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// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gdb
import (
// Where sets the condition statement for the model. The parameter `where` can be type of
// string/map/gmap/slice/struct/*struct, etc. Note that, if it's called more than one times,
// multiple conditions will be joined into where statement using "AND".
// Eg:
// Where("uid=10000")
// Where("uid", 10000)
// Where("money>? AND name like ?", 99999, "vip_%")
// Where("uid", 1).Where("name", "john")
// Where("status IN (?)", g.Slice{1,2,3})
// Where("age IN(?,?)", 18, 50)
// Where(User{ Id : 1, UserName : "john"})
func (m *Model) Where(where interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
if model.whereHolder == nil {
model.whereHolder = make([]*whereHolder, 0)
model.whereHolder = append(model.whereHolder, &whereHolder{
operator: whereHolderWhere,
where: where,
args: args,
return model
// Having sets the having statement for the model.
// The parameters of this function usage are as the same as function Where.
// See Where.
func (m *Model) Having(having interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.having = []interface{}{
having, args,
return model
// WherePri does the same logic as Model.Where except that if the parameter `where`
// is a single condition like int/string/float/slice, it treats the condition as the primary
// key value. That is, if primary key is "id" and given `where` parameter as "123", the
// WherePri function treats the condition as "id=123", but Model.Where treats the condition
// as string "123".
func (m *Model) WherePri(where interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
if len(args) > 0 {
return m.Where(where, args...)
newWhere := GetPrimaryKeyCondition(m.getPrimaryKey(), where)
return m.Where(newWhere[0], newWhere[1:]...)
// Wheref builds condition string using fmt.Sprintf and arguments.
// Note that if the number of `args` is more than the place holder in `format`,
// the extra `args` will be used as the where condition arguments of the Model.
func (m *Model) Wheref(format string, args ...interface{}) *Model {
var (
placeHolderCount = gstr.Count(format, "?")
conditionStr = fmt.Sprintf(format, args[:len(args)-placeHolderCount]...)
return m.Where(conditionStr, args[len(args)-placeHolderCount:]...)
// WhereLT builds `column < value` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereLT(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s < ?`, column, value)
// WhereLTE builds `column <= value` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereLTE(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s <= ?`, column, value)
// WhereGT builds `column > value` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereGT(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s > ?`, column, value)
// WhereGTE builds `column >= value` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereGTE(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s >= ?`, column, value)
// WhereBetween builds `column BETWEEN min AND max` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereBetween(column string, min, max interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s BETWEEN ? AND ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), min, max)
// WhereLike builds `column LIKE like` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereLike(column string, like interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s LIKE ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), like)
// WhereIn builds `column IN (in)` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereIn(column string, in interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s IN (?)`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), in)
// WhereNull builds `columns[0] IS NULL AND columns[1] IS NULL ...` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNull(columns ...string) *Model {
model := m
for _, column := range columns {
model = m.Wheref(`%s IS NULL`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column))
return model
// WhereNotBetween builds `column NOT BETWEEN min AND max` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNotBetween(column string, min, max interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), min, max)
// WhereNotLike builds `column NOT LIKE like` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNotLike(column string, like interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s NOT LIKE ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), like)
// WhereNot builds `column != value` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNot(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s != ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), value)
// WhereNotIn builds `column NOT IN (in)` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNotIn(column string, in interface{}) *Model {
return m.Wheref(`%s NOT IN (?)`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), in)
// WhereNotNull builds `columns[0] IS NOT NULL AND columns[1] IS NOT NULL ...` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereNotNull(columns ...string) *Model {
model := m
for _, column := range columns {
model = m.Wheref(`%s IS NOT NULL`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column))
return model
// WhereOr adds "OR" condition to the where statement.
func (m *Model) WhereOr(where interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
if model.whereHolder == nil {
model.whereHolder = make([]*whereHolder, 0)
model.whereHolder = append(model.whereHolder, &whereHolder{
operator: whereHolderOr,
where: where,
args: args,
return model
// WhereOrf builds `OR` condition string using fmt.Sprintf and arguments.
func (m *Model) WhereOrf(format string, args ...interface{}) *Model {
var (
placeHolderCount = gstr.Count(format, "?")
conditionStr = fmt.Sprintf(format, args[:len(args)-placeHolderCount]...)
return m.WhereOr(conditionStr, args[len(args)-placeHolderCount:]...)
// WhereOrLT builds `column < value` statement in `OR` conditions..
func (m *Model) WhereOrLT(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s < ?`, column, value)
// WhereOrLTE builds `column <= value` statement in `OR` conditions..
func (m *Model) WhereOrLTE(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s <= ?`, column, value)
// WhereOrGT builds `column > value` statement in `OR` conditions..
func (m *Model) WhereOrGT(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s > ?`, column, value)
// WhereOrGTE builds `column >= value` statement in `OR` conditions..
func (m *Model) WhereOrGTE(column string, value interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s >= ?`, column, value)
// WhereOrBetween builds `column BETWEEN min AND max` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrBetween(column string, min, max interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s BETWEEN ? AND ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), min, max)
// WhereOrLike builds `column LIKE like` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrLike(column string, like interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s LIKE ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), like)
// WhereOrIn builds `column IN (in)` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrIn(column string, in interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s IN (?)`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), in)
// WhereOrNull builds `columns[0] IS NULL OR columns[1] IS NULL ...` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrNull(columns ...string) *Model {
model := m
for _, column := range columns {
model = m.WhereOrf(`%s IS NULL`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column))
return model
// WhereOrNotBetween builds `column NOT BETWEEN min AND max` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrNotBetween(column string, min, max interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), min, max)
// WhereOrNotLike builds `column NOT LIKE like` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrNotLike(column string, like interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s NOT LIKE ?`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), like)
// WhereOrNotIn builds `column NOT IN (in)` statement.
func (m *Model) WhereOrNotIn(column string, in interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOrf(`%s NOT IN (?)`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column), in)
// WhereOrNotNull builds `columns[0] IS NOT NULL OR columns[1] IS NOT NULL ...` statement in `OR` conditions.
func (m *Model) WhereOrNotNull(columns ...string) *Model {
model := m
for _, column := range columns {
model = m.WhereOrf(`%s IS NOT NULL`, m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column))
return model
// Group sets the "GROUP BY" statement for the model.
func (m *Model) Group(groupBy string) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.groupBy = m.db.GetCore().QuoteString(groupBy)
return model
// And adds "AND" condition to the where statement.
// Deprecated, use Where instead.
func (m *Model) And(where interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
if model.whereHolder == nil {
model.whereHolder = make([]*whereHolder, 0)
model.whereHolder = append(model.whereHolder, &whereHolder{
operator: whereHolderAnd,
where: where,
args: args,
return model
// Or adds "OR" condition to the where statement.
// Deprecated, use WhereOr instead.
func (m *Model) Or(where interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Model {
return m.WhereOr(where, args...)
// GroupBy is alias of Model.Group.
// See Model.Group.
// Deprecated, use Group instead.
func (m *Model) GroupBy(groupBy string) *Model {
return m.Group(groupBy)
// Order sets the "ORDER BY" statement for the model.
func (m *Model) Order(orderBy ...string) *Model {
if len(orderBy) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if model.orderBy != "" {
model.orderBy += ","
model.orderBy = m.db.GetCore().QuoteString(strings.Join(orderBy, " "))
return model
// OrderAsc sets the "ORDER BY xxx ASC" statement for the model.
func (m *Model) OrderAsc(column string) *Model {
if len(column) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if model.orderBy != "" {
model.orderBy += ","
model.orderBy = m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column) + " ASC"
return model
// OrderDesc sets the "ORDER BY xxx DESC" statement for the model.
func (m *Model) OrderDesc(column string) *Model {
if len(column) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if model.orderBy != "" {
model.orderBy += ","
model.orderBy = m.db.GetCore().QuoteWord(column) + " DESC"
return model
// OrderRandom sets the "ORDER BY RANDOM()" statement for the model.
func (m *Model) OrderRandom() *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.orderBy = "RAND()"
return model
// OrderBy is alias of Model.Order.
// See Model.Order.
// Deprecated, use Order instead.
func (m *Model) OrderBy(orderBy string) *Model {
return m.Order(orderBy)
// Limit sets the "LIMIT" statement for the model.
// The parameter `limit` can be either one or two number, if passed two number is passed,
// it then sets "LIMIT limit[0],limit[1]" statement for the model, or else it sets "LIMIT limit[0]"
// statement.
func (m *Model) Limit(limit ...int) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
switch len(limit) {
case 1:
model.limit = limit[0]
case 2:
model.start = limit[0]
model.limit = limit[1]
return model
// Offset sets the "OFFSET" statement for the model.
// It only makes sense for some databases like SQLServer, PostgreSQL, etc.
func (m *Model) Offset(offset int) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.offset = offset
return model
// Distinct forces the query to only return distinct results.
func (m *Model) Distinct() *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.distinct = "DISTINCT "
return model
// Page sets the paging number for the model.
// The parameter `page` is started from 1 for paging.
// Note that, it differs that the Limit function starts from 0 for "LIMIT" statement.
func (m *Model) Page(page, limit int) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
model.start = (page - 1) * limit
model.limit = limit
return model
// ForPage is alias of Model.Page.
// See Model.Page.
// Deprecated, use Page instead.
func (m *Model) ForPage(page, limit int) *Model {
return m.Page(page, limit)
// formatCondition formats where arguments of the model and returns a new condition sql and its arguments.
// Note that this function does not change any attribute value of the `m`.
// The parameter `limit1` specifies whether limits querying only one record if m.limit is not set.
func (m *Model) formatCondition(limit1 bool, isCountStatement bool) (conditionWhere string, conditionExtra string, conditionArgs []interface{}) {
if len(m.whereHolder) > 0 {
for _, v := range m.whereHolder {
switch v.operator {
case whereHolderWhere:
if conditionWhere == "" {
newWhere, newArgs := formatWhere(
m.db, v.where, v.args, m.option&OptionOmitEmpty > 0, m.schema, m.tables,
if len(newWhere) > 0 {
conditionWhere = newWhere
conditionArgs = newArgs
case whereHolderAnd:
newWhere, newArgs := formatWhere(
m.db, v.where, v.args, m.option&OptionOmitEmpty > 0, m.schema, m.tables,
if len(newWhere) > 0 {
if len(conditionWhere) == 0 {
conditionWhere = newWhere
} else if conditionWhere[0] == '(' {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(`%s AND (%s)`, conditionWhere, newWhere)
} else {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(`(%s) AND (%s)`, conditionWhere, newWhere)
conditionArgs = append(conditionArgs, newArgs...)
case whereHolderOr:
newWhere, newArgs := formatWhere(
m.db, v.where, v.args, m.option&OptionOmitEmpty > 0, m.schema, m.tables,
if len(newWhere) > 0 {
if len(conditionWhere) == 0 {
conditionWhere = newWhere
} else if conditionWhere[0] == '(' {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(`%s OR (%s)`, conditionWhere, newWhere)
} else {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(`(%s) OR (%s)`, conditionWhere, newWhere)
conditionArgs = append(conditionArgs, newArgs...)
// Soft deletion.
softDeletingCondition := m.getConditionForSoftDeleting()
if m.rawSql != "" && conditionWhere != "" {
if gstr.ContainsI(m.rawSql, " WHERE ") {
conditionWhere = " AND " + conditionWhere
} else {
conditionWhere = " WHERE " + conditionWhere
} else if !m.unscoped && softDeletingCondition != "" {
if conditionWhere == "" {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(` WHERE %s`, softDeletingCondition)
} else {
conditionWhere = fmt.Sprintf(` WHERE (%s) AND %s`, conditionWhere, softDeletingCondition)
} else {
if conditionWhere != "" {
conditionWhere = " WHERE " + conditionWhere
if m.groupBy != "" {
conditionExtra += " GROUP BY " + m.groupBy
if len(m.having) > 0 {
havingStr, havingArgs := formatWhere(
m.db, m.having[0], gconv.Interfaces(m.having[1]), m.option&OptionOmitEmpty > 0, m.schema, m.tables,
if len(havingStr) > 0 {
conditionExtra += " HAVING " + havingStr
conditionArgs = append(conditionArgs, havingArgs...)
if m.orderBy != "" {
conditionExtra += " ORDER BY " + m.orderBy
if !isCountStatement {
if m.limit != 0 {
if m.start >= 0 {
conditionExtra += fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d,%d", m.start, m.limit)
} else {
conditionExtra += fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d", m.limit)
} else if limit1 {
conditionExtra += " LIMIT 1"
if m.offset >= 0 {
conditionExtra += fmt.Sprintf(" OFFSET %d", m.offset)
if m.lockInfo != "" {
conditionExtra += " " + m.lockInfo