2024-01-22 13:58:25 +08:00

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Listen = ""
ProxyURL = "" # 如
MysqlDns = "root:12345678@tcp(chatgpt-plus-mysql:3306)/chatgpt_plus?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
StaticDir = "./static" # 静态资源的目录
StaticUrl = "/static" # 静态资源访问 URL
AesEncryptKey = ""
ImgCdnURL = ""
WeChatBot = false
SecretKey = "azyehq3ivunjhbntz78isj00i4hz2mt9xtddysfucxakadq4qbfrt0b7q3lnvg80" # 注意:这个是 JWT Token 授权密钥,生产环境请务必更换
MaxAge = 86400
Username = "admin"
Password = "admin123" # 如果是生产环境的话,这里管理员的密码记得修改
[Redis] # redis 配置信息
Host = "chatgpt-plus-redis"
Port = 6379
Password = "12345678"
DB = 0
[ApiConfig] # 微博热搜,今日头条等函数服务 API 配置,此为第三方插件服务,如需使用请联系作者开通
ApiURL = ""
AppId = ""
Token = ""
[SmsConfig] # 阿里云短信服务配置
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Product = "Dysmsapi"
Domain = ""
Sign = ""
CodeTempId = ""
[OSS] # OSS 配置,用于存储 MJ 绘画图片
Active = "local" # 默认使用本地文件存储引擎
BasePath = "./static/upload" # 本地文件上传根路径
BaseURL = "/static/upload" # 本地上传文件根 URL 如果是线上,则直接设置为 /static/upload 即可
Endpoint = "" # 如
AccessKey = "" # 自己去 Minio 控制台去创建一个 Access Key
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = "chatgpt-plus" # 替换为你自己创建的 Bucket注意要给 Bucket 设置公开的读权限,否则会出现图片无法显示。
UseSSL = false
Domain = "" # 地址必须是能够通过公网访问的,否则会出现图片无法显示。
[OSS.QiNiu] # 七牛云 OSS 配置
Zone = "z2" # 区域z0华东z1: 华北na0北美as0新加坡
AccessKey = ""
AccessSecret = ""
Bucket = ""
Domain = "" # OSS Bucket 所绑定的域名,如
[[MjConfigs]] # 原生 MidJourney 配置
Enabled = false
UserToken = ""
BotToken = ""
GuildId = ""
ChanelId = ""
UseCDN = false #是否使用反向代理访问设置为true下面的设置才会生效
DiscordAPI = "" # discord API 反代地址
DiscordCDN = "" # mj 图片反代地址
DiscordGateway = "wss://" # discord 机器人反代地址
[[MjPlusConfigs]] # MidJourney Plus 配置,建议不要同时配置 MidJourney 和 MidJourney-Plus
Enabled = true
ApiURL = ""
ApiKey = ""
NotifyURL = "" # 域名换成你自己的部署域名
Enabled = false
ApiURL = ""
ApiKey = ""
Txt2ImgJsonPath = "res/sd/text2img.json"
[XXLConfig] # xxl-job 配置,需要你部署 XXL-JOB 定时任务工具,用来定期清理未支付订单和清理过期 VIP如果你没有启用支付服务则该服务也无需启动
Enabled = false # 是否启用 XXL JOB 服务
ServerAddr = "" # xxl-job-admin 管理地址
ExecutorIp = "" # 执行器 IP 地址
ExecutorPort = "9999" # 执行器服务端口
AccessToken = "xxl-job-api-token" # 执行器 API 通信 token
RegistryKey = "chatgpt-plus" # 任务注册 key
Enabled = false # 启用支付宝支付通道
SandBox = false # 是否启用沙盒模式
UserId = "2088721020750581" # 商户ID
AppId = "9021000131658023" # App Id
PrivateKey = "certs/alipay/privateKey.txt" # 应用私钥
PublicKey = "certs/alipay/appPublicCert.crt" # 应用公钥证书
AlipayPublicKey = "certs/alipay/alipayPublicCert.crt" # 支付宝公钥证书
RootCert = "certs/alipay/alipayRootCert.crt" # 支付宝根证书
NotifyURL = "" # 支付异步回调地址
Enabled = false
Name = "wechat"
AppId = ""
AppSecret = ""
ApiURL = ""
NotifyURL = ""
[SmtpConfig] # 注意阿里云服务器禁用了25号端口所以如果需要使用邮件功能请别用阿里云服务器
Host = ""
Port = 25
AppName = "极客学长"
From = "" # 发件邮箱人地址
Password = "" #邮箱 stmp 服务授权码
[JPayConfig] # PayJs 支付配置
Enabled = false
Name = "wechat" # 请不要改动
AppId = "" # 商户 ID
PrivateKey = "" # 秘钥
ApiURL = ""
NotifyURL = "" # 异步回调地址,域名改成你自己的