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// Copyright 2018 gf Author(https://github.com/gogf/gf). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// 默认按照从小到大进行排序
type SortedIntArray struct {
mu *rwmutex.RWMutex // 互斥锁
array []int // 底层数组
unique *gtype.Bool // 是否要求不能重复(默认false)
compareFunc func(v1, v2 int) int // 比较函数,返回值 -1: v1 < v2;0: v1 == v2;1: v1 > v2
// Create an empty sorted array.
// The param <unsafe> used to specify whether using array with un-concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default, means concurrent-safe in default.
// 创建一个空的排序数组对象,参数unsafe用于指定是否用于非并发安全场景,默认为false,表示并发安全。
func NewSortedIntArray(unsafe...bool) *SortedIntArray {
return NewSortedIntArraySize(0, unsafe...)
// Create a sorted array with given size and cap.
// The param <unsafe> used to specify whether using array with un-concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default, means concurrent-safe in default.
// 创建一个指定大小的排序数组对象,参数unsafe用于指定是否用于非并发安全场景,默认为false,表示并发安全。
func NewSortedIntArraySize(cap int, unsafe...bool) *SortedIntArray {
return &SortedIntArray {
mu : rwmutex.New(unsafe...),
array : make([]int, 0, cap),
unique : gtype.NewBool(),
compareFunc : func(v1, v2 int) int {
if v1 < v2 {
return -1
if v1 > v2 {
return 1
return 0
// Create an array with given slice <array>.
// The param <unsafe> used to specify whether using array with un-concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default, means concurrent-safe in default.
// 通过给定的slice变量创建排序数组对象,参数unsafe用于指定是否用于非并发安全场景,默认为false,表示并发安全。
func NewSortedIntArrayFrom(array []int, unsafe...bool) *SortedIntArray {
a := NewSortedIntArraySize(0, unsafe...)
a.array = array
return a
// Create an array from a copy of given slice <array>.
// The param <unsafe> used to specify whether using array with un-concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default, means concurrent-safe in default.
// 通过给定的slice拷贝创建数组对象,参数unsafe用于指定是否用于非并发安全场景,默认为false,表示并发安全。
func NewSortedIntArrayFromCopy(array []int, unsafe...bool) *SortedIntArray {
newArray := make([]int, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return &SortedIntArray{
mu : rwmutex.New(unsafe...),
array : newArray,
// Set the underlying slice array with the given <array> param.
// 设置底层数组变量.
func (a *SortedIntArray) SetArray(array []int) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
return a
// Sort the array in increasing order.
// 将数组排序(默认从低到高).
func (a *SortedIntArray) Sort() *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// And values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
// 添加数据项.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Add(values...int) *SortedIntArray {
if len(values) == 0 {
return a
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
index, cmp := a.binSearch(value, false)
if a.unique.Val() && cmp == 0 {
if index < 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
// 加到指定索引后面
if cmp > 0 {
rear := append([]int{}, a.array[index : ]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0 : index], value)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return a
// Get value by index.
// 获取指定索引的数据项, 调用方注意判断数组边界。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Get(index int) int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
value := a.array[index]
return value
// Remove an item by index.
// 删除指定索引的数据项, 调用方注意判断数组边界。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Remove(index int) int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
// 边界删除判断,以提高删除效率
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1 : ]
return value
} else if index == len(a.array) - 1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[: index]
return value
// 如果非边界删除,会涉及到数组创建,那么删除的效率差一些
value := a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[ : index], a.array[index + 1 : ]...)
return value
// Push new items to the beginning of array.
// 将数据项添加到数组的最左端(索引为0)。
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopLeft() int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1 : ]
return value
// Push new items to the end of array.
// 将数据项添加到数组的最右端(索引为length - 1)。
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRight() int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[: index]
return value
// PopRand picks an random item out of array.
// 随机将一个数据项移出数组,并返回该数据项。
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRand() int {
return a.Remove(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands picks <size> items out of array.
// 随机将size个数据项移出数组,并返回该数据项。
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
index := grand.Intn(len(a.array))
array[i] = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[ : index], a.array[index + 1 : ]...)
return array
// Pop <size> items from the beginning of array.
// 将最左端(首部)的size个数据项移出数组,并返回该数据项
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopLefts(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
length := len(a.array)
if size > length {
size = length
value := a.array[0 : size]
a.array = a.array[size : ]
return value
// Pop <size> items from the end of array.
// 将最右端(尾部)的size个数据项移出数组,并返回该数据项
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRights(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - size
if index < 0 {
index = 0
value := a.array[index :]
a.array = a.array[ : index]
return value
// Get items by range, returns array[start:end].
// Be aware that, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// 将最右端(尾部)的size个数据项移出数组,并返回该数据项
func (a *SortedIntArray) Range(start, end int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
if start > length || start > end {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if end > length {
end = length
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]int, end - start)
copy(array, a.array[start : end])
} else {
array = a.array[start : end]
return array
// Get the length of array.
// 数组长度。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Calculate the sum of values in an array.
// 对数组中的元素项求和。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += v
// Get the underlying data of array.
// Be aware that, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// 返回原始数据数组.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Slice() []int {
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Check whether a value exists in the array.
// 查找指定数值是否存在。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Contains(value int) bool {
return a.Search(value) == 0
// Search array by <value>, returns the index of <value>, returns -1 if not exists.
// 查找指定数值的索引位置,返回索引位置,如果查找不到则返回-1。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Search(value int) (index int) {
index, _ = a.binSearch(value, true)
// Binary search.
// 二分查找.
func (a *SortedIntArray) binSearch(value int, lock bool) (index int, result int) {
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1, -2
if lock {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
min := 0
max := len(a.array) - 1
mid := 0
cmp := -2
for min <= max {
mid = int((min + max) / 2)
cmp = a.compareFunc(value, a.array[mid])
switch {
case cmp < 0 : max = mid - 1
case cmp > 0 : min = mid + 1
default :
return mid, cmp
return mid, cmp
// Set unique mark to the array,
// which means it does not contain any repeated items.
// It also do unique check, remove all repeated items.
// 设置是否允许数组唯一.
func (a *SortedIntArray) SetUnique(unique bool) *SortedIntArray {
oldUnique := a.unique.Val()
if unique && oldUnique != unique {
return a
// Do unique check, remove all repeated items.
// 清理数组中重复的元素项.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Unique() *SortedIntArray {
i := 0
for {
if i == len(a.array) - 1 {
if a.compareFunc(a.array[i], a.array[i + 1]) == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[ : i + 1], a.array[i + 1 + 1 : ]...)
} else {
return a
// Return a new array, which is a copy of current array.
// 克隆当前数组,返回当前数组的一个拷贝。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Clone() (newArray *SortedIntArray) {
array := make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewSortedIntArrayFrom(array, !a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear array.
// 清空数据数组。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Clear() *SortedIntArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]int, 0)
return a
// Lock writing by callback function f.
// 使用自定义方法执行加锁修改操作。
func (a *SortedIntArray) LockFunc(f func(array []int)) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// Lock reading by callback function f.
// 使用自定义方法执行加锁读取操作。
func (a *SortedIntArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []int)) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge two arrays. The parameter <array> can be any garray type or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Add is Add supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more variable types.
// 合并两个数组, 支持任意的garray数组类型及slice类型.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Merge(array interface{}) *SortedIntArray {
switch v := array.(type) {
case *Array: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
case *IntArray: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
case *StringArray: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
case *SortedArray: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
case *SortedIntArray: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
case *SortedStringArray: a.Add(gconv.Ints(v.Slice())...)
return a
// Chunks an array into arrays with size elements.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
// 将一个数组分割成多个数组,其中每个数组的单元数目由size决定。最后一个数组的单元数目可能会少于size个。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Chunk(size int) [][]int {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]int
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size : end])
return n
// Extract a slice of the array(If in concurrent safe usage,
// it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer).
// It returns the sequence of elements from the array array as specified
// by the offset and length parameters.
// 返回根据offset和size参数所指定的数组中的一段序列。
func (a *SortedIntArray) SubSlice(offset, size int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset + size > len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]int, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:]
// Rand gets one random entry from array.
// 从数组中随机获得1个元素项(不删除)。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Rand() int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
// Rands gets one or more random entries from array(a copy).
// 从数组中随机拷贝size个元素项,构成slice返回。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Rands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size > len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
n := make([]int, size)
for i, v := range grand.Perm(len(a.array)) {
n[i] = a.array[v]
if i == size - 1 {
return n
// Join array elements with a string.
// 使用glue字符串串连当前数组的元素项,构造成新的字符串返回。
func (a *SortedIntArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array) - 1 {
return buffer.String()
} |