2020-07-18 08:32:35 +08:00

348 lines
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// Copyright 2017 gf Author( All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package gview
import (
htmltpl "html/template"
texttpl "text/template"
const (
// Template name for content parsing.
gCONTENT_TEMPLATE_NAME = "TemplateContent"
// fileCacheItem is the cache item for template file.
type fileCacheItem struct {
path string
folder string
content string
var (
// Templates cache map for template folder.
// Note that there's no expiring logic for this map.
templates = gmap.NewStrAnyMap(true)
// Try-folders for resource template file searching.
resourceTryFolders = []string{"template/", "template", "/template", "/template/"}
// Parse parses given template file <file> with given template variables <params>
// and returns the parsed template content.
func (view *View) Parse(file string, params ...Params) (result string, err error) {
var tpl interface{}
// It caches the file, folder and its content to enhance performance.
r := view.fileCacheMap.GetOrSetFuncLock(file, func() interface{} {
var path, folder, content string
var resource *gres.File
// Searching the absolute file path for <file>.
path, folder, resource, err = view.searchFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil
if resource != nil {
content = gconv.UnsafeBytesToStr(resource.Content())
} else {
content = gfile.GetContentsWithCache(path)
// Monitor template files changes using fsnotify asynchronously.
if resource == nil {
if _, err := gfsnotify.AddOnce("gview.Parse:"+folder, folder, func(event *gfsnotify.Event) {
}); err != nil {
return &fileCacheItem{
path: path,
folder: folder,
content: content,
if r == nil {
item := r.(*fileCacheItem)
// It's not necessary continuing parsing if template content is empty.
if item.content == "" {
return "", nil
// Get the template object instance for <folder>.
tpl, err = view.getTemplate(item.path, item.folder, fmt.Sprintf(`*%s`, gfile.Ext(item.path)))
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Using memory lock to ensure concurrent safety for template parsing.
gmlock.LockFunc("gview.Parse:"+item.path, func() {
if view.config.AutoEncode {
tpl, err = tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).Parse(item.content)
} else {
tpl, err = tpl.(*texttpl.Template).Parse(item.content)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Note that the template variable assignment cannot change the value
// of the existing <params> or because both variables are pointers.
// It needs to merge the values of the two maps into a new map.
variables := gutil.MapMergeCopy(params...)
if len( > 0 {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if view.config.AutoEncode {
newTpl, err := tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).Clone()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := newTpl.Execute(buffer, variables); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
if err := tpl.(*texttpl.Template).Execute(buffer, variables); err != nil {
return "", err
// TODO any graceful plan to replace "<no value>"?
result = gstr.Replace(buffer.String(), "<no value>", "")
result = view.i18nTranslate(result, variables)
return result, nil
// ParseDefault parses the default template file with params.
func (view *View) ParseDefault(params ...Params) (result string, err error) {
return view.Parse(view.config.DefaultFile, params...)
// ParseContent parses given template content <content> with template variables <params>
// and returns the parsed content in []byte.
func (view *View) ParseContent(content string, params ...Params) (string, error) {
// It's not necessary continuing parsing if template content is empty.
if content == "" {
return "", nil
err := (error)(nil)
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v_%v", gCONTENT_TEMPLATE_NAME, view.config.Delimiters, view.config.AutoEncode)
tpl := templates.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, func() interface{} {
if view.config.AutoEncode {
return htmltpl.New(gCONTENT_TEMPLATE_NAME).Delims(
return texttpl.New(gCONTENT_TEMPLATE_NAME).Delims(
// Using memory lock to ensure concurrent safety for content parsing.
hash := strconv.FormatUint(ghash.DJBHash64([]byte(content)), 10)
gmlock.LockFunc("gview.ParseContent:"+hash, func() {
if view.config.AutoEncode {
tpl, err = tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).Parse(content)
} else {
tpl, err = tpl.(*texttpl.Template).Parse(content)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Note that the template variable assignment cannot change the value
// of the existing <params> or because both variables are pointers.
// It needs to merge the values of the two maps into a new map.
variables := gutil.MapMergeCopy(params...)
if len( > 0 {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if view.config.AutoEncode {
newTpl, err := tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).Clone()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := newTpl.Execute(buffer, variables); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
if err := tpl.(*texttpl.Template).Execute(buffer, variables); err != nil {
return "", err
// TODO any graceful plan to replace "<no value>"?
result := gstr.Replace(buffer.String(), "<no value>", "")
result = view.i18nTranslate(result, variables)
return result, nil
// getTemplate returns the template object associated with given template file <path>.
// It uses template cache to enhance performance, that is, it will return the same template object
// with the same given <path>. It will also automatically refresh the template cache
// if the template files under <path> changes (recursively).
func (view *View) getTemplate(filePath, folderPath, pattern string) (tpl interface{}, err error) {
// Key for template cache.
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v", filePath, view.config.Delimiters)
result := templates.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, func() interface{} {
// Do not use <key> but the <filePath> as the parameter <name> for function New,
// because when error occurs the <name> will be printed out for error locating.
if view.config.AutoEncode {
tpl = htmltpl.New(filePath).Delims(
} else {
tpl = texttpl.New(filePath).Delims(
// Firstly checking the resource manager.
if !gres.IsEmpty() {
if files := gres.ScanDirFile(folderPath, pattern, true); len(files) > 0 {
var err error
for _, v := range files {
if view.config.AutoEncode {
_, err = tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).New(v.FileInfo().Name()).Parse(string(v.Content()))
if err != nil {
} else {
_, err = tpl.(*texttpl.Template).New(v.FileInfo().Name()).Parse(string(v.Content()))
if err != nil {
return tpl
// Secondly checking the file system.
var files []string
files, err = gfile.ScanDir(folderPath, pattern, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
if view.config.AutoEncode {
if tpl, err = tpl.(*htmltpl.Template).ParseFiles(files...); err != nil {
return nil
} else {
if tpl, err = tpl.(*texttpl.Template).ParseFiles(files...); err != nil {
return nil
return tpl
if result != nil {
return result, nil
// searchFile returns the found absolute path for <file> and its template folder path.
// Note that, the returned <folder> is the template folder path, but not the folder of
// the returned template file <path>.
func (view *View) searchFile(file string) (path string, folder string, resource *gres.File, err error) {
// Firstly checking the resource manager.
if !gres.IsEmpty() {
// Try folders.
for _, folderPath := range resourceTryFolders {
if resource = gres.Get(folderPath + file); resource != nil {
path = resource.Name()
folder = folderPath
// Search folders.
view.paths.RLockFunc(func(array []string) {
for _, v := range array {
v = strings.TrimRight(v, "/"+gfile.Separator)
if resource = gres.Get(v + "/" + file); resource != nil {
path = resource.Name()
folder = v
if resource = gres.Get(v + "/template/" + file); resource != nil {
path = resource.Name()
folder = v + "/template"
// Secondly checking the file system.
if path == "" {
view.paths.RLockFunc(func(array []string) {
for _, folderPath := range array {
folderPath = strings.TrimRight(folderPath, gfile.Separator)
if path, _ = gspath.Search(folderPath, file); path != "" {
folder = folderPath
if path, _ = gspath.Search(folderPath+gfile.Separator+"template", file); path != "" {
folder = folderPath + gfile.Separator + "template"
// Error checking.
if path == "" {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if view.paths.Len() > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[gview] cannot find template file \"%s\" in following paths:", file))
view.paths.RLockFunc(func(array []string) {
index := 1
for _, folderPath := range array {
folderPath = strings.TrimRight(folderPath, "/")
if folderPath == "" {
folderPath = "/"
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%d. %s", index, folderPath))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%d. %s", index, strings.TrimRight(folderPath, "/")+gfile.Separator+"template"))
} else {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[gview] cannot find template file \"%s\" with no path set/add", file))
if errorPrint() {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(`template file "%s" not found`, file))