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// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gdb
import (
// Batch sets the batch operation number for the model.
func (m *Model) Batch(batch int) *Model {
model := m.getModel()
model.batch = batch
return model
// Data sets the operation data for the model.
// The parameter `data` can be type of string/map/gmap/slice/struct/*struct, etc.
// Note that, it uses shallow value copying for `data` if `data` is type of map/slice
// to avoid changing it inside function.
// Eg:
// Data("uid=10000")
// Data("uid", 10000)
// Data("uid=? AND name=?", 10000, "john")
// Data(g.Map{"uid": 10000, "name":"john"})
// Data(g.Slice{g.Map{"uid": 10000, "name":"john"}, g.Map{"uid": 20000, "name":"smith"}).
func (m *Model) Data(data ...interface{}) *Model {
var model = m.getModel()
if len(data) > 1 {
if s := gconv.String(data[0]); gstr.Contains(s, "?") {
model.data = s
model.extraArgs = data[1:]
} else {
newData := make(map[string]interface{})
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
newData[gconv.String(data[i])] = data[i+1]
model.data = newData
} else if len(data) == 1 {
switch value := data[0].(type) {
case Result:
model.data = value.List()
case Record:
model.data = value.Map()
case List:
list := make(List, len(value))
for k, v := range value {
list[k] = gutil.MapCopy(v)
model.data = list
case Map:
model.data = gutil.MapCopy(value)
reflectInfo := reflection.OriginValueAndKind(value)
switch reflectInfo.OriginKind {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if reflectInfo.OriginValue.Len() > 0 {
// If the `data` parameter is a DO struct,
// it then adds `OmitNilData` option for this condition,
// which will filter all nil parameters in `data`.
if isDoStruct(reflectInfo.OriginValue.Index(0).Interface()) {
model = model.OmitNilData()
model.option |= optionOmitNilDataInternal
list := make(List, reflectInfo.OriginValue.Len())
for i := 0; i < reflectInfo.OriginValue.Len(); i++ {
list[i] = anyValueToMapBeforeToRecord(reflectInfo.OriginValue.Index(i).Interface())
model.data = list
case reflect.Struct:
// If the `data` parameter is a DO struct,
// it then adds `OmitNilData` option for this condition,
// which will filter all nil parameters in `data`.
if isDoStruct(value) {
model = model.OmitNilData()
if v, ok := data[0].(iInterfaces); ok {
var (
array = v.Interfaces()
list = make(List, len(array))
for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
list[i] = anyValueToMapBeforeToRecord(array[i])
model.data = list
} else {
model.data = anyValueToMapBeforeToRecord(data[0])
case reflect.Map:
model.data = anyValueToMapBeforeToRecord(data[0])
model.data = data[0]
return model
// OnConflict sets the primary key or index when columns conflicts occurs.
// It's not necessary for MySQL driver.
func (m *Model) OnConflict(onConflict ...interface{}) *Model {
if len(onConflict) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if len(onConflict) > 1 {
model.onConflict = onConflict
} else if len(onConflict) == 1 {
model.onConflict = onConflict[0]
return model
// OnDuplicate sets the operations when columns conflicts occurs.
// In MySQL, this is used for "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" statement.
// In PgSQL, this is used for "ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET" statement.
// The parameter `onDuplicate` can be type of string/Raw/*Raw/map/slice.
// Example:
// OnDuplicate("nickname, age")
// OnDuplicate("nickname", "age")
// OnDuplicate(g.Map{
// "nickname": gdb.Raw("CONCAT('name_', VALUES(`nickname`))"),
// })
// OnDuplicate(g.Map{
// "nickname": "passport",
// }).
func (m *Model) OnDuplicate(onDuplicate ...interface{}) *Model {
if len(onDuplicate) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if len(onDuplicate) > 1 {
model.onDuplicate = onDuplicate
} else if len(onDuplicate) == 1 {
model.onDuplicate = onDuplicate[0]
return model
// OnDuplicateEx sets the excluding columns for operations when columns conflict occurs.
// In MySQL, this is used for "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" statement.
// In PgSQL, this is used for "ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET" statement.
// The parameter `onDuplicateEx` can be type of string/map/slice.
// Example:
// OnDuplicateEx("passport, password")
// OnDuplicateEx("passport", "password")
// OnDuplicateEx(g.Map{
// "passport": "",
// "password": "",
// }).
func (m *Model) OnDuplicateEx(onDuplicateEx ...interface{}) *Model {
if len(onDuplicateEx) == 0 {
return m
model := m.getModel()
if len(onDuplicateEx) > 1 {
model.onDuplicateEx = onDuplicateEx
} else if len(onDuplicateEx) == 1 {
model.onDuplicateEx = onDuplicateEx[0]
return model
// Insert does "INSERT INTO ..." statement for the model.
// The optional parameter `data` is the same as the parameter of Model.Data function,
// see Model.Data.
func (m *Model) Insert(data ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
var ctx = m.GetCtx()
if len(data) > 0 {
return m.Data(data...).Insert()
return m.doInsertWithOption(ctx, InsertOptionDefault)
// InsertAndGetId performs action Insert and returns the last insert id that automatically generated.
func (m *Model) InsertAndGetId(data ...interface{}) (lastInsertId int64, err error) {
var ctx = m.GetCtx()
if len(data) > 0 {
return m.Data(data...).InsertAndGetId()
result, err := m.doInsertWithOption(ctx, InsertOptionDefault)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return result.LastInsertId()
// InsertIgnore does "INSERT IGNORE INTO ..." statement for the model.
// The optional parameter `data` is the same as the parameter of Model.Data function,
// see Model.Data.
func (m *Model) InsertIgnore(data ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
var ctx = m.GetCtx()
if len(data) > 0 {
return m.Data(data...).InsertIgnore()
return m.doInsertWithOption(ctx, InsertOptionIgnore)
// Replace does "REPLACE INTO ..." statement for the model.
// The optional parameter `data` is the same as the parameter of Model.Data function,
// see Model.Data.
func (m *Model) Replace(data ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
var ctx = m.GetCtx()
if len(data) > 0 {
return m.Data(data...).Replace()
return m.doInsertWithOption(ctx, InsertOptionReplace)
// Save does "INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE..." statement for the model.
// The optional parameter `data` is the same as the parameter of Model.Data function,
// see Model.Data.
// It updates the record if there's primary or unique index in the saving data,
// or else it inserts a new record into the table.
func (m *Model) Save(data ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
var ctx = m.GetCtx()
if len(data) > 0 {
return m.Data(data...).Save()
return m.doInsertWithOption(ctx, InsertOptionSave)
// doInsertWithOption inserts data with option parameter.
func (m *Model) doInsertWithOption(ctx context.Context, insertOption InsertOption) (result sql.Result, err error) {
defer func() {
if err == nil {
if m.data == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeMissingParameter, "inserting into table with empty data")
var (
list List
stm = m.softTimeMaintainer()
fieldNameCreate, fieldTypeCreate = stm.GetFieldNameAndTypeForCreate(ctx, "", m.tablesInit)
fieldNameUpdate, fieldTypeUpdate = stm.GetFieldNameAndTypeForUpdate(ctx, "", m.tablesInit)
fieldNameDelete, fieldTypeDelete = stm.GetFieldNameAndTypeForDelete(ctx, "", m.tablesInit)
// m.data was already converted to type List/Map by function Data
newData, err := m.filterDataForInsertOrUpdate(m.data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// It converts any data to List type for inserting.
switch value := newData.(type) {
case List:
list = value
case Map:
list = List{value}
if len(list) < 1 {
return result, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeMissingParameter, "data list cannot be empty")
// Automatic handling for creating/updating time.
if fieldNameCreate != "" && m.isFieldInFieldsEx(fieldNameCreate) {
fieldNameCreate = ""
if fieldNameUpdate != "" && m.isFieldInFieldsEx(fieldNameUpdate) {
fieldNameUpdate = ""
var isSoftTimeFeatureEnabled = fieldNameCreate != "" || fieldNameUpdate != ""
if !m.unscoped && isSoftTimeFeatureEnabled {
for k, v := range list {
if fieldNameCreate != "" && empty.IsNil(v[fieldNameCreate]) {
fieldCreateValue := stm.GetValueByFieldTypeForCreateOrUpdate(ctx, fieldTypeCreate, false)
if fieldCreateValue != nil {
v[fieldNameCreate] = fieldCreateValue
if fieldNameUpdate != "" && empty.IsNil(v[fieldNameUpdate]) {
fieldUpdateValue := stm.GetValueByFieldTypeForCreateOrUpdate(ctx, fieldTypeUpdate, false)
if fieldUpdateValue != nil {
v[fieldNameUpdate] = fieldUpdateValue
// for timestamp field that should initialize the delete_at field with value, for example 0.
if fieldNameDelete != "" && empty.IsNil(v[fieldNameDelete]) {
fieldDeleteValue := stm.GetValueByFieldTypeForCreateOrUpdate(ctx, fieldTypeDelete, true)
if fieldDeleteValue != nil {
v[fieldNameDelete] = fieldDeleteValue
list[k] = v
// Format DoInsertOption, especially for "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" statement.
columnNames := make([]string, 0, len(list[0]))
for k := range list[0] {
columnNames = append(columnNames, k)
doInsertOption, err := m.formatDoInsertOption(insertOption, columnNames)
if err != nil {
return result, err
in := &HookInsertInput{
internalParamHookInsert: internalParamHookInsert{
internalParamHook: internalParamHook{
link: m.getLink(true),
handler: m.hookHandler.Insert,
Model: m,
Table: m.tables,
Data: list,
Option: doInsertOption,
return in.Next(ctx)
func (m *Model) formatDoInsertOption(insertOption InsertOption, columnNames []string) (option DoInsertOption, err error) {
option = DoInsertOption{
InsertOption: insertOption,
BatchCount: m.getBatch(),
if insertOption != InsertOptionSave {
onConflictKeys, err := m.formatOnConflictKeys(m.onConflict)
if err != nil {
return option, err
option.OnConflict = onConflictKeys
onDuplicateExKeys, err := m.formatOnDuplicateExKeys(m.onDuplicateEx)
if err != nil {
return option, err
onDuplicateExKeySet := gset.NewStrSetFrom(onDuplicateExKeys)
if m.onDuplicate != nil {
switch m.onDuplicate.(type) {
case Raw, *Raw:
option.OnDuplicateStr = gconv.String(m.onDuplicate)
reflectInfo := reflection.OriginValueAndKind(m.onDuplicate)
switch reflectInfo.OriginKind {
case reflect.String:
option.OnDuplicateMap = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, v := range gstr.SplitAndTrim(reflectInfo.OriginValue.String(), ",") {
if onDuplicateExKeySet.Contains(v) {
option.OnDuplicateMap[v] = v
case reflect.Map:
option.OnDuplicateMap = make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range gconv.Map(m.onDuplicate) {
if onDuplicateExKeySet.Contains(k) {
option.OnDuplicateMap[k] = v
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
option.OnDuplicateMap = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, v := range gconv.Strings(m.onDuplicate) {
if onDuplicateExKeySet.Contains(v) {
option.OnDuplicateMap[v] = v
return option, gerror.NewCodef(
`unsupported OnDuplicate parameter type "%s"`,
} else if onDuplicateExKeySet.Size() > 0 {
option.OnDuplicateMap = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, v := range columnNames {
if onDuplicateExKeySet.Contains(v) {
option.OnDuplicateMap[v] = v
func (m *Model) formatOnDuplicateExKeys(onDuplicateEx interface{}) ([]string, error) {
if onDuplicateEx == nil {
return nil, nil
reflectInfo := reflection.OriginValueAndKind(onDuplicateEx)
switch reflectInfo.OriginKind {
case reflect.String:
return gstr.SplitAndTrim(reflectInfo.OriginValue.String(), ","), nil
case reflect.Map:
return gutil.Keys(onDuplicateEx), nil
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
return gconv.Strings(onDuplicateEx), nil
return nil, gerror.NewCodef(
`unsupported OnDuplicateEx parameter type "%s"`,
func (m *Model) formatOnConflictKeys(onConflict interface{}) ([]string, error) {
if onConflict == nil {
return nil, nil
reflectInfo := reflection.OriginValueAndKind(onConflict)
switch reflectInfo.OriginKind {
case reflect.String:
return gstr.SplitAndTrim(reflectInfo.OriginValue.String(), ","), nil
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
return gconv.Strings(onConflict), nil
return nil, gerror.NewCodef(
`unsupported onConflict parameter type "%s"`,
func (m *Model) getBatch() int {
return m.batch