feat: 加入时间筛选控件

This commit is contained in:
Min 2023-03-08 15:02:41 +08:00 committed by 奔跑的面条
parent 59502e4be5
commit aafa8bd8c3
7 changed files with 208 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { PublicConfigClass } from '@/packages/public'
import { CreateComponentType } from '@/packages/index.d'
import { DataConfig } from './index'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import { chartInitConfig } from '@/settings/designSetting'
export const option = {
eventsApi: [
value: 'change',
label: '完成后的回调',
date: [
value: 'data1',
label: '日期',
daterange: [
value: 'data1',
label: '开始时间',
value: 'data2',
label: '结束时间',
dataset: {
count: 0,
type: 'date', //'daterange', // date
range: undefined
export default class Config extends PublicConfigClass implements CreateComponentType {
public key = DataConfig.key
public attr = { ...chartInitConfig, w: 260, h: 32, zIndex: -1 }
public chartConfig = cloneDeep(DataConfig)
public option = cloneDeep(option)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<CollapseItem name="通用的Props" :expanded="true">
<SettingItemBox name="基础">
<setting-item name="类型">
<n-select v-model:value="props.optionData.dataset.type" size="small" :options="datePickerTypeOptions" />
<SettingItemBox name="默认值">
:style="{ width: ['date'].includes(props.optionData.dataset.type) ? 'auto' : '250px' }"
<template #name>
<n-tooltip trigger="hover">
<template #trigger>
<n-icon size="21" :depth="3">
<setting-item name="计算值">
<n-input-number v-model:value="props.optionData.dataset.count" size="small" placeholder="0">
<template #prefix>
<n-text depth="3"></n-text>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { PropType } from 'vue'
import { option } from './config'
import { icon } from '@/plugins'
import { CollapseItem, SettingItemBox, SettingItem } from '@/components/Pages/ChartItemSetting'
const { HelpOutlineIcon } = icon.ionicons5
const props = defineProps({
optionData: {
type: Object as PropType<typeof option>,
required: true
const datePickerTypeOptions = [
label: '日期',
value: 'date'
label: '日期范围',
value: 'daterange'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import image from '@/assets/images/chart/informations/text_static.png'
import { ConfigType, PackagesCategoryEnum } from '@/packages/index.d'
import { ChatCategoryEnum, ChatCategoryEnumName } from '../../index.d'
export const DataConfig: ConfigType = {
key: 'Date',
chartKey: 'VDate',
conKey: 'VCDate',
title: '时间',
category: ChatCategoryEnum.PICKERS,
categoryName: ChatCategoryEnumName.PICKERS,
package: PackagesCategoryEnum.DECORATES,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
<div class="mill-date-box">
<div :style="`width:${w}px;height:${h}px;`">
<n-date-picker v-model:value="rangeDate" :type="option.dataset.type" @update:value="onChange" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PropType, toRefs, ref, shallowReactive, watch, computed } from 'vue'
import { CreateComponentType } from '@/packages/index.d'
import { useChartDataFetch } from '@/hooks'
import { useChartEditStore } from '@/store/modules/chartEditStore/chartEditStore'
import { option as configOption } from './config'
import { eventsCreate } from '@/hooks'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const props = defineProps({
chartConfig: {
type: Object as PropType<CreateComponentType & typeof option>,
required: true
const { w, h } = toRefs(props.chartConfig.attr)
const rangeDate = ref()
const option = shallowReactive({
dataset: configOption.dataset
const onChange = (v: number | number[]) => {
if (v instanceof Array) {
const data1 = dayjs(v[0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const data2 = dayjs(v[1]).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
eventsCreate(props.chartConfig, useChartEditStore, { data1, data2 }, 'change')
} else {
const data1 = dayjs(v).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
eventsCreate(props.chartConfig, useChartEditStore, { data1 }, 'change')
() => props.chartConfig.option.dataset,
(newData: any) => {
option.dataset = newData
const { range, count } = newData
if (!range) return
if (newData.range instanceof Array) {
const countDate: number[] = [
dayjs(range[0]).add(count, 'day').valueOf(),
dayjs(range[1]).add(count, 'day').valueOf()
rangeDate.value = countDate
} else {
const countDate: number = dayjs(range).add(count, 'day').valueOf()
rangeDate.value = countDate
immediate: true,
deep: true
// //
useChartDataFetch(props.chartConfig, useChartEditStore)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.mill-text-box {
display: flex;
:deep(.n-input) {
height: v-bind('h + "px"');
display: flex;
align-items: center;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import { DataConfig } from './Date/index'
export default [DataConfig]

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ export enum ChatCategoryEnum {
BORDER = 'Borders',
DECORATE = 'Decorates',
THREE = 'Three',
PICKERS = 'Pickers',
MORE = 'Mores'
@ -9,5 +10,6 @@ export enum ChatCategoryEnumName {
BORDER = '边框',
DECORATE = '装饰',
THREE = '三维',
PICKERS = '控件',
MORE = '更多'

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Borders from './Borders'
import Decorates from './Decorates'
import Three from './Three'
import Pickers from './Pickers'
import Mores from './Mores'
export const DecorateList = [...Borders, ...Decorates, ...Three, ...Mores]
export const DecorateList = [...Borders, ...Decorates, ...Three, ...Pickers, ...Mores]