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// Copyright GoFrame Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package ghttp
import (
const (
parseTypeRequest = 0
parseTypeQuery = 1
parseTypeForm = 2
var (
// xmlHeaderBytes is the most common XML format header.
xmlHeaderBytes = []byte("<?xml")
// Parse is the most commonly used function, which converts request parameters to struct or struct
// slice. It also automatically validates the struct or every element of the struct slice according
// to the validation tag of the struct.
// The parameter `pointer` can be type of: *struct/**struct/*[]struct/*[]*struct.
// It supports single and multiple struct converting:
// 1. Single struct, post content like: {"id":1, "name":"john"} or ?id=1&name=john
// 2. Multiple struct, post content like: [{"id":1, "name":"john"}, {"id":, "name":"smith"}]
// TODO: Improve the performance by reducing duplicated reflect usage on the same variable across packages.
func (r *Request) Parse(pointer interface{}) error {
return r.doParse(pointer, parseTypeRequest)
// ParseQuery performs like function Parse, but only parses the query parameters.
func (r *Request) ParseQuery(pointer interface{}) error {
return r.doParse(pointer, parseTypeQuery)
// ParseForm performs like function Parse, but only parses the form parameters or the body content.
func (r *Request) ParseForm(pointer interface{}) error {
return r.doParse(pointer, parseTypeForm)
// doParse parses the request data to struct/structs according to request type.
func (r *Request) doParse(pointer interface{}, requestType int) error {
var (
reflectVal1 = reflect.ValueOf(pointer)
reflectKind1 = reflectVal1.Kind()
if reflectKind1 != reflect.Ptr {
return gerror.NewCodef(
`invalid parameter type "%v", of which kind should be of *struct/**struct/*[]struct/*[]*struct, but got: "%v"`,
var (
reflectVal2 = reflectVal1.Elem()
reflectKind2 = reflectVal2.Kind()
switch reflectKind2 {
// Single struct, post content like:
// 1. {"id":1, "name":"john"}
// 2. ?id=1&name=john
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Struct:
var (
err error
data map[string]interface{}
// Converting.
switch requestType {
case parseTypeQuery:
if data, err = r.doGetQueryStruct(pointer); err != nil {
return err
case parseTypeForm:
if data, err = r.doGetFormStruct(pointer); err != nil {
return err
if data, err = r.doGetRequestStruct(pointer); err != nil {
return err
// Validation.
if err = gvalid.New().
Run(r.Context()); err != nil {
return err
// Multiple struct, it only supports JSON type post content like:
// [{"id":1, "name":"john"}, {"id":, "name":"smith"}]
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
// If struct slice conversion, it might post JSON/XML/... content,
// so it uses `gjson` for the conversion.
j, err := gjson.LoadContent(r.GetBody())
if err != nil {
return err
if err = j.Var().Scan(pointer); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < reflectVal2.Len(); i++ {
if err = gvalid.New().
Run(r.Context()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Get is alias of GetRequest, which is one of the most commonly used functions for
// retrieving parameter.
// See r.GetRequest.
func (r *Request) Get(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return r.GetRequest(key, def...)
// GetBody retrieves and returns request body content as bytes.
// It can be called multiple times retrieving the same body content.
func (r *Request) GetBody() []byte {
if r.bodyContent == nil {
var err error
if r.bodyContent, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body); err != nil {
errMsg := `Read from request Body failed`
if gerror.Is(err, io.EOF) {
errMsg += `, the Body might be closed or read manually from middleware/hook/other package previously`
panic(gerror.WrapCode(gcode.CodeInternalError, err, errMsg))
r.Body = utils.NewReadCloser(r.bodyContent, true)
return r.bodyContent
// GetBodyString retrieves and returns request body content as string.
// It can be called multiple times retrieving the same body content.
func (r *Request) GetBodyString() string {
return string(r.GetBody())
// GetJson parses current request content as JSON format, and returns the JSON object.
// Note that the request content is read from request BODY, not from any field of FORM.
func (r *Request) GetJson() (*gjson.Json, error) {
return gjson.LoadWithOptions(r.GetBody(), gjson.Options{
Type: gjson.ContentTypeJson,
StrNumber: true,
// GetMap is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestMap.
// See GetRequestMap.
func (r *Request) GetMap(def[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
return r.GetRequestMap(def...)
// GetMapStrStr is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestMapStrStr.
// See GetRequestMapStrStr.
func (r *Request) GetMapStrStr(def[string]interface{}) map[string]string {
return r.GetRequestMapStrStr(def...)
// GetStruct is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestStruct.
// See GetRequestStruct.
func (r *Request) GetStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error {
return r.GetRequestStruct(pointer, mapping...)
// parseQuery parses query string into r.queryMap.
func (r *Request) parseQuery() {
if r.parsedQuery {
r.parsedQuery = true
if r.URL.RawQuery != "" {
var err error
r.queryMap, err = gstr.Parse(r.URL.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
panic(gerror.WrapCode(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, err, "Parse Query failed"))
// parseBody parses the request raw data into r.rawMap.
// Note that it also supports JSON data from client request.
func (r *Request) parseBody() {
if r.parsedBody {
r.parsedBody = true
// There's no data posted.
if r.ContentLength == 0 {
if body := r.GetBody(); len(body) > 0 {
// Trim space/new line characters.
body = bytes.TrimSpace(body)
// JSON format checks.
if body[0] == '{' && body[len(body)-1] == '}' {
_ = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(body, &r.bodyMap)
// XML format checks.
if len(body) > 5 && bytes.EqualFold(body[:5], xmlHeaderBytes) {
r.bodyMap, _ = gxml.DecodeWithoutRoot(body)
if body[0] == '<' && body[len(body)-1] == '>' {
r.bodyMap, _ = gxml.DecodeWithoutRoot(body)
// Default parameters decoding.
if r.bodyMap == nil {
r.bodyMap, _ = gstr.Parse(r.GetBodyString())
// parseForm parses the request form for HTTP method PUT, POST, PATCH.
// The form data is pared into r.formMap.
// Note that if the form was parsed firstly, the request body would be cleared and empty.
func (r *Request) parseForm() {
if r.parsedForm {
r.parsedForm = true
// There's no data posted.
if r.ContentLength == 0 {
if contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-Type"); contentType != "" {
var err error
if gstr.Contains(contentType, "multipart/") {
// multipart/form-data, multipart/mixed
if err = r.ParseMultipartForm(r.Server.config.FormParsingMemory); err != nil {
panic(gerror.WrapCode(gcode.CodeInvalidRequest, err, "r.ParseMultipartForm failed"))
} else if gstr.Contains(contentType, "form") {
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded
if err = r.Request.ParseForm(); err != nil {
panic(gerror.WrapCode(gcode.CodeInvalidRequest, err, "r.Request.ParseForm failed"))
if len(r.PostForm) > 0 {
// Re-parse the form data using united parsing way.
params := ""
for name, values := range r.PostForm {
// Invalid parameter name.
// Only allow chars of: '\w', '[', ']', '-'.
if !gregex.IsMatchString(`^[\w\-\[\]]+$`, name) && len(r.PostForm) == 1 {
// It might be JSON/XML content.
if s := gstr.Trim(name + strings.Join(values, " ")); len(s) > 0 {
if s[0] == '{' && s[len(s)-1] == '}' || s[0] == '<' && s[len(s)-1] == '>' {
r.bodyContent = []byte(s)
params = ""
if len(values) == 1 {
if len(params) > 0 {
params += "&"
params += name + "=" + gurl.Encode(values[0])
} else {
if len(name) > 2 && name[len(name)-2:] == "[]" {
name = name[:len(name)-2]
for _, v := range values {
if len(params) > 0 {
params += "&"
params += name + "[]=" + gurl.Encode(v)
} else {
if len(params) > 0 {
params += "&"
params += name + "=" + gurl.Encode(values[len(values)-1])
if params != "" {
if r.formMap, err = gstr.Parse(params); err != nil {
panic(gerror.WrapCode(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, err, "Parse request parameters failed"))
// It parses the request body without checking the Content-Type.
if r.formMap == nil {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
if len(r.bodyMap) > 0 {
r.formMap = r.bodyMap
// GetMultipartForm parses and returns the form as multipart forms.
func (r *Request) GetMultipartForm() *multipart.Form {
return r.MultipartForm
// GetMultipartFiles parses and returns the post files array.
// Note that the request form should be type of multipart.
func (r *Request) GetMultipartFiles(name string) []*multipart.FileHeader {
form := r.GetMultipartForm()
if form == nil {
return nil
if v := form.File[name]; len(v) > 0 {
return v
// Support "name[]" as array parameter.
if v := form.File[name+"[]"]; len(v) > 0 {
return v
// Support "name[0]","name[1]","name[2]", etc. as array parameter.
var (
key string
files = make([]*multipart.FileHeader, 0)
for i := 0; ; i++ {
key = fmt.Sprintf(`%s[%d]`, name, i)
if v := form.File[key]; len(v) > 0 {
files = append(files, v[0])
} else {
if len(files) > 0 {
return files
return nil