// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved. // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License. // If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file, // You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf. package gjson import ( "testing" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/test/gtest" ) func Test_checkDataType(t *testing.T) { gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { data := []byte(` bb = """ dig := dig; END;""" `) t.Assert(checkDataType(data), "toml") }) gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { data := []byte(` # 模板引擎目录 viewpath = "/home/www/templates/" # MySQL数据库配置 [redis] dd = 11 [redis] disk = ",0" cache = ",1" `) t.Assert(checkDataType(data), "toml") }) gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { data := []byte(` "gf.gvalid.rule.required" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-if" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-unless" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with-all" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without-all" = "The :attribute field is required" "gf.gvalid.rule.date" = "The :attribute value is not a valid date" "gf.gvalid.rule.date-format" = "The :attribute value does not match the format :format" "gf.gvalid.rule.email" = "The :attribute value must be a valid email address" "gf.gvalid.rule.phone" = "The :attribute value must be a valid phone number" "gf.gvalid.rule.telephone" = "The :attribute value must be a valid telephone number" "gf.gvalid.rule.passport" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format" "gf.gvalid.rule.password" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format" "gf.gvalid.rule.password2" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format" "gf.gvalid.rule.password3" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format" "gf.gvalid.rule.postcode" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format" "gf.gvalid.rule.resident-id" = "The :attribute value is not a valid resident id number" "gf.gvalid.rule.bank-card" = "The :attribute value must be a valid bank card number" "gf.gvalid.rule.qq" = "The :attribute value must be a valid QQ number" "gf.gvalid.rule.ip" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IP address" "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv4" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IPv4 address" "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv6" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IPv6 address" "gf.gvalid.rule.mac" = "The :attribute value must be a valid MAC address" "gf.gvalid.rule.url" = "The :attribute value must be a valid URL address" "gf.gvalid.rule.domain" = "The :attribute value must be a valid domain format" "gf.gvalid.rule.length" = "The :attribute value length must be between :min and :max" "gf.gvalid.rule.min-length" = "The :attribute value length must be equal or greater than :min" "gf.gvalid.rule.max-length" = "The :attribute value length must be equal or lesser than :max" "gf.gvalid.rule.between" = "The :attribute value must be between :min and :max" "gf.gvalid.rule.min" = "The :attribute value must be equal or greater than :min" "gf.gvalid.rule.max" = "The :attribute value must be equal or lesser than :max" "gf.gvalid.rule.json" = "The :attribute value must be a valid JSON string" "gf.gvalid.rule.xml" = "The :attribute value must be a valid XML string" "gf.gvalid.rule.array" = "The :attribute value must be an array" "gf.gvalid.rule.integer" = "The :attribute value must be an integer" "gf.gvalid.rule.float" = "The :attribute value must be a float" "gf.gvalid.rule.boolean" = "The :attribute value field must be true or false" "gf.gvalid.rule.same" = "The :attribute value must be the same as field :field" "gf.gvalid.rule.different" = "The :attribute value must be different from field :field" "gf.gvalid.rule.in" = "The :attribute value is not in acceptable range" "gf.gvalid.rule.not-in" = "The :attribute value is not in acceptable range" "gf.gvalid.rule.regex" = "The :attribute value is invalid" `) // fmt.Println(gregex.IsMatch(`^[\s\t\n\r]*[\w\-]+\s*:\s*".+"`, data)) // fmt.Println(gregex.IsMatch(`^[\s\t\n\r]*[\w\-]+\s*:\s*\w+`, data)) // fmt.Println(gregex.IsMatch(`[\s\t\n\r]+[\w\-]+\s*:\s*".+"`, data)) // fmt.Println(gregex.IsMatch(`[\n\r]+[\w\-\s\t]+\s*:\s*\w+`, data)) // fmt.Println(gregex.MatchString(`[\n\r]+[\w\-\s\t]+\s*:\s*\w+`, string(data))) t.Assert(checkDataType(data), "toml") }) gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { data := []byte(` [default] db.engine = mysql db.max.idle.conns = 5 db.max.open.conns = 100 allow_ips = api.key = api.secret = enable_tls = false concurrency.queue = 500 auth_secret = 63358e6f3daf0e5775ec3fb4d2516b01d41530bf30960aa76972f6ce7e08552f ca_file = cert_file = key_file = host_port = 8088 log_path = /Users/zhaosuji/go/src/git.medlinker.com/foundations/gocron/log #k8s-api地址(只提供内网访问) k8s-inner-api = conf_dir = ./config app_conf = ./config/app.ini `) t.Assert(checkDataType(data), "ini") }) gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { data := []byte(` # API Server [server] address = ":8199" # Jenkins [jenkins] url = "https://jenkins-swimlane.com" nodeJsStaticBuildCmdTpl = """ npm i --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org wget http://consul.infra:8500/v1/kv/app_{{.SwimlaneName}}/{{.RepoName}}/.env.qa?raw=true -O ./env.qa npm run build:qa """ `) t.Assert(checkDataType(data), "toml") }) }