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synced 2024-12-03 04:37:49 +08:00
improve package gpage
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@ -9,125 +9,93 @@ package gpage
import (
// Page is the pagination implementer.
// All the attributes are public, you can change them when necessary.
type Page struct {
UrlTemplate string // Custom url template for page url producing.
TotalSize int // Total size.
TotalPage int // Total page, which is automatically calculated.
CurrentPage int // Current page number >= 1.
PageName string // Page variable name. It's "page" in default.
UrlTemplate string // Custom url template for page url producing.
LinkStyle string // CSS style name for HTML link tag <a>.
SpanStyle string // CSS style name for HTML span tag <span>, which is used for first, current and last page tag.
SelectStyle string // CSS style name for HTML select tag <select>.
NextPageTag string // Tag name for next p.
PrevPageTag string // Tag name for prev p.
FirstPageTag string // Tag name for first p.
LastPageTag string // Tag name for last p.
PrevBar string // Tag string for prev bar.
NextBar string // Tag string for next bar.
PrevBarTag string // Tag string for prev bar.
NextBarTag string // Tag string for next bar.
PageBarNum int // Page bar number for displaying.
AjaxActionName string // Ajax function name. Ajax is enabled if this attribute is not empty.
// 创建一个分页对象,输入参数分别为:
// 总数量、每页数量、当前页码、当前的URL(URI+QUERY)、(可选)路由规则(例如: /user/list/:page、/order/list/*page、/order/list/{page}.html)
// New creates and returns a pagination manager.
// Note that the parameter <urlTemplate> specifies the URL producing template, like:
// /user/list/{.page}, /user/list/{.page}.html, /user/list?page={.page}&type=1, etc.
// The build-in variable in <urlTemplate> "{.page}" specifies the page number, which will be replaced by certain
// page number when producing.
func New(totalSize, pageSize, currentPage int, urlTemplate string) *Page {
p := &Page{
PageName: "page",
LinkStyle: "GPageLink",
SpanStyle: "GPageSpan",
SelectStyle: "GPageSelect",
PrevPageTag: "<",
NextPageTag: ">",
FirstPageTag: "|<",
LastPageTag: ">|",
PrevBar: "<<",
NextBar: ">>",
PrevBarTag: "<<",
NextBarTag: ">>",
TotalSize: totalSize,
TotalPage: int(math.Ceil(float64(totalSize) / float64(pageSize))),
CurrentPage: 1,
CurrentPage: currentPage,
PageBarNum: 10,
UrlTemplate: urlTemplate,
if currentPage > 0 {
p.CurrentPage = currentPage
if currentPage == 0 {
p.CurrentPage = 1
return p
// 获取显示"下一页"的内容.
func (p *Page) NextPage(styles ...string) string {
var curStyle, style string
if len(styles) > 0 {
curStyle = styles[0]
if len(styles) > 1 {
style = styles[0]
// NextPage returns the HTML content for the next page.
func (p *Page) NextPage() string {
if p.CurrentPage < p.TotalPage {
return p.GetLink(p.GetUrl(p.CurrentPage+1), p.NextPageTag, "下一页", style)
return p.GetLink(p.CurrentPage+1, p.NextPageTag, "")
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, curStyle, p.NextPageTag)
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, p.SpanStyle, p.NextPageTag)
// 获取显示“上一页”的内容
func (p *Page) PrevPage(styles ...string) string {
var curStyle, style string
if len(styles) > 0 {
curStyle = styles[0]
if len(styles) > 1 {
style = styles[0]
// PrevPage returns the HTML content for the previous page.
func (p *Page) PrevPage() string {
if p.CurrentPage > 1 {
return p.GetLink(p.GetUrl(p.CurrentPage-1), p.PrevPageTag, "上一页", style)
return p.GetLink(p.CurrentPage-1, p.PrevPageTag, "")
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, curStyle, p.PrevPageTag)
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, p.SpanStyle, p.PrevPageTag)
// 获取显示“首页”的代码
func (p *Page) FirstPage(styles ...string) string {
var curStyle, style string
if len(styles) > 0 {
curStyle = styles[0]
if len(styles) > 1 {
style = styles[0]
// FirstPage returns the HTML content for the first page.
func (p *Page) FirstPage() string {
if p.CurrentPage == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, curStyle, p.FirstPageTag)
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, p.SpanStyle, p.FirstPageTag)
return p.GetLink(p.GetUrl(1), p.FirstPageTag, "第一页", style)
return p.GetLink(1, p.FirstPageTag, "")
// 获取显示“尾页”的内容
func (p *Page) LastPage(styles ...string) string {
var curStyle, style string
if len(styles) > 0 {
curStyle = styles[0]
if len(styles) > 1 {
style = styles[0]
// LastPage returns the HTML content for the last page.
func (p *Page) LastPage() string {
if p.CurrentPage == p.TotalPage {
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, curStyle, p.LastPageTag)
return fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%s</span>`, p.SpanStyle, p.LastPageTag)
return p.GetLink(p.GetUrl(p.TotalPage), p.LastPageTag, "最后页", style)
return p.GetLink(p.TotalPage, p.LastPageTag, "")
// 获得分页条列表内容
func (p *Page) PageBar(styles ...string) string {
var curStyle, style string
if len(styles) > 0 {
curStyle = styles[0]
if len(styles) > 1 {
style = styles[0]
// PageBar returns the HTML page bar content with link and span tags.
func (p *Page) PageBar() string {
plus := int(math.Ceil(float64(p.PageBarNum / 2)))
if p.PageBarNum-plus+p.CurrentPage > p.TotalPage {
plus = p.PageBarNum - p.TotalPage + p.CurrentPage
@ -136,36 +104,39 @@ func (p *Page) PageBar(styles ...string) string {
if begin < 1 {
begin = 1
ret := ""
barContent := ""
for i := begin; i < begin+p.PageBarNum; i++ {
if i <= p.TotalPage {
if i != p.CurrentPage {
ret += p.GetLink(p.GetUrl(i), gconv.String(i), style, "")
barText := gconv.String(i)
barContent += p.GetLink(i, barText, barText)
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%d</span>`, curStyle, i)
barContent += fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="%s">%d</span>`, p.SpanStyle, i)
} else {
return ret
return barContent
// 获取基于select标签的显示跳转按钮的代码
// SelectBar returns the select HTML content for pagination.
func (p *Page) SelectBar() string {
ret := `<select name="GPageSelect" onchange="window.location.href=this.value">`
barContent := fmt.Sprintf(`<select name="%s" onchange="window.location.href=this.value">`, p.SelectStyle)
for i := 1; i <= p.TotalPage; i++ {
if i == p.CurrentPage {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(`<option value="%s" selected>%d</option>`, p.GetUrl(i), i)
barContent += fmt.Sprintf(`<option value="%s" selected>%d</option>`, p.GetUrl(i), i)
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(`<option value="%s">%d</option>`, p.GetUrl(i), i)
barContent += fmt.Sprintf(`<option value="%s">%d</option>`, p.GetUrl(i), i)
ret += "</select>"
return ret
barContent += "</select>"
return barContent
// 预定义的分页显示风格内容
// GetContent returns the page content for predefined mode.
// These predefined contents are mainly for chinese localization purpose. You can defines your own
// page function retrieving the page content according to the implementation of this function.
func (p *Page) GetContent(mode int) string {
switch mode {
case 1:
@ -200,7 +171,7 @@ func (p *Page) GetContent(mode int) string {
p.LastPageTag = "尾页"
pageStr := p.FirstPage()
pageStr += p.PrevPage()
pageStr += p.PageBar("current")
pageStr += p.PageBar()
pageStr += p.NextPage()
pageStr += p.LastPage()
pageStr += fmt.Sprintf(
@ -218,7 +189,7 @@ func (p *Page) GetContent(mode int) string {
p.LastPageTag = "尾页"
pageStr := p.FirstPage()
pageStr += p.PrevPage()
pageStr += p.PageBar("current")
pageStr += p.PageBar()
pageStr += p.NextPage()
pageStr += p.LastPage()
return pageStr
@ -226,28 +197,24 @@ func (p *Page) GetContent(mode int) string {
return ""
// 为指定的页面返回地址值
func (p *Page) GetUrl(pageNo int) string {
pattern := fmt.Sprintf(`(:%s|\*%s|\.%s)`, p.PageName, p.PageName, p.PageName)
result, _ := gregex.ReplaceString(pattern, pageNo, p.UrlTemplate)
url.Path = gstr.Replace(p.UrlTemplate, "{.page}", gconv.String(pageNo))
return url.String()
values := p.Url.Query()
values.Set(p.PageName, gconv.String(pageNo))
url.RawQuery = values.Encode()
return url.String()
// GetUrl parses the UrlTemplate with given page number and returns the URL string.
// Note that the UrlTemplate attribute can be either an URL or a URI string with "{.page}"
// place holder specifying the page number position.
func (p *Page) GetUrl(page int) string {
return gstr.Replace(p.UrlTemplate, "{.page}", gconv.String(page))
// 获取链接地址
func (p *Page) GetLink(url, text, title, style string) string {
if len(style) > 0 {
style = fmt.Sprintf(`class="%s" `, style)
// GetLink returns the HTML link tag <a> content for given page number.
func (p *Page) GetLink(page int, text, title string) string {
if len(p.AjaxActionName) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a %shref='#' onclick="%s('%s')">%s</a>`, style, p.AjaxActionName, url, text)
return fmt.Sprintf(
`<a class="%s" href="javascript:%s('%s')" title="%s">%s</a>`,
p.LinkStyle, p.AjaxActionName, p.GetUrl(page), title, text,
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a %shref="%s" title="%s">%s</a>`, style, url, title, text)
return fmt.Sprintf(
`<a class="%s" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>`,
p.LinkStyle, p.GetUrl(page), title, text,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// Copyright 2019 gf Author(https://github.com/gogf/gf). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// go test *.go -bench=".*"
package gpage_test
import (
func Test_New(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(9, 2, 1, `/user/list?page={.page}`)
gtest.Assert(page.TotalSize, 9)
gtest.Assert(page.TotalPage, 5)
gtest.Assert(page.CurrentPage, 1)
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(9, 2, 0, `/user/list?page={.page}`)
gtest.Assert(page.TotalSize, 9)
gtest.Assert(page.TotalPage, 5)
gtest.Assert(page.CurrentPage, 1)
func Test_Basic(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(9, 2, 1, `/user/list?page={.page}`)
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=2" title="">></a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<span class="GPageSpan"><</span>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<span class="GPageSpan">|<</span>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=5" title="">>|</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<span class="GPageSpan">1</span><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=2" title="2">2</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=3" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=4" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=5" title="5">5</a>`)
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(9, 2, 3, `/user/list?page={.page}`)
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=4" title="">></a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=2" title=""><</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=1" title="">|<</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=5" title="">>|</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=1" title="1">1</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=2" title="2">2</a><span class="GPageSpan">3</span><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=4" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=5" title="5">5</a>`)
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(9, 2, 5, `/user/list?page={.page}`)
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<span class="GPageSpan">></span>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=4" title=""><</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=1" title="">|<</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<span class="GPageSpan">>|</span>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=1" title="1">1</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=2" title="2">2</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=3" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list?page=4" title="4">4</a><span class="GPageSpan">5</span>`)
func Test_CustomTag(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(5, 1, 2, `/user/list/{.page}`)
page.PrevPageTag = "《"
page.NextPageTag = "》"
page.FirstPageTag = "|《"
page.LastPageTag = "》|"
page.PrevBarTag = "《《"
page.NextBarTag = "》》"
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/3" title="">》</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title="">《</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title="">|《</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/5" title="">》|</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title="1">1</a><span class="GPageSpan">2</span><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/3" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/4" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="/user/list/5" title="5">5</a>`)
func Test_CustomStyle(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(5, 1, 2, `/user/list/{.page}`)
page.LinkStyle = "MyPageLink"
page.SpanStyle = "MyPageSpan"
page.SelectStyle = "MyPageSelect"
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/3" title="">></a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title=""><</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title="">|<</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/5" title="">>|</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/1" title="1">1</a><span class="MyPageSpan">2</span><a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/3" title="3">3</a><a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/4" title="4">4</a><a class="MyPageLink" href="/user/list/5" title="5">5</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.SelectBar(), `<select name="MyPageSelect" onchange="window.location.href=this.value"><option value="/user/list/1">1</option><option value="/user/list/2" selected>2</option><option value="/user/list/3">3</option><option value="/user/list/4">4</option><option value="/user/list/5">5</option></select>`)
func Test_Ajax(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(5, 1, 2, `/user/list/{.page}`)
page.AjaxActionName = "LoadPage"
gtest.Assert(page.NextPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="">></a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PrevPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title=""><</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.FirstPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">|<</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.LastPage(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="">>|</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.PageBar(), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="1">1</a><span class="GPageSpan">2</span><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/4')" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="5">5</a>`)
func Test_PredefinedContent(t *testing.T) {
gtest.Case(t, func() {
page := gpage.New(5, 1, 2, `/user/list/{.page}`)
page.AjaxActionName = "LoadPage"
gtest.Assert(page.GetContent(1), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">上一页</a> <span class="current">2</span> <a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="">下一页</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.GetContent(2), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">首页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title=""><<上一页</a><span class="current">[第2页]</span><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="">下一页>></a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="">尾页</a>第<select name="GPageSelect" onchange="window.location.href=this.value"><option value="/user/list/1">1</option><option value="/user/list/2" selected>2</option><option value="/user/list/3">3</option><option value="/user/list/4">4</option><option value="/user/list/5">5</option></select>页`)
gtest.Assert(page.GetContent(3), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">首页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">上一页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="1">1</a><span class="GPageSpan">2</span><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/4')" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="5">5</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="">下一页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="">尾页</a><span>当前页2/5</span> <span>共5条</span>`)
gtest.Assert(page.GetContent(4), `<a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">首页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="">上一页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/1')" title="1">1</a><span class="GPageSpan">2</span><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="3">3</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/4')" title="4">4</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="5">5</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/3')" title="">下一页</a><a class="GPageLink" href="javascript:LoadPage('/user/list/5')" title="">尾页</a>`)
gtest.Assert(page.GetContent(5), ``)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user