2019-10-30 15:12:19 +08:00

247 lines
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// Copyright 2019 gf Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
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// Package gdebug contains facilities for programs to debug themselves while they are running.
package gdebug
import (
const (
gMAX_DEPTH = 1000
gFILTER_KEY = "/debug/gdebug/gdebug"
var (
goRootForFilter = runtime.GOROOT() // goRootForFilter is used for stack filtering purpose.
binaryVersion = "" // The version of current running binary(uint64 hex).
binaryVersionMd5 = "" // The version of current running binary(MD5).
func init() {
if goRootForFilter != "" {
goRootForFilter = strings.Replace(goRootForFilter, "\\", "/", -1)
// BinVersion returns the version of current running binary.
// It uses ghash.BKDRHash+BASE36 algorithm to calculate the unique version of the binary.
func BinVersion() string {
if binaryVersion == "" {
binaryVersion = strconv.FormatInt(
return binaryVersion
// BinVersionMd5 returns the version of current running binary.
// It uses MD5 algorithm to calculate the unique version of the binary.
func BinVersionMd5() string {
if binaryVersionMd5 == "" {
binaryVersionMd5, _ = gmd5.EncryptFile(gfile.SelfPath())
return binaryVersionMd5
// PrintStack prints to standard error the stack trace returned by runtime.Stack.
func PrintStack(skip {
// Stack returns a formatted stack trace of the goroutine that calls it.
// It calls runtime.Stack with a large enough buffer to capture the entire trace.
func Stack(skip string {
return StackWithFilter("", skip...)
// StackWithFilter returns a formatted stack trace of the goroutine that calls it.
// It calls runtime.Stack with a large enough buffer to capture the entire trace.
// The parameter <filter> is used to filter the path of the caller.
func StackWithFilter(filter string, skip string {
return StackWithFilters([]string{filter}, skip...)
// StackWithFilters returns a formatted stack trace of the goroutine that calls it.
// It calls runtime.Stack with a large enough buffer to capture the entire trace.
// The parameter <filters> is a slice of strings, which are used to filter the path of the caller.
func StackWithFilters(filters []string, skip string {
number := 0
if len(skip) > 0 {
number = skip[0]
name := ""
space := " "
index := 1
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
filtered := false
ok := true
pc, file, line, start := callerFromIndex(filters)
for i := start + number; i < gMAX_DEPTH; i++ {
if i != start {
pc, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(i)
if ok {
if goRootForFilter != "" && len(file) >= len(goRootForFilter) && file[0:len(goRootForFilter)] == goRootForFilter {
filtered = false
for _, filter := range filters {
if filter != "" && strings.Contains(file, filter) {
filtered = true
if filtered {
if strings.Contains(file, gFILTER_KEY) {
if fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc); fn == nil {
name = "unknown"
} else {
name = fn.Name()
if index > 9 {
space = " "
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d.%s%s\n %s:%d\n", index, space, name, file, line))
} else {
return buffer.String()
// CallerPath returns the function name and the absolute file path along with its line number of the caller.
func Caller(skip (function string, path string, line int) {
return CallerWithFilter("", skip...)
// CallerPathWithFilter returns the function name and the absolute file path along with its line number of the caller.
// The parameter <filter> is used to filter the path of the caller.
func CallerWithFilter(filter string, skip (function string, path string, line int) {
number := 0
if len(skip) > 0 {
number = skip[0]
ok := true
pc, file, line, start := callerFromIndex([]string{filter})
if start != -1 {
for i := start + number; i < gMAX_DEPTH; i++ {
if i != start {
pc, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(i)
if ok {
if filter != "" && strings.Contains(file, filter) {
if strings.Contains(file, gFILTER_KEY) {
function := ""
if fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc); fn == nil {
function = "unknown"
} else {
function = fn.Name()
return function, file, line
} else {
return "", "", -1
// callerFromIndex returns the caller position and according information exclusive of the debug package.
func callerFromIndex(filters []string) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, index int) {
var filtered, ok bool
for index = 0; index < gMAX_DEPTH; index++ {
if pc, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(index); ok {
filtered = false
for _, filter := range filters {
if filter != "" && strings.Contains(file, filter) {
filtered = true
if filtered {
if strings.Contains(file, gFILTER_KEY) {
return 0, "", -1, -1
// CallerPackage returns the package name of the caller.
func CallerPackage() string {
function, _, _ := Caller()
indexSplit := strings.LastIndexByte(function, '/')
if indexSplit == -1 {
return function[:strings.IndexByte(function, '.')]
} else {
leftPart := function[:indexSplit+1]
rightPart := function[indexSplit+1:]
indexDot := strings.IndexByte(function, '.')
rightPart = rightPart[:indexDot-1]
return leftPart + rightPart
// CallerFunction returns the function name of the caller.
func CallerFunction() string {
function, _, _ := Caller()
function = function[strings.LastIndexByte(function, '/')+1:]
function = function[strings.IndexByte(function, '.')+1:]
return function
// CallerFilePath returns the file path of the caller.
func CallerFilePath() string {
_, path, _ := Caller()
return path
// CallerDirectory returns the directory of the caller.
func CallerDirectory() string {
_, path, _ := Caller()
return filepath.Dir(path)
// CallerFileLine returns the file path along with the line number of the caller.
func CallerFileLine() string {
_, path, line := Caller()
return fmt.Sprintf(`%s:%d`, path, line)
// CallerFileLineShort returns the file name along with the line number of the caller.
func CallerFileLineShort() string {
_, path, line := Caller()
return fmt.Sprintf(`%s:%d`, filepath.Base(path), line)