A vue3 + ts refactor

This commit is contained in:
zhenorzz 2021-05-14 20:35:22 +08:00
parent b3f9088758
commit 9f22442f54
126 changed files with 13205 additions and 0 deletions

web+/.env.development Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# base api
# devServer.proxy.target
VITE_APP_PROXY_TARGET = 'http://localhost:8098'
# vue-cli uses the VITE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES environment variable,
# to control whether the babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin is enabled.
# It only does one thing by converting all import() to require().
# This configuration can significantly increase the speed of hot updates,
# when you have a large number of pages.
# Detail: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/packages/@vue/babel-preset-app/index.js

web+/.env.production Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# base api

web+/.eslintrc.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"parser": "vue-eslint-parser",
"parserOptions": {
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"ecmaVersion": 2020,
"sourceType": "module"
"extends": [
"rules": {}

web+/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

web+/.prettierrc.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true,
"endOfLine": "auto",
"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": ["off"]

web+/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and Typescript in Vite.
## Recommended IDE Setup
[VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) + [Vetur](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octref.vetur). Make sure to enable `vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService` in settings!
### If Using `<script setup>`
[`<script setup>`](https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/pull/227) is a feature that is currently in RFC stage. To get proper IDE support for the syntax, use [Volar](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=johnsoncodehk.volar) instead of Vetur (and disable Vetur).
## Type Support For `.vue` Imports in TS
Since TypeScript cannot handle type information for `.vue` imports, they are shimmed to be a generic Vue component type by default. In most cases this is fine if you don't really care about component prop types outside of templates. However, if you wish to get actual prop types in `.vue` imports (for example to get props validation when using manual `h(...)` calls), you can use the following:
### If Using Volar
Run `Volar: Switch TS Plugin on/off` from VSCode command palette.
### If Using Vetur
1. Install and add `@vuedx/typescript-plugin-vue` to the [plugins section](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#plugins) in `tsconfig.json`
2. Delete `src/shims-vue.d.ts` as it is no longer needed to provide module info to Typescript
3. Open `src/main.ts` in VSCode
4. Open the VSCode command palette
5. Search and run "Select TypeScript version" -> "Use workspace version"

web+/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Vite App</title>
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="module" src="/src/main.ts"></script>

web+/package.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"name": "my-vue-app",
"version": "0.0.0",
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build",
"serve": "vite preview"
"dependencies": {
"@chenfengyuan/vue-qrcode": "^2.0.0-beta",
"axios": "^0.21.1",
"cronstrue": "^1.113.0",
"element-plus": "^1.0.2-beta.41",
"js-cookie": "^2.2.1",
"normalize.css": "^8.0.1",
"nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"path-browserify": "^1.0.1",
"path-to-regexp": "^6.2.0",
"qrcode": "^1.4.4",
"vue": "^3.0.5",
"vue-i18n": "^9.1.6",
"vue-router": "^4.0.6",
"vue3-ace-editor": "^2.0.2",
"vuex": "^4.0.0",
"xterm": "^4.12.0",
"xterm-addon-attach": "^0.6.0",
"xterm-addon-fit": "^0.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n": "^2.1.2",
"@types/codemirror": "^5.60.0",
"@types/js-cookie": "^2.2.6",
"@types/node": "^15.0.2",
"@types/nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.22.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.22.1",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^1.2.2",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.0.5",
"eslint": "^7.25.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.4.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.9.0",
"prettier": "^2.2.1",
"sass": "^1.32.12",
"typescript": "^4.2.4",
"vite": "^2.2.3",
"vite-plugin-svg-icons": "^0.5.0",
"vue-tsc": "^0.0.24"

web+/public/favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

web+/src/App.vue Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<router-view />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',

web+/src/api/axios.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import axios, { AxiosResponse, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosError } from 'axios'
import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import store from '@/store'
// create an axios instance
const service = axios.create({
baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url
withCredentials: true, // send cookies when cross-domain requests
timeout: 5000, // request timeout
// request interceptor
(config: AxiosRequestConfig) => {
// do something before request is sent
return config
(error: AxiosError) => {
// do something with request error
console.log(error) // for debug
return Promise.reject(error)
// response interceptor
* If you want to get http information such as headers or status
* Please return response => response
* Determine the request status by custom code
* Here is just an example
* You can also judge the status by HTTP Status Code
(response: AxiosResponse) => {
const res = response.data
if (res.code !== 0) {
message: res.message,
type: 'error',
duration: 5 * 1000,
// 10000:账户停用; 10001:非法Token; 10086:Token 过期了;
if ([10000, 10001, 10086].includes(res.code)) {
ElMessageBox.confirm(res.message, '确定登出', {
confirmButtonText: '重新登录',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
}).then(() => {
store.dispatch('user/logout').then(() => {
return Promise.reject('error')
} else {
return Promise.reject('error')
} else {
return res
(error: AxiosError) => {
console.log('err' + error) // for debug
message: error.message,
type: 'error',
duration: 5 * 1000,
return Promise.reject(error)
export default service

web+/src/api/crontab.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @return {Promise}
export function getList({ page, rows }, command) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows, command },
* @return {Promise}
export function getTotal(command) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: { command },
* @return {Promise}
export function getRemoteServerList(serverId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/getRemoteServerList',
method: 'get',
params: { serverId },
timeout: 0,
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getBindServerList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/getBindServerList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
export function add(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/add',
method: 'post',
export function edit(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/edit',
method: 'put',
export function importCrontab(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/import',
method: 'post',
export function remove(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/remove',
method: 'delete',
export function addServer(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/addServer',
method: 'post',
export function removeCrontabServer(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/crontab/removeCrontabServer',
method: 'delete',

web+/src/api/deploy.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @param {string} projectName
* @return {Promise}
export function getList(projectName) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { projectName },
* @param {string} lastPublishToken
* @return {Promise}
export function getPublishTrace(lastPublishToken) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getPublishTrace',
method: 'get',
params: {
* @param {Number} publish_trace_id
* @return {Promise}
export function getPublishTraceDetail(publish_trace_id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getPublishTraceDetail',
method: 'get',
params: {
timeout: 0,
* @param {object} pagination
* @param {object} params
* @return {Promise}
export function getPreview({ page, rows }, params) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getPreview',
method: 'get',
params: {
* @param {int} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getCommitList(id, branch) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getCommitList',
method: 'get',
params: { id, branch },
timeout: 0,
* @param {int} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getBranchList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getBranchList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
timeout: 0,
* @param {int} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getTagList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/getTagList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
timeout: 0,
* @param {int} projectId
* @return {Promise}
export function resetState(projectId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/resetState',
method: 'put',
data: { projectId },
* @param {int} projectId
* @param {string} commit
* @return {Promise}
export function publish(projectId, branch, commit) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/publish',
method: 'post',
data: { projectId, branch, commit },
* @param {string} token
* @return {Promise}
export function rebuild(projectId, token) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/rebuild',
method: 'post',
data: { projectId, token },
* @param {int} projectId
* @param {string} commit
* @param {Array} serverIds
* @return {Promise}
export function greyPublish(projectId, commit, serverIds) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/greyPublish',
method: 'post',
data: { projectId, commit, serverIds },
* @param {int} projectReviewId
* @param {int} state
* @return {Promise}
export function review(projectReviewId, state) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/deploy/review',
method: 'put',
data: { projectReviewId, state },

web+/src/api/monitor.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @return {Promise}
export function getList({ page, rows }) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows },
* @return {Promise}
export function getTotal() {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: {},
export function add(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/add',
method: 'post',
export function edit(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/edit',
method: 'put',
export function check(data) {
return Axios.request({
timeout: 100000,
url: '/monitor/check',
method: 'post',
export function toggle(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/toggle',
method: 'put',
data: { id },
export function remove(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/monitor/remove',
method: 'delete',
data: { id },

web+/src/api/namespace.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @return {Promise}
export function getList({ page, rows }) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows },
* @return {Promise}
export function getTotal() {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: {},
* @return {Promise}
export function getUserOption() {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/getUserOption',
method: 'get',
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getBindUserList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/getBindUserList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
export function add(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/add',
method: 'post',
export function edit(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/edit',
method: 'put',
export function addUser(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/addUser',
method: 'post',
export function removeUser(namespaceUserId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/namespace/removeUser',
method: 'delete',
data: {

web+/src/api/project.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @return {Promise}
export function getList({ page, rows }, projectName) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows, projectName },
* @return {Promise}
export function getTotal(projectName) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: { projectName },
* @return {Promise}
export function getRemoteBranchList(url) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getRemoteBranchList',
method: 'get',
timeout: 0,
params: { url },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getBindServerList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getBindServerList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getBindUserList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getBindUserList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getProjectFileList(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getProjectFileList',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getProjectFileContent(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getProjectFileContent',
method: 'get',
params: { id },
* @param {string} project
* @param {string} owner
* @param {string} repository
* @param {string} serverIds
* @param {string} userIds
* @return {Promise}
export function add(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/add',
method: 'post',
* @param {string} project
* @param {string} owner
* @param {string} repository
* @return {Promise}
export function edit(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/edit',
method: 'put',
export function setAutoDeploy(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/setAutoDeploy',
method: 'put',
export function remove(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/remove',
method: 'delete',
data: { id },
export function addUser(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/addUser',
method: 'post',
export function removeUser(projectUserId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/removeUser',
method: 'delete',
data: {
export function addServer(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/addServer',
method: 'post',
export function removeServer(projectServerId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/removeServer',
method: 'delete',
data: {
export function addFile(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/addFile',
method: 'post',
export function editFile(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/editFile',
method: 'put',
export function removeFile(projectFileId) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/removeFile',
method: 'delete',
data: {
export function addTask(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/addTask',
method: 'post',
export function removeTask(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/removeTask',
method: 'delete',
data: { id },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getTaskList({ page, rows }, id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getTaskList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows, id },
* @param {id} id
* @return {Promise}
export function getReviewList({ page, rows }, id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/project/getReviewList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows, id },

web+/src/api/server.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import Axios from './axios'
* @return {Promise}
export function getList({ page, rows }) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows },
* @return {Promise}
export function getTotal() {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: {},
* @return {Promise}
export function getPublicKey(path) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/getPublicKey',
method: 'get',
params: { path },
* @return {Promise}
export function getOption() {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/getOption',
method: 'get',
export function add(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/add',
method: 'post',
export function edit(data) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/edit',
method: 'put',
export function check(data) {
return Axios.request({
timeout: 100000,
url: '/server/check',
method: 'post',
export function remove(id) {
return Axios.request({
url: '/server/remove',
method: 'delete',
data: { id },

web+/src/api/types.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// 接口响应通过格式
export type HttpResponse<T> = {
code: number
message: string
data: T
export type Pagination = {
page: number
rows: number
export type Total = {
total: number
export type ID = {
id: number

web+/src/api/user.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import Axios from './axios'
import { HttpResponse, Pagination, Total, ID } from './types'
type LoginParams = {
account: string
password: string
type LoginResp = {
namespaceList: Array<{ id: number; name: string }>
export function login(data: LoginParams): Promise<HttpResponse<LoginResp>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/login',
method: 'post',
export function getInfo(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/info',
method: 'get',
type listFilterParams = Record<string, unknown>
export function getList({
}: Pagination | listFilterParams): Promise<HttpResponse> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/getList',
method: 'get',
params: { page, rows },
export function getTotal(): Promise<HttpResponse<Total>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/getTotal',
method: 'get',
params: {},
export function getOption(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/getOption',
method: 'get',
export function add(data): Promise<HttpResponse<ID>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/add',
method: 'post',
export function edit(data): Promise<HttpResponse<never>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/edit',
method: 'put',
export function remove(id: number): Promise<HttpResponse<never>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/remove',
method: 'delete',
data: { id },
export function changePassword(
oldPwd: string,
newPwd: string
): Promise<HttpResponse<never>> {
return Axios.request({
url: '/user/changePassword',
method: 'put',
data: {

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
<el-breadcrumb class="app-breadcrumb" separator="/">
<transition-group name="breadcrumb">
<el-breadcrumb-item v-for="(item, index) in levelList" :key="item.path">
v-if="item.redirect === 'noRedirect' || index == levelList.length - 1"
>{{ $t(`route.${item.meta.title}`) }}</span
<a v-else @click.prevent="handleLink(item)">
{{ $t(`route.${item.meta.title}`) }}
import { pathToRegexp } from 'path-to-regexp'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
levelList: null,
watch: {
$route() {
created() {
methods: {
getBreadcrumb() {
// only show routes with meta.title
const matched = this.$route.matched.filter(
(item) => item.meta && item.meta.title
this.levelList = matched.filter(
(item) => item.meta && item.meta.title && item.meta.breadcrumb !== false
pathCompile(path) {
// To solve this problem https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/561
const { params } = this.$route
var toPath = pathToRegexp.compile(path)
return toPath(params)
handleLink(item) {
const { redirect, path } = item
if (redirect) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.app-breadcrumb.el-breadcrumb {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 50px;
margin-left: 8px;
.no-redirect {
color: #97a8be;
cursor: text;
/* breadcrumb transition */
.breadcrumb-leave-active {
transition: all 0.5s;
.breadcrumb-leave-active {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateX(20px);
.breadcrumb-move {
transition: all 0.5s;
.breadcrumb-leave-active {
position: absolute;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<div style="padding: 0 15px" @click="toggleClick">
:class="{ 'is-active': isActive }"
viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
d="M408 442h480c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H408c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm-8 204c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h480c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H408c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56zm504-486H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0 632H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM142.4 642.1L298.7 519a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 0-13.9L142.4 381.9c-5.8-4.6-14.4-.5-14.4 6.9v246.3a8.9 8.9 0 0 0 14.4 7z"
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Hamburger',
props: {
isActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
emits: ['toggleClick'],
methods: {
toggleClick() {
<style scoped>
.hamburger {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
.hamburger.is-active {
transform: rotate(180deg);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
class="svg-external-icon svg-icon"
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name: 'SvgIcon',
props: {
iconClass: {
type: String,
required: true,
className: {
type: String,
default: '',
computed: {
isExternal() {
return isExternal(this.iconClass)
iconName() {
return `#icon-${this.iconClass}`
svgClass() {
if (this.className) {
return 'svg-icon ' + this.className
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return 'svg-icon'
styleExternalIcon() {
return {
mask: `url(${this.iconClass}) no-repeat 50% 50%`,
'-webkit-mask': `url(${this.iconClass}) no-repeat 50% 50%`,
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mask-size: cover !important;
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web+/src/global.ts Normal file
View File

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export default {
// 媒体类型
Admin: 'admin',
Manager: 'manager',
GroupManager: 'group-manager',
Member: 'member',

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View File

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View File

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web+/src/lang/en.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
"name": "Name",
"script": "Script",
"user": "User",
"userId": "User ID",
"userName": "Username",
"admin": "Admin",
"role": "Role",
"account": "Account",
"password": "Password",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"contact": "Contact",
"project": "Project",
"projectName": "Project name",
"projectURL": "Project URL",
"projectPath": "Project path",
"autoDeploy": "Auto deploy",
"member": "Member",
"server": "Server",
"serverId": "Server ID",
"serverName": "Server name",
"serverDescription": "Server description",
"template": "Template",
"package": "Package",
"crontab": "Crontab",
"command": "Command",
"directory": "Directory",
"file": "File",
"func": "Func",
"param": "Param",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"grey": "Grey",
"initial": "Initial",
"search": "Search",
"tips": "Tips",
"view": "View",
"detail": "Detail",
"review": "Review",
"reject": "Reject",
"manage": "Manage",
"interval": "Interval",
"desc": "Description",
"size": "Size",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"environment": "Environment",
"branch": "Branch",
"filename": "Filename",
"setting": "Setting",
"baseSetting": "Base setting",
"notice": "Notice",
"task": "Task",
"date": "Date",
"now": "Now",
"today": "Today",
"m1d": "M1D",
"p1d": "P1D",
"time": "Time",
"insertTime": "Insert time",
"updateTime": "Update time",
"commitDate": "Commit date",
"deployDate": "Deploy date",
"startDate": "Start date",
"endDate": "End date",
"creator": "Creator",
"editor": "Editor",
"op": "Operation",
"submit": "Submit",
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"copy": "Copy",
"approve": "Approve",
"deny": "Deny",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploading": "Uploading",
"reUpload": "Reupload",
"import": "Import",
"read": "Read",
"run": "Run",
"delete": "Delete",
"remove": "Remove",
"install": "Install",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"success": "Success",
"open": "Open",
"close": "Close",
"stop": "Stop",
"fail": "Fail",
"state": "State",
"stateOption": ["Disable", "Enable"],
"boolOption": ["No", "Yes"],
"runOption": ["Not run", "Run"],
"envOption": ["Unknown", "Production", "Pre-release", "Test", "Development"],
"webhookOption": {
"0": "Nothing",
"1": "Weixin",
"2": "Dingding",
"3": "Feishu",
"255": "Custom"
"route": {
"userProfile": "Profile",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"toolbox": "Toolbox",
"json": "JSON Formatter",
"monitor": "APP Monitor",
"project": "Project",
"server": "Server",
"serverSetting": "Server",
"template": "Template",
"crontab": "Crontab",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"member": "Member"
"tagsView": {
"refresh": "Refresh",
"close": "Close",
"closeOthers": "Close Others",
"closeAll": "Close All"
"navbar": {
"profile": "Your profile",
"doc": "Document",
"logout": "Sign out"
"userPage": {
"oldPassword": "Old password",
"newPassword": "New password",
"rePassword": "Confirm password"
"memberPage": {
"permissionDesc": "Admin has all namespace and project permissions",
"removeUserTips": "This action will delete the user({name}), continue?"
"namespacePage": {
"removeUserTips": "This action will delete the user\"s binding relationship, continue?"
"templatePage": {
"scriptNotice": "Note\": The package has been uploaded to the /tmp directory",
"This action will delete the template({templateName}), continue?"
"serverPage": {
"sshKeyOwner": "SSH-Key Owner",
"sshKeyPath": "SSH-Key Path",
"sshKeyPassword": "SSH-Key Pswd",
"copyPub": "Copy pub",
"copyPubTips": "Copy success. Paste it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys",
"testConnection": "Test",
"This action will delete the server({serverName}), continue?"
"crontabPage": {
"removeServerCrontabLabel": "Delete crontab in the server",
"importTips": "Please read the crontab in the server",
"selectServerTips": "Please select the server",
"selectItemTips": "Please select an item",
"removeCrontabServerTips": "This action will delete the server\"s binding relationship, continue?"
"monitorPage": {
"testAppState": "Test APP state",
"failTimes": "Failure times",
"notifyTimes": "Notice times",
"errorContent": "Error content",
"This action will suspend the monitoring application({monitorName}), continue?",
"This action will no longer monitor the app({monitorName}), continue?"
"JSONPage": {
"expandAll": "Expand all",
"collapseAll": "Collapse all",
"unmarkAll": "Unmark all",
"1.Hold down ALT and click label to achieve highlighting<br>2.Hold down SHIFT and click label to view the JSON path"
"projectPage": {
"testConnection": "Test",
"lishBranch": "List branch",
"scriptMode": "Script mode",
"rsyncDoc": "https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync",
"deployNotice": "Deploy notice",
"symlinkLabel": "Symlink deploy",
"symlinkHeaderTips": "<p>The project synchronize to the specified directory(rsync /symlinkPath), and ln -s projectPath symlinkPath</p><p>It can prevent the project from external access that are being synchronized during the process of synchronizing files</p><p>Back up the latest 10 deployment files for quick rollback</p>",
"symlinkFooterTips": "<p>If the deployment path already exists on the target server, please delete the directory manually <span style=\"color: red\">(rm -rf projectPath)</span>, otherwise the soft chain will fail</p><p>If you need to change the directory, you must manually migrate the original directory/p>",
"afterPullScriptLabel": "After pull script",
"afterPullScriptTips": "The script that runs on the host server after pull<br>For example: bash after-pull-script.sh <br>",
"afterDeployScriptLabel": "After deploy script",
"afterDeployScriptTips": "The script that runs on the target server after deploy<br>For example: bash after-deploy-script.sh<br>If you need to restart the service, please pay attention to whether you need nohup<br>",
"predefinedVar": "predefined vars",
"autoDeployTitle": "Deploy trigger: automatically build the release project after certain conditions are met",
"autoDeployTips": "Go to the webhook page in GitLab、GitHub or Gitee <br>Fill in URL <span style=\"color: red\">http(s)://domian(IP)/deploy/webhook?project_id={projectId}</span><br>Check push event, (Gitlab can choose the corresponding branch)",
"projectFileTips": "Upload to the target server with the project deploy.",
"removeProjectTips": "This action will delete the project({projectName}), continue?",
"removeFileTips": "This action will delete the file({filename}), continue?",
"removeServerTips": "This action will delete the server\"s({serverName}) binding relationship, continue?",
"removeUserTips": "This action will delete the user\"s({userName}) binding relationship, continue?"
"deployPage": {
"resetState": "Reset state",
"showDetail": "Show detail",
"noDetail": "No detail",
"taskDeploy": "Crontab deploy",
"resetStateTips": "This action will reset project state, continue?",
"reviewDeploy": "Review deploy",
"reviewTips": "This action will approve commit, continue?",
"reviewStateOption": ["Wait", "Reviewed", "Rejected"],
"removeProjectTaskTips": "This action will delete the crontab task in {projectName}, continue?",
"publishCommitTips": "This action will rebuild {commit}, continue?"

web+/src/lang/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import elementEnLocale from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/en' // element-ui lang
import elementZhLocale from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/zh-cn'
import localMessages from '@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n/messages'
const messages = {
[elementEnLocale.name]: {
// el 这个属性很关键,一定要保证有这个属性,
el: elementEnLocale.el,
// 定义您自己的字典,但是请不要和 `el` 重复,这样会导致 ElementPlus 内部组件的翻译失效.
[elementZhLocale.name]: {
el: elementZhLocale.el,
// 定义您自己的字典,但是请不要和 `el` 重复,这样会导致 ElementPlus 内部组件的翻译失效.
export function getLanguage(): string {
const chooseLanguage = Cookies.get('language')
if (chooseLanguage) return chooseLanguage
// if has not choose language
const language = navigator.language.toLowerCase()
const locales = Object.keys(messages)
for (const locale of locales) {
if (language.indexOf(locale) > -1) {
return locale
return 'en'
const i18n = createI18n({
globalInjection: true,
locale: getLanguage(),
export default i18n

web+/src/lang/zh-cn.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
"name": "名称",
"script": "脚本",
"user": "用户",
"userId": "用户ID",
"userName": "用户名称",
"admin": "超管",
"role": "角色",
"account": "账号",
"password": "密码",
"mobile": "手机号码",
"contact": "联系方式",
"project": "项目",
"projectName": "项目名称",
"projectURL": "项目地址",
"projectPath": "部署路径",
"autoDeploy": "自动部署",
"member": "成员",
"server": "服务器",
"serverId": "服务器ID",
"serverName": "服务器名称",
"serverDescription": "服务器描述",
"template": "模板",
"package": "安装包",
"crontab": "定时",
"command": "命令",
"directory": "目录",
"file": "文件",
"func": "功能",
"param": "参数",
"deploy": "构建",
"grey": "灰度",
"initial": "初始化",
"search": "搜索",
"tips": "提示",
"view": "查看",
"detail": "详情",
"review": "审核",
"reject": "拒绝",
"manage": "管理",
"interval": "间隔",
"desc": "描述",
"size": "大小",
"namespace": "空间",
"environment": "环境",
"branch": "分支",
"filename": "文件名",
"setting": "设置",
"baseSetting": "基本配置",
"notice": "通知",
"task": "任务",
"date": "日期",
"now": "当前",
"today": "今天",
"m1d": "减一天",
"p1d": "加一天",
"time": "时间",
"insertTime": "创建时间",
"updateTime": "更新时间",
"commitDate": "提交日期",
"deployDate": "构建日期",
"startDate": "开始日期",
"endDate": "结束日期",
"creator": "创建人",
"editor": "修改人",
"op": "操作",
"submit": "提交",
"add": "添加",
"edit": "编辑",
"copy": "复制",
"approve": "同意",
"deny": "拒绝",
"upload": "上传",
"uploading": "上传中",
"reUpload": "重传",
"import": "导入",
"read": "读取",
"run": "运行",
"delete": "删除",
"remove": "移除",
"install": "安装",
"confirm": "确认",
"save": "保存",
"cancel": "取消",
"success": "成功",
"open": "开启",
"close": "关闭",
"stop": "暂停",
"fail": "失败",
"state": "状态",
"stateOption": ["失效", "生效"],
"boolOption": ["否", "是"],
"runOption": ["未运行", "已运行"],
"envOption": ["未知", "生产环境", "预发布环境", "测试环境", "开发环境"],
"webhookOption": {
"0": "无",
"1": "企业微信",
"2": "钉钉",
"3": "飞书",
"255": "自定义"
"route": {
"userProfile": "个人信息",
"deploy": "构建发布",
"toolbox": "工具箱",
"json": "JSON格式化",
"monitor": "应用监控",
"project": "项目设置",
"server": "服务器管理",
"serverSetting": "服务器设置",
"template": "模板设置",
"crontab": "Crontab管理",
"namespace": "空间设置",
"member": "成员设置"
"tagsView": {
"refresh": "刷新",
"close": "关闭",
"closeOthers": "关闭其它",
"closeAll": "关闭所有"
"navbar": {
"profile": "个人中心",
"doc": "帮助文档",
"logout": "退出"
"userPage": {
"oldPassword": "原密码",
"newPassword": "新密码",
"rePassword": "确认新密码"
"memberPage": {
"permissionDesc": "超管具有所有空间和项目权限",
"removeUserTips": "此操作将删除{name}, 是否继续?"
"namespacePage": {
"removeUserTips": "此操作将永久删除该用户的绑定关系, 是否继续?"
"templatePage": {
"scriptNotice": "注意:安装包上传至目标服务器的/tmp目录",
"templateDeleteTips": "此操作将删除模板({templateName}), 是否继续?"
"serverPage": {
"sshKeyOwner": "SSH-Key 所有者",
"sshKeyPath": "SSH-Key 路径",
"sshKeyPassword": "SSH-Key 密码",
"copyPub": "复制共钥",
"copyPubTips": "复制成功,请粘贴到目标服务器~/.ssh/authorized_keys里面",
"testConnection": "测试连接",
"removeServerTips": "此操作将删除服务器({serverName}), 是否继续?"
"crontabPage": {
"removeServerCrontabLabel": "删除服务器Crontab任务",
"importTips": "请读取服务器Crontab任务",
"selectServerTips": "请先选择服务器",
"selectItemTips": "请先选择需要导入的条目",
"removeCrontabServerTips": "此操作将永久删除该服务器的绑定关系, 是否继续?"
"monitorPage": {
"testAppState": "测试应用状态",
"failTimes": "连续失败次数",
"notifyTimes": "通知次数",
"errorContent": "错误内容",
"toggleStateTips": "此操作将暂停监控应用({monitorName}), 是否继续?",
"removeMontiorTips": "此操作将不再监控应用({monitorName}), 是否继续?"
"JSONPage": {
"expandAll": "展开所有",
"collapseAll": "收起所有",
"unmarkAll": "取消高亮",
"tips": "1.按住ALT点击label可以实现高亮<br>2.按住SHIFT可以查看JSON路径"
"projectPage": {
"testConnection": "测试连接",
"lishBranch": "列出分支",
"scriptMode": "脚本类型",
"rsyncDoc": "https://zhenorzz.gitee.io/goploy/#/dependency/rsync",
"deployNotice": "构建通知",
"publishReview": "发布审核",
"reviewFooterTips": "只有成员构建项目才会触发审核<br>审核方式:<br>1. 前往构建发布页面进行审核<br>2. 推送到URL:http(s)://domain?custom-param=1&callback=***<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;http get callback的值即可完成审核<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;重复访问callback只会发布一次并且发布过不会再次发布",
"symlinkLabel": "软链部署(推荐)",
"symlinkHeaderTips": "<p>项目先同步到指定目录(rsync 软链目录)然后ln -s 部署路径 软链目录</p><p>可以避免项目在同步传输文件的过程中,外部访问到部分正在同步的文件</p><p>备份最近10次的部署文件以便快速回滚</p>",
"symlinkFooterTips": "<p>如果部署路径已存在在目标服务器,请手动删除该目录<span style=\"color: red\">rm -rf 部署路径</span>,否则软链将会不成功</p><p>如需更换目录,务必手动迁移原先的目录到目标服务器</p>",
"afterPullScriptLabel": "拉取后运行脚本",
"afterPullScriptTips": "拉取代码后在宿主服务器运行的脚本<br>运行方式:打包成一份脚本文件<br>检查服务器是否安装该脚本类型(默认以bash运行)<br>",
"afterDeployScriptLabel": "部署后运行脚本",
"afterDeployScriptTips": "部署后在目标服务器运行的脚本<br>运行方式:打包成一份脚本文件<br>如需重启服务请注意是否需要nohup<br>检查服务器是否安装该脚本类型(默认以bash运行)",
"predefinedVar": "预定义变量",
"autoDeployTitle": "构建触发器:达成某种条件后自动构建发布项目",
"autoDeployTips": "前往GitLab、GitHub或Gitee的webhook可前往谷歌查找各自webhook所在的位置<br>填入连接<span style=\"color: red\">http(s)://域名(IP)/deploy/webhook?project_id={projectId}</span><br>勾选push event即可, (Gitlab可以选对应的分支)",
"projectFileTips": "构建项目时上传到目标服务器",
"removeProjectTips": "此操作将删除项目({projectName}), 是否继续?",
"removeFileTips": "此操作将永久删除文件({filename}), 是否继续?",
"removeServerTips": "此操作将永久删除服务器({serverName})的绑定关系, 是否继续?",
"removeUserTips": "此操作将永久删除用户({userName})的绑定关系, 是否继续?"
"deployPage": {
"resetState": "重置状态",
"showDetail": "查看详情",
"noDetail": "暂无详情",
"taskDeploy": "定时构建",
"resetStateTips": "此操作将重置项目的构建状态, 是否继续?",
"reviewDeploy": "审核构建",
"reviewTips": "此操作将通过该次提交, 是否继续?",
"reviewStateOption": ["待审", "已审", "拒审"],
"removeProjectTaskTips": "此操作删除{projectName}的定时任务, 是否继续?",
"publishCommitTips": "此操作将重新构建{commit}, 是否继续?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<section class="app-main">
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }" :key="key">
<transition name="fade-transform" mode="out-in">
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<component :is="Component" />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AppMain',
computed: {
cachedViews() {
return import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? this.$store.state.tagsView.cachedViews
: []
// return this.$store.state.tagsView.cachedViews
key() {
return this.$route.path
<style scoped>
.app-main {
/*50 = navbar */
min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);
width: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.fixed-header + .app-main {
padding-top: 50px;
<style lang="scss">
// fix css style bug in open el-dialog
.el-popup-parent--hidden {
.fixed-header {
padding-right: 15px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
<div class="navbar">
<img :src="logo" class="navbar-logo" />
style="float: left; line-height: 48px; cursor: pointer"
<span class="el-dropdown-link">
{{ namespace.name }}<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right" />
<template #dropdown>
v-for="item in namespaceList"
{{ item.name }}
<breadcrumb class="breadcrumb-container" />
<div class="right">
<div v-show="false" class="github">
<span class="github-btn">
<a class="gh-btn" href="https://github.com/zhenorzz" target="_blank">
<span class="gh-ico" />
<span class="gh-text">Follow @zhenorzz</span>
<span class="github-btn">
<span class="gh-ico" />
<span class="gh-text">Star</span>
{{ starCount }}
<span class="github-btn github-forks">
<span class="gh-ico" aria-hidden="true" />
<span class="gh-text">Fork</span>
{{ forkCount }}
<div class="international">
<svg-icon class-name="international-icon" icon-class="language" />
<template #dropdown>
:disabled="app.language === 'zh-cn'"
<el-dropdown-item :disabled="app.language === 'en'" command="en">
<div class="user-menu">
<div class="user-container">
<el-dropdown trigger="click" size="medium">
<div class="user-wrapper">
<el-row type="flex">
style="background: rgb(64, 158, 255)"
<span>{{ user.name.substr(0, 1) }}</span>
<div style="margin-left: 8px">
<div class="user-name">{{ user.name }}</div>
<div class="user-title">{{ namespace.role }}</div>
<template #dropdown>
<el-dropdown-menu class="user-dropdown">
<router-link to="/user/profile">
{{ $t('navbar.profile') }}
{{ $t('navbar.doc') }}
<el-dropdown-item divided>
style="display: block; text-align: center"
{{ $t('navbar.logout') }}
import logo from '@/assets/images/logo.png'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import Breadcrumb from '@/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue'
import Hamburger from '@/components/Hamburger/index.vue'
import {
} from '@/utils/namespace'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
data() {
return {
logo: logo,
starCount: 0,
forkCount: 0,
namespace: getNamespace(),
namespaceList: getNamespaceList(),
computed: {
...mapState(['app', 'user']),
created() {
// fetch('https://api.github.com/repos/zhenorzz/goploy').then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
// this.starCount = data.stargazers_count
// this.forkCount = data.forks_count
// })
methods: {
toggleSideBar() {
handleNamespaceChange(namespace) {
this.$Loading.service({ fullscreen: true })
handleSetLanguage(lang) {
this.$i18n.locale = lang
this.$store.dispatch('app/setLanguage', lang)
this.$message.success('Switch language success')
async logout() {
await this.$store.dispatch('user/logout')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.navbar {
height: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 21, 41, 0.08);
&-logo {
width: 25px;
float: left;
margin-left: 15px;
margin-top: 11px;
.hamburger-container {
line-height: 46px;
height: 100%;
float: left;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
&:hover {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.025);
.breadcrumb-container {
float: left;
.right {
float: right;
width: auto;
.international {
display: inline-block;
line-height: 50px;
cursor: pointer;
&-icon {
font-size: 18px;
.github {
display: inline-block;
line-height: 50px;
.github-btn {
display: inline-block;
font: 700 11px/14px 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
height: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
margin-right: 3px;
position: relative;
top: 5px;
.gh-count {
padding: 2px 5px 2px 4px;
color: #333;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
white-space: nowrap;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 3px;
.gh-ico {
float: left;
.gh-btn {
background-color: #eee;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fcfcfc 0, #eee 100%);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#fcfcfc', endColorstr='#eeeeee', GradientType=0);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
position: relative;
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #ddd;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee 0, #ddd 100%);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#eeeeee', endColorstr='#dddddd', GradientType=0);
border-color: #ccc;
&:active {
background-image: none;
background-color: #dcdcdc;
border-color: #b5b5b5;
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
.gh-ico {
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
margin-right: 4px;
background-image: url();
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.gh-count {
position: relative;
display: none;
margin-left: 4px;
background-color: #fafafa;
border: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
z-index: 1;
display: block;
&:hover {
color: #4183c4;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
&:before {
top: 50%;
left: -2px;
margin-top: -3px;
border-width: 2px 2px 2px 0;
border-right-color: #fafafa;
&:after {
top: 50%;
left: -3px;
z-index: -1;
margin-top: -4px;
border-width: 3px 3px 3px 0;
border-right-color: #d4d4d4;
.user-menu {
float: right;
height: 100%;
&:focus {
outline: none;
&:hover {
background-color: #f5f7fa;
.user-container {
padding: 0 20px;
height: 50px;
line-height: 0;
.user-wrapper {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
.avatar-box {
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
font-size: 16px;
.user-name {
margin-top: 4px;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 900;
color: #9d9d9d;
.user-title {
font-size: 13px;
padding-top: 3px;
color: #9d9d9d;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { reactive, onUnmounted } from 'vue'
import { parseTime } from '@/utils'
export default function useDateTransform() {
const timeExchange = reactive({
date: parseTime(new Date().getTime()),
timestamp: '',
timer: setInterval(() => {
timeExchange.placeholder = String(Math.round(Date.now() / 1000))
}, 1000),
placeholder: String(Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)),
const dateExchange = reactive({
date: '',
timestamp: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000),
timer: setInterval(() => {
dateExchange.placeholder = parseTime(new Date().getTime())
}, 1000),
placeholder: parseTime(new Date().getTime()),
const timestamp = (value: string) => {
let ts = 0
switch (value) {
case 'now':
ts = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)
case 'today':
ts = Math.round(
new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime() / 1000
case 'm1d':
ts =
timeExchange.timestamp !== ''
? parseInt(timeExchange.timestamp) - 86400
: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) - 86400
case 'p1d':
ts =
timeExchange.timestamp !== ''
? parseInt(timeExchange.timestamp) + 86400
: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) + 86400
ts = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)
timeExchange.timestamp = String(ts)
timeExchange.date = parseTime(ts)
const timestampToDate = () => {
timeExchange.date = parseTime(Number(timeExchange.timestamp))
const dateToTimestamp = () => {
dateExchange.timestamp = new Date(dateExchange.date).getTime() / 1000
onUnmounted(() => {
return {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import { reactive } from 'vue'
export default function useRGBTransform() {
const cHexExchange = reactive({
hex: '',
rgb: '',
const rgbExchange = reactive({
hex: '',
rgb: '',
const hexToRGB = () => {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(
if (result) {
const r = parseInt(result[1], 16)
const g = parseInt(result[2], 16)
const b = parseInt(result[3], 16)
cHexExchange.rgb = 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')'
} else {
cHexExchange.rgb = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
const rgbToHex = () => {
const color = rgbExchange.rgb.replace(/\(|\)|rgb/g, '')
const rgb = color.split(',')
const r = parseInt(rgb[0])
const g = parseInt(rgb[1])
const b = parseInt(rgb[2])
const hex =
'#' + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1)
rgbExchange.hex = hex.toLocaleUpperCase()
return {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { reactive } from 'vue'
export default function useRandomPWD() {
const password = reactive({
checkbox: [1, 2, 3],
length: 8,
text: '',
const createPassword = () => {
let randArr: string[] = []
for (const num of password.checkbox) {
if (num === 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
randArr.push(String.fromCharCode(65 + i))
} else if (num === 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
randArr.push(String.fromCharCode(97 + i))
} else if (num === 3) {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
} else {
randArr = randArr.concat(['!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*'])
let tmpPWD = ''
for (let i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
tmpPWD += randArr[Math.floor(Math.random() * randArr.length)]
password.text = tmpPWD
return {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { reactive, computed } from 'vue'
export default function useUnicode() {
const unicode = reactive({
escape: '',
const unicodeUnescapeStr = computed(() =>
unescape(unicode.escape.replace(/\\u/g, '%u'))
return {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
<div class="fab">
<el-popover placement="right-end" trigger="hover" popper-class="fab-popper">
<div style="margin: 0 10px">
Date Transform
Random PWD
Byte Transform
Color Transform
<template #reference>
<div class="fab-cell">
<i class="el-icon-s-cooperation fab-icon" />
<el-row class="transform-content">
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'time'">
style="margin-left: 80px"
{{ $t('now') }}
<el-button type="primary" @click="timestamp('today')">
{{ $t('today') }}
<el-button type="primary" @click="timestamp('m1d')">
{{ $t('m1d') }}
<el-button type="primary" @click="timestamp('p1d')">
{{ $t('p1d') }}
<el-row style="margin-top: 10px" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 70px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
style="width: 200px"
<el-button type="primary" @click="timestampToDate">>></el-button>
<el-input v-model="timeExchange.date" style="width: 200px" />
<el-row style="margin-top: 10px" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 70px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
style="width: 200px"
<el-button type="primary" @click="dateToTimestamp">>></el-button>
<el-input v-model="dateExchange.timestamp" style="width: 200px" />
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'password'">
<el-checkbox-group v-model="password.checkbox">
<el-checkbox :label="1">A-Z</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox :label="2">a-z</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox :label="3">0-9</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox :label="4">!@#$%^&*</el-checkbox>
<el-row style="margin-top: 10px" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 60px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 5px">
placeholder="Please enter the password length"
<el-button type="primary" @click="createPassword">Gen</el-button>
<el-input :value="password.text" style="margin-top: 10px" readonly />
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'unicode'">
:autosize="{ minRows: 2 }"
placeholder="Please enter unescaped unicode encoding"
style="margin-top: 10px"
:autosize="{ minRows: 2 }"
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'decodeURI'">
:autosize="{ minRows: 2 }"
placeholder="Please enter unescaped URI"
:value="decodeURI.escape ? decodeURI(decodeURI.escape) : ''"
style="margin-top: 10px"
:autosize="{ minRows: 2 }"
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'md5'">
:autosize="{ minRows: 3 }"
style="margin-top: 10px"
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'cron'">
placeholder="* * * * ?"
style="width: 450px; margin-bottom: 10px"
<el-button type="primary" @click="crontabTranslate">>></el-button>
<el-row style="margin-left: 5px">{{ cron.chinese }}</el-row>
* * * * *
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | +----- Week (0 - 7) (0 for sunday)
| | | +---------- Month (1 - 12)
| | +--------------- Day (1 - 31)
| +-------------------- Hour (0 - 23)
+------------------------- Minute (0 - 59)
<el-row style="padding: 0 5px">
星号( *
逗号( , )可以用逗号隔开的值指定一个列表范围例如"1,2,5,7,8,9"
中杠( -
正斜线( /
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'qrcode'">
:autosize="{ minRows: 2 }"
<el-row style="margin-top: 10px" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 30px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
<el-input-number v-model="qrcode.width" />
:options="{ width: qrcode.width }"
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'byte'" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 40px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
style="width: 130px"
<el-select v-model="bytesUnit" style="width: 70px">
<el-option :value="1" label="B" />
<el-option :value="1 * 1024" label="KB" />
<el-option :value="1024 * 1024" label="MB" />
<el-button type="primary" @click="bytesToHumanSize">>></el-button>
<el-input v-model="humanSize" style="width: 200px" />
<el-row v-show="transformType === 'color'">
<el-row type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 40px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
style="width: 200px"
<el-button type="primary" @click="hexToRGB">>></el-button>
<el-input v-model="cHexExchange.rgb" style="width: 200px" />
<el-row style="margin-top: 10px" type="flex" align="middle">
<span style="width: 40px; font-size: 14px; margin-right: 10px">
style="width: 200px"
<el-button type="primary" @click="rgbToHex">>></el-button>
<el-input v-model="rgbExchange.hex" style="width: 200px" />
import VueQrcode from '@chenfengyuan/vue-qrcode'
import cronstrue from 'cronstrue/i18n'
import { humanSize } from '@/utils'
import { md5 as hashByMD5 } from '@/utils/md5'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import useDateTransform from './composables/useDateTransform'
import useRandomPWD from './composables/useRandomPWD'
import useUnicode from './composables/useUnicode'
import useRGBTransform from './composables/useRGBTransform'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const {
} = useDateTransform()
const { password, createPassword } = useRandomPWD()
const { unicode, unicodeUnescapeStr } = useUnicode()
const { cHexExchange, rgbExchange, hexToRGB, rgbToHex } = useRGBTransform()
return {
data() {
return {
transformVisible: false,
transformType: '',
qrcode: {
text: 'https://github.com/zhenorzz/goploy',
width: 200,
decodeURI: {
escape: '',
md5: {
text: '',
cron: {
expression: '',
chinese: '',
bytes: '',
bytesUnit: 1,
humanSize: '',
methods: {
showTransformDialog(type) {
this.transformVisible = true
this.transformType = type
bytesToHumanSize() {
this.humanSize = humanSize(this.bytes * this.bytesUnit)
crontabTranslate() {
try {
this.cron.chinese = cronstrue.toString(this.cron.expression, {
locale: 'zh_CN',
} catch (error) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/styles/mixin.scss';
.fab {
z-index: 20;
position: fixed;
right: 0;
bottom: 40px;
width: 36px;
border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
background-color: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
text-align: center;
&-cell {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
transform: translateZ(0);
color: #999;
cursor: pointer;
&-icon {
line-height: 36px;
color: #999;
cursor: pointer;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
.transform {
&-content {
max-height: 500px;
overflow-y: auto;
@include scrollBar();
<style lang="scss">
.fab-popper {
padding: 0;
min-width: 120px !important;
.el-button {
padding: 0;
margin: 4px 0;
color: #606266;
min-height: 20px;
.el-button + .el-button {
margin-left: 0px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
computed: {
device() {
return this.$store.state.app.device
mounted() {
// In order to fix the click on menu on the ios device will trigger the mouseleave bug
// https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/1135
methods: {
fixBugIniOS() {
const $subMenu = this.$refs.subMenu
if ($subMenu) {
const handleMouseleave = $subMenu.handleMouseleave
$subMenu.handleMouseleave = (e) => {
if (this.device === 'mobile') {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<a v-if="isExternal(to)" :href="to" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<slot />
<router-link v-else :to="to">
<slot />
import { isExternal } from '@/utils/validate'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
to: {
type: String,
required: true,
methods: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<div v-if="!(item.meta && item.meta.hidden)" class="menu-wrapper">
hasOneShowingChild(item.children, item) &&
(!onlyOneChild.children || onlyOneChild.noShowingChildren) &&
<app-link v-if="onlyOneChild.meta" :to="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)">
:class="{ 'submenu-title-noDropdown': !isNest }"
v-if="onlyOneChild.meta.icon || (item.meta && item.meta.icon)"
:icon-class="onlyOneChild.meta.icon || item.meta.icon"
<template #title>
{{ $t(`route.${onlyOneChild.meta.title}`) }}
<template #title>
v-if="item.meta && item.meta.icon"
<span>{{ $t(`route.${item.meta.title}`) }}</span>
v-for="child in item.children"
import { isExternal } from '@/utils/validate'
import AppLink from './Link.vue'
import FixiOSBug from './FixiOSBug'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import path from 'path-browserify'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'SidebarItem',
components: { AppLink },
mixins: [FixiOSBug],
props: {
// route object
item: {
type: Object,
required: true,
isNest: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
basePath: {
type: String,
default: '',
data() {
// To fix https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/issues/237
// TODO: refactor with render function
this.onlyOneChild = null
return {}
methods: {
hasOneShowingChild(children = [], parent) {
const showingChildren = children.filter((item) => {
if (item.meta && item.meta.hidden) {
return false
} else {
// Temp set(will be used if only has one showing child)
this.onlyOneChild = item
return true
// When there is only one child router, the child router is displayed by default
if (showingChildren.length === 1) {
return true
// Show parent if there are no child router to display
if (showingChildren.length === 0) {
this.onlyOneChild = { ...parent, path: '', noShowingChildren: true }
return true
return false
resolvePath(routePath) {
if (isExternal(routePath)) {
return routePath
if (isExternal(this.basePath)) {
return this.basePath
return path.resolve(this.basePath, routePath)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper">
v-for="route in permission.routes"
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import SidebarItem from './SidebarItem.vue'
import variables from '@/styles/variables.scss'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { parseExportCSS } from '@/utils'
export default defineComponent({
components: { SidebarItem },
computed: {
...mapState(['app', 'permission']),
activeMenu() {
const route = this.$route
const { meta, path } = route
// if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set
if (meta.activeMenu) {
return meta.activeMenu
return path
variables() {
return parseExportCSS(variables)
isCollapse() {
return !this.app.sidebar.opened

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<slot />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
const tagAndTagSpacing = 4 // tagAndTagSpacing
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ScrollPane',
props: {
tagRefs: {
type: Array,
required: true,
emits: ['scroll'],
data() {
return {
left: 0,
computed: {
scrollWrapper() {
return this.$refs.scrollContainer.$refs.wrap
mounted() {
this.scrollWrapper.addEventListener('scroll', this.emitScroll, true)
beforeUnmount() {
this.scrollWrapper.removeEventListener('scroll', this.emitScroll)
methods: {
handleScroll(e) {
const eventDelta = e.wheelDelta || -e.deltaY * 40
const $scrollWrapper = this.scrollWrapper
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = $scrollWrapper.scrollLeft + eventDelta / 4
emitScroll() {
moveToTarget(currentTag) {
const $container = this.$refs.scrollContainer.$el
const $containerWidth = $container.offsetWidth
const $scrollWrapper = this.scrollWrapper
const tagList = this.tagRefs
let firstTag = null
let lastTag = null
// find first tag and last tag
if (tagList.length > 0) {
firstTag = tagList[0]
lastTag = tagList[tagList.length - 1]
if (firstTag === currentTag) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = 0
} else if (lastTag === currentTag) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = $scrollWrapper.scrollWidth - $containerWidth
} else {
// find preTag and nextTag
const currentIndex = tagList.findIndex((item) => item === currentTag)
const prevTag = tagList[currentIndex - 1]
const nextTag = tagList[currentIndex + 1]
// the tag's offsetLeft after of nextTag
const afterNextTagOffsetLeft =
nextTag.$el.offsetLeft + nextTag.$el.offsetWidth + tagAndTagSpacing
// the tag's offsetLeft before of prevTag
const beforePrevTagOffsetLeft =
prevTag.$el.offsetLeft - tagAndTagSpacing
if (
afterNextTagOffsetLeft >
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft + $containerWidth
) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = afterNextTagOffsetLeft - $containerWidth
} else if (beforePrevTagOffsetLeft < $scrollWrapper.scrollLeft) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = beforePrevTagOffsetLeft
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.scroll-container {
white-space: nowrap;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
:deep {
.el-scrollbar__bar {
bottom: 0px;
.el-scrollbar__wrap {
height: 49px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
<div id="tags-view-container" class="tags-view-container">
v-for="tag in visitedViews"
:class="isActive(tag) ? 'active' : ''"
:to="{ path: tag.path, query: tag.query, fullPath: tag.fullPath }"
@click.middle="!isAffix(tag) ? closeSelectedTag(tag) : ''"
@contextmenu.prevent="openMenu(tag, $event)"
{{ $t('route.' + tag.title) }}
:style="{ left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px' }"
<li @click="refreshSelectedTag(selectedTag)">
{{ $t('tagsView.refresh') }}
<li v-if="!isAffix(selectedTag)" @click="closeSelectedTag(selectedTag)">
{{ $t('tagsView.close') }}
<li @click="closeOthersTags">{{ $t('tagsView.closeOthers') }}</li>
<li @click="closeAllTags(selectedTag)">{{ $t('tagsView.closeAll') }}</li>
import ScrollPane from './ScrollPane.vue'
import path from 'path-browserify'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import { deepClone } from '@/utils'
export default defineComponent({
components: { ScrollPane },
data() {
return {
visible: false,
top: 0,
left: 0,
selectedTag: {},
affixTags: [],
tagRefs: [],
computed: {
visitedViews: (state) => state.tagsView.visitedViews,
routes: (state) => state.permission.routes,
watch: {
$route() {
visible(value) {
if (value) {
document.body.addEventListener('click', this.closeMenu)
} else {
document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.closeMenu)
mounted() {
beforeUpdate() {
this.tagRefs = []
methods: {
setTagRef(el) {
if (el) {
isActive(route) {
return route.path === this.$route.path
isAffix(tag) {
return tag.meta && tag.meta.affix
filterAffixTags(routes, basePath = '/') {
let tags = []
routes.forEach((route) => {
if (route.meta && route.meta.affix) {
const tagPath = path.resolve(basePath, route.path)
fullPath: tagPath,
path: tagPath,
name: route.name,
meta: { ...route.meta },
if (route.children) {
const tempTags = this.filterAffixTags(route.children, route.path)
if (tempTags.length >= 1) {
tags = [...tags, ...tempTags]
return tags
initTags() {
const affixTags = (this.affixTags = this.filterAffixTags(this.routes))
for (const tag of affixTags) {
// Must have tag name
if (tag.name) {
this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/addVisitedView', tag)
addTags() {
const { name } = this.$route
if (name) {
this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/addView', this.$route)
return false
moveToCurrentTag() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
for (const tag of this.tagRefs) {
if (tag.to.path === this.$route.path) {
// when query is different then update
if (tag.to.fullPath !== this.$route.fullPath) {
this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/updateVisitedView', this.$route)
refreshSelectedTag(view) {
this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/delCachedView', view).then(() => {
const { fullPath } = view
this.$nextTick(() => {
path: '/redirect' + fullPath,
closeSelectedTag(view) {
.dispatch('tagsView/delView', view)
.then(({ visitedViews }) => {
if (this.isActive(view)) {
this.toLastView(visitedViews, view)
closeOthersTags() {
.dispatch('tagsView/delOthersViews', this.selectedTag)
.then(() => {
closeAllTags(view) {
this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/delAllViews').then(({ visitedViews }) => {
if (this.affixTags.some((tag) => tag.path === view.path)) {
this.toLastView(visitedViews, view)
toLastView(visitedViews, view) {
const latestView = visitedViews.slice(-1)[0]
if (latestView) {
} else {
// now the default is to redirect to the home page if there is no tags-view,
// you can adjust it according to your needs.
if (view.name === 'Dashboard') {
// to reload home page
this.$router.replace({ path: '/redirect' + view.fullPath })
} else {
openMenu(tag, e) {
const menuMinWidth = 105
const offsetLeft = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().left // container margin left
const offsetWidth = this.$el.offsetWidth // container width
const maxLeft = offsetWidth - menuMinWidth // left boundary
const left = e.clientX - offsetLeft + 15 // 15: margin right
if (left > maxLeft) {
this.left = maxLeft
} else {
this.left = left
this.top = e.clientY - 30
this.visible = true
this.selectedTag = tag
closeMenu() {
this.visible = false
handleScroll() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tags-view-container {
height: 34px;
width: 100%;
background: #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #d8dce5;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 0 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
.tags-view-wrapper {
.tags-view-item {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
height: 26px;
line-height: 26px;
border: 1px solid #d8dce5;
color: #495060;
background: #fff;
padding: 0 8px;
font-size: 12px;
margin-left: 5px;
margin-top: 4px;
&:first-of-type {
margin-left: 15px;
&:last-of-type {
margin-right: 15px;
&.active {
background-color: #42b983;
color: #fff;
border-color: #42b983;
&::before {
content: '';
background: #fff;
display: inline-block;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
border-radius: 50%;
position: relative;
margin-right: 2px;
.contextmenu {
margin: 0;
background: #fff;
z-index: 3000;
position: absolute;
list-style-type: none;
padding: 5px 0;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #333;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
li {
margin: 0;
padding: 7px 16px;
cursor: pointer;
&:hover {
background: #eee;
<style lang="scss">
//reset element css of el-icon-close
.tags-view-wrapper {
.tags-view-item {
.el-icon-close {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
vertical-align: 2px;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1);
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
&:before {
transform: scale(0.6);
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: -3px;
&:hover {
background-color: #b4bccc;
color: #fff;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export { default as Navbar } from './Navbar.vue'
export { default as Sidebar } from './Sidebar/index.vue'
export { default as AppMain } from './AppMain.vue'
export { default as RightMenu } from './RightMenu/index.vue'
export { default as TagsView } from './TagsView/index.vue'

web+/src/layout/index.vue Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<div :class="classObj" class="app-wrapper">
v-if="device === 'mobile' && sidebar.opened"
<Navbar />
<Sidebar class="sidebar-container" />
<div class="main-container">
<TagsView />
<AppMain />
<RightMenu />
import { Navbar, Sidebar, AppMain, RightMenu, TagsView } from './components'
import ResizeMixin from './mixin/ResizeHandler'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Layout',
components: {
mixins: [ResizeMixin],
computed: {
sidebar() {
return this.$store.state.app.sidebar
device() {
return this.$store.state.app.device
classObj() {
return {
hideSidebar: !this.sidebar.opened,
openSidebar: this.sidebar.opened,
withoutAnimation: this.sidebar.withoutAnimation,
mobile: this.device === 'mobile',
created() {
methods: {
handleClickOutside() {
this.$store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: false })
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/styles/mixin.scss';
@import '@/styles/variables.scss';
.app-wrapper {
@include clearfix;
position: relative;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
&.mobile.openSidebar {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
.drawer-bg {
background: #000;
opacity: 0.3;
width: 100%;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
z-index: 999;
.hideSidebar .fixed-header {
width: calc(100% - 54px);
.mobile .fixed-header {
width: 100%;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import store from '@/store'
const { body } = document
const WIDTH = 992 // refer to Bootstrap's responsive design
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
watch: {
$route() {
if (this.device === 'mobile' && this.sidebar.opened) {
store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: false })
beforeMount() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler)
beforeUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler)
mounted() {
const isMobile = this.$_isMobile()
if (isMobile) {
store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', 'mobile')
store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true })
methods: {
// use $_ for mixins properties
// https://vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/index.html#Private-property-names-essential
$_isMobile() {
const rect = body.getBoundingClientRect()
return rect.width - 1 < WIDTH
$_resizeHandler() {
if (!document.hidden) {
const isMobile = this.$_isMobile()
store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop')
if (isMobile) {
store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true })

web+/src/main.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import 'normalize.css/normalize.css' // A modern alternative to CSS resets
import '@/styles/index.scss' // global css
import store from '@/store'
import router from '@/router'
import '@/permission'
import i18n from '@/lang' // internationalization
import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon/index.vue' // svg component
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus'
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
import 'vite-plugin-svg-icons/register' // register svg sprite map
import global from '@/global' // global config
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(ElementPlus, {
i18n: i18n.global.t,
size: 'mini',
app.component('SvgIcon', SvgIcon)
app.config.globalProperties.$global = global

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
tableHeight: window.innerHeight - 160 // table高度
mounted() {
try {
const outHeight = document.getElementsByClassName('app-bar')[0].clientHeight + 140 // 除了table外 查询与按钮的高度 + 其他的高度150
const maxHeight = window.innerHeight - outHeight
this.tableHeight = maxHeight
} catch (e) {

web+/src/permission.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import NProgress from 'nprogress' // progress bar
import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' // progress bar style
import { isLogin, logout } from '@/utils/auth' // get token from cookie
import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }) // NProgress Configuration
const whiteList = ['/login'] // no redirect whitelist
router.beforeEach(async (to) => {
// start progress bar
// set page title
document.title = 'Goploy'
// determine whether the user has logged in
if (isLogin()) {
if (to.path === '/login') {
// if is logged in, redirect to the home page
return '/'
} else {
// determine whether the user has obtained his permission roles through getInfo
const hasUID = store.state.user.id && store.state.user.id !== 0
if (hasUID) {
return true
} else {
try {
// get user info
// note: roles must be a object array! such as: ['admin'] or ,['developer','editor']
await store.dispatch('user/getInfo')
// generate accessible routes map based on roles
const accessRoutes = await store.dispatch('permission/generateRoutes')
// dynamically add accessible routes
accessRoutes.forEach((route: RouteRecordRaw) =>
// hack method to ensure that addRoutes is complete
// set the replace: true, so the navigation will not leave a history record
return { ...to, replace: true }
} catch (error) {
// remove token and go to login page to re-login
ElMessage.error(error || 'Has Error')
return `/login?redirect=${to.path}`
} else {
/* has no token*/
if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) {
// in the free login whitelist, go directly
return true
} else {
// other pages that do not have permission to access are redirected to the login page.
return `/login?redirect=${to.path}`
router.afterEach(() => {
// finish progress bar

web+/src/router/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
import { RouteRecordRaw, createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router'
/* Layout */
import Layout from '@/layout/index.vue'
* Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1
* Detail see: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/router-and-nav.html
* hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false)
* alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu
* if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route,
* it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu
* redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb
* name:'router-name' the name is used by <keep-alive> (must set!!!)
* meta : {
roles: ['admin', 'manager', 'group-manager', 'member'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles)
title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set)
icon: 'svg-name' the icon show in the sidebar
breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true)
activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set
export const homeRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
// 预留常量 permission.js 会修改权限的第一条
{ path: '/', redirect: '/user' },
* constantRoutes
* a base page that does not have permission requirements
* all roles can be accessed
export const constantRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
path: '/login',
component: () => import('@/views/login/index.vue'),
meta: { hidden: true },
path: '/redirect',
component: Layout,
meta: { hidden: true },
children: [
path: '/redirect/:path(.*)',
component: () => import('@/views/redirect/index.vue'),
path: '/404',
component: () => import('@/views/404.vue'),
meta: { hidden: true },
path: '/user',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/user/profile',
meta: { hidden: true },
children: [
path: 'profile',
name: 'UserProfile',
component: () => import('@/views/user/profile.vue'),
meta: { title: 'userProfile' },
* asyncRoutes
* the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user permission_uri
export const asyncRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
path: '/deploy',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/deploy/index',
meta: {
title: 'deploy',
icon: 'deploy',
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Deploy',
component: () => import('@/views/deploy/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'deploy',
icon: 'deploy',
affix: true,
path: '/toolbox',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/toolbox/json',
meta: {
title: 'toolbox',
icon: 'toolbox',
children: [
path: 'json',
name: 'JSONFormatter',
component: () => import('@/views/toolbox/json/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'json',
icon: 'json',
path: '/monitor',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/monitor/index',
meta: {
title: 'monitor',
icon: 'monitor',
roles: ['admin', 'manager', 'group-manager'],
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Monitor',
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'monitor',
icon: 'monitor',
roles: ['admin', 'manager', 'group-manager'],
path: '/project',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/project/index',
meta: {
title: 'project',
icon: 'project',
roles: ['admin', 'manager', 'group-manager'],
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Project',
component: () => import('@/views/project/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'project',
icon: 'project',
roles: ['admin', 'manager', 'group-manager'],
path: '/server',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/server/index',
meta: {
title: 'server',
icon: 'server',
roles: ['admin', 'manager'],
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Server',
component: () => import('@/views/server/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'serverSetting',
icon: 'setting',
roles: ['admin', 'manager'],
path: 'crontab',
name: 'Crontab',
component: () => import('@/views/server/crontab.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'crontab',
icon: 'crontab',
roles: ['admin', 'manager'],
path: '/namespace',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/namespace/index',
meta: {
title: 'namespace',
icon: 'namespace',
roles: ['admin', 'manager'],
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Namespace',
component: () => import('@/views/namespace/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'namespace',
icon: 'namespace',
roles: ['admin', 'manager'],
path: '/member',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/member/index',
meta: {
title: 'member',
icon: 'user',
roles: ['admin'],
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Member',
component: () => import('@/views/member/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'member',
icon: 'user',
roles: ['admin'],
// 404 page must be placed at the end !!!
{ path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*', redirect: '/404', meta: { hidden: true } },
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHashHistory(),
scrollBehavior() {
return {
el: '#app',
left: 0,
behavior: 'smooth',
routes: constantRoutes,
export function resetRouter(): void {
.forEach((route) => route.name && router.removeRoute(route.name))
constantRoutes.forEach((route: RouteRecordRaw) => router.addRoute(route))
export default router

web+/src/router/shims-vue-router.d.ts vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import 'vue-router'
declare module 'vue-router' {
interface RouteMeta {
// 是可选的
roles?: string[]
hidden?: boolean

web+/src/shims-env.d.ts vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
interface ImportMetaEnv {

web+/src/shims-vue.d.ts vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
declare module '*.vue' {
import { DefineComponent } from 'vue'
const component: DefineComponent<
Record<string, unknown>,
Record<string, unknown>,
export default component
declare module 'path-browserify' {
import path from 'path'
export default path

web+/src/store/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { ModuleTree, createStore, createLogger } from 'vuex'
import { RootState } from './types'
const files = import.meta.globEager('./modules/*/index.ts')
const modules: ModuleTree<RootState> = {}
for (const path in files) {
modules[path.split('/')[2]] = files[path].default
const store = createStore({
strict: true,
modules: { ...modules },
plugins: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? [createLogger()] : [],
export default store

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import { getLanguage } from '@/lang/index'
import { AppState } from './types'
const state: AppState = {
sidebar: {
opened: Cookies.get('sidebarStatus')
? !!Cookies.get('sidebarStatus')
: true,
withoutAnimation: false,
device: 'desktop',
language: getLanguage(),
const mutations: MutationTree<AppState> = {
TOGGLE_SIDEBAR: (state) => {
state.sidebar.opened = !state.sidebar.opened
state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = false
if (state.sidebar.opened) {
Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', '1')
} else {
Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', '0')
CLOSE_SIDEBAR: (state, withoutAnimation: boolean) => {
Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', '0')
state.sidebar.opened = false
state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = withoutAnimation
TOGGLE_DEVICE: (state, device: string) => {
state.device = device
SET_LANGUAGE: (state, language: string) => {
state.language = language
Cookies.set('language', language)
const actions: ActionTree<AppState, RootState> = {
toggleSideBar(context) {
closeSideBar({ commit }, { withoutAnimation }) {
commit('CLOSE_SIDEBAR', withoutAnimation)
toggleDevice({ commit }, device: string) {
commit('TOGGLE_DEVICE', device)
setLanguage({ commit }, language: string) {
commit('SET_LANGUAGE', language)
const app: Module<AppState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default app

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export type AppState = {
sidebar: Sidebar
device: string
language: string
type Sidebar = {
opened: boolean
withoutAnimation: boolean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex'
import { homeRoutes, asyncRoutes, constantRoutes } from '@/router'
import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
import { getNamespace } from '@/utils/namespace'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
import { PermissionState } from './types'
* Use meta.role to determine if the current user has permission
* @param role
* @param route
function hasPermission(role: string, route: RouteRecordRaw) {
if (route.meta && route.meta.roles) {
return route.meta['roles'].includes(role)
} else {
return true
* Filter asynchronous routing tables by recursion
* @param routes asyncRoutes
* @param role
export function filterAsyncRoutes(
routes: RouteRecordRaw[],
role: string
): RouteRecordRaw[] {
const res: RouteRecordRaw[] = []
routes.forEach((route) => {
const tmp = { ...route }
if (hasPermission(role, tmp)) {
if (tmp.children) {
tmp.children = filterAsyncRoutes(tmp.children, role)
return res
const state: PermissionState = {
routes: [],
const mutations: MutationTree<PermissionState> = {
SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => {
state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes)
const actions: ActionTree<PermissionState, RootState> = {
generateRoutes({ commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const namespace = getNamespace()
let accessRoutes = filterAsyncRoutes(asyncRoutes, namespace.role)
if (
accessRoutes.length !== 0 &&
accessRoutes[0]['children'] &&
accessRoutes[0]['children'].length !== 0
) {
homeRoutes[0].redirect =
accessRoutes[0].path + '/' + accessRoutes[0].children[0].path
accessRoutes = homeRoutes.concat(accessRoutes)
commit('SET_ROUTES', accessRoutes)
const permission: Module<PermissionState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default permission

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
export type PermissionState = {
routes: RouteRecordRaw[]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { Module } from 'vuex'
import { SettingState } from './types'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
const state: SettingState = {
fixedHeader: false,
const setting: Module<SettingState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default setting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export type SettingState = {
fixedHeader: boolean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
import { TagsViewState } from './types'
const state: TagsViewState = {
visitedViews: [],
cachedViews: [],
const mutations: MutationTree<TagsViewState> = {
ADD_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => {
if (state.visitedViews.some((v) => v.path === view.path)) return
Object.assign({}, view, {
title: view.meta.title || 'no-name',
matched: {},
ADD_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => {
if (state.cachedViews.includes(view.name)) return
if (!view.meta.noCache) {
DEL_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => {
for (const [i, v] of state.visitedViews.entries()) {
if (v.path === view.path) {
state.visitedViews.splice(i, 1)
DEL_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => {
const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf(view.name)
index > -1 && state.cachedViews.splice(index, 1)
DEL_OTHERS_VISITED_VIEWS: (state, view) => {
state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter((v) => {
return v.meta.affix || v.path === view.path
DEL_OTHERS_CACHED_VIEWS: (state, view) => {
const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf(view.name)
if (index > -1) {
state.cachedViews = state.cachedViews.slice(index, index + 1)
} else {
// if index = -1, there is no cached tags
state.cachedViews = []
// keep affix tags
const affixTags = state.visitedViews.filter((tag) => tag.meta.affix)
state.visitedViews = affixTags
DEL_ALL_CACHED_VIEWS: (state) => {
state.cachedViews = []
UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => {
for (let v of state.visitedViews) {
if (v.path === view.path) {
v = Object.assign(v, view)
const actions: ActionTree<TagsViewState, RootState> = {
addView({ dispatch }, view) {
dispatch('addVisitedView', view)
dispatch('addCachedView', view)
addVisitedView({ commit }, view) {
commit('ADD_VISITED_VIEW', view)
addCachedView({ commit }, view) {
commit('ADD_CACHED_VIEW', view)
delView({ dispatch, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
dispatch('delVisitedView', view)
dispatch('delCachedView', view)
visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews],
cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews],
delVisitedView({ commit, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
commit('DEL_VISITED_VIEW', view)
delCachedView({ commit, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
commit('DEL_CACHED_VIEW', view)
delOthersViews({ dispatch, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
dispatch('delOthersVisitedViews', view)
dispatch('delOthersCachedViews', view)
visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews],
cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews],
delOthersVisitedViews({ commit, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
delOthersCachedViews({ commit, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
delAllViews({ dispatch, state }, view) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
dispatch('delAllVisitedViews', view)
dispatch('delAllCachedViews', view)
visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews],
cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews],
delAllVisitedViews({ commit, state }) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
delAllCachedViews({ commit, state }) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
updateVisitedView({ commit }, view) {
commit('UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW', view)
const tagsView: Module<TagsViewState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default tagsView

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
export type TagsViewState = {
visitedViews: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded[]
cachedViews: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded[]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex'
import { UserState } from './types'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
import { login, getInfo } from '@/api/user'
import { setLogin, logout } from '@/utils/auth'
import { getNamespace, setNamespace, setNamespaceList } from '@/utils/namespace'
import { resetRouter } from '@/router'
const state: UserState = {
id: 0,
account: '',
name: '',
superManager: 0,
const mutations: MutationTree<UserState> = {
SET_ID: (state, id: number) => {
state.id = id
SET_ACCOUNT: (state, account: string) => {
state.account = account
SET_NAME: (state, name: string) => {
state.name = name
SET_SUPER_MANAGER: (state, superManager: number) => {
state.superManager = superManager
const actions: ActionTree<UserState, RootState> = {
// user login
login(_, userInfo) {
const { account, password } = userInfo
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
login({ account: account.trim(), password: password })
.then((response) => {
const { data } = response
let namespace = getNamespace()
if (!namespace) {
namespace = data.namespaceList[data.namespaceList.length - 1]
.catch((error) => {
// get user info
getInfo({ commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
const { data } = response
if (!data) {
reject('Verification failed, please Login again.')
const { id, account, name, superManager } = data.userInfo
commit('SET_ID', id)
commit('SET_ACCOUNT', account)
commit('SET_NAME', name)
commit('SET_SUPER_MANAGER', superManager)
.catch((error) => {
// user logout
logout({ commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
commit('SET_ID', 0)
const setting: Module<UserState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default setting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export type UserState = {
id: number
account: string
name: string
superManager: number

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
import { Module, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex'
import { WebsocketState } from './types'
import { RootState } from '../../types'
import { parseTime } from '@/utils'
import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
const state: WebsocketState = {
ws: null,
message: {},
againConnectTime: 0, // 规定时间重连
const mutations: MutationTree<WebsocketState> = {
SET_MESSAGE: (state, message) => {
state.message = message
SET_WS: (state, ws) => {
state.ws = ws
CLOSE_WS: (state) => {
if (state.ws) {
SET_AGAINCONNECTTIME: (state, time) => {
state.againConnectTime = time
const actions: ActionTree<WebsocketState, RootState> = {
init({ dispatch, commit, state }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const websocket = new WebSocket(
`${location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws')}//${location.host}${
websocket.onopen = () => {
console.log('websocket连接成功, 时间:' + parseTime(Date.now()))
// 连接成功当成重连次数0 置0
dispatch('setAgainConnectTime', 0)
websocket.onerror = (err) => {
console.log('websocket连接发生错误, 时间:' + parseTime(Date.now()))
websocket.onmessage = (event) => {
const responseData = JSON.parse(event.data)
dispatch('setMessage', responseData)
websocket.onclose = (e) => {
// 1005 主动断开
// websocket close code https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CloseEvent
// 顶号,后台发送关闭帧
if (e.code !== 1005) {
if (state.againConnectTime === 0) {
// 第一次连接断开进来 有一次重连机会
dispatch('setAgainConnectTime', new Date().getTime())
setTimeout(() => {
'首次断开,重新主动连接, 时间:' + parseTime(Date.now())
}, 60000)
} else {
if (new Date().getTime() - state.againConnectTime >= 60000) {
'主动连接失败,再次尝试, 时间:' + parseTime(Date.now())
// 一分钟后的连接 一次重连机会已用完 还是连接失败,就弹窗询问用户
'检测到Websocket与服务器断开连接, 请重连!',
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '取消重连',
`connection closed (${e.code})${e.reason}, 时间:${parseTime(
commit('SET_WS', websocket)
close({ commit }) {
return new Promise(() => {
commit('SET_WS', null)
destory({ commit }) {
commit('SET_WS', null)
setAgainConnectTime({ commit }, times) {
setMessage({ commit }, message) {
commit('SET_MESSAGE', message)
const setting: Module<WebsocketState, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
export default setting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export interface WebsocketState {
ws: WebSocket | null
message: any
againConnectTime: number

web+/src/store/shims-vuex.d.ts vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { Store } from 'vuex'
import { RootState } from './types'
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
// Declare your own store states.
interface ComponentCustomProperties {
$store: Store<RootState>

web+/src/store/types.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import { AppState } from './modules/app/types'
import { SettingState } from './modules/setting/types'
import { PermissionState } from './modules/permission/types'
import { UserState } from './modules/user/types'
import { TagsViewState } from './modules/tagsView/types'
import { WebsocketState } from './modules/websocket/types'
export type RootState = {
app: AppState
setting: SettingState
permission: PermissionState
user: UserState
tagsView: TagsViewState
websocket: WebsocketState

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// cover some element-ui styles
.el-breadcrumb__inner a {
font-weight: 400 !important;
.el-upload {
input[type="file"] {
display: none !important;
.el-upload__input {
display: none;
// to fixed https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/2461
.el-dialog {
transform: none;
left: 0;
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
// refine element ui upload
.upload-container {
.el-upload {
width: 100%;
.el-upload-dragger {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
// dropdown
.el-dropdown-menu {
a {
display: block
.el-table th {
display: table-cell!important;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
@import './variables.scss';
@import './mixin.scss';
@import './transition.scss';
@import './element-ui.scss';
@import './sidebar.scss';
body {
height: 100%;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, Arial, sans-serif;
label {
font-weight: 700;
html {
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
#app {
height: 100%;
*:after {
box-sizing: inherit;
a:active {
outline: none;
a:hover {
cursor: pointer;
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
div:focus {
outline: none;
.clearfix {
&:after {
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
font-size: 0;
content: " ";
clear: both;
height: 0;
// main-container global css
.app-container {
padding: 20px;
.app-bar {
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid #EBEEF5;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #f2f6fc;
&-operation {margin-bottom:10px;};

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More