@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
@command="(funcName) => callCommandFunc(funcName, scope.row)"
@command="(funcName) => commandFunc[funcName](scope.row)"
role.isMember() && scope.row.review === 1
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
v-if="role.hasGroupManagerPermission() || scope.row.review === 1"
style="margin-left: 5px"
@command="(funcName) => callCommandFunc(funcName, scope.row)"
@command="(funcName) => commandFunc[funcName](scope.row)"
<el-button type="warning">
{{ $t('func') }}<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right" />
@ -343,7 +343,9 @@
<script lang="ts">
import tableHeight from '@/mixin/tableHeight'
export default { name: 'DeployIndex' }
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
@ -360,429 +362,401 @@ import TheTaskListDialog from './TheTaskListDialog.vue'
import TheReviewListDialog from './TheReviewListDialog.vue'
import TheProcessManagerDialog from './TheProcessManagerDialog.vue'
import TheFileCompareDialog from './TheFileCompareDialog.vue'
import getTableHeight from '@/composables/tableHeight'
import type { ElForm } from 'element-plus'
import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import Validator from 'async-validator'
import { h, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { computed, watch, h, ref } from 'vue'
import { CommitData } from '@/api/repository'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'DeployIndex',
components: {
mixins: [tableHeight],
data() {
return {
role: getRole(),
commitDialogVisible: false,
tagDialogVisible: false,
greyServerDialogVisible: false,
taskListDialogVisible: false,
fileCompareDialogVisible: false,
processManagerDialogVisible: false,
reviewDialogVisible: false,
reviewListDialogVisible: false,
dialogVisible: false,
tableloading: false,
tableDefaultSort: {} as { prop: string; order: string },
selectedItem: {} as ProjectData['datagram'],
tableData: [] as DeployList['datagram']['list'],
searchProject: {
name: '',
environment: '',
autoDeploy: '',
pagination: {
page: 1,
rows: 20,
greyServerFormProps: {
disabled: false,
serverOption: [] as ProjectServerList['datagram']['list'],
greyServerFormData: {
projectId: 0,
commit: '',
serverIds: [],
greyServerFormRules: {
serverIds: [
type: 'array',
required: true,
message: 'Server required',
trigger: 'change',
computed: {
tablePageData(): DeployList['datagram']['list'] {
let tableData = this.tableData
if (this.searchProject.name !== '') {
tableData = this.tableData.filter(
(item) => item.name.indexOf(this.searchProject.name) !== -1
if (this.searchProject.environment !== '') {
tableData = this.tableData.filter(
(item) => item.environment === Number(this.searchProject.environment)
if (this.searchProject.autoDeploy !== '') {
tableData = this.tableData.filter(
(item) => item.autoDeploy === Number(this.searchProject.autoDeploy)
return tableData.slice(
(this.pagination.page - 1) * this.pagination.rows,
this.pagination.page * this.pagination.rows
watch: {
'$store.state.websocket.message': function (response) {
if (response.type !== 1) {
const data = response.message
const message = this.enterToBR(data.message)
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.projectId
if (projectIndex !== -1) {
const percent = 20 * data.state
this.tableData[projectIndex].progressPercentage = percent
this.tableData[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'warning'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagType = 'warning'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagText = message
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 1
if (percent === 0) {
this.tableData[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'exception'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagType = 'danger'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagText = 'Fail'
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 3
} else if (percent === 100) {
this.tableData[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'success'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagType = 'success'
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 2
if (data['ext']) {
Object.assign(this.tableData[projectIndex], data['ext'])
this.tableData[projectIndex].publisherName = data.username
this.tableData[projectIndex].updateTime = parseTime(
new Date().getTime()
created() {
this.tableDefaultSort = this.getTableSort()
methods: {
getList() {
this.tableloading = true
new DeployList()
.then((response) => {
this.tableData = response.data.list.map((element) => {
element.progressPercentage = 0
element.tagType = 'info'
element.tagText = 'Not deploy'
if (element.deployState === 2) {
element.progressPercentage = 100
element.progressStatus = 'success'
element.tagType = 'success'
element.tagText = 'Success'
} else if (element.deployState === 1) {
element.progressPercentage = 60
element.progressStatus = 'warning'
element.tagType = 'warning'
element.tagText = 'Deploying'
} else if (element.deployState === 3) {
element.progressPercentage = 0
element.progressStatus = 'exception'
element.tagType = 'danger'
element.tagText = 'Fail'
try {
Object.assign(element, JSON.parse(element.publishExt))
} catch (error) {
console.log('Project not deploy')
return element
.finally(() => {
this.tableloading = false
sortChange({ prop, order }: { prop: string; order: string }) {
this.setTableSort(prop, order)
if (!prop && !order) {
prop = 'id'
order = 'descending'
if (prop === 'name') {
prop = 'environment'
this.tableData = this.tableData.sort(
row1: ProjectData['datagram'],
row2: ProjectData['datagram']
): number => {
let val1
let val2
if (order === 'ascending') {
val1 = row1[prop]
val2 = row2[prop]
} else if (order === 'descending') {
val1 = row2[prop]
val2 = row1[prop]
if (val1 < val2) {
return -1
} else if (val1 > val2) {
return 1
} else {
return 0
handleSizeChange(val = 1) {
this.pagination.rows = val
handlePageChange(page = 1) {
this.pagination.page = page
handleDetail(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.dialogVisible = true
handleRebuilt() {
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === this.selectedItem.id
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 1
handleGreyPublish(data: CommitData['datagram']) {
new ProjectServerList({ id: this.selectedItem.id })
.then((response) => {
this.greyServerFormProps.serverOption = response.data.list
// add projectID to server form
this.greyServerFormData.projectId = this.selectedItem.id
this.greyServerFormData.commit = data.commit
this.greyServerDialogVisible = true
callCommandFunc(funcName: string, data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
;(this[funcName] as (data: ProjectData['datagram']) => void)(data)
handleCommitCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.commitDialogVisible = true
handleTagCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.tagDialogVisible = true
handleTaskCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.taskListDialogVisible = true
handleFileCompareCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.fileCompareDialogVisible = true
handleProcessManagerCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.processManagerDialogVisible = true
handleReviewCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
this.selectedItem = data
this.reviewListDialogVisible = true
publish(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
const id = data.id
let color = ''
if (data.environment === 1) {
color = 'color: #F56C6C'
} else if (data.environment === 3) {
color = 'color: #E6A23C'
} else {
color = 'color: #909399'
ElMessageBox.confirm('', this.$t('tips'), {
message: h('p', null, [
h('span', null, 'Deploy Project: '),
{ style: color },
data.name + ' - ' + this.$t(`envOption[${data.environment}]`)
confirmButtonText: this.$t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployPublish({ projectId: id, commit: '', branch: '' })
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === id
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 1
.catch(() => {
publishByCommit(data: CommitData['datagram']) {
this.$t('deployPage.publishCommitTips', { commit: data.commit }),
confirmButtonText: this.$t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployPublish({
projectId: this.selectedItem.id,
branch: data.branch,
commit: data.commit,
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === this.selectedItem.id
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 1
this.commitDialogVisible = false
this.tagDialogVisible = false
.catch(() => {
resetState(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployResetState({ projectId: data.id }).request().then(() => {
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.id
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 0
this.tableData[projectIndex].progressPercentage = 0
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagType = 'info'
this.tableData[projectIndex].tagText = 'Not deploy'
.catch(() => {
greyPublish() {
;(this.$refs.greyServerForm as Validator).validate((valid: boolean) => {
if (valid) {
const data = this.greyServerFormData
this.$t('deployPage.publishCommitTips', {
commit: data.commit,
confirmButtonText: this.$t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployGreyPublish({
projectId: data.projectId,
commit: data.commit,
serverIds: data.serverIds,
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = this.tableData.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.projectId
this.tableData[projectIndex].deployState = 1
this.commitDialogVisible = false
this.tagDialogVisible = false
this.greyServerDialogVisible = false
.catch(() => {
} else {
return false
enterToBR(detail: string) {
return detail ? detail.replace(/\n|(\r\n)/g, '<br>') : ''
getTableSort(): { prop: string; order: string } {
const sortJsonStr = localStorage.getItem('deploy-table-sort')
if (sortJsonStr) {
return JSON.parse(sortJsonStr) as { prop: string; order: string }
return { prop: 'id', order: 'descending' }
setTableSort(prop: string, order: string) {
localStorage.setItem('deploy-table-sort', JSON.stringify({ prop, order }))
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
const { t } = useI18n()
const store = useStore()
const role = getRole()
const commitDialogVisible = ref(false)
const tagDialogVisible = ref(false)
const greyServerDialogVisible = ref(false)
const taskListDialogVisible = ref(false)
const fileCompareDialogVisible = ref(false)
const processManagerDialogVisible = ref(false)
const reviewListDialogVisible = ref(false)
const dialogVisible = ref(false)
const searchProject = ref({ name: '', environment: '', autoDeploy: '' })
const selectedItem = ref({} as ProjectData['datagram'])
const { tableHeight } = getTableHeight()
const tableDefaultSort = getTableSort()
const tableloading = ref(false)
const tableData = ref<DeployList['datagram']['list']>([])
const pagination = ref({ page: 1, rows: 20 })
const greyServerForm = ref<InstanceType<typeof ElForm>>()
const greyServerFormProps = ref({
disabled: false,
serverOption: [] as ProjectServerList['datagram']['list'],
const greyServerFormData = ref({
projectId: 0,
commit: '',
serverIds: [],
const greyServerFormRules = {
serverIds: [
type: 'array',
required: true,
message: 'Server required',
trigger: 'change',
const tablePageData = computed(() => {
let _tableData = tableData.value
if (searchProject.value.name !== '') {
_tableData = tableData.value.filter(
(item) => item.name.indexOf(searchProject.value.name) !== -1
if (searchProject.value.environment !== '') {
_tableData = tableData.value.filter(
(item) => item.environment === Number(searchProject.value.environment)
if (searchProject.value.autoDeploy !== '') {
_tableData = tableData.value.filter(
(item) => item.autoDeploy === Number(searchProject.value.autoDeploy)
return _tableData.slice(
(pagination.value.page - 1) * pagination.value.rows,
pagination.value.page * pagination.value.rows
() => store.state.websocket.message,
function (response) {
if (response.type !== 1) {
const data = response.message
const message = enterToBR(data.message)
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.projectId
if (projectIndex !== -1) {
const percent = 20 * data.state
tableData.value[projectIndex].progressPercentage = percent
tableData.value[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'warning'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagType = 'warning'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagText = message
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 1
if (percent === 0) {
tableData.value[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'exception'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagType = 'danger'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagText = 'Fail'
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 3
} else if (percent === 100) {
tableData.value[projectIndex].progressStatus = 'success'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagType = 'success'
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 2
if (data['ext']) {
Object.assign(tableData.value[projectIndex], data['ext'])
tableData.value[projectIndex].publisherName = data.username
tableData.value[projectIndex].updateTime = parseTime(new Date().getTime())
function getList() {
tableloading.value = true
new DeployList()
.then((response) => {
tableData.value = response.data.list.map((element) => {
element.progressPercentage = 0
element.tagType = 'info'
element.tagText = 'Not deploy'
if (element.deployState === 2) {
element.progressPercentage = 100
element.progressStatus = 'success'
element.tagType = 'success'
element.tagText = 'Success'
} else if (element.deployState === 1) {
element.progressPercentage = 60
element.progressStatus = 'warning'
element.tagType = 'warning'
element.tagText = 'Deploying'
} else if (element.deployState === 3) {
element.progressPercentage = 0
element.progressStatus = 'exception'
element.tagType = 'danger'
element.tagText = 'Fail'
try {
Object.assign(element, JSON.parse(element.publishExt))
} catch (error) {
console.log('Project not deploy')
return element
.finally(() => {
tableloading.value = false
function sortChange({ prop, order }: { prop: string; order: string }) {
setTableSort(prop, order)
if (!prop && !order) {
prop = 'id'
order = 'descending'
if (prop === 'name') {
prop = 'environment'
tableData.value = tableData.value.sort(
(row1: ProjectData['datagram'], row2: ProjectData['datagram']): number => {
let val1
let val2
if (order === 'ascending') {
val1 = row1[prop]
val2 = row2[prop]
} else if (order === 'descending') {
val1 = row2[prop]
val2 = row1[prop]
if (val1 < val2) {
return -1
} else if (val1 > val2) {
return 1
} else {
return 0
function handleSizeChange(val = 1) {
pagination.value.rows = val
function handlePageChange(page = 1) {
pagination.value.page = page
function handleDetail(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
dialogVisible.value = true
function handleRebuilt() {
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === selectedItem.value.id
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 1
function handleGreyPublish(data: CommitData['datagram']) {
new ProjectServerList({ id: selectedItem.value.id })
.then((response) => {
greyServerFormProps.value.serverOption = response.data.list
// add projectID to server form
greyServerFormData.value.projectId = selectedItem.value.id
greyServerFormData.value.commit = data.commit
greyServerDialogVisible.value = true
const commandFunc: { [K: string]: (data: ProjectData['datagram']) => void } = {
function handleCommitCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
commitDialogVisible.value = true
function handleTagCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
tagDialogVisible.value = true
function handleTaskCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
taskListDialogVisible.value = true
function handleFileCompareCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
fileCompareDialogVisible.value = true
function handleProcessManagerCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
processManagerDialogVisible.value = true
function handleReviewCommand(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
selectedItem.value = data
reviewListDialogVisible.value = true
function publish(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
const id = data.id
let color = ''
if (data.environment === 1) {
color = 'color: #F56C6C'
} else if (data.environment === 3) {
color = 'color: #E6A23C'
} else {
color = 'color: #909399'
ElMessageBox.confirm('', t('tips'), {
message: h('p', null, [
h('span', null, 'Deploy Project: '),
{ style: color },
data.name + ' - ' + t(`envOption[${data.environment}]`)
confirmButtonText: t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployPublish({ projectId: id, commit: '', branch: '' })
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === id
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 1
.catch(() => {
function publishByCommit(data: CommitData['datagram']) {
t('deployPage.publishCommitTips', { commit: data.commit }),
confirmButtonText: t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployPublish({
projectId: selectedItem.value.id,
branch: data.branch,
commit: data.commit,
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === selectedItem.value.id
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 1
commitDialogVisible.value = false
tagDialogVisible.value = false
.catch(() => {
function resetState(data: ProjectData['datagram']) {
ElMessageBox.confirm(t('deployPage.resetStateTips'), t('tips'), {
confirmButtonText: t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployResetState({ projectId: data.id }).request().then(() => {
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.id
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 0
tableData.value[projectIndex].progressPercentage = 0
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagType = 'info'
tableData.value[projectIndex].tagText = 'Not deploy'
.catch(() => {
function greyPublish() {
greyServerForm.value?.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
const data = greyServerFormData.value
t('deployPage.publishCommitTips', {
commit: data.commit,
confirmButtonText: t('confirm'),
cancelButtonText: t('cancel'),
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
new DeployGreyPublish({
projectId: data.projectId,
commit: data.commit,
serverIds: data.serverIds,
.then(() => {
const projectIndex = tableData.value.findIndex(
(element) => element.id === data.projectId
tableData.value[projectIndex].deployState = 1
commitDialogVisible.value = false
tagDialogVisible.value = false
greyServerDialogVisible.value = false
.catch(() => {
return Promise.resolve(true)
} else {
return Promise.reject(false)
function enterToBR(detail: string) {
return detail ? detail.replace(/\n|(\r\n)/g, '<br>') : ''
function getTableSort(): { prop: string; order: string } {
const sortJsonStr = localStorage.getItem('deploy-table-sort')
if (sortJsonStr) {
return JSON.parse(sortJsonStr) as { prop: string; order: string }
return { prop: 'id', order: 'descending' }
function setTableSort(prop: string, order: string) {
localStorage.setItem('deploy-table-sort', JSON.stringify({ prop, order }))