package main import ( "crypto/md5" "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "net" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" "net/smtp" "net/url" "os/signal" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "runtime/debug" "strconv" "syscall" // "strconv" "sync" "os" "regexp" "strings" "sync/atomic" "time" "unsafe" "" "" log "" ) var staticHandler http.Handler var util = &Common{} var server = &Server{} var statMap = &CommonMap{m: make(map[string]interface{})} var queueToPeers = make(chan FileInfo, CONST_QUEUE_SIZE) var logacc log.LoggerInterface var FOLDERS = []string{DATA_DIR, STORE_DIR, CONF_DIR} var CONST_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 var ( FileName string ptr unsafe.Pointer ) const ( STORE_DIR = "files" CONF_DIR = "conf" DATA_DIR = "data" CONST_LEVELDB_FILE_NAME = DATA_DIR + "/fileserver.db" CONST_STAT_FILE_NAME = DATA_DIR + "/stat.json" CONST_CONF_FILE_NAME = CONF_DIR + "/cfg.json" CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY = "fileCount" CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY = "totalSize" CONST_Md5_ERROR_FILE_NAME = "errors.md5" CONST_FILE_Md5_FILE_NAME = "files.md5" cfgJson = `{ "绑定端号": "端口", "addr": ":8080", "集群": "集群列表", "peers": ["%s"], "组号": "组号", "group": "group1", "refresh_interval": 120, "是否自动重命名": "真假", "rename_file": false, "是否支持WEB上专": "真假", "enable_web_upload": true, "是否支持非日期路径": "真假", "enable_custom_path": true, "下载域名": "", "download_domain": "", "场景":"场景列表", "scenes":[], "默认场景":"", "default_scene":"default", "是否显示目录": "真假", "show_dir": true, "邮件配置":"", "mail":{ "user":"", "password":"abc", "host":"" }, "告警接收邮件列表":"", "alram_receivers":[], "告警接收URL":"", "alarm_url":"", "下载是否需带token":"真假", "download_use_token":false, "下载token过期时间":"", "download_token_expire":600, "是否自动修复":"可能存在性问题(每小时一次)", "auto_repair":true } ` logConfigStr = ` ` logAccessConfigStr = ` ` ) type Common struct { } type Server struct { ldb *leveldb.DB util *Common } type FileInfo struct { Name string ReName string Path string Md5 string Size int64 Peers []string Scene string TimeStamp int64 } type Status struct { Message string `json:"message"` Status string `json:"status"` } type FileResult struct { Url string `json:"url"` Md5 string `json:"md5"` Path string `json:"path"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Scene string `json:"scene"` //Just for Compatibility Scenes string `json:"scenes"` Retmsg string `json:"retmsg"` Retcode int `json:"retcode"` Src string `json:"src"` } type Mail struct { User string `json:"user"` Password string `json:"password"` Host string `json:"host"` } type StatDateFileInfo struct { Date string `json:"date"` TotalSize int64 `json:"totalSize"` FileCount int64 `json:"fileCount"` } type GloablConfig struct { Addr string `json:"addr"` Peers []string `json:"peers"` Group string `json:"group"` RenameFile bool `json:"rename_file"` ShowDir bool `json:"show_dir"` RefreshInterval int `json:"refresh_interval"` EnableWebUpload bool `json:"enable_web_upload"` DownloadDomain string `json:"download_domain"` EnableCustomPath bool `json:"enable_custom_path"` Scenes []string `json:"scenes"` AlramReceivers []string `json:"alram_receivers"` DefaultScene string `json:"default_scene"` Mail Mail `json:"mail"` AlarmUrl string `json:"alarm_url"` DownloadUseToken bool `json:"download_use_token"` DownloadTokenExpire int `json:"download_token_expire"` QueueSize int `json:"queue_size"` AutoRepair bool `json:"auto_repair"` } type CommonMap struct { sync.Mutex m map[string]interface{} } func (s *CommonMap) GetValue(k string) (interface{}, bool) { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() v, ok := s.m[k] return v, ok } func (s *CommonMap) Put(k string, v interface{}) { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() s.m[k] = v } func (s *CommonMap) AddCount(key string, count int) { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() if _v, ok := s.m[key]; ok { v := _v.(int) v = v + count s.m[key] = v } else { s.m[key] = 1 } } func (s *CommonMap) AddCountInt64(key string, count int64) { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() if _v, ok := s.m[key]; ok { v := _v.(int64) v = v + count s.m[key] = v } else { s.m[key] = count } } func (s *CommonMap) Add(key string) { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() if _v, ok := s.m[key]; ok { v := _v.(int) v = v + 1 s.m[key] = v } else { s.m[key] = 1 } } func (s *CommonMap) Zero() { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() for k, _ := range s.m { s.m[k] = 0 } } func (s *CommonMap) Get() map[string]interface{} { s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() m := make(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range s.m { m[k] = v } return m } func Config() *GloablConfig { return (*GloablConfig)(atomic.LoadPointer(&ptr)) } func ParseConfig(filePath string) { var ( data []byte ) if filePath == "" { data = []byte(strings.TrimSpace(cfgJson)) } else { file, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintln("open file path:", filePath, "error:", err)) } defer file.Close() FileName = filePath data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(file) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintln("file path:", filePath, " read all error:", err)) } } var c GloablConfig if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &c); err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintln("file path:", filePath, "json unmarshal error:", err)) } log.Info(c) atomic.StorePointer(&ptr, unsafe.Pointer(&c)) log.Info("config parse success") } func (this *Common) GetUUID() string { b := make([]byte, 48) if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b); err != nil { return "" } id := this.MD5(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(b)) return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", id[0:8], id[8:12], id[12:16], id[16:20], id[20:]) } func (this *Common) GetToDay() string { return time.Now().Format("20060102") } func (this *Common) GetPulicIP() string { conn, _ := net.Dial("udp", "") defer conn.Close() localAddr := conn.LocalAddr().String() idx := strings.LastIndex(localAddr, ":") return localAddr[0:idx] } func (this *Common) MD5(str string) string { md := md5.New() md.Write([]byte(str)) return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md.Sum(nil)) } func (this *Common) GetFileMd5(file *os.File) string { file.Seek(0, 0) md5h := md5.New() io.Copy(md5h, file) sum := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5h.Sum(nil)) return sum } func (this *Common) Contains(obj interface{}, arrayobj interface{}) bool { targetValue := reflect.ValueOf(arrayobj) switch reflect.TypeOf(arrayobj).Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: for i := 0; i < targetValue.Len(); i++ { if targetValue.Index(i).Interface() == obj { return true } } case reflect.Map: if targetValue.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).IsValid() { return true } } return false } func (this *Common) FileExists(fileName string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(fileName) return err == nil } func (this *Common) WriteFile(path string, data string) bool { if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(data), 0666); err == nil { return true } else { return false } } func (this *Common) WriteBinFile(path string, data []byte) bool { if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0666); err == nil { return true } else { return false } } func (this *Common) IsExist(filename string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(filename) return err == nil || os.IsExist(err) } func (this *Common) Match(matcher string, content string) []string { var result []string if reg, err := regexp.Compile(matcher); err == nil { result = reg.FindAllString(content, -1) } return result } func (this *Common) ReadBinFile(path string) ([]byte, error) { if this.IsExist(path) { fi, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer fi.Close() return ioutil.ReadAll(fi) } else { return nil, errors.New("not found") } } func (this *Common) RemoveEmptyDir(pathname string) { defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("postFileToPeer") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) } }() handlefunc := func(file_path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if f.IsDir() { files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(file_path) if len(files) == 0 && file_path != pathname { os.Remove(file_path) } } return nil } fi, _ := os.Stat(pathname) if fi.IsDir() { filepath.Walk(pathname, handlefunc) } } func (this *Common) JsonEncodePretty(o interface{}) string { resp := "" switch o.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: if data, err := json.Marshal(o); err == nil { resp = string(data) } case map[string]string: if data, err := json.Marshal(o); err == nil { resp = string(data) } case []interface{}: if data, err := json.Marshal(o); err == nil { resp = string(data) } case []string: if data, err := json.Marshal(o); err == nil { resp = string(data) } case string: resp = o.(string) default: if data, err := json.Marshal(o); err == nil { resp = string(data) } } var v interface{} if ok := json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &v); ok == nil { if buf, ok := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " "); ok == nil { resp = string(buf) } } return resp } func (this *Common) GetClientIp(r *http.Request) string { client_ip := "" headers := []string{"X_Forwarded_For", "X-Forwarded-For", "X-Real-Ip", "X_Real_Ip", "Remote_Addr", "Remote-Addr"} for _, v := range headers { if _v, ok := r.Header[v]; ok { if len(_v) > 0 { client_ip = _v[0] break } } } if client_ip == "" { clients := strings.Split(r.RemoteAddr, ":") client_ip = clients[0] } return client_ip } func (this *Server) RepairStat() { var ( size int64 count int64 ) defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("RepairStat") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) fmt.Println(re) } }() handlefunc := func(file_path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { var ( files []os.FileInfo date []string data []byte content string lines []string count int64 totalSize int64 line string cols []string size int64 ) if f.IsDir() { if files, err = ioutil.ReadDir(file_path); err != nil { return err } for _, file := range files { count = 0 size = 0 if file.Name() == CONST_FILE_Md5_FILE_NAME { if data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(file_path + "/" + file.Name()); err != nil { log.Error(err) continue } date = this.util.Match("\\d{8}", file_path) if len(date) < 1 { continue } content = string(data) lines = strings.Split(content, "\n") count = int64(len(lines)) if count > 1 { count = count - 1 } for _, line = range lines { cols = strings.Split(line, "|") if len(cols) > 2 { if size, err = strconv.ParseInt(cols[1], 10, 64); err != nil { size = 0 continue } totalSize = totalSize + size } } statMap.Put(date[0]+"_"+CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, count) statMap.Put(date[0]+"_"+CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, totalSize) statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, count) statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, totalSize) } } } return nil } statMap.Put(CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, count) statMap.Put(CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, size) filepath.Walk(DATA_DIR, handlefunc) } func (this *Server) DownloadFromPeer(peer string, fileInfo *FileInfo) { var ( err error filename string fpath string fi os.FileInfo ) if _, err = os.Stat(fileInfo.Path); err != nil { os.MkdirAll(fileInfo.Path, 0777) } filename = fileInfo.Name if fileInfo.ReName != "" { filename = fileInfo.ReName } p := strings.Replace(fileInfo.Path, STORE_DIR+"/", "", 1) req := httplib.Get(peer + "/" + Config().Group + "/" + p + "/" + filename) fpath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + filename req.SetTimeout(time.Second*5, time.Second*5) if err = req.ToFile(fpath); err != nil { log.Error(err) } if fi, err = os.Stat(fpath); err != nil { os.Remove(fpath) return } if fi.Size() == 0 { os.Remove(fpath) } } func (this *Server) Download(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( err error pathMd5 string info os.FileInfo peer string fileInfo *FileInfo fullpath string pathval url.Values token string timestamp string maxTimestamp int64 minTimestamp int64 ts int64 md5sum string fp *os.File ) r.ParseForm() if Config().DownloadUseToken { token = r.FormValue("token") timestamp = r.FormValue("timestamp") if token == "" || timestamp == "" { w.Write([]byte("unvalid request")) return } maxTimestamp = time.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(Config().DownloadTokenExpire)).Unix() minTimestamp = time.Now().Add(-time.Second * time.Duration(Config().DownloadTokenExpire)).Unix() if ts, err = strconv.ParseInt(timestamp, 10, 64); err != nil { w.Write([]byte("unvalid timestamp")) return } if ts > maxTimestamp || ts < minTimestamp { w.Write([]byte("timestamp expire")) return } } fullpath = r.RequestURI[len(Config().Group)+2 : len(r.RequestURI)] fullpath = STORE_DIR + "/" + fullpath if pathval, err = url.ParseQuery(fullpath); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { for k, _ := range pathval { if k != "" { fullpath = k break } } } CheckToken := func(token string, md5sum string, timestamp string) bool { if this.util.MD5(md5sum+timestamp) != token { return false } return true } if Config().DownloadUseToken { fullpath = strings.Split(fullpath, "?")[0] pathMd5 = this.util.MD5(fullpath) if fileInfo, err = this.GetFileInfoFromLevelDB(pathMd5); err != nil { log.Error(err) if this.util.FileExists(fullpath) { if fp, err = os.Create(fullpath); err != nil { log.Error(err) } if fp != nil { defer fp.Close() } md5sum = this.util.GetFileMd5(fp) if !CheckToken(token, md5sum, timestamp) { w.Write([]byte("unvalid request,error token")) return } } } else { if !CheckToken(token, fileInfo.Md5, timestamp) { w.Write([]byte("unvalid request,error token")) return } } } if info, err = os.Stat(fullpath); err != nil { log.Error(err) pathMd5 = this.util.MD5(fullpath) for _, peer = range Config().Peers { if fileInfo, err = this.checkPeerFileExist(peer, pathMd5); err != nil { log.Error(err) continue } if fileInfo.Md5 != "" { if Config().DownloadUseToken { if !CheckToken(token, fileInfo.Md5, timestamp) { w.Write([]byte("unvalid request,error token")) return } } go this.DownloadFromPeer(peer, fileInfo) http.Redirect(w, r, peer+r.RequestURI, 302) return } } w.WriteHeader(404) return } if !Config().ShowDir && info.IsDir() { w.Write([]byte("list dir deny")) return } log.Info("download:" + r.RequestURI) staticHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) } func (this *Server) GetServerURI(r *http.Request) string { return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", r.Host) } func (this *Server) CheckFileAndSendToPeer(filename string, is_force_upload bool) { defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("CheckFileAndSendToPeer") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) } }() if filename == "" { filename = DATA_DIR + "/" + time.Now().Format("20060102") + "/" + CONST_Md5_ERROR_FILE_NAME } if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename); err == nil { content := string(data) lines := strings.Split(content, "\n") for _, line := range lines { cols := strings.Split(line, "|") if fileInfo, _ := this.GetFileInfoByMd5(cols[0]); fileInfo != nil && fileInfo.Md5 != "" { if is_force_upload { fileInfo.Peers = []string{} } this.postFileToPeer(fileInfo, false) } } } } func (this *Server) postFileToPeer(fileInfo *FileInfo, write_log bool) { var ( err error peer string filename string info *FileInfo postURL string result string data []byte fi os.FileInfo i int ) defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("postFileToPeer") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) } }() for i, peer = range Config().Peers { _ = i if fileInfo.Peers == nil { fileInfo.Peers = []string{} } if this.util.Contains(peer, fileInfo.Peers) { continue } filename = fileInfo.Name if Config().RenameFile { filename = fileInfo.ReName } if !this.util.FileExists(fileInfo.Path + "/" + filename) { continue } else { if fileInfo.Size == 0 { if fi, err = os.Stat(fileInfo.Path + "/" + filename); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { fileInfo.Size = fi.Size() } } } if info, err = this.checkPeerFileExist(peer, fileInfo.Md5); info.Md5 != "" { continue } postURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", peer, "syncfile") b := httplib.Post(postURL) b.SetTimeout(time.Second*1, time.Second*1) b.Header("Sync-Path", fileInfo.Path) b.Param("name", filename) b.Param("md5", fileInfo.Md5) b.Param("timestamp", fmt.Sprintf("%d", fileInfo.TimeStamp)) b.PostFile("file", fileInfo.Path+"/"+filename) b.Debug(true) //fuck this is a bug result, err = b.String() if !strings.HasPrefix(result, "http://") { if write_log { this.SaveFileMd5Log(fileInfo, CONST_Md5_ERROR_FILE_NAME) } } else { log.Info(result) if !this.util.Contains(peer, fileInfo.Peers) { fileInfo.Peers = append(fileInfo.Peers, peer) if data, err = json.Marshal(fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error(err) return } this.ldb.Put([]byte(fileInfo.Md5), data, nil) } } if err != nil { log.Error(err) } } } func (this *Server) SaveFileMd5Log(fileInfo *FileInfo, filename string) { var ( err error msg string tmpFile *os.File logpath string outname string ) outname = fileInfo.Name if fileInfo.ReName != "" { outname = fileInfo.ReName } logpath = DATA_DIR + "/" + time.Unix(fileInfo.TimeStamp, 0).Format("20060102") if _, err = os.Stat(logpath); err != nil { os.MkdirAll(logpath, 0777) } msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%d|%s\n", fileInfo.Md5, fileInfo.Size, fileInfo.Path+"/"+outname) if tmpFile, err = os.OpenFile(logpath+"/"+filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644); err != nil { log.Error(err) return } defer tmpFile.Close() tmpFile.WriteString(msg) } func (this *Server) GetFileInfoByMd5(md5sum string) (*FileInfo, error) { var ( data []byte err error fileInfo FileInfo ) if data, err = this.ldb.Get([]byte(md5sum), nil); err != nil { return nil, err } else { if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &fileInfo); err == nil { return &fileInfo, nil } else { return nil, err } } } func (this *Server) checkPeerFileExist(peer string, md5sum string) (*FileInfo, error) { var ( err error fileInfo FileInfo ) req := httplib.Get(peer + fmt.Sprintf("/check_file_exist?md5=%s", md5sum)) req.SetTimeout(time.Second*5, time.Second*5) if err = req.ToJSON(&fileInfo); err != nil { return &FileInfo{}, err } if fileInfo.Md5 == "" { return &fileInfo, errors.New("not found") } return &fileInfo, nil } func (this *Server) CheckFileExist(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( data []byte err error fileInfo *FileInfo ) r.ParseForm() md5sum := "" if len(r.Form["md5"]) > 0 { md5sum = r.Form["md5"][0] } else { return } if fileInfo, err = this.GetFileInfoByMd5(md5sum); fileInfo != nil { if data, err = json.Marshal(fileInfo); err == nil { w.Write(data) return } } data, _ = json.Marshal(FileInfo{}) w.Write(data) } func (this *Server) Sync(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() date := "" force := "" is_force_upload := false force=r.FormValue("force") date=r.FormValue("date") if force == "1" { is_force_upload = true } if date=="" { w.Write([]byte("require paramete date &force , date?=20181230")) return } date = strings.Replace(date, ".", "", -1) filename := DATA_DIR + "/" + date + "/" + CONST_Md5_ERROR_FILE_NAME if this.util.FileExists(filename) { go this.CheckFileAndSendToPeer(filename, is_force_upload) } filename = DATA_DIR + "/" + date + "/" + CONST_FILE_Md5_FILE_NAME if this.util.FileExists(filename) { go this.CheckFileAndSendToPeer(filename, is_force_upload) } w.Write([]byte("job is running")) } func (this *Server) GetFileInfoFromLevelDB(key string) (*FileInfo, error) { var ( err error data []byte fileInfo FileInfo ) if data, err = this.ldb.Get([]byte(key), nil); err != nil { return nil, err } if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &fileInfo); err != nil { return nil, err } return &fileInfo, nil } func (this *Server) SaveStat() { SaveStatFunc := func() { defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("SaveStatFunc") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) } }() stat := statMap.Get() if v, ok := stat[CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY]; ok { switch v.(type) { case int64: if v.(int64) > 0 { if data, err := json.Marshal(stat); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { this.util.WriteBinFile(CONST_STAT_FILE_NAME, data) } } } } } for { time.Sleep(time.Minute * 1) SaveStatFunc() } } func (this *Server) SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(key string, fileInfo *FileInfo) (*FileInfo, error) { var ( err error data []byte ) if data, err = json.Marshal(fileInfo); err != nil { return fileInfo, err } if err = this.ldb.Put([]byte(key), data, nil); err != nil { return fileInfo, err } return fileInfo, nil } func (this *Server) IsPeer(r *http.Request) bool { var ( ip string peer string bflag bool ) ip = this.util.GetClientIp(r) ip = "http://" + ip bflag = false for _, peer = range Config().Peers { if strings.HasPrefix(peer, ip) { bflag = true break } } return bflag } func (this *Server) SyncFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( err error outPath string outname string // timestamp string fileInfo FileInfo tmpFile *os.File fi os.FileInfo uploadFile multipart.File ) if !this.IsPeer(r) { log.Error(fmt.Sprintf(" not is peer,ip:%s", this.util.GetClientIp(r))) return } if r.Method == "POST" { fileInfo.Path = r.Header.Get("Sync-Path") fileInfo.Md5 = r.PostFormValue("md5") fileInfo.Name = r.PostFormValue("name") fileInfo.TimeStamp, err = strconv.ParseInt(r.PostFormValue("timestamp"), 10, 64) if err != nil { fileInfo.TimeStamp = time.Now().Unix() log.Error(err) } if uploadFile, _, err = r.FormFile("file"); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) log.Error(err) return } fileInfo.Peers = []string{} defer uploadFile.Close() if v, _ := this.GetFileInfoFromLevelDB(fileInfo.Md5); v != nil && v.Md5 != "" { outname = v.Name if v.ReName != "" { outname = v.ReName } p := strings.Replace(v.Path, STORE_DIR+"/", "", 1) download_url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", r.Host, Config().Group+"/"+p+"/"+outname) w.Write([]byte(download_url)) return } os.MkdirAll(fileInfo.Path, 0777) outPath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.Name if this.util.FileExists(outPath) { if tmpFile, err = os.Open(outPath); err != nil { log.Error(err) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } if this.util.GetFileMd5(tmpFile) != fileInfo.Md5 { tmpFile.Close() log.Error("md5 !=fileInfo.Md5 ") w.Write([]byte("md5 !=fileInfo.Md5 ")) return } } if tmpFile, err = os.Create(outPath); err != nil { log.Error(err) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } defer tmpFile.Close() if _, err = io.Copy(tmpFile, uploadFile); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) log.Error(err) return } if this.util.GetFileMd5(tmpFile) != fileInfo.Md5 { w.Write([]byte("md5 error")) tmpFile.Close() os.Remove(outPath) return } if fi, err = os.Stat(outPath); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { fileInfo.Size = fi.Size() statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, fi.Size()) statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, 1) } if fileInfo.Peers == nil { fileInfo.Peers = []string{fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", r.Host)} } if _, err = this.SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(this.util.MD5(outPath), &fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error(err) } if _, err = this.SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(fileInfo.Md5, &fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error(err) } this.SaveFileMd5Log(&fileInfo, CONST_FILE_Md5_FILE_NAME) p := strings.Replace(fileInfo.Path, STORE_DIR+"/", "", 1) download_url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", r.Host, Config().Group+"/"+p+"/"+fileInfo.Name) w.Write([]byte(download_url)) } } func (this *Server) CheckScene(scene string) (bool, error) { if len(Config().Scenes) == 0 { return true, nil } if !this.util.Contains(scene, Config().Scenes) { return false, errors.New("not valid scene") } return true, nil } func (this *Server) RemoveFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( err error md5sum string fileInfo *FileInfo fpath string ) r.ParseForm() md5sum = r.FormValue("md5") if len(md5sum) != 32 { w.Write([]byte("md5 unvalid")) return } if fileInfo, err = this.GetFileInfoByMd5(md5sum); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } if fileInfo.ReName != "" { fpath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.ReName } else { fpath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.Name } if fileInfo.Path != "" && this.util.FileExists(fpath) { if err = os.Remove(fpath); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } else { w.Write([]byte("remove success")) return } } w.Write([]byte("fail remove")) } func (this *Server) Upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( err error // pathname string outname string md5sum string fileInfo FileInfo uploadFile multipart.File uploadHeader *multipart.FileHeader scene string output string fileResult FileResult data []byte domain string ) if r.Method == "POST" { // name := r.PostFormValue("name") // fileInfo.Path = r.Header.Get("Sync-Path") if Config().EnableCustomPath { fileInfo.Path = r.FormValue("path") fileInfo.Path = strings.Trim(fileInfo.Path, "/") } scene = r.FormValue("scene") if scene == "" { //Just for Compatibility scene = r.FormValue("scenes") } md5sum = r.FormValue("md5") output = r.FormValue("output") fileInfo.Md5 = md5sum if uploadFile, uploadHeader, err = r.FormFile("file"); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } fileInfo.Peers = []string{} fileInfo.TimeStamp = time.Now().Unix() if scene == "" { scene = Config().DefaultScene } if output == "" { output = "text" } if !this.util.Contains(output, []string{"json", "text"}) { w.Write([]byte("output just support json or text")) return } fileInfo.Scene = scene if _, err = this.CheckScene(scene); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } if Config().DownloadDomain != "" { domain = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", Config().DownloadDomain) } else { domain = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", r.Host) } if err != nil { log.Error(err) fmt.Printf("FromFileErr") http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusMovedPermanently) return } SaveUploadFile := func(file multipart.File, header *multipart.FileHeader, fileInfo *FileInfo) (*FileInfo, error) { var ( err error outFile *os.File folder string ) defer file.Close() fileInfo.Name = header.Filename if Config().RenameFile { fileInfo.ReName = this.util.MD5(this.util.GetUUID()) + path.Ext(fileInfo.Name) } folder = time.Now().Format("20060102/15/04") if fileInfo.Scene != "" { folder = fmt.Sprintf(STORE_DIR+"/%s/%s", fileInfo.Scene, folder) } else { folder = fmt.Sprintf(STORE_DIR+"/%s", folder) } if fileInfo.Path != "" { if strings.HasPrefix(fileInfo.Path, STORE_DIR) { folder = fileInfo.Path } else { folder = STORE_DIR + "/" + fileInfo.Path } } if !util.FileExists(folder) { os.MkdirAll(folder, 0777) } outPath := fmt.Sprintf(folder+"/%s", fileInfo.Name) if Config().RenameFile { outPath = fmt.Sprintf(folder+"/%s", fileInfo.ReName) } if this.util.FileExists(outPath) { for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { outPath = fmt.Sprintf(folder+"/%d_%s", i, header.Filename) fileInfo.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", i, header.Filename) if !this.util.FileExists(outPath) { break } } } log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("upload: %s", outPath)) if outFile, err = os.Create(outPath); err != nil { return fileInfo, err } defer outFile.Close() if err != nil { log.Error(err) return fileInfo, errors.New("(error)fail," + err.Error()) } if _, err = io.Copy(outFile, file); err != nil { log.Error(err) return fileInfo, errors.New("(error)fail," + err.Error()) } v := util.GetFileMd5(outFile) fileInfo.Md5 = v fileInfo.Path = folder fileInfo.Peers = append(fileInfo.Peers, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", r.Host)) return fileInfo, nil } SaveUploadFile(uploadFile, uploadHeader, &fileInfo) if v, _ := this.GetFileInfoFromLevelDB(fileInfo.Md5); v != nil && v.Md5 != "" { if Config().RenameFile { os.Remove(fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.ReName) } else { os.Remove(fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.Name) } outname = v.Name if v.ReName != "" { outname = v.ReName } p := strings.Replace(v.Path, STORE_DIR+"/", "", 1) p = Config().Group + "/" + p + "/" + outname download_url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", r.Host, p) if Config().DownloadDomain != "" { download_url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", Config().DownloadDomain, p) } if output == "json" { fileResult.Url = download_url fileResult.Md5 = v.Md5 fileResult.Path = "/" + p fileResult.Domain = domain fileResult.Scene = fileInfo.Scene // Just for Compatibility fileResult.Src = fileResult.Path fileResult.Scenes = fileInfo.Scene if data, err = json.Marshal(fileResult); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } w.Write(data) } else { w.Write([]byte(download_url)) } return } if fileInfo.Md5 == "" { log.Warn(" fileInfo.Md5 is null") return } if md5sum != "" && fileInfo.Md5 != md5sum { log.Warn(" fileInfo.Md5 and md5sum !=") return } UploadToPeer := func(fileInfo *FileInfo) { var ( err error pathMd5 string fullpath string // data []byte ) if _, err = json.Marshal(fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error(err) log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("UploadToPeer fail: %v", fileInfo)) return } if _, err = this.SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(fileInfo.Md5, fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error("SaveFileInfoToLevelDB fail", err) } fullpath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.Name if Config().RenameFile { fullpath = fileInfo.Path + "/" + fileInfo.ReName } pathMd5 = this.util.MD5(fullpath) if _, err = this.SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(pathMd5, fileInfo); err != nil { log.Error("SaveFileInfoToLevelDB fail", err) } if len(queueToPeers) < CONST_QUEUE_SIZE { queueToPeers <- FileInfo{Name: fileInfo.Name, Peers: []string{}, TimeStamp: fileInfo.TimeStamp, Path: fileInfo.Path, Md5: fileInfo.Md5, ReName: fileInfo.ReName, Size: fileInfo.Size, Scene: fileInfo.Scene} } // go this.postFileToPeer(fileInfo, true) } UploadToPeer(&fileInfo) outname = fileInfo.Name if Config().RenameFile { outname = fileInfo.ReName } if fi, err := os.Stat(fileInfo.Path + "/" + outname); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { fileInfo.Size = fi.Size() statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, fi.Size()) statMap.AddCountInt64(CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, 1) statMap.AddCountInt64(this.util.GetToDay()+"_"+CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY, fi.Size()) statMap.AddCountInt64(this.util.GetToDay()+"_"+CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY, 1) } this.SaveFileMd5Log(&fileInfo, CONST_FILE_Md5_FILE_NAME) p := strings.Replace(fileInfo.Path, STORE_DIR+"/", "", 1) p = Config().Group + "/" + p + "/" + outname download_url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", r.Host, p) if Config().DownloadDomain != "" { download_url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", Config().DownloadDomain, p) } if output == "json" { fileResult.Url = download_url fileResult.Md5 = fileInfo.Md5 fileResult.Path = "/" + p fileResult.Domain = domain fileResult.Scene = fileInfo.Scene // Just for Compatibility fileResult.Src = fileResult.Path fileResult.Scenes = fileInfo.Scene if data, err = json.Marshal(fileResult); err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } w.Write(data) } else { w.Write([]byte(download_url)) } return } else { w.Write([]byte("(error)fail,please use post method")) return } } func (this *Server) SendToMail(to, subject, body, mailtype string) error { host := Config().Mail.Host user := Config().Mail.User password := Config().Mail.Password hp := strings.Split(host, ":") auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", user, password, hp[0]) var content_type string if mailtype == "html" { content_type = "Content-Type: text/" + mailtype + "; charset=UTF-8" } else { content_type = "Content-Type: text/plain" + "; charset=UTF-8" } msg := []byte("To: " + to + "\r\nFrom: " + user + ">\r\nSubject: " + "\r\n" + content_type + "\r\n\r\n" + body) send_to := strings.Split(to, ";") err := smtp.SendMail(host, auth, user, send_to, msg) return err } func (this *Server) BenchMark(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { t := time.Now() batch := new(leveldb.Batch) for i := 0; i < 100000000; i++ { f := FileInfo{} f.Peers = []string{"", ""} f.Path = "20190201/19/02" s := strconv.Itoa(i) s = util.MD5(s) f.Name = s f.Md5 = s // server.SaveFileInfoToLevelDB(s, &f) if data, err := json.Marshal(&f); err == nil { batch.Put([]byte(s), data) } if i%10000 == 0 { if batch.Len() > 0 { server.ldb.Write(batch, nil) // batch = new(leveldb.Batch) batch.Reset() } fmt.Println(i, time.Since(t).Seconds()) } //fmt.Println(server.GetFileInfoByMd5(s)) } util.WriteFile("time.txt", time.Since(t).String()) fmt.Println(time.Since(t).String()) } func (this *Server) RepairStatWeb(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { this.RepairStat() w.Write([]byte("ok")) } func (this *Server) Stat(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { data:=this.util.JsonEncodePretty(this.GetStat()) w.Write([]byte(data)) } func (this *Server) GetStat() []StatDateFileInfo { var ( min int64 max int64 err error i int64 rows []StatDateFileInfo ) min = 20190101 max = 20190101 for k, _ := range statMap.Get() { ks := strings.Split(k, "_") if len(ks) == 2 { if i, err = strconv.ParseInt(ks[0], 10, 64); err != nil { continue } if i >= max { max = i } if i < min { min = i } } } for i := min; i <= max; i++ { s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) if v, ok := statMap.GetValue(s + "_" + CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY); ok { var info StatDateFileInfo info.Date = s switch v.(type) { case int64: info.TotalSize = v.(int64) } if v, ok := statMap.GetValue(s + "_" + CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY); ok { switch v.(type) { case int64: info.FileCount = v.(int64) } } rows = append(rows, info) } } if v, ok := statMap.GetValue(CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY); ok { var info StatDateFileInfo info.Date = "all" info.FileCount = v.(int64) if v, ok := statMap.GetValue(CONST_STAT_FILE_TOTAL_SIZE_KEY); ok { info.TotalSize = v.(int64) } rows = append(rows, info) } return rows } func (this *Server) RegisterExit() { c := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT) go func() { for s := range c { switch s { case syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT: this.ldb.Close() log.Info("Exit", s) os.Exit(1) } } }() } func (this *Server) Consumer() { ConsumerFunc := func() { for { fileInfo := <-queueToPeers this.postFileToPeer(&fileInfo, true) } } for i := 0; i < 50; i++ { go ConsumerFunc() } } func (this *Server) AutoRepair() { AutoRepairFunc := func() { var ( dateStats []StatDateFileInfo err error countKey string ) defer func() { if re := recover(); re != nil { buffer := debug.Stack() log.Error("AutoRepair") log.Error(re) log.Error(string(buffer)) } }() Update:= func(peer string, dateStat StatDateFileInfo) { req:=httplib.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/sync?date=%s&force=%s",peer, dateStat.Date,"1")) req.SetTimeout(time.Second*5,time.Second*5) if _,err=req.String();err!=nil { log.Error(err) } log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("syn file from %s date %s",peer,dateStat.Date)) } for _,peer:=range Config().Peers { req:=httplib.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s",peer,"stat")) req.SetTimeout(time.Second*5,time.Second*5) if err=req.ToJSON(&dateStats);err!=nil { log.Error(err) continue } for _,dateStat:=range dateStats { if dateStat.Date=="all" { continue } countKey=dateStat.Date+"_"+ CONST_STAT_FILE_COUNT_KEY if v,ok:= statMap.GetValue(countKey);ok { switch v.(type) { case int64: if v.(int64) Uploader
文件(file): 场景(scene): 输出(output): 自定义路径(path):
`, Config().DefaultScene)) } else { w.Write([]byte("web upload deny")) } } func init() { server.util = util for _, folder := range FOLDERS { os.Mkdir(folder, 0777) } flag.Parse() if !util.FileExists(CONST_CONF_FILE_NAME) { peer := "http://" + util.GetPulicIP() + ":8080" cfg := fmt.Sprintf(cfgJson, peer) util.WriteFile(CONST_CONF_FILE_NAME, cfg) } if logger, err := log.LoggerFromConfigAsBytes([]byte(logConfigStr)); err != nil { panic(err) } else { log.ReplaceLogger(logger) } if _logacc, err := log.LoggerFromConfigAsBytes([]byte(logAccessConfigStr)); err == nil { logacc = _logacc log.Info("succes init log access") } else { log.Error(err.Error()) } ParseConfig(CONST_CONF_FILE_NAME) if Config().QueueSize == 0 { Config().QueueSize = CONST_QUEUE_SIZE } staticHandler = http.StripPrefix("/"+Config().Group+"/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(STORE_DIR))) initComponent(false) } func initComponent(is_reload bool) { var ( err error ldb *leveldb.DB ip string stat map[string]interface{} data []byte count int64 ) ip = util.GetPulicIP() ex, _ := regexp.Compile("\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+") var peers []string for _, peer := range Config().Peers { if util.Contains(ip, ex.FindAllString(peer, -1)) { continue } if strings.HasPrefix(peer, "http") { peers = append(peers, peer) } else { peers = append(peers, "http://"+peer) } } Config().Peers = peers if !is_reload { ldb, err = leveldb.OpenFile(CONST_LEVELDB_FILE_NAME, nil) if err != nil { log.Error(err) panic(err) } server.ldb = ldb } FormatStatInfo := func() { if util.FileExists(CONST_STAT_FILE_NAME) { if data, err = util.ReadBinFile(CONST_STAT_FILE_NAME); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &stat); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { for k, v := range stat { switch v.(type) { case float64: vv := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%f", v), ".")[0] if count, err = strconv.ParseInt(vv, 10, 64); err != nil { log.Error(err) } else { statMap.Put(k, count) } default: statMap.Put(k, v) } } } } } } if !is_reload { FormatStatInfo() } //Timer } type HttpHandler struct { } func (HttpHandler) ServeHTTP(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { status_code := "200" defer func(t time.Time) { logStr := fmt.Sprintf("[Access] %s | %v | %s | %s | %s | %s |%s", time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 - 15:04:05"), res.Header(), time.Since(t).String(), util.GetClientIp(req), req.Method, status_code, req.RequestURI, ) logacc.Info(logStr) }(time.Now()) defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { status_code = "500" res.WriteHeader(500) print(err) buff := debug.Stack() log.Error(err) log.Error(string(buff)) } }() http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(res, req) } func (this *Server) Main() { go func() { for { this.CheckFileAndSendToPeer("", false) time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(Config().RefreshInterval)) util.RemoveEmptyDir(STORE_DIR) } }() go server.RepairStat() go this.SaveStat() go this.Check() go this.Consumer() if Config().AutoRepair { go this.AutoRepair() } http.HandleFunc("/", this.Index) http.HandleFunc("/check_file_exist", this.CheckFileExist) http.HandleFunc("/upload", this.Upload) http.HandleFunc("/delete", this.RemoveFile) http.HandleFunc("/sync", this.Sync) http.HandleFunc("/stat", this.Stat) http.HandleFunc("/repair_stat", this.RepairStatWeb) http.HandleFunc("/status", this.Status) http.HandleFunc("/syncfile", this.SyncFile) http.HandleFunc("/"+Config().Group+"/", this.Download) fmt.Println("Listen on " + Config().Addr) err := http.ListenAndServe(Config().Addr, new(HttpHandler)) log.Error(err) fmt.Println(err) } func main() { server.Main() }