// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved. // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License. // If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file, // You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf. // static service testing. package ghttp_test import ( "fmt" "testing" "time" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/frame/g" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/net/ghttp" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/net/gtcp" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/test/gtest" ) func Test_StatusHandler(t *testing.T) { gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { p, _ := gtcp.GetFreePort() s := g.Server(p) s.BindStatusHandlerByMap(map[int]ghttp.HandlerFunc{ 404: func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.WriteOver("404") }, 502: func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.WriteOver("502") }, }) s.BindHandler("/502", func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.WriteStatusExit(502) }) s.SetDumpRouterMap(false) s.SetPort(p) s.Start() defer s.Shutdown() time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) client := g.Client() client.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("", p)) t.Assert(client.GetContent(ctx, "/404"), "404") t.Assert(client.GetContent(ctx, "/502"), "502") }) } func Test_StatusHandler_Multi(t *testing.T) { gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) { p, _ := gtcp.GetFreePort() s := g.Server(p) s.BindStatusHandler(502, func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.WriteOver("1") }) s.BindStatusHandler(502, func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.Write("2") }) s.BindHandler("/502", func(r *ghttp.Request) { r.Response.WriteStatusExit(502) }) s.SetDumpRouterMap(false) s.SetPort(p) s.Start() defer s.Shutdown() time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) client := g.Client() client.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("", p)) t.Assert(client.GetContent(ctx, "/502"), "12") }) }