add some Must* functions for gparser/gjson/gmd5/gsha1/gbase64

This commit is contained in:
John 2019-12-12 11:40:23 +08:00
parent 87295ef1fe
commit 4374996073
7 changed files with 365 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
default = ",0"
cache = ",1"

View File

@ -2,68 +2,28 @@ package main
import (
func main() {
type Detail struct {
Mall_coupon_id int64 `json:"mall_coupon_id"` //店铺优惠券id
Mall_coupon_discount_pct int `json:"mall_coupon_discount_pct"` //店铺折扣
Mall_coupon_min_order_amount int `json:"mall_coupon_min_order_amount"` //最小使用金额
Mall_coupon_max_discount_amount int `json:"mall_coupon_max_discount_amount"` //最大使用金额
Mall_coupon_total_quantity int64 `json:"mall_coupon_total_quantity"` //店铺券总量
Mall_coupon_remain_quantity int64 `json:"mall_coupon_remain_quantity"` //店铺券余量
Mall_coupon_start_time int64 `json:"mall_coupon_start_time"` //店铺券使用开始时间
Mall_coupon_end_time int64 `json:"mall_coupon_end_time"` //店铺券使用结束时间
Goods_id int64 `json:"goods_id"` //参与多多进宝的商品ID
Goods_name string `json:"goods_name"` //参与多多进宝的商品标题
Goods_desc string `json:"goods_desc"` //参与多多进宝的商品描述
Goods_image_url string `json:"goods_image_url"` //多多进宝商品主图
Goods_gallery_urls []string `json:"goods_gallery_urls"` //商品轮播图
Min_group_price int64 `json:"min_group_price"` //最低价sku的拼团价单位为分
Min_normal_price int64 `json:"min_normal_price"` //最低价sku的单买价单位为分
Mall_name string `json:"mall_name"` //店铺名称
Opt_id int64 `json:"opt_id"` //商品标签ID使用pdd.goods.opt.get接口获取
Opt_name string `json:"opt_name"` //商品标签名称
Opt_ids []int `json:"opt_ids"` //商品标签ID
Cat_ids []int `json:"cat_ids"` //商品一~四级类目ID列表
Coupon_min_order_amount int64 `json:"coupon_min_order_amount"` //优惠券门槛金额,单位为分
Coupon_discount int64 `json:"coupon_discount"` //优惠券面额,单位为分
Coupon_total_quantity int64 `json:"coupon_total_quantity"` //优惠券总数量
Coupon_remain_quantity int64 `json:"coupon_remain_quantity"` //优惠券剩余数量
Coupon_start_time int64 `json:"coupon_start_time"` //优惠券生效时间UNIX时间戳
Coupon_end_time int64 `json:"coupon_end_time"` //优惠券失效时间UNIX时间戳
Promotion_rate int64 `json:"promotion_rate"` //佣金比例,千分比
Goods_eval_count int64 `json:"goods_eval_count"` //商品评价数
Cat_id int64 `json:"cat_id"` //商品类目ID使用pdd.goods.cats.get接口获取
Sales_tip string `json:"sales_tip"` //已售卖件数
Mall_id int64 `json:"mall_id"` //商家id
Service_tags []int64 `json:"service_tags"` // 服务标签: 4-送货入户并安装,5-送货入户,6-电子发票,9-坏果包赔 ...
Clt_cpn_batch_sn string `json:"clt_cpn_batch_sn"` //店铺收藏券id
Clt_cpn_start_time int64 `json:"clt_cpn_start_time"` //店铺收藏券起始时间
Clt_cpn_end_time int64 `json:"clt_cpn_end_time"` //店铺收藏券截止时间
Clt_cpn_quantity int64 `json:"clt_cpn_quantity"` //店铺收藏券总量
Clt_cpn_remain_quantity int64 `json:"clt_cpn_remain_quantity"` //店铺收藏券剩余量
Clt_cpn_discount int64 `json:"clt_cpn_discount"` //店铺收藏券面额,单位为分
Clt_cpn_min_amt int64 `json:"clt_cpn_min_amt"` //店铺收藏券使用门槛价格,单位为分
Desc_txt string `json:"desc_txt"` //描述分
Serv_txt string `json:"serv_txt"` //服务分
Lgst_txt string `json:"lgst_txt"` //物流分
Plan_type int `json:"plan_type"` //推广计划类型
Zs_duo_id int64 `json:"zs_duo_id"` //招商团长id
Only_scene_auth int `json:"only_scene_auth"` //快手专享
s := `{"goods_detail_response":{"goods_details":[{"category_name":"百货","clt_cpn_end_time":null,"clt_cpn_min_amt":null,"coupon_remain_quantity":7000,"clt_cpn_remain_quantity":null,"promotion_rate":110,"coupon_id":3248825612,"service_tags":[24,13],"mall_id":983152922,"mall_name":"唯美之恋麻雀专卖店","mall_coupon_end_time":0,"clt_cpn_batch_sn":null,"lgst_txt":"高","goods_name":"【40卷32卷12卷】家用实惠卫生纸无芯卷纸批发纸巾厕纸卷筒纸手纸","clt_cpn_discount":null,"goods_id":9133961778,"goods_gallery_urls":["","","","","","","","","",""],"goods_desc":"本产品原材料精选原生木浆制造,先进喷浆制造工艺,纸质更柔软细腻,没有纸屑,更有韧劲。嘉禾纸业建厂15年,两大自主品牌纸语和唯美之恋,年产能两万万余吨,拥有先进的造纸设备,采用巴西进口制浆制作制造而成,纸质柔软细腻,吸水性强,致力于打造国内孕婴卫生纸首选品牌,深受广大消费者好评。","opt_name":"百货","opt_ids":[17665,10116,10696,330,12619,12,11212,8590,10702,8591,15,13903,8592,17680,12691,22102,13911,12696,22105,21915,223,292,12581,13926,360,10730,12586,20527,11187,8569,12729,17657,8570,8571,10110,10111],"goods_image_url":"","has_mall_coupon":false,"min_group_price":720,"coupon_start_time":1575820800,"coupon_discount":200,"coupon_end_time":1575993599,"zs_duo_id":0,"mall_coupon_remain_quantity":0,"plan_type":2,"clt_cpn_quantity":null,"crt_rf_ordr_rto1m":0.03807085638781072,"cat_ids":[17285,17297,17402],"coupon_min_order_amount":200,"category_id":17657,"mall_coupon_discount_pct":0,"cat_id":null,"coupon_total_quantity":12000,"mall_coupon_min_order_amount":0,"merchant_type":4,"clt_cpn_start_time":null,"sales_tip":"4.2万","plan_type_all":4,"only_scene_auth":true,"mall_coupon_id":0,"desc_txt":"高","goods_thumbnail_url":"","opt_id":17657,"search_id":null,"min_normal_price":1190,"has_coupon":true,"mall_coupon_start_time":0,"serv_txt":"高","mall_rate":110,"mall_coupon_total_quantity":0,"create_at":null,"mall_coupon_max_discount_amount":0,"mall_cps":1}],"request_id":"15758638812810680"}}`
if j, err := gjson.DecodeToJson([]byte(s)); err != nil {
} else {
inter := j.GetInterfaces("goods_detail_response.goods_details.0")
fmt.Println("接口:", inter)
detail := Detail{}
err := j.GetStruct("goods_detail_response.goods_details.0", &detail)
fmt.Println("结构体:", err, detail)
// 结构体
type Data struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
func main() {
data := Data{Name: "abcdefg"}
data1 := Data{}
data2 := Data{}
g.Redis().Do("SET", "goods:id", data)
v, _ := g.Redis().DoVar("GET", "goods:id")
gconv.Struct(v, &data2)
fmt.Println(v, data1, data2)
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(v), reflect.TypeOf(data1))

View File

@ -22,6 +22,17 @@ func Encrypt(data interface{}) (encrypt string, err error) {
return EncryptBytes(gconv.Bytes(data))
// MustEncrypt encrypts any type of variable using MD5 algorithms.
// It uses gconv package to convert <v> to its bytes type.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncrypt(data interface{}) string {
result, err := Encrypt(data)
if err != nil {
return result
// EncryptBytes encrypts <data> using MD5 algorithms.
func EncryptBytes(data []byte) (encrypt string, err error) {
h := md5.New()
@ -31,11 +42,31 @@ func EncryptBytes(data []byte) (encrypt string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)), nil
// MustEncryptBytes encrypts <data> using MD5 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncryptBytes(data []byte) string {
result, err := EncryptBytes(data)
if err != nil {
return result
// EncryptBytes encrypts string <data> using MD5 algorithms.
func EncryptString(data string) (encrypt string, err error) {
return EncryptBytes([]byte(data))
// MustEncryptString encrypts string <data> using MD5 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncryptString(data string) string {
result, err := EncryptString(data)
if err != nil {
return result
// EncryptFile encrypts file content of <path> using MD5 algorithms.
func EncryptFile(path string) (encrypt string, err error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
@ -50,3 +81,13 @@ func EncryptFile(path string) (encrypt string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)), nil
// MustEncryptFile encrypts file content of <path> using MD5 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncryptFile(path string) string {
result, err := EncryptFile(path)
if err != nil {
return result

View File

@ -37,3 +37,13 @@ func EncryptFile(path string) (encrypt string, err error) {
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil
// MustEncryptFile encrypts file content of <path> using SHA1 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncryptFile(path string) string {
result, err := EncryptFile(path)
if err != nil {
return result

View File

@ -20,13 +20,6 @@ func Encode(src []byte) []byte {
return dst
// Decode decodes bytes with BASE64 algorithm.
func Decode(dst []byte) ([]byte, error) {
src := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(dst)))
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(src, dst)
return src[:n], err
// EncodeString encodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
func EncodeString(src string) string {
return EncodeToString([]byte(src))
@ -46,6 +39,16 @@ func EncodeFile(path string) ([]byte, error) {
return Encode(content), nil
// MustEncodeFile encodes file content of <path> using BASE64 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncodeFile(path string) []byte {
result, err := EncodeFile(path)
if err != nil {
return result
// EncodeFileToString encodes file content of <path> to string using BASE64 algorithms.
func EncodeFileToString(path string) (string, error) {
content, err := EncodeFile(path)
@ -55,13 +58,60 @@ func EncodeFileToString(path string) (string, error) {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(content), nil
// DecodeString decodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
func DecodeString(str string) ([]byte, error) {
return Decode([]byte(str))
// MustEncodeFileToString encodes file content of <path> to string using BASE64 algorithms.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustEncodeFileToString(path string) string {
result, err := EncodeFileToString(path)
if err != nil {
return result
// Decode decodes bytes with BASE64 algorithm.
func Decode(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
src := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(data)))
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(src, data)
return src[:n], err
// MustDecode decodes bytes with BASE64 algorithm.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustDecode(data []byte) []byte {
result, err := Decode(data)
if err != nil {
return result
// DecodeString decodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
func DecodeToString(str string) (string, error) {
b, err := DecodeString(str)
func DecodeString(data string) ([]byte, error) {
return Decode([]byte(data))
// MustDecodeString decodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustDecodeString(data string) []byte {
result, err := DecodeString(data)
if err != nil {
return result
// DecodeString decodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
func DecodeToString(data string) (string, error) {
b, err := DecodeString(data)
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(b), err
// MustDecodeToString decodes string with BASE64 algorithm.
// It panics if any error occurs.
func MustDecodeToString(data string) string {
result, err := DecodeToString(data)
if err != nil {
return result

View File

@ -12,25 +12,12 @@ import (
func (j *Json) ToXml(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return gxml.Encode(j.ToMap(), rootTag...)
func (j *Json) ToXmlString(rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
b, e := j.ToXml(rootTag...)
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) ToXmlIndent(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return gxml.EncodeWithIndent(j.ToMap(), rootTag...)
func (j *Json) ToXmlIndentString(rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
b, e := j.ToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
return string(b), e
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func (j *Json) ToJson() ([]byte, error) {
@ -54,6 +41,80 @@ func (j *Json) ToJsonIndentString() (string, error) {
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) MustToJson() []byte {
result, err := j.ToJson()
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToJsonString() string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToJson())
func (j *Json) MustToJsonIndent() []byte {
result, err := j.ToJsonIndent()
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToJsonIndentString() string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToJsonIndent())
// ========================================================================
// XML
// ========================================================================
func (j *Json) ToXml(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return gxml.Encode(j.ToMap(), rootTag...)
func (j *Json) ToXmlString(rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
b, e := j.ToXml(rootTag...)
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) ToXmlIndent(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return gxml.EncodeWithIndent(j.ToMap(), rootTag...)
func (j *Json) ToXmlIndentString(rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
b, e := j.ToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) MustToXml(rootTag ...string) []byte {
result, err := j.ToXml(rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToXmlString(rootTag ...string) string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToXml(rootTag...))
func (j *Json) MustToXmlIndent(rootTag ...string) []byte {
result, err := j.ToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToXmlIndentString(rootTag ...string) string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToXmlIndent(rootTag...))
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func (j *Json) ToYaml() ([]byte, error) {
@ -65,6 +126,22 @@ func (j *Json) ToYamlString() (string, error) {
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) MustToYaml() []byte {
result, err := j.ToYaml()
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToYamlString() string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToYaml())
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func (j *Json) ToToml() ([]byte, error) {
@ -76,6 +153,22 @@ func (j *Json) ToTomlString() (string, error) {
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) MustToToml() []byte {
result, err := j.ToToml()
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToTomlString() string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToToml())
// ========================================================================
// INI
// ========================================================================
func (j *Json) ToIni() ([]byte, error) {
@ -86,3 +179,15 @@ func (j *Json) ToIniString() (string, error) {
b, e := j.ToToml()
return string(b), e
func (j *Json) MustToIni() []byte {
result, err := j.ToIni()
if err != nil {
return result
func (j *Json) MustToIniString() string {
return gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(j.MustToIni())

View File

@ -6,13 +6,9 @@
package gparser
func VarToXml(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToXml(rootTag...)
func VarToXmlIndent(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func VarToJson(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToJson()
@ -30,14 +26,114 @@ func VarToJsonIndentString(value interface{}) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToJsonIndentString()
func MustToJson(value interface{}) []byte {
return New(value).MustToJson()
func MustToJsonString(value interface{}) string {
return New(value).MustToJsonString()
func MustToJsonIndent(value interface{}) []byte {
return New(value).MustToJsonIndent()
func MustToJsonIndentString(value interface{}) string {
return New(value).MustToJsonIndentString()
// ========================================================================
// XML
// ========================================================================
func VarToXml(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToXml(rootTag...)
func VarToXmlString(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToXmlString(rootTag...)
func VarToXmlIndent(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
func VarToXmlIndentString(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToXmlIndentString(rootTag...)
func MustToXml(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) []byte {
return New(value).MustToXml(rootTag...)
func MustToXmlString(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) string {
return New(value).MustToXmlString(rootTag...)
func MustToXmlIndent(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) []byte {
return New(value).MustToXmlIndent(rootTag...)
func MustToXmlIndentString(value interface{}, rootTag ...string) string {
return New(value).MustToXmlIndentString(rootTag...)
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func VarToYaml(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToYaml()
func VarToYamlString(value interface{}) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToYamlString()
func MustToYaml(value interface{}) []byte {
return New(value).MustToYaml()
func MustToYamlString(value interface{}) string {
return New(value).MustToYamlString()
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
func VarToToml(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToToml()
func VarToTomlString(value interface{}) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToTomlString()
func MustToToml(value interface{}) []byte {
return New(value).MustToToml()
func MustToTomlString(value interface{}) string {
return New(value).MustToTomlString()
// ========================================================================
// INI
// ========================================================================
func VarToIni(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return New(value).ToIni()
func VarToIniString(value interface{}) (string, error) {
return New(value).ToIniString()
func MustToIni(value interface{}) []byte {
return New(value).MustToIni()
func MustToIniString(value interface{}) string {
return New(value).MustToIniString()