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// Copyright 2017-2018 gf Author( All Rights Reserved.
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
package gdb
import (
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
2019-10-25 19:54:02 +08:00
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
2019-07-29 21:01:19 +08:00
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
// apiString is the type assert api for String.
2019-05-16 13:56:49 +08:00
type apiString interface {
String() string
// apiIterator is the type assert api for Iterator.
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
type apiIterator interface {
Iterator(f func(key, value interface{}) bool)
// apiInterfacesis the type assert api for Interfaces.
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
type apiInterfaces interface {
Interfaces() []interface{}
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
const (
2019-08-31 18:04:12 +08:00
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
var (
// quoteWordReg is the regular expression object for a word check.
quoteWordReg = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$`)
// handleTableName adds prefix string and quote chars for the table. It handles table string like:
// "user", "user u", "user,user_detail", "user u, user_detail ut", "user as u, user_detail as ut", "user.user u".
// Note that, this will automatically checks the table prefix whether already added, if true it does
// nothing to the table name, or else adds the prefix to the table name.
func doHandleTableName(table, prefix, charLeft, charRight string) string {
index := 0
array1 := gstr.SplitAndTrim(table, ",")
for k1, v1 := range array1 {
array2 := gstr.SplitAndTrim(v1, " ")
// Trim the security chars.
array2[0] = gstr.TrimLeftStr(array2[0], charLeft)
array2[0] = gstr.TrimRightStr(array2[0], charRight)
// Check whether it has database name.
array3 := gstr.Split(gstr.Trim(array2[0]), ".")
index = len(array3) - 1
// If the table name already has the prefix, skips the prefix adding.
if len(array3[index]) <= len(prefix) || array3[index][:len(prefix)] != prefix {
array3[index] = prefix + array3[index]
array2[0] = gstr.Join(array3, ".")
// Add the security chars.
array2[0] = doQuoteString(array2[0], charLeft, charRight)
array1[k1] = gstr.Join(array2, " ")
return gstr.Join(array1, ",")
// doQuoteWord checks given string <s> a word, if true quotes it with <charLeft> and <charRight>
// and returns the quoted string; or else returns <s> without any change.
func doQuoteWord(s, charLeft, charRight string) string {
if quoteWordReg.MatchString(s) && !gstr.ContainsAny(s, charLeft+charRight) {
return charLeft + s + charRight
return s
// doQuoteString quotes string with quote chars. It handles strings like:
// "user", "user u", "user,user_detail", "user u, user_detail ut",
// "user.user u, user.user_detail ut", " asc".
func doQuoteString(s, charLeft, charRight string) string {
array1 := gstr.SplitAndTrim(s, ",")
for k1, v1 := range array1 {
array2 := gstr.SplitAndTrim(v1, " ")
array3 := gstr.Split(gstr.Trim(array2[0]), ".")
if len(array3) == 1 {
array3[0] = doQuoteWord(array3[0], charLeft, charRight)
} else if len(array3) >= 2 {
array3[0] = doQuoteWord(array3[0], charLeft, charRight)
// Note:
// mysql: u.uid
// mssql double dots: Database..Table
array3[len(array3)-1] = doQuoteWord(array3[len(array3)-1], charLeft, charRight)
array2[0] = gstr.Join(array3, ".")
array1[k1] = gstr.Join(array2, " ")
return gstr.Join(array1, ",")
2019-12-16 20:50:27 +08:00
// GetWhereConditionOfStruct returns the where condition sql and arguments by given struct pointer.
// This function automatically retrieves primary or unique field and its attribute value as condition.
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
func GetWhereConditionOfStruct(pointer interface{}) (where string, args []interface{}) {
array := ([]string)(nil)
for _, field := range structs.TagFields(pointer, []string{ORM_TAG_FOR_STRUCT}, true) {
array = strings.Split(field.Tag, ",")
2019-08-31 18:04:12 +08:00
if len(array) > 1 && gstr.InArray([]string{ORM_TAG_FOR_UNIQUE, ORM_TAG_FOR_PRIMARY}, array[1]) {
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
return array[0], []interface{}{field.Value()}
if len(where) > 0 {
where += " "
where += field.Tag + "=?"
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
args = append(args, field.Value())
2019-12-16 20:50:27 +08:00
// GetPrimaryKey retrieves and returns primary key field name from given struct.
func GetPrimaryKey(pointer interface{}) string {
array := ([]string)(nil)
for _, field := range structs.TagFields(pointer, []string{ORM_TAG_FOR_STRUCT}, true) {
array = strings.Split(field.Tag, ",")
if len(array) > 1 && array[1] == ORM_TAG_FOR_PRIMARY {
return array[0]
return ""
// GetPrimaryKeyCondition returns a new where condition by primary field name.
2019-12-16 21:00:16 +08:00
// The optional parameter <where> is like follows:
// 123, []int{1, 2, 3}, "john", []string{"john", "smith"}
// g.Map{"id": g.Slice{1,2,3}}, g.Map{"id": 1, "name": "john"}, etc.
2019-12-16 20:50:27 +08:00
// Note that it returns the given <where> parameter directly if there's the <primary> is empty.
func GetPrimaryKeyCondition(primary string, where ...interface{}) (newWhereCondition []interface{}) {
if len(where) == 0 {
return nil
if primary == "" {
return where
if len(where) == 1 {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(where[0])
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Map, reflect.Struct:
return []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{
primary: where[0],
return where
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
// 获得orm标签与属性的映射关系
func GetOrmMappingOfStruct(pointer interface{}) map[string]string {
mapping := make(map[string]string)
2019-08-31 18:04:12 +08:00
for tag, attr := range structs.TagMapName(pointer, []string{ORM_TAG_FOR_STRUCT}, true) {
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
mapping[strings.Split(tag, ",")[0]] = attr
return mapping
// 格式化SQL语句.
func formatQuery(query string, args []interface{}) (newQuery string, newArgs []interface{}) {
return handlerSliceArguments(query, args)
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
// 格式化Where查询条件。
// TODO []interface{} type support for parameter <where> does not completed yet.
func formatWhere(db DB, where interface{}, args []interface{}, omitEmpty bool) (newWhere string, newArgs []interface{}) {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
rv := reflect.ValueOf(where)
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
newArgs = formatWhereInterfaces(db, gconv.Interfaces(where), buffer, newArgs)
case reflect.Map:
for key, value := range varToMapDeep(where) {
if omitEmpty && empty.IsEmpty(value) {
newArgs = formatWhereKeyValue(db, buffer, newArgs, key, value)
case reflect.Struct:
// If <where> struct implements apiIterator interface,
// it then uses its Iterate function to iterates its key-value pairs.
// For example, ListMap and TreeMap are ordered map,
// which implement apiIterator interface and are index-friendly for where conditions.
if iterator, ok := where.(apiIterator); ok {
iterator.Iterator(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if omitEmpty && empty.IsEmpty(value) {
return true
newArgs = formatWhereKeyValue(db, buffer, newArgs, gconv.String(key), value)
return true
for key, value := range varToMapDeep(where) {
if omitEmpty && empty.IsEmpty(value) {
newArgs = formatWhereKeyValue(db, buffer, newArgs, key, value)
if buffer.Len() == 0 {
return "", args
newArgs = append(newArgs, args...)
newWhere = buffer.String()
if len(newArgs) > 0 {
// It supports formats like: Where/And/Or("uid", 1) , Where/And/Or("uid>=", 1)
if gstr.Pos(newWhere, "?") == -1 {
if lastOperatorReg.MatchString(newWhere) {
newWhere += "?"
} else if gregex.IsMatchString(`^[\w\.\-]+$`, newWhere) {
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
newWhere += "=?"
return handlerSliceArguments(newWhere, newArgs)
// formatWhereInterfaces formats <where> as []interface{}.
// TODO []interface{} type support for parameter <where> does not completed yet.
func formatWhereInterfaces(db DB, where []interface{}, buffer *bytes.Buffer, newArgs []interface{}) []interface{} {
var str string
var array []interface{}
var holderCount int
for i := 0; i < len(where); {
if holderCount > 0 {
array = gconv.Interfaces(where[i])
newArgs = append(newArgs, array...)
holderCount -= len(array)
} else {
str = gconv.String(where[i])
holderCount = gstr.Count(str, "?")
return newArgs
// formatWhereKeyValue handles each key-value pair of the parameter map.
func formatWhereKeyValue(db DB, buffer *bytes.Buffer, newArgs []interface{}, key string, value interface{}) []interface{} {
key = db.quoteWord(key)
if buffer.Len() > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(" AND ")
// 支持slice键值/属性,如果只有一个?占位符号那么作为IN查询否则打散作为多个查询参数
rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
count := gstr.Count(key, "?")
if count == 0 {
buffer.WriteString(key + " IN(?)")
newArgs = append(newArgs, value)
} else if count != rv.Len() {
newArgs = append(newArgs, value)
} else {
// 如果键名/属性名称中带有多个?占位符号,那么将参数打散
newArgs = append(newArgs, gconv.Interfaces(value)...)
if value == nil {
} else {
// 支持key带操作符号注意like也算是操作符号
key = gstr.Trim(key)
if gstr.Pos(key, "?") == -1 {
like := " like"
if len(key) > len(like) && gstr.Equal(key[len(key)-len(like):], like) {
buffer.WriteString(key + " ?")
} else if lastOperatorReg.MatchString(key) {
buffer.WriteString(key + " ?")
} else {
buffer.WriteString(key + "=?")
} else {
newArgs = append(newArgs, value)
return newArgs
// 将对象转换为map如果对象带有继承对象那么执行递归转换。
// 该方法用于将变量传递给数据库执行之前。
func varToMapDeep(obj interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
data := gconv.Map(obj, ORM_TAG_FOR_STRUCT)
for key, value := range data {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Struct:
// 底层数据库引擎支持 time.Time/*time.Time 类型
if _, ok := value.(time.Time); ok {
if _, ok := value.(*time.Time); ok {
// 如果执行String方法那么执行字符串转换
if s, ok := value.(apiString); ok {
data[key] = s.String()
delete(data, key)
for k, v := range varToMapDeep(value) {
data[k] = v
return data
// 处理预处理占位符与slice类型的参数。
// 需要注意的是,
// 如果是链式操作,在条件参数中也会调用该方法处理查询参数,
// 如果是方法参数在sql提交执行之前也会再次调用该方法处理查询语句和参数。
func handlerSliceArguments(query string, args []interface{}) (newQuery string, newArgs []interface{}) {
newQuery = query
// 查询条件参数处理主要处理slice参数类型
if len(args) > 0 {
for index, arg := range args {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
// '?'占位符支持slice类型, 这里会将slice参数拆散并更新原有占位符'?'为多个'?',使用','符号连接。
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
// 不拆分[]byte类型(当做字符串处理)
// Eg: table.Where("name = ?", []byte("john"))
2019-07-22 23:03:55 +08:00
if _, ok := arg.([]byte); ok {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
newArgs = append(newArgs, rv.Index(i).Interface())
// 如果参数直接传递slice并且占位符数量与slice长度相等
// 那么不用替换扩展占位符数量直接使用该slice作为查询参数
// Eg: db.Query("SELECT ?+?", g.Slice{1, 2})
if len(args) == 1 && gstr.Count(newQuery, "?") == rv.Len() {
// counter用于匹配该参数的位置(与index对应)
counter := 0
newQuery, _ = gregex.ReplaceStringFunc(`\?`, newQuery, func(s string) string {
if counter == index+1 {
return "?" + strings.Repeat(",?", rv.Len()-1)
return s
// Special struct handling.
case reflect.Struct:
if v, ok := arg.(apiString); ok {
newArgs = append(newArgs, v.String())
} else {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
2019-03-17 22:26:41 +08:00
// 将预处理参数转换为底层数据库引擎支持的格式。
// 主要是判断参数是否为复杂数据类型,如果是,那么转换为基础类型。
func convertParam(value interface{}) interface{} {
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00
rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Struct:
// 底层数据库引擎支持 time.Time/*time.Time 类型
if v, ok := value.(time.Time); ok {
if v.IsZero() {
return "null"
return value
if v, ok := value.(*time.Time); ok {
if v.IsZero() {
return ""
return value
return gconv.String(value)
return value
2019-03-17 22:26:41 +08:00
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
// 格式化错误信息
func formatError(err error, query string, args ...interface{}) error {
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s\n", err.Error(), bindArgsToQuery(query, args)))
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00
return err
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
// 根据insert选项获得操作名称
func getInsertOperationByOption(option int) string {
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00
operator := "INSERT"
switch option {
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00
operator = "REPLACE"
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00
operator = "INSERT IGNORE"
return operator
2018-12-14 18:35:51 +08:00
2019-05-16 13:56:49 +08:00
// 将参数绑定到SQL语句中仅用于调试打印。
func bindArgsToQuery(query string, args []interface{}) string {
index := -1
newQuery, _ := gregex.ReplaceStringFunc(`\?`, query, func(s string) string {
if len(args) > index {
if args[index] == nil {
return "null"
rv := reflect.ValueOf(args[index])
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
2019-10-21 19:13:25 +08:00
if rv.IsNil() || !rv.IsValid() {
return "null"
rv = rv.Elem()
kind = rv.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.String, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
return `'` + gstr.QuoteMeta(gconv.String(args[index]), `'`) + `'`
2019-10-25 19:54:02 +08:00
case reflect.Struct:
if t, ok := args[index].(time.Time); ok {
return `'` + gtime.NewFromTime(t).String() + `'`
return `'` + gstr.QuoteMeta(gconv.String(args[index]), `'`) + `'`
return gconv.String(args[index])
return s
return newQuery
// 使用递归的方式将map键值对映射到struct对象上注意参数<pointer>是一个指向struct的指针。
func mapToStruct(data map[string]interface{}, pointer interface{}) error {
2019-08-30 20:29:12 +08:00
return gconv.StructDeep(data, pointer, GetOrmMappingOfStruct(pointer))
2019-06-19 09:06:52 +08:00