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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2017-2018 gf Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package gvalid
import (
const (
// regular expression pattern for single validation rule.
gSINGLE_RULE_PATTERN = `^([\w-]+):{0,1}(.*)`
var (
// regular expression object for single rule
// which is compiled just once and of repeatable usage.
ruleRegex, _ = regexp.Compile(gSINGLE_RULE_PATTERN)
// mustCheckRulesEvenValueEmpty specifies some rules that must be validated
// even the value is empty (nil or empty).
mustCheckRulesEvenValueEmpty = map[string]struct{}{
"required": {},
"required-if": {},
"required-unless": {},
"required-with": {},
"required-with-all": {},
"required-without": {},
"required-without-all": {},
//"same": {},
//"different": {},
//"in": {},
//"not-in": {},
//"regex": {},
// allSupportedRules defines all supported rules that is used for quick checks.
allSupportedRules = map[string]struct{}{
"required": {},
"required-if": {},
"required-unless": {},
"required-with": {},
"required-with-all": {},
"required-without": {},
"required-without-all": {},
"date": {},
"date-format": {},
"email": {},
"phone": {},
"telephone": {},
"passport": {},
"password": {},
"password2": {},
"password3": {},
"postcode": {},
"resident-id": {},
"bank-card": {},
"qq": {},
"ip": {},
"ipv4": {},
"ipv6": {},
"mac": {},
"url": {},
"domain": {},
"length": {},
"min-length": {},
"max-length": {},
"between": {},
"min": {},
"max": {},
"json": {},
"integer": {},
"float": {},
"boolean": {},
"same": {},
"different": {},
"in": {},
"not-in": {},
"regex": {},
// boolMap defines the boolean values.
boolMap = map[string]struct{}{
"1": {},
"true": {},
"on": {},
"yes": {},
"": {},
"0": {},
"false": {},
"off": {},
"no": {},
// Check checks single value with specified rules.
// It returns nil if successful validation.
// The parameter <value> can be any type of variable, which will be converted to string
// for validation.
// The parameter <rules> can be one or more rules, multiple rules joined using char '|'.
// The parameter <messages> specifies the custom error messages, which can be type of:
// string/map/struct/*struct.
// The optional parameter <params> specifies the extra validation parameters for some rules
// like: required-*、same、different, etc.
func Check(value interface{}, rules string, messages interface{}, params ...interface{}) *Error {
return doCheck("", value, rules, messages, params...)
// doCheck does the really rules validation for single key-value.
func doCheck(key string, value interface{}, rules string, messages interface{}, params ...interface{}) *Error {
if rules == "" {
return nil
// It converts value to string and then does the validation.
var (
// Do not trim it as the space is also part of the value.
data = make(map[string]string)
errorMsgArray = make(map[string]string)
if len(params) > 0 {
for k, v := range gconv.Map(params[0]) {
data[k] = gconv.String(v)
// Custom error messages handling.
var (
msgArray = make([]string, 0)
customMsgMap = make(map[string]string)
switch v := messages.(type) {
case string:
msgArray = strings.Split(v, "|")
for k, v := range gconv.Map(messages) {
customMsgMap[k] = gconv.String(v)
// Handle the char '|' in the rule,
// which makes this rule separated into multiple rules.
ruleItems := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(rules), "|")
for i := 0; ; {
array := strings.Split(ruleItems[i], ":")
_, ok := allSupportedRules[array[0]]
if !ok && customRuleFuncMap[array[0]] == nil {
if i > 0 && ruleItems[i-1][:5] == "regex" {
ruleItems[i-1] += "|" + ruleItems[i]
ruleItems = append(ruleItems[:i], ruleItems[i+1:]...)
} else {
return newErrorStr(
"invalid rules: "+rules,
} else {
if i == len(ruleItems) {
for index := 0; index < len(ruleItems); {
var (
err error
match = false
results = ruleRegex.FindStringSubmatch(ruleItems[index])
ruleKey = strings.TrimSpace(results[1])
rulePattern = strings.TrimSpace(results[2])
if len(msgArray) > index {
customMsgMap[ruleKey] = strings.TrimSpace(msgArray[index])
if f, ok := customRuleFuncMap[ruleKey]; ok {
// It checks custom validation rules with most priority.
var (
dataMap map[string]interface{}
message = getErrorMessageByRule(ruleKey, customMsgMap)
if len(params) > 0 {
dataMap = gconv.Map(params[0])
if err := f(ruleItems[index], value, message, dataMap); err != nil {
match = false
errorMsgArray[ruleKey] = err.Error()
} else {
match = true
} else {
// It checks build-in validation rules if there's no custom rule.
match, err = doCheckBuildInRules(index, value, ruleKey, rulePattern, ruleItems, data, customMsgMap)
if !match && err != nil {
errorMsgArray[ruleKey] = err.Error()
// Error message handling.
if !match {
// It does nothing if the error message for this rule
// is already set in previous validation.
if _, ok := errorMsgArray[ruleKey]; !ok {
errorMsgArray[ruleKey] = getErrorMessageByRule(ruleKey, customMsgMap)
if len(errorMsgArray) > 0 {
return newError([]string{rules}, ErrorMap{
key: errorMsgArray,
return nil
func doCheckBuildInRules(
index int,
value interface{},
ruleKey string,
rulePattern string,
ruleItems []string,
dataMap map[string]string,
customMsgMap map[string]string,
) (match bool, err error) {
valueStr := gconv.String(value)
switch ruleKey {
// Required rules.
match = checkRequired(valueStr, ruleKey, rulePattern, dataMap)
// Length rules.
// It also supports length of unicode string.
if msg := checkLength(valueStr, ruleKey, rulePattern, customMsgMap); msg != "" {
return match, errors.New(msg)
} else {
match = true
// Range rules.
if msg := checkRange(valueStr, ruleKey, rulePattern, customMsgMap); msg != "" {
return match, errors.New(msg)
} else {
match = true
// Custom regular expression.
case "regex":
// It here should check the rule as there might be special char '|' in it.
for i := index + 1; i < len(ruleItems); i++ {
if !gregex.IsMatchString(gSINGLE_RULE_PATTERN, ruleItems[i]) {
rulePattern += "|" + ruleItems[i]
match = gregex.IsMatchString(rulePattern, valueStr)
// Date rules.
case "date":
// Standard date string, which must contain char '-' or '.'.
if _, err := gtime.StrToTime(valueStr); err == nil {
match = true
// Date that not contains char '-' or '.'.
if _, err := gtime.StrToTime(valueStr, "Ymd"); err == nil {
match = true
// Date rule with specified format.
case "date-format":
if _, err := gtime.StrToTimeFormat(valueStr, rulePattern); err == nil {
match = true
} else {
var msg string
msg = getErrorMessageByRule(ruleKey, customMsgMap)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":format", rulePattern, -1)
return match, errors.New(msg)
// Values of two fields should be equal as string.
case "same":
if v, ok := dataMap[rulePattern]; ok {
if strings.Compare(valueStr, v) == 0 {
match = true
if !match {
var msg string
msg = getErrorMessageByRule(ruleKey, customMsgMap)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":field", rulePattern, -1)
return match, errors.New(msg)
// Values of two fields should not be equal as string.
case "different":
match = true
if v, ok := dataMap[rulePattern]; ok {
if strings.Compare(valueStr, v) == 0 {
match = false
if !match {
var msg string
msg = getErrorMessageByRule(ruleKey, customMsgMap)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":field", rulePattern, -1)
return match, errors.New(msg)
// Field value should be in range of.
case "in":
array := strings.Split(rulePattern, ",")
for _, v := range array {
if strings.Compare(valueStr, strings.TrimSpace(v)) == 0 {
match = true
// Field value should not be in range of.
case "not-in":
match = true
array := strings.Split(rulePattern, ",")
for _, v := range array {
if strings.Compare(valueStr, strings.TrimSpace(v)) == 0 {
match = false
// Phone format validation.
// 1. China Mobile:
// 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188,
// 178(4G), 147(Net)
// 2. China Unicom:
// 130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186 ,176(4G), 145(Net), 175
// 3. China Telecom:
// 133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177(4G)
// 4. Satelite:
// 1349
// 5. Virtual:
// 170, 173
// 6. 2018:
// 16x, 19x
case "phone":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^13[\d]{9}$|^14[5,7]{1}\d{8}$|^15[^4]{1}\d{8}$|^16[\d]{9}$|^17[0,3,5,6,7,8]{1}\d{8}$|^18[\d]{9}$|^19[\d]{9}$`, valueStr)
// Telephone number:
case "telephone":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^((\d{3,4})|\d{3,4}-)?\d{7,8}$`, valueStr)
// QQ number: from 10000.
case "qq":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^[1-9][0-9]{4,}$`, valueStr)
// Postcode number.
case "postcode":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^\d{6}$`, valueStr)
// China resident id number.
// xxxxxx yyyy MM dd 375 0 十八位
// xxxxxx yy MM dd 75 0 十五位
// 地区: [1-9]\d{5}
// 年的前两位:(18|19|([23]\d)) 1800-2399
// 年的后两位:\d{2}
// 月份: ((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))
// 天数: (([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31) 闰年不能禁止29+
// 三位顺序码:\d{3}
// 两位顺序码:\d{2}
// 校验码: [0-9Xx]
// 十八位:^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx]$
// 十五位:^[1-9]\d{5}\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}$
// 总:
// (^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx]$)|(^[1-9]\d{5}\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}$)
case "resident-id":
match = checkResidentId(valueStr)
// Bank card number using LUHN algorithm.
case "bank-card":
match = checkLuHn(valueStr)
// Universal passport format rule:
// Starting with letter, containing only numbers or underscores, length between 6 and 18.
case "passport":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^[a-zA-Z]{1}\w{5,17}$`, valueStr)
// Universal password format rule1:
// Containing any visible chars, length between 6 and 18.
case "password":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^[\w\S]{6,18}$`, valueStr)
// Universal password format rule2:
// Must meet password rule1, must contain lower and upper letters and numbers.
case "password2":
if gregex.IsMatchString(`^[\w\S]{6,18}$`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`[a-z]+`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`[A-Z]+`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`\d+`, valueStr) {
match = true
// Universal password format rule3:
// Must meet password rule1, must contain lower and upper letters, numbers and special chars.
case "password3":
if gregex.IsMatchString(`^[\w\S]{6,18}$`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`[a-z]+`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`[A-Z]+`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`\d+`, valueStr) &&
gregex.IsMatchString(`[^a-zA-Z0-9]+`, valueStr) {
match = true
// Json.
case "json":
if json.Valid([]byte(valueStr)) {
match = true
// Integer.
case "integer":
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(valueStr); err == nil {
match = true
// Float.
case "float":
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(valueStr, 10); err == nil {
match = true
// Boolean(1,true,on,yes:true | 0,false,off,no,"":false).
case "boolean":
match = false
if _, ok := boolMap[strings.ToLower(valueStr)]; ok {
match = true
// Email.
case "email":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)+$`, valueStr)
// URL
case "url":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]`, valueStr)
// Domain
case "domain":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z\-]{0,62}\.)+([a-zA-Z]{0,62})$`, valueStr)
// IP(IPv4/IPv6).
case "ip":
match = gipv4.Validate(valueStr) || gipv6.Validate(valueStr)
// IPv4.
case "ipv4":
match = gipv4.Validate(valueStr)
// IPv6.
case "ipv6":
match = gipv6.Validate(valueStr)
// MAC.
case "mac":
match = gregex.IsMatchString(`^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[\-:]){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$`, valueStr)
return match, errors.New("Invalid rule name: " + ruleKey)
return match, nil