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// Copyright 2019 gf Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package gsession
import (
// StorageFile implements the Session Storage interface with file system.
type StorageFile struct {
path string
cryptoKey []byte
cryptoEnabled bool
updatingIdSet *gset.StrSet
var (
DefaultStorageFilePath = gfile.Join(gfile.TempDir(), "gsessions")
DefaultStorageFileCryptoKey = []byte("Session storage file crypto key!")
DefaultStorageFileCryptoEnabled = false
DefaultStorageFileLoopInterval = 10 * time.Second
func init() {
tmpPath := "/tmp"
if gfile.Exists(tmpPath) && gfile.IsWritable(tmpPath) {
DefaultStorageFilePath = gfile.Join(tmpPath, "gsessions")
// NewStorageFile creates and returns a file storage object for session.
func NewStorageFile(path ...string) *StorageFile {
storagePath := DefaultStorageFilePath
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] != "" {
storagePath, _ = gfile.Search(path[0])
if storagePath == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' does not exist", path[0]))
if !gfile.IsWritable(storagePath) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' is not writable", path[0]))
if storagePath != "" {
if err := gfile.Mkdir(storagePath); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir '%s' failed: %v", path[0], err))
s := &StorageFile{
path: storagePath,
cryptoKey: DefaultStorageFileCryptoKey,
cryptoEnabled: DefaultStorageFileCryptoEnabled,
updatingIdSet: gset.NewStrSet(true),
// Batch updates the TTL for session ids timely.
gtimer.AddSingleton(DefaultStorageFileLoopInterval, func() {
//intlog.Print("StorageFile.timer start")
var id string
var err error
for {
if id = s.updatingIdSet.Pop(); id == "" {
if err = s.doUpdateTTL(id); err != nil {
//intlog.Print("StorageFile.timer end")
return s
// SetCryptoKey sets the crypto key for session storage.
// The crypto key is used when crypto feature is enabled.
func (s *StorageFile) SetCryptoKey(key []byte) {
s.cryptoKey = key
// SetCryptoEnabled enables/disables the crypto feature for session storage.
func (s *StorageFile) SetCryptoEnabled(enabled bool) {
s.cryptoEnabled = enabled
// sessionFilePath returns the storage file path for given session id.
func (s *StorageFile) sessionFilePath(id string) string {
return gfile.Join(s.path, id)
// New creates a session id.
// This function can be used for custom session creation.
func (s *StorageFile) New(ttl time.Duration) (id string) {
return ""
// Get retrieves session value with given key.
// It returns nil if the key does not exist in the session.
func (s *StorageFile) Get(id string, key string) interface{} {
return nil
// GetMap retrieves all key-value pairs as map from storage.
func (s *StorageFile) GetMap(id string) map[string]interface{} {
return nil
// GetSize retrieves the size of key-value pairs from storage.
func (s *StorageFile) GetSize(id string) int {
return -1
// Set sets key-value session pair to the storage.
// The parameter <ttl> specifies the TTL for the session id (not for the key-value pair).
func (s *StorageFile) Set(id string, key string, value interface{}, ttl time.Duration) error {
return ErrorDisabled
// SetMap batch sets key-value session pairs with map to the storage.
// The parameter <ttl> specifies the TTL for the session id(not for the key-value pair).
func (s *StorageFile) SetMap(id string, data map[string]interface{}, ttl time.Duration) error {
return ErrorDisabled
// Remove deletes key with its value from storage.
func (s *StorageFile) Remove(id string, key string) error {
return ErrorDisabled
// RemoveAll deletes all key-value pairs from storage.
func (s *StorageFile) RemoveAll(id string) error {
return ErrorDisabled
// GetSession returns the session data as *gmap.StrAnyMap for given session id from storage.
// The parameter <ttl> specifies the TTL for this session, and it returns nil if the TTL is exceeded.
// The parameter <data> is the current old session data stored in memory,
// and for some storage it might be nil if memory storage is disabled.
// This function is called ever when session starts.
func (s *StorageFile) GetSession(id string, ttl time.Duration, data *gmap.StrAnyMap) (*gmap.StrAnyMap, error) {
if data != nil {
return data, nil
intlog.Printf("StorageFile.GetSession: %s, %v", id, ttl)
path := s.sessionFilePath(id)
content := gfile.GetBytes(path)
if len(content) > 8 {
timestampMilli := gbinary.DecodeToInt64(content[:8])
if timestampMilli+ttl.Nanoseconds()/1e6 < gtime.TimestampMilli() {
return nil, nil
var err error
content = content[8:]
// Decrypt with AES.
if s.cryptoEnabled {
content, err = gaes.Decrypt(content, DefaultStorageFileCryptoKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var m map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(content, &m); err != nil {
return nil, err
if m == nil {
return nil, nil
return gmap.NewStrAnyMapFrom(m, true), nil
return nil, nil
// SetSession updates the data map for specified session id.
// This function is called ever after session, which is changed dirty, is closed.
// This copy all session data map from memory to storage.
func (s *StorageFile) SetSession(id string, data *gmap.StrAnyMap, ttl time.Duration) error {
intlog.Printf("StorageFile.SetSession: %s, %v, %v", id, data, ttl)
path := s.sessionFilePath(id)
content, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Encrypt with AES.
if s.cryptoEnabled {
content, err = gaes.Encrypt(content, DefaultStorageFileCryptoKey)
if err != nil {
return err
file, err := gfile.OpenWithFlag(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
if _, err = file.Write(gbinary.EncodeInt64(gtime.TimestampMilli())); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = file.Write(content); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateTTL updates the TTL for specified session id.
// This function is called ever after session, which is not dirty, is closed.
// It just adds the session id to the async handling queue.
func (s *StorageFile) UpdateTTL(id string, ttl time.Duration) error {
intlog.Printf("StorageFile.UpdateTTL: %s, %v", id, ttl)
if ttl >= DefaultStorageRedisLoopInterval {
return nil
// doUpdateTTL updates the TTL for session id.
func (s *StorageFile) doUpdateTTL(id string) error {
intlog.Printf("StorageFile.doUpdateTTL: %s", id)
path := s.sessionFilePath(id)
file, err := gfile.OpenWithFlag(path, os.O_WRONLY)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err = file.WriteAt(gbinary.EncodeInt64(gtime.TimestampMilli()), 0); err != nil {
return err
return file.Close()