var job model.MidJourneyJob
res := h.db.First(&job, task.Id)
if res.Error != nil {
resp.SUCCESS(c) // 非法任务,丢弃
job.MessageId = data.MessageId
job.ReferenceId = data.ReferenceId
job.Progress = data.Progress
// download image
if data.Progress == 100 {
imgURL, err := h.uploaderManager.GetUploadHandler().PutImg(data.Image.URL)
if err != nil {
resp.ERROR(c, "error with download img: "+err.Error())
job.ImgURL = imgURL
} else {
// 使用图片代理
job.ImgURL = fmt.Sprintf("/api/mj/proxy?url=%s", data.Image.URL)
res = h.db.Updates(&job)
if res.Error != nil {
resp.ERROR(c, "error with update job: "+err.Error())
} else if task.Src == service.TaskSrcChat { // 聊天任务
var job model.MidJourneyJob
res := h.db.Where("message_id = ?", data.MessageId).First(&job)
if res.Error == nil {
if wsClient != nil && data.ReferenceId != "" {
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 任务执行成功,正在从 MidJourney 服务器下载图片,请稍后...", data.Prompt)
utils.ReplyMessage(wsClient, content)
// download image
imgURL, err := h.uploaderManager.GetUploadHandler().PutImg(data.Image.URL)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error with download image: ", err)
wsClient := h.App.MjTaskClients.Get(task.Id)
if data.Status == Finished {
if wsClient != nil && data.ReferenceId != "" {
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 图片下载失败:%s", data.Prompt, err.Error())
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 任务执行成功,正在从 MidJourney 服务器下载图片,请稍后...", data.Prompt)
utils.ReplyMessage(wsClient, content)
resp.ERROR(c, err.Error())
// download image
imgURL, err := h.uploaderManager.GetUploadHandler().PutImg(data.Image.URL)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error with download image: ", err)
if wsClient != nil && data.ReferenceId != "" {
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 图片下载失败:%s", data.Prompt, err.Error())
utils.ReplyMessage(wsClient, content)
resp.ERROR(c, err.Error())
data.Image.URL = imgURL
message := model.HistoryMessage{
UserId: uint(task.UserId),
ChatId: task.ChatId,
RoleId: uint(task.RoleId),
Type: types.MjMsg,
Icon: task.Icon,
Content: utils.JsonEncode(data),
Tokens: 0,
UseContext: false,
res := h.db.Create(&message)
if res.Error != nil {
logger.Error("error with save chat history message: ", res.Error)
// save the job
job.UserId = task.UserId
job.MessageId = data.MessageId
job.ReferenceId = data.ReferenceId
job.Prompt = data.Prompt
job.ImgURL = imgURL
job.Progress = data.Progress
job.CreatedAt = time.Now()
res = h.db.Create(&job)
if res.Error != nil {
logger.Error("error with save MidJourney Job: ", res.Error)
if wsClient == nil { // 客户端断线,则丢弃
logger.Errorf("Client is offline: %+v", data)
resp.SUCCESS(c, "Client is offline")
data.Image.URL = imgURL
message := model.HistoryMessage{
UserId: task.UserId,
ChatId: task.ChatId,
RoleId: task.RoleId,
Type: types.MjMsg,
Icon: task.Icon,
Content: utils.JsonEncode(data),
Tokens: 0,
UseContext: false,
res := h.db.Create(&message)
if res.Error != nil {
logger.Error("error with save chat history message: ", res.Error)
// save the job
job.UserId = task.UserId
job.ChatId = task.ChatId
job.MessageId = data.MessageId
job.ReferenceId = data.ReferenceId
job.Content = data.Content
job.Prompt = data.Prompt
job.Image = utils.JsonEncode(data.Image)
job.Hash = data.Image.Hash
job.CreatedAt = time.Now()
res = h.db.Create(&job)
if res.Error != nil {
logger.Error("error with save MidJourney Job: ", res.Error)
if data.Status == Finished {
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsMjImg, Content: data})
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsEnd})
// delete client
} else {
//// 使用代理临时转发图片
//if data.Image.URL != "" {
// image, err := utils.DownloadImage(data.Image.URL, h.App.Config.ProxyURL)
// if err == nil {
// data.Image.URL = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(image)
// }
data.Image.URL = fmt.Sprintf("/api/mj/proxy?url=%s", data.Image.URL)
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsMjImg, Content: data})
if wsClient == nil { // 客户端断线,则丢弃
logger.Errorf("Client is offline: %+v", data)
resp.SUCCESS(c, "Client is offline")
func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Proxy(c *gin.Context) {
url := c.Query("url")
image, err := utils.DownloadImage(url, h.App.Config.ProxyURL)
if err != nil {
c.String(http.StatusOK, err.Error())
if data.Status == Finished {
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsMjImg, Content: data})
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsEnd})
// delete client
} else {
// 使用代理临时转发图片
if data.Image.URL != "" {
image, err := utils.DownloadImage(data.Image.URL, h.App.Config.ProxyURL)
if err == nil {
data.Image.URL = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(image)
utils.ReplyChunkMessage(wsClient, types.WsMessage{Type: types.WsMjImg, Content: data})
c.String(http.StatusOK, "data:image/png;base64,"+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(image))
type reqVo struct {
@ -201,7 +251,12 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Upscale(c *gin.Context) {
err := h.mjFunc.Upscale(function.MjUpscaleReq{
Index: data.Index,
MessageId: data.MessageId,
MessageHash: data.MessageHash,
err := n.Upscale(function.MjUpscaleReq{
Index: data.Index,
MessageId: data.MessageId,
MessageHash: data.MessageHash,
@ -211,7 +266,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Upscale(c *gin.Context) {
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 已推送 Upscale 任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data.Prompt)
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 已推送 upscale 任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data.Prompt)
utils.ReplyMessage(wsClient, content)
if h.App.MjTaskClients.Get(data.Key) == nil {
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(data.Key, wsClient)
@ -242,7 +297,7 @@ func (h *MidJourneyHandler) Variation(c *gin.Context) {
resp.ERROR(c, err.Error())
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 已推送 Variation 任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data.Prompt)
content := fmt.Sprintf("**%s** 已推送 variation 任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data.Prompt)
utils.ReplyMessage(wsClient, content)
if h.App.MjTaskClients.Get(data.Key) == nil {
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(data.Key, wsClient)

View File

@ -131,6 +131,13 @@ func (h *ChatHandler) sendOpenAiMessage(
utils.ReplyMessage(ws, "![](/images/wx.png)")
} else {
f := h.App.Functions[functionName]
if functionName == types.FuncMidJourney {
params["user_id"] = userVo.Id
params["role_id"] = role.Id
params["chat_id"] = session.ChatId
params["icon"] = "/images/avatar/mid_journey.png"
params["session_id"] = session.SessionId
data, err := f.Invoke(params)
if err != nil {
msg := "调用函数出错:" + err.Error()
@ -142,22 +149,8 @@ func (h *ChatHandler) sendOpenAiMessage(
} else {
content := data
if functionName == types.FuncMidJourney {
key := utils.Sha256(data)
logger.Debug(data, ",", key)
// add task for MidJourney
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(key, ws)
task := types.MjTask{
UserId: userVo.Id,
RoleId: role.Id,
Icon: "/images/avatar/mid_journey.png",
ChatId: session.ChatId,
err := h.leveldb.Put(types.TaskStorePrefix+key, task)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error with store MidJourney task: ", err)
content = fmt.Sprintf("绘画提示词:%s 已推送任务到 MidJourney 机器人,请耐心等待任务执行...", data)
h.App.MjTaskClients.Put(session.SessionId, ws)
// update user's img_calls
h.db.Model(&model.User{}).Where("id = ?", userVo.Id).UpdateColumn("img_calls", gorm.Expr("img_calls - ?", 1))

View File

@ -135,6 +135,12 @@ func main() {
return service.NewCaptchaService(config.ApiConfig)
fx.Provide(func(mjService *service.MjService) {
go func() {
// 注册路由
fx.Invoke(func(s *core.AppServer, h *handler.ChatRoleHandler) {
@ -183,9 +189,11 @@ func main() {
group.POST("verify", h.Verify)
fx.Invoke(func(s *core.AppServer, h *handler.MidJourneyHandler) {
s.Engine.POST("/api/mj/notify", h.Notify)
s.Engine.POST("/api/mj/upscale", h.Upscale)
s.Engine.POST("/api/mj/variation", h.Variation)
group := s.Engine.Group("/api/mj/")
group.POST("notify", h.Notify)
group.POST("upscale", h.Upscale)
group.POST("variation", h.Variation)
group.GET("proxy", h.Proxy)
// 管理后台控制器

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package function
import (
// AI 绘画函数
type FuncMidJourney struct {
name string
service *service.MjService
func NewMidJourneyFunc(mjService *service.MjService) FuncMidJourney {
return FuncMidJourney{
name: "MidJourney AI 绘画",
service: mjService}
func (f FuncMidJourney) Invoke(params map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
logger.Infof("MJ 绘画参数:%+v", params)
prompt := utils.InterfaceToString(params["prompt"])
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--ar"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --ar %s", prompt, params["--ar"])
delete(params, "--ar")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--s"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --s %s", prompt, params["--s"])
delete(params, "--s")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--seed"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --seed %s", prompt, params["--seed"])
delete(params, "--seed")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--no"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --no %s", prompt, params["--no"])
delete(params, "--no")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--niji"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --niji %s", prompt, params["--niji"])
delete(params, "--niji")
} else {
prompt = prompt + " --v 5.2"
Id: utils.InterfaceToString(params["session_id"]),
Src: service.TaskSrcChat,
Prompt: prompt,
UserId: utils.IntValue(utils.InterfaceToString(params["user_id"]), 0),
RoleId: utils.IntValue(utils.InterfaceToString(params["role_id"]), 0),
Icon: utils.InterfaceToString(params["icon"]),
ChatId: utils.InterfaceToString(params["chat_id"]),
return prompt, nil
func (f FuncMidJourney) Name() string {
return f.name
var _ Function = &FuncMidJourney{}

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
package function
import (
// AI 绘画函数
type FuncMidJourney struct {
name string
config types.ChatPlusExtConfig
client *req.Client
func NewMidJourneyFunc(config types.ChatPlusExtConfig) FuncMidJourney {
return FuncMidJourney{
name: "MidJourney AI 绘画",
config: config,
client: req.C().SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)}
func (f FuncMidJourney) Invoke(params map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
if f.config.Token == "" {
return "", errors.New("无效的 API Token")
logger.Infof("MJ 绘画参数:%+v", params)
prompt := utils.InterfaceToString(params["prompt"])
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--ar"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --ar %s", prompt, params["--ar"])
delete(params, "--ar")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--s"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --s %s", prompt, params["--s"])
delete(params, "--s")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--seed"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --seed %s", prompt, params["--seed"])
delete(params, "--seed")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--no"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --no %s", prompt, params["--no"])
delete(params, "--no")
if !utils.IsEmptyValue(params["--niji"]) {
prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s --niji %s", prompt, params["--niji"])
delete(params, "--niji")
} else {
prompt = prompt + " --v 5.2"
params["prompt"] = prompt
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/image", f.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := f.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", f.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return "", errors.New(res.Message)
return prompt, nil
type MjUpscaleReq struct {
Index int32 `json:"index"`
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
MessageHash string `json:"message_hash"`
func (f FuncMidJourney) Upscale(upReq MjUpscaleReq) error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/upscale", f.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := f.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", f.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return errors.New(res.Message)
return nil
type MjVariationReq struct {
Index int32 `json:"index"`
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
MessageHash string `json:"message_hash"`
func (f FuncMidJourney) Variation(upReq MjVariationReq) error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/variation", f.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := f.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", f.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return errors.New(res.Message)
return nil
func (f FuncMidJourney) Name() string {
return f.name
var _ Function = &FuncMidJourney{}

api/service/mj_service.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
package service
import (
logger2 "chatplus/logger"
var logger = logger2.GetLogger()
// MJ 绘画服务
const MjRunningJobKey = "MidJourney_Running_Job"
type TaskType string
const (
Image = TaskType("image")
Upscale = TaskType("upscale")
Variation = TaskType("variation")
type TaskSrc string
const (
TaskSrcChat = TaskSrc("chat")
TaskSrcImg = TaskSrc("img")
type MjTask struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Src TaskSrc `json:"src"`
Type TaskType `json:"type"`
UserId int `json:"user_id"`
Prompt string `json:"prompt,omitempty"`
ChatId string `json:"chat_id,omitempty"`
RoleId int `json:"role_id,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Index int32 `json:"index,omitempty"`
MessageId string `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
MessageHash string `json:"message_hash,omitempty"`
RetryCount int `json:"retry_count"`
type MjService struct {
config types.ChatPlusExtConfig
client *req.Client
taskQueue *store.RedisQueue
redis *redis.Client
func NewMjService(config types.ChatPlusExtConfig, client *redis.Client) *MjService {
return &MjService{
config: config,
redis: client,
taskQueue: store.NewRedisQueue("midjourney_task_queue", client),
client: req.C().SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)}
func (s *MjService) Run() {
ctx := context.Background()
for {
_, err := s.redis.Get(ctx, MjRunningJobKey).Result()
if err == nil { // a task is running, waiting for finish
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
var task MjTask
err = s.taskQueue.LPop(&task)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("taking task with error: %v", err)
switch task.Type {
case Image:
err = s.image(task.Prompt)
case Upscale:
err = s.upscale(MjUpscaleReq{
Index: task.Index,
MessageId: task.MessageId,
MessageHash: task.MessageHash,
case Variation:
err = s.variation(MjVariationReq{
Index: task.Index,
MessageId: task.MessageId,
MessageHash: task.MessageHash,
if err != nil {
if task.RetryCount > 5 {
task.RetryCount += 1
// TODO: 执行失败通知聊天客户端
// 锁定任务执行通道直到任务超时10分钟
s.redis.Set(ctx, MjRunningJobKey, utils.JsonEncode(task), time.Second*600)
func (s *MjService) PushTask(task MjTask) {
func (s *MjService) image(prompt string) error {
logger.Infof("MJ 绘画参数:%+v", prompt)
body := map[string]string{"prompt": prompt}
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/image", s.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := s.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", s.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return errors.New(res.Message)
return nil
type MjUpscaleReq struct {
Index int32 `json:"index"`
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
MessageHash string `json:"message_hash"`
func (s *MjService) upscale(upReq MjUpscaleReq) error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/upscale", s.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := s.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", s.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return errors.New(res.Message)
return nil
type MjVariationReq struct {
Index int32 `json:"index"`
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
MessageHash string `json:"message_hash"`
func (s *MjService) variation(upReq MjVariationReq) error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/mj/variation", s.config.ApiURL)
var res types.BizVo
r, err := s.client.R().
SetHeader("Authorization", s.config.Token).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil || r.IsErrorState() {
return fmt.Errorf("%v%v", r.String(), err)
if res.Code != types.Success {
return errors.New(res.Message)
return nil

View File

@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ import "time"
type MidJourneyJob struct {
Id uint `gorm:"primarykey;column:id"`
UserId uint
ChatId string
UserId int
MessageId string
ReferenceId string
Hash string
Content string
ImgURL string
Hash string // message hash
Progress int
Prompt string
Image string
CreatedAt time.Time

api/store/redis_queue.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package store
import (
type RedisQueue struct {
name string
client *redis.Client
ctx context.Context
func NewRedisQueue(name string, client *redis.Client) *RedisQueue {
return &RedisQueue{name: name, client: client, ctx: context.Background()}
func (q *RedisQueue) RPush(value interface{}) {
q.client.RPush(q.ctx, q.name, utils.JsonEncode(value))
func (q *RedisQueue) LPush(value interface{}) {
q.client.LPush(q.ctx, q.name, utils.JsonEncode(value))
func (q *RedisQueue) LPop(value interface{}) error {
result, err := q.client.BLPop(q.ctx, 0, q.name).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
return utils.JsonDecode(result[1], value)
func (q *RedisQueue) RPop(value interface{}) error {
result, err := q.client.BRPop(q.ctx, 0, q.name).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
return utils.JsonDecode(result[1], value)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs` DROP `image`;
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs` ADD `progress` SMALLINT(5) NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '任务进度' AFTER `prompt`;
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs` ADD `hash` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'message hash' AFTER `prompt`;
ALTER TABLE `chatgpt_mj_jobs` ADD `img_url` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图片URL' AFTER `prompt`;

View File

@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ const send = (url, index) => {
message_id: data.value?.["message_id"],
message_hash: data.value?.["image"]?.hash,
session_id: getSessionId(),
key: data.value?.["key"],
prompt: data.value?.["prompt"],
}).then(() => {