2021-01-12 10:46:39 +08:00

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// Copyright GoFrame Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
// Package gvalid implements powerful and useful data/form validation functionality.
package gvalid
import (
// Refer to Laravel validation:
// All supported rules:
// required format: required brief: Required.
// required-if format: required-if:field,value,... brief: Required unless all given field and its value are equal.
// required-unless format: required-unless:field,value,... brief: Required unless all given field and its value are not equal.
// required-with format: required-with:field1,field2,... brief: Required if any of given fields are not empty.
// required-with-all format: required-with-all:field1,field2,... brief: Required if all of given fields are not empty.
// required-without format: required-without:field1,field2,... brief: Required if any of given fields are empty.
// required-without-all format: required-without-all:field1,field2,...brief: Required if all of given fields are empty.
// date format: date brief: Standard date, like: 2006-01-02, 20060102, 2006.01.02
// date-format format: date-format:format brief: Custom date format.
// email format: email brief: Email address.
// phone format: phone brief: Phone number.
// telephone format: telephone brief: Telephone number, like: "XXXX-XXXXXXX"、"XXXX-XXXXXXXX"、"XXX-XXXXXXX"、"XXX-XXXXXXXX"、"XXXXXXX"、"XXXXXXXX"
// passport format: passport brief: Universal passport format rule: Starting with letter, containing only numbers or underscores, length between 6 and 18
// password format: password brief: Universal password format rule1: Containing any visible chars, length between 6 and 18.
// password2 format: password2 brief: Universal password format rule2: Must meet password rule1, must contain lower and upper letters and numbers.
// password3 format: password3 brief: Universal password format rule3: Must meet password rule1, must contain lower and upper letters, numbers and special chars.
// postcode format: postcode brief: Postcode number.
// resident-id format: resident-id brief: Resident id number.
// bank-card format: bank-card brief: Bank card nunber.
// qq format: qq brief: Tencent QQ number.
// ip format: ip brief: IPv4/IPv6.
// ipv4 format: ipv4 brief: IPv4.
// ipv6 format: ipv6 brief: IPv6.
// mac format: mac brief: MAC.
// url format: url brief: URL.
// domain format: domain brief: Domain.
// length format: length:min,max brief: Length between :min and :max. The length is calculated using unicode string, which means one chinese character or letter both has the length of 1.
// min-length format: min-length:min brief: Length is equal or greater than :min. The length is calculated using unicode string, which means one chinese character or letter both has the length of 1.
// max-length format: max-length:max brief: Length is equal or lesser than :max. The length is calculated using unicode string, which means one chinese character or letter both has the length of 1.
// between format: between:min,max brief: Range between :min and :max. It supports both integer and float.
// min format: min:min brief: Equal or greater than :min. It supports both integer and float.
// max format: max:max brief: Equal or lesser than :max. It supports both integer and float.
// json format: json brief: JSON.
// integer format: integer brief: Integer.
// float format: float brief: Float. Note that an integer is actually a float number.
// boolean format: boolean brief: Boolean(1,true,on,yes:true | 0,false,off,no,"":false)
// same format: same:field brief: Value should be the same as value of field.
// different format: different:field brief: Value should be different from value of field.
// in format: in:value1,value2,... brief: Value should be in: value1,value2,...
// not-in format: not-in:value1,value2,... brief: Value should not be in: value1,value2,...
// regex format: regex:pattern brief: Value should match custom regular expression pattern.
// CustomMsg is the custom error message type,
// like: map[field] => string|map[rule]string
type CustomMsg = map[string]interface{}
const (
// regular expression pattern for single validation rule.
singleRulePattern = `^([\w-]+):{0,1}(.*)`
invalidRulesErrKey = "invalid_rules"
invalidParamsErrKey = "invalid_params"
invalidObjectErrKey = "invalid_object"
var (
// defaultValidator is the default validator for package functions.
defaultValidator = New()
// all internal error keys.
internalErrKeyMap = map[string]string{
invalidRulesErrKey: invalidRulesErrKey,
invalidParamsErrKey: invalidParamsErrKey,
invalidObjectErrKey: invalidObjectErrKey,
// regular expression object for single rule
// which is compiled just once and of repeatable usage.
ruleRegex, _ = regexp.Compile(singleRulePattern)
// mustCheckRulesEvenValueEmpty specifies some rules that must be validated
// even the value is empty (nil or empty).
mustCheckRulesEvenValueEmpty = map[string]struct{}{
"required": {},
"required-if": {},
"required-unless": {},
"required-with": {},
"required-with-all": {},
"required-without": {},
"required-without-all": {},
//"same": {},
//"different": {},
//"in": {},
//"not-in": {},
//"regex": {},
// allSupportedRules defines all supported rules that is used for quick checks.
allSupportedRules = map[string]struct{}{
"required": {},
"required-if": {},
"required-unless": {},
"required-with": {},
"required-with-all": {},
"required-without": {},
"required-without-all": {},
"date": {},
"date-format": {},
"email": {},
"phone": {},
"phone-loose": {},
"telephone": {},
"passport": {},
"password": {},
"password2": {},
"password3": {},
"postcode": {},
"resident-id": {},
"bank-card": {},
"qq": {},
"ip": {},
"ipv4": {},
"ipv6": {},
"mac": {},
"url": {},
"domain": {},
"length": {},
"min-length": {},
"max-length": {},
"between": {},
"min": {},
"max": {},
"json": {},
"integer": {},
"float": {},
"boolean": {},
"same": {},
"different": {},
"in": {},
"not-in": {},
"regex": {},
// boolMap defines the boolean values.
boolMap = map[string]struct{}{
"1": {},
"true": {},
"on": {},
"yes": {},
"": {},
"0": {},
"false": {},
"off": {},
"no": {},
// Check checks single value with specified rules.
// It returns nil if successful validation.
// The parameter <value> can be any type of variable, which will be converted to string
// for validation.
// The parameter <rules> can be one or more rules, multiple rules joined using char '|'.
// The parameter <messages> specifies the custom error messages, which can be type of:
// string/map/struct/*struct.
// The optional parameter <params> specifies the extra validation parameters for some rules
// like: required-*、same、different, etc.
func Check(value interface{}, rules string, messages interface{}, params ...interface{}) *Error {
return defaultValidator.Check(value, rules, messages, params...)
// CheckMap validates map and returns the error result. It returns nil if with successful validation.
// The parameter <rules> can be type of []string/map[string]string. It supports sequence in error result
// if <rules> is type of []string.
// The optional parameter <messages> specifies the custom error messages for specified keys and rules.
func CheckMap(params interface{}, rules interface{}, messages ...CustomMsg) *Error {
return defaultValidator.CheckMap(params, rules, messages...)
// CheckStruct validates strcut and returns the error result.
// The parameter <object> should be type of struct/*struct.
// The parameter <rules> can be type of []string/map[string]string. It supports sequence in error result
// if <rules> is type of []string.
// The optional parameter <messages> specifies the custom error messages for specified keys and rules.
func CheckStruct(object interface{}, rules interface{}, messages ...CustomMsg) *Error {
return defaultValidator.CheckStruct(object, rules, messages...)
// parseSequenceTag parses one sequence tag to field, rule and error message.
// The sequence tag is like: [alias@]rule[...#msg...]
func parseSequenceTag(tag string) (field, rule, msg string) {
// Complete sequence tag.
// Example: name@required|length:2,20|password3|same:password1#||密码强度不足|两次密码不一致
match, _ := gregex.MatchString(`\s*((\w+)\s*@){0,1}\s*([^#]+)\s*(#\s*(.*)){0,1}\s*`, tag)
return strings.TrimSpace(match[2]), strings.TrimSpace(match[3]), strings.TrimSpace(match[5])