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// Copyright GoFrame Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
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package gconv
import (
type (
converterInType = reflect.Type
converterOutType = reflect.Type
converterFunc = reflect.Value
// customConverters for internal converter storing.
var customConverters = make(map[converterInType]map[converterOutType]converterFunc)
// RegisterConverter to register custom converter.
// It must be registered before you use this custom converting feature.
// It is suggested to do it in boot.
// Note:
// 1. The parameter `fn` must be defined as pattern `func(T1) (T2, error)`.
// It will convert type `T1` to type `T2`.
// 2. The `T1` should not be type of pointer, but the `T2` should be type of pointer.
func RegisterConverter(fn interface{}) (err error) {
var (
fnReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(fn)
errType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
if fnReflectType.Kind() != reflect.Func ||
fnReflectType.NumIn() != 1 || fnReflectType.NumOut() != 2 ||
!fnReflectType.Out(1).Implements(errType) {
err = gerror.NewCodef(
"parameter must be type of function and defined as pattern `func(T1) (T2, error)`, but defined as `%s`",
// The Key and Value of the converter map should not be pointer.
var (
inType = fnReflectType.In(0)
outType = fnReflectType.Out(0)
if inType.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
err = gerror.NewCodef(
"invalid input parameter type `%s`: should not be type of pointer",
if outType.Kind() != reflect.Pointer {
err = gerror.NewCodef(
"invalid output parameter type `%s`: should be type of pointer",
registeredOutTypeMap, ok := customConverters[inType]
if !ok {
registeredOutTypeMap = make(map[converterOutType]converterFunc)
customConverters[inType] = registeredOutTypeMap
if _, ok = registeredOutTypeMap[outType]; ok {
err = gerror.NewCodef(
"the converter parameter type `%s` to type `%s` has already been registered",
inType.String(), outType.String(),
registeredOutTypeMap[outType] = reflect.ValueOf(fn)
// callCustomConverter call the custom converter. It will try some possible type.
func callCustomConverter(srcReflectValue reflect.Value, dstReflectValue reflect.Value) (converted bool, err error) {
if len(customConverters) == 0 {
return false, nil
var (
ok bool
srcType = srcReflectValue.Type()
for srcType.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
srcType = srcType.Elem()
var (
registeredOutTypeMap map[converterOutType]converterFunc
registeredConverterFunc converterFunc
// firstly, it searches the map by input parameter type.
registeredOutTypeMap, ok = customConverters[srcType]
if !ok {
return false, nil
var dstType = dstReflectValue.Type()
if dstType.Kind() == reflect.Pointer && dstReflectValue.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
dstType = dstReflectValue.Elem().Type()
} else if dstType.Kind() != reflect.Pointer && dstReflectValue.CanAddr() {
dstType = dstReflectValue.Addr().Type()
// secondly, it searches the input parameter type map
// and finds the result converter function by the output parameter type.
registeredConverterFunc, ok = registeredOutTypeMap[dstType]
if !ok {
return false, nil
// Converter function calling.
for srcReflectValue.Type() != srcType {
srcReflectValue = srcReflectValue.Elem()
result := registeredConverterFunc.Call([]reflect.Value{srcReflectValue})
if !result[1].IsNil() {
return false, result[1].Interface().(error)
// The `result[0]` is a pointer.
if result[0].IsNil() {
return false, nil
var resultValue = result[0]
for {
if resultValue.Type() == dstReflectValue.Type() && dstReflectValue.CanSet() {
converted = true
} else if dstReflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
if resultValue.Type() == dstReflectValue.Elem().Type() && dstReflectValue.Elem().CanSet() {
converted = true
if converted {
if resultValue.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
resultValue = resultValue.Elem()
} else {
return converted, nil