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// Copyright 2020 gf Author(https://github.com/gogf/gf). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gconv_test
import (
type MyTime struct {
type MyTimeSt struct {
ServiceDate MyTime
func (st *MyTimeSt) UnmarshalValue(v interface{}) error {
m := gconv.Map(v)
t, err := gtime.StrToTime(gconv.String(m["ServiceDate"]))
if err != nil {
return err
st.ServiceDate = MyTime{t.Time}
return nil
func Test_Struct_UnmarshalValue1(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
st := &MyTimeSt{}
err := gconv.Struct(g.Map{"ServiceDate": "2020-10-10 12:00:01"}, st)
t.Assert(err, nil)
t.Assert(st.ServiceDate.Time.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "2020-10-10 12:00:01")
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
st := &MyTimeSt{}
err := gconv.Struct(g.Map{"ServiceDate": nil}, st)
t.AssertNE(err, nil)
type Pkg struct {
Length uint16 // Total length.
Crc32 uint32 // CRC32.
Data []byte
// NewPkg creates and returns a package with given data.
func NewPkg(data []byte) *Pkg {
return &Pkg{
Length: uint16(len(data) + 6),
Crc32: gcrc32.Encrypt(data),
Data: data,
// Marshal encodes the protocol struct to bytes.
func (p *Pkg) Marshal() []byte {
b := make([]byte, 6+len(p.Data))
copy(b, gbinary.EncodeUint16(p.Length))
copy(b[2:], gbinary.EncodeUint32(p.Crc32))
copy(b[6:], p.Data)
return b
// UnmarshalValue decodes bytes to protocol struct.
func (p *Pkg) UnmarshalValue(v interface{}) error {
b := gconv.Bytes(v)
if len(b) < 6 {
return errors.New("invalid package length")
p.Length = gbinary.DecodeToUint16(b[:2])
if len(b) < int(p.Length) {
return errors.New("invalid data length")
p.Crc32 = gbinary.DecodeToUint32(b[2:6])
p.Data = b[6:]
if gcrc32.Encrypt(p.Data) != p.Crc32 {
return errors.New("crc32 validation failed")
return nil
func Test_Struct_UnmarshalValue2(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
var p1, p2 *Pkg
p1 = NewPkg([]byte("123"))
err := gconv.Struct(p1.Marshal(), &p2)
t.Assert(err, nil)
t.Assert(p1, p2)