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// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package glog_test
import (
func TestCase(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.AssertNE(glog.Instance(), nil)
func TestDefaultLogger(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.AssertNE(defaultLog, nil)
log := glog.New()
t.AssertEQ(glog.DefaultLogger(), defaultLog)
t.AssertEQ(glog.Expose(), defaultLog)
func TestAPI(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.Print(ctx, "Print")
glog.Printf(ctx, "%s", "Printf")
glog.Info(ctx, "Info")
glog.Infof(ctx, "%s", "Infof")
glog.Debug(ctx, "Debug")
glog.Debugf(ctx, "%s", "Debugf")
glog.Notice(ctx, "Notice")
glog.Noticef(ctx, "%s", "Noticef")
glog.Warning(ctx, "Warning")
glog.Warningf(ctx, "%s", "Warningf")
glog.Error(ctx, "Error")
glog.Errorf(ctx, "%s", "Errorf")
glog.Critical(ctx, "Critical")
glog.Criticalf(ctx, "%s", "Criticalf")
func TestChaining(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.AssertNE(glog.Cat("module"), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.File("test.log"), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Level(glog.LEVEL_ALL), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.LevelStr("all"), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Skip(1), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Stack(false), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.StackWithFilter("none"), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Stdout(false), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Header(false), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Line(false), nil)
t.AssertNE(glog.Async(false), nil)
func Test_SetFile(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_SetTimeFormat(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
l := glog.NewWithWriter(w)
l.Debug(ctx, "test")
t.AssertGE(len(strings.Split(w.String(), "[DEBU]")), 1)
datetime := strings.Trim(strings.Split(w.String(), "[DEBU]")[0], " ")
_, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00", datetime)
_, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000", datetime)
t.AssertNE(err, nil)
_, err = time.Parse("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700", datetime)
t.AssertNE(err, nil)
func Test_SetLevel(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.GetLevel()&glog.LEVEL_ALL, glog.LEVEL_ALL)
func Test_SetAsync(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_SetStdoutPrint(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_SetHeaderPrint(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_SetPrefix(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_SetConfigWithMap(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
"level": "all",
}), nil)
func Test_SetPath(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.SetPath("/var/log"), nil)
t.Assert(glog.GetPath(), "/var/log")
func Test_SetWriter(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.GetWriter(), os.Stdout)
func Test_SetFlags(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.GetFlags(), glog.F_ASYNC)
func Test_SetCtxKeys(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.SetCtxKeys("SpanId", "TraceId")
t.Assert(glog.GetCtxKeys(), []string{"SpanId", "TraceId"})
func Test_PrintStack(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.PrintStack(ctx, 1)
func Test_SetStack(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.GetStack(1), "")
func Test_SetLevelStr(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.Assert(glog.SetLevelStr("all"), nil)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
t.AssertNE(l.SetLevelStr("test"), nil)
func Test_SetLevelPrefix(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.SetLevelPrefix(glog.LEVEL_ALL, "LevelPrefix")
t.Assert(glog.GetLevelPrefix(glog.LEVEL_ALL), "LevelPrefix")
func Test_SetLevelPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.LEVEL_ALL: "ALL_Prefix",
func Test_SetHandlers(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
glog.SetHandlers(func(ctx context.Context, in *glog.HandlerInput) {
func Test_SetWriterColorEnable(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
func Test_Instance(t *testing.T) {
defaultLog := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
defer glog.SetDefaultLogger(defaultLog)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
t.AssertNE(glog.Instance("gf"), nil)
func Test_GetConfig(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
config := glog.DefaultLogger().GetConfig()
t.Assert(config.Path, "")
t.Assert(config.StdoutPrint, true)
func Test_Write(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
len, err := l.Write([]byte("GoFrame"))
t.Assert(len, 7)
func Test_Chaining_To(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
logTo := l.To(os.Stdout)
t.AssertNE(logTo, nil)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logTo := l.To(os.Stdout)
t.AssertNE(logTo, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Path(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.DefaultLogger().Clone()
logPath := l.Path("./")
t.AssertNE(logPath, nil)
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logPath := l.Path("./")
t.AssertNE(logPath, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Cat(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logCat := l.Cat(".gf")
t.AssertNE(logCat, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Level(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logLevel := l.Level(glog.LEVEL_ALL)
t.AssertNE(logLevel, nil)
func Test_Chaining_LevelStr(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logLevelStr := l.LevelStr("all")
t.AssertNE(logLevelStr, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Skip(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logSkip := l.Skip(1)
t.AssertNE(logSkip, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Stack(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logStack := l.Stack(true)
t.AssertNE(logStack, nil)
func Test_Chaining_StackWithFilter(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logStackWithFilter := l.StackWithFilter("gtest")
t.AssertNE(logStackWithFilter, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Stdout(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logStdout := l.Stdout(true)
t.AssertNE(logStdout, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Header(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logHeader := l.Header(true)
t.AssertNE(logHeader, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Line(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logLine := l.Line(true)
t.AssertNE(logLine, nil)
func Test_Chaining_Async(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
logAsync := l.Async(true)
t.AssertNE(logAsync, nil)
func Test_Config_SetDebug(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
func Test_Config_AppendCtxKeys(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
l.AppendCtxKeys("Trace-Id", "Span-Id", "Test")
l.AppendCtxKeys("Trace-Id-New", "Span-Id-New", "Test")
func Test_Config_SetPath(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
t.AssertNE(l.SetPath(""), nil)
func Test_Config_SetStdoutColorDisabled(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
l := glog.New()
func Test_Ctx(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
l := glog.NewWithWriter(w)
l.SetCtxKeys("Trace-Id", "Span-Id", "Test")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "Trace-Id", "1234567890")
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "Span-Id", "abcdefg")
l.Print(ctx, 1, 2, 3)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "1234567890"), 1)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "abcdefg"), 1)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "1 2 3"), 1)
func Test_Ctx_Config(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
l := glog.NewWithWriter(w)
m := map[string]interface{}{
"CtxKeys": g.SliceStr{"Trace-Id", "Span-Id", "Test"},
var nilMap map[string]interface{}
err := l.SetConfigWithMap(m)
err = l.SetConfigWithMap(nilMap)
t.AssertNE(err, nil)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "Trace-Id", "1234567890")
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "Span-Id", "abcdefg")
l.Print(ctx, 1, 2, 3)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "1234567890"), 1)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "abcdefg"), 1)
t.Assert(gstr.Count(w.String(), "1 2 3"), 1)
func Test_Concurrent(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
c := 1000
l := glog.New()
s := "@1234567890#"
f := "test.log"
p := gfile.Temp(gtime.TimestampNanoStr())
t.Assert(l.SetPath(p), nil)
defer gfile.Remove(p)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
ch := make(chan struct{})
for i := 0; i < c; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
l.File(f).Stdout(false).Print(ctx, s)
content := gfile.GetContents(gfile.Join(p, f))
t.Assert(gstr.Count(content, s), c)