// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved. // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License. // If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file, // You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf. // // Note: // 1. It needs manually import: _ "github.com/mattn/go-oci8" // 2. It does not support Save/Replace features. // 3. It does not support LastInsertId. package gdb import ( "context" "database/sql" "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/gogf/gf/errors/gerror" "github.com/gogf/gf/internal/intlog" "github.com/gogf/gf/text/gregex" "github.com/gogf/gf/text/gstr" "github.com/gogf/gf/util/gconv" ) // DriverOracle is the driver for oracle database. type DriverOracle struct { *Core } // New creates and returns a database object for oracle. // It implements the interface of gdb.Driver for extra database driver installation. func (d *DriverOracle) New(core *Core, node *ConfigNode) (DB, error) { return &DriverOracle{ Core: core, }, nil } // Open creates and returns a underlying sql.DB object for oracle. func (d *DriverOracle) Open(config *ConfigNode) (*sql.DB, error) { var source string if config.Link != "" { source = config.Link } else { source = fmt.Sprintf( "%s/%s@%s:%s/%s", config.User, config.Pass, config.Host, config.Port, config.Name, ) } intlog.Printf(d.GetCtx(), "Open: %s", source) if db, err := sql.Open("oci8", source); err == nil { return db, nil } else { return nil, err } } // FilteredLink retrieves and returns filtered `linkInfo` that can be using for // logging or tracing purpose. func (d *DriverOracle) FilteredLink() string { linkInfo := d.GetConfig().Link if linkInfo == "" { return "" } s, _ := gregex.ReplaceString( `(.+?)\s*/\s*(.+)\s*@\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*/\s*(.+)`, `$1/xxx@$3:$4/$5`, linkInfo, ) return s } // GetChars returns the security char for this type of database. func (d *DriverOracle) GetChars() (charLeft string, charRight string) { return "\"", "\"" } // DoCommit deals with the sql string before commits it to underlying sql driver. func (d *DriverOracle) DoCommit(ctx context.Context, link Link, sql string, args []interface{}) (newSql string, newArgs []interface{}, err error) { defer func() { newSql, newArgs, err = d.Core.DoCommit(ctx, link, newSql, newArgs) }() var index int // Convert place holder char '?' to string ":vx". newSql, _ = gregex.ReplaceStringFunc("\\?", sql, func(s string) string { index++ return fmt.Sprintf(":v%d", index) }) newSql, _ = gregex.ReplaceString("\"", "", newSql) // Handle string datetime argument. for i, v := range args { if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() == reflect.String { valueStr := gconv.String(v) if gregex.IsMatchString(`^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$`, valueStr) { //args[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`TO_DATE('%s','yyyy-MM-dd HH:MI:SS')`, valueStr) args[i], _ = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", valueStr, time.Local) } } } newSql = d.parseSql(newSql) newArgs = args return } // parseSql does some replacement of the sql before commits it to underlying driver, // for support of oracle server. func (d *DriverOracle) parseSql(sql string) string { var ( patten = `^\s*(?i)(SELECT)|(LIMIT\s*(\d+)\s*,{0,1}\s*(\d*))` allMatch, _ = gregex.MatchAllString(patten, sql) ) if len(allMatch) == 0 { return sql } var ( index = 0 keyword = strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(allMatch[index][0])) ) index++ switch keyword { case "SELECT": if len(allMatch) < 2 || strings.HasPrefix(allMatch[index][0], "LIMIT") == false { break } if gregex.IsMatchString("((?i)SELECT)(.+)((?i)LIMIT)", sql) == false { break } queryExpr, _ := gregex.MatchString("((?i)SELECT)(.+)((?i)LIMIT)", sql) if len(queryExpr) != 4 || strings.EqualFold(queryExpr[1], "SELECT") == false || strings.EqualFold(queryExpr[3], "LIMIT") == false { break } first, limit := 0, 0 for i := 1; i < len(allMatch[index]); i++ { if len(strings.TrimSpace(allMatch[index][i])) == 0 { continue } if strings.HasPrefix(allMatch[index][i], "LIMIT") { if allMatch[index][i+2] != "" { first, _ = strconv.Atoi(allMatch[index][i+1]) limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(allMatch[index][i+2]) } else { limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(allMatch[index][i+1]) } break } } sql = fmt.Sprintf( "SELECT * FROM "+ "(SELECT GFORM.*, ROWNUM ROWNUM_ FROM (%s %s) GFORM WHERE ROWNUM <= %d)"+ " WHERE ROWNUM_ >= %d", queryExpr[1], queryExpr[2], limit, first, ) } return sql } // Tables retrieves and returns the tables of current schema. // It's mainly used in cli tool chain for automatically generating the models. // Note that it ignores the parameter `schema` in oracle database, as it is not necessary. func (d *DriverOracle) Tables(ctx context.Context, schema ...string) (tables []string, err error) { var result Result result, err = d.DoGetAll(ctx, nil, "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME") if err != nil { return } for _, m := range result { for _, v := range m { tables = append(tables, v.String()) } } return } // TableFields retrieves and returns the fields information of specified table of current schema. // // Also see DriverMysql.TableFields. func (d *DriverOracle) TableFields(ctx context.Context, table string, schema ...string) (fields map[string]*TableField, err error) { charL, charR := d.GetChars() table = gstr.Trim(table, charL+charR) if gstr.Contains(table, " ") { return nil, gerror.NewCode(gerror.CodeInvalidParameter, "function TableFields supports only single table operations") } useSchema := d.db.GetSchema() if len(schema) > 0 && schema[0] != "" { useSchema = schema[0] } tableFieldsCacheKey := fmt.Sprintf( `oracle_table_fields_%s_%s@group:%s`, table, useSchema, d.GetGroup(), ) v := tableFieldsMap.GetOrSetFuncLock(tableFieldsCacheKey, func() interface{} { var ( result Result link, err = d.SlaveLink(useSchema) structureSql = fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS FIELD, CASE DATA_TYPE WHEN 'NUMBER' THEN DATA_TYPE||'('||DATA_PRECISION||','||DATA_SCALE||')' WHEN 'FLOAT' THEN DATA_TYPE||'('||DATA_PRECISION||','||DATA_SCALE||')' ELSE DATA_TYPE||'('||DATA_LENGTH||')' END AS TYPE FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '%s' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID`, strings.ToUpper(table), ) ) if err != nil { return nil } structureSql, _ = gregex.ReplaceString(`[\n\r\s]+`, " ", gstr.Trim(structureSql)) result, err = d.DoGetAll(ctx, link, structureSql) if err != nil { return nil } fields = make(map[string]*TableField) for i, m := range result { fields[strings.ToLower(m["FIELD"].String())] = &TableField{ Index: i, Name: strings.ToLower(m["FIELD"].String()), Type: strings.ToLower(m["TYPE"].String()), } } return fields }) if v != nil { fields = v.(map[string]*TableField) } return } func (d *DriverOracle) getTableUniqueIndex(table string) (fields map[string]map[string]string, err error) { table = strings.ToUpper(table) v, _ := internalCache.GetOrSetFunc( "table_unique_index_"+table, func() (interface{}, error) { res := (Result)(nil) res, err = d.db.GetAll(fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT INDEX_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CHAR_LENGTH FROM USER_IND_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '%s' AND INDEX_NAME IN(SELECT INDEX_NAME FROM USER_INDEXES WHERE TABLE_NAME='%s' AND UNIQUENESS='UNIQUE') ORDER BY INDEX_NAME,COLUMN_POSITION`, table, table)) if err != nil { return nil, err } fields := make(map[string]map[string]string) for _, v := range res { mm := make(map[string]string) mm[v["COLUMN_NAME"].String()] = v["CHAR_LENGTH"].String() fields[v["INDEX_NAME"].String()] = mm } return fields, nil }, 0) if err == nil { fields = v.(map[string]map[string]string) } return } // DoInsert inserts or updates data for given table. // This function is usually used for custom interface definition, you do not need call it manually. // The parameter `data` can be type of map/gmap/struct/*struct/[]map/[]struct, etc. // Eg: // Data(g.Map{"uid": 10000, "name":"john"}) // Data(g.Slice{g.Map{"uid": 10000, "name":"john"}, g.Map{"uid": 20000, "name":"smith"}) // // The parameter `option` values are as follows: // 0: insert: just insert, if there's unique/primary key in the data, it returns error; // 1: replace: if there's unique/primary key in the data, it deletes it from table and inserts a new one; // 2: save: if there's unique/primary key in the data, it updates it or else inserts a new one; // 3: ignore: if there's unique/primary key in the data, it ignores the inserting; func (d *DriverOracle) DoInsert(ctx context.Context, link Link, table string, list List, option DoInsertOption) (result sql.Result, err error) { switch option.InsertOption { case insertOptionSave: return nil, gerror.NewCode(gerror.CodeNotSupported, `Save operation is not supported by mssql driver`) case insertOptionReplace: return nil, gerror.NewCode(gerror.CodeNotSupported, `Replace operation is not supported by mssql driver`) } var ( keys []string values []string params []interface{} ) // Retrieve the table fields and length. var ( listLength = len(list) valueHolder = make([]string, 0) ) for k, _ := range list[0] { keys = append(keys, k) valueHolder = append(valueHolder, "?") } var ( batchResult = new(SqlResult) charL, charR = d.db.GetChars() keyStr = charL + strings.Join(keys, charL+","+charR) + charR valueHolderStr = strings.Join(valueHolder, ",") ) // Format "INSERT...INTO..." statement. intoStr := make([]string, 0) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { for _, k := range keys { params = append(params, list[i][k]) } values = append(values, valueHolderStr) intoStr = append(intoStr, fmt.Sprintf("INTO %s(%s) VALUES(%s)", table, keyStr, valueHolderStr)) if len(intoStr) == option.BatchCount || (i == listLength-1 && len(valueHolder) > 0) { r, err := d.DoExec(ctx, link, fmt.Sprintf( "INSERT ALL %s SELECT * FROM DUAL", strings.Join(intoStr, " "), ), params...) if err != nil { return r, err } if n, err := r.RowsAffected(); err != nil { return r, err } else { batchResult.result = r batchResult.affected += n } params = params[:0] intoStr = intoStr[:0] } } return batchResult, nil }