mirror of
synced 2024-12-05 05:29:23 +08:00
627 lines
20 KiB
627 lines
20 KiB
package service
import (
// Gsync -
type Gsync struct {
UserInfo model.User
Project model.Project
ProjectServers model.ProjectServers
CommitInfo repository.CommitInfo
CommitID string
Branch string
type syncMessage struct {
serverName string
projectID int64
detail string
state int
func (gsync Gsync) Exec() {
core.Log(core.TRACE, "projectID:"+strconv.FormatInt(gsync.Project.ID, 10)+" deploy start")
publishTraceModel := model.PublishTrace{
Token: gsync.Project.LastPublishToken,
ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID,
ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name,
PublisherID: gsync.UserInfo.ID,
PublisherName: gsync.UserInfo.Name,
Type: model.Pull,
var err error
repo, err := repository.GetRepo(gsync.Project.RepoType)
if err != nil {
_ = gsync.Project.DeployFail()
publishTraceModel.Detail = err.Error()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.DeployFail, Message: err.Error()},
if _, err := publishTraceModel.AddRow(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.RepoFollow, Message: "Repo follow"},
if len(gsync.CommitID) == 0 {
err = repo.Follow(gsync.Project, "origin/"+gsync.Project.Branch)
} else {
err = repo.Follow(gsync.Project, gsync.CommitID)
if err != nil {
_ = gsync.Project.DeployFail()
publishTraceModel.Detail = err.Error()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.DeployFail, Message: err.Error()},
if _, err := publishTraceModel.AddRow(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
gsync.notify(model.ProjectFail, err.Error())
commitList, _ := repo.CommitLog(gsync.Project.ID, 1)
gsync.CommitInfo = commitList[0]
if gsync.Branch != "" {
gsync.CommitInfo.Branch = gsync.Branch
} else {
gsync.CommitInfo.Branch = "origin/" + gsync.Project.Branch
ext, _ := json.Marshal(gsync.CommitInfo)
publishTraceModel.Ext = string(ext)
publishTraceModel.State = model.Success
if _, err := publishTraceModel.AddRow(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
if totalFileNumber, err := (model.ProjectFile{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID}).GetTotalByProjectID(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
} else if totalFileNumber > 0 {
if err := utils.CopyDir(core.GetProjectFilePath(gsync.Project.ID), core.GetProjectPath(gsync.Project.ID)); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
if gsync.Project.AfterPullScript != "" {
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.AfterPullScript, Message: "Run pull script"},
outputString, err := gsync.runAfterPullScript()
publishTraceModel.Type = model.AfterPull
ext, _ := json.Marshal(struct {
Script string `json:"script"`
publishTraceModel.Ext = string(ext)
if err != nil {
_ = gsync.Project.DeployFail()
publishTraceModel.Detail = err.Error()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.DeployFail, Message: err.Error()},
if _, err := publishTraceModel.AddRow(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
gsync.notify(model.ProjectFail, err.Error())
publishTraceModel.Detail = outputString
publishTraceModel.State = model.Success
if _, err := publishTraceModel.AddRow(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.Rsync, Message: "Rsync"},
ch := make(chan syncMessage, len(gsync.ProjectServers))
message := ""
for i := 0; i < len(gsync.ProjectServers); i++ {
syncMessage := <-ch
if syncMessage.state == model.ProjectFail {
message += syncMessage.serverName + " error message: " + syncMessage.detail
if message == "" {
_ = gsync.Project.DeploySuccess()
core.Log(core.TRACE, "projectID:"+strconv.FormatInt(gsync.Project.ID, 10)+" deploy success")
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{
ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID,
ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name,
State: ws.DeploySuccess,
Message: "Success",
Ext: gsync.CommitInfo,
gsync.notify(model.ProjectSuccess, message)
} else {
_ = gsync.Project.DeployFail()
core.Log(core.TRACE, "projectID:"+strconv.FormatInt(gsync.Project.ID, 10)+" deploy fail")
ws.GetHub().Data <- &ws.Data{
Type: ws.TypeProject,
Message: ws.ProjectMessage{ProjectID: gsync.Project.ID, ProjectName: gsync.Project.Name, State: ws.DeployFail, Message: message},
gsync.notify(model.ProjectFail, message)
if gsync.Project.SymlinkPath != "" {
func (gsync Gsync) runAfterPullScript() (string, error) {
project := gsync.Project
commitInfo := gsync.CommitInfo
srcPath := core.GetProjectPath(project.ID)
scriptName := "goploy-after-pull." + utils.GetScriptExt(project.AfterPullScriptMode)
scriptFullName := path.Join(srcPath, scriptName)
scriptMode := "bash"
if len(project.AfterPullScriptMode) != 0 {
scriptMode = project.AfterPullScriptMode
scriptText := ReplaceProjectVars(ReplaceCommitVars(project.AfterPullScript, commitInfo), project)
_ = ioutil.WriteFile(scriptFullName, []byte(scriptText), 0755)
var commandOptions []string
if project.AfterPullScriptMode == "cmd" {
commandOptions = append(commandOptions, "/C")
scriptFullName, _ = filepath.Abs(scriptFullName)
commandOptions = append(commandOptions, scriptFullName)
handler := exec.Command(scriptMode, commandOptions...)
handler.Dir = srcPath
var outbuf, errbuf bytes.Buffer
handler.Stdout = &outbuf
handler.Stderr = &errbuf
core.Log(core.TRACE, fmt.Sprintf("projectID:%d %s", project.ID, project.AfterPullScript))
if err := handler.Run(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, errbuf.String())
return "", errors.New(errbuf.String())
_ = os.Remove(scriptName)
return outbuf.String(), nil
func (gsync Gsync) remoteSync(msgChIn chan<- syncMessage) {
for _, projectServer := range gsync.ProjectServers {
go func(projectServer model.ProjectServer) {
project := gsync.Project
userInfo := gsync.UserInfo
remoteMachine := projectServer.ServerOwner + "@" + projectServer.ServerIP
destDir := project.Path
ext, _ := json.Marshal(struct {
ServerID int64 `json:"serverId"`
ServerName string `json:"serverName"`
}{projectServer.ServerID, projectServer.ServerName})
publishTraceModel := model.PublishTrace{
Token: project.LastPublishToken,
ProjectID: project.ID,
ProjectName: project.Name,
PublisherID: userInfo.ID,
PublisherName: userInfo.Name,
Type: model.Deploy,
Ext: string(ext),
// write after deploy script for rsync
if len(project.AfterDeployScript) != 0 {
scriptName := path.Join(core.GetProjectPath(project.ID), "goploy-after-deploy."+utils.GetScriptExt(project.AfterDeployScriptMode))
_ = ioutil.WriteFile(scriptName, []byte(ReplaceProjectVars(project.AfterDeployScript, project)), 0755)
rsyncOption, _ := utils.ParseCommandLine(project.RsyncOption)
rsyncOption = append([]string{"--exclude", "goploy-after-pull.sh", "--include", "goploy-after-deploy.sh"}, rsyncOption...)
rsyncOption = append(rsyncOption, "-e", projectServer.Convert2SSHConfig().ToRsyncOption())
if len(project.SymlinkPath) != 0 {
destDir = path.Join(project.SymlinkPath, project.LastPublishToken)
srcPath := core.GetProjectPath(project.ID) + "/"
// rsync path can not contain colon
// windows like C:\
if strings.Contains(srcPath, ":\\") {
srcPath = "/cygdrive/" + strings.Replace(srcPath, ":\\", "/", 1)
destPath := remoteMachine + ":" + destDir
rsyncOption = append(rsyncOption, "--rsync-path=mkdir -p "+destDir+" && rsync", srcPath, destPath)
cmd := exec.Command("rsync", rsyncOption...)
var outbuf, errbuf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &outbuf
cmd.Stderr = &errbuf
core.Log(core.TRACE, "projectID:"+strconv.FormatInt(project.ID, 10)+" rsync "+strings.Join(rsyncOption, " "))
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, "err: "+err.Error()+", detail: "+errbuf.String())
publishTraceModel.Detail = "err: " + err.Error() + ", detail: " + errbuf.String()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
detail: "err: " + err.Error() + ", detail: " + errbuf.String(),
state: model.ProjectFail,
ext, _ = json.Marshal(struct {
ServerID int64 `json:"serverId"`
ServerName string `json:"serverName"`
Command string `json:"command"`
}{projectServer.ServerID, projectServer.ServerName, "rsync " + strings.Join(rsyncOption, " ")})
publishTraceModel.Ext = string(ext)
publishTraceModel.Detail = outbuf.String()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Success
var afterDeployCommands []string
if len(project.SymlinkPath) != 0 {
// use relative path to fix docker symlink
relativeDestDir := strings.Replace(destDir, path.Dir(project.Path), ".", 1)
afterDeployCommands = append(afterDeployCommands, "ln -sfn "+relativeDestDir+" "+project.Path)
// change the destination folder time, make sure it can not be clean
afterDeployCommands = append(afterDeployCommands, "touch -m "+destDir)
if len(project.AfterDeployScript) != 0 {
scriptMode := "bash"
if len(project.AfterDeployScriptMode) != 0 {
scriptMode = project.AfterDeployScriptMode
afterDeployScriptPath := path.Join(project.Path, "goploy-after-deploy."+utils.GetScriptExt(project.AfterDeployScriptMode))
afterDeployCommands = append(afterDeployCommands, scriptMode+" "+afterDeployScriptPath)
afterDeployCommands = append(afterDeployCommands, "rm -f "+afterDeployScriptPath)
// no symlink and deploy script
if len(afterDeployCommands) == 0 {
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
state: model.ProjectSuccess,
publishTraceModel.Type = model.AfterDeploy
ext, _ = json.Marshal(struct {
ServerID int64 `json:"serverId"`
ServerName string `json:"serverName"`
Script string `json:"script"`
}{projectServer.ServerID, projectServer.ServerName, strings.Join(afterDeployCommands, ";")})
publishTraceModel.Ext = string(ext)
client, err := projectServer.Convert2SSHConfig().Dial()
if err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
publishTraceModel.Detail = err.Error()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
detail: err.Error(),
state: model.ProjectFail,
defer client.Close()
session, sessionErr := client.NewSession()
if sessionErr != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, sessionErr.Error())
publishTraceModel.Detail = sessionErr.Error()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
detail: sessionErr.Error(),
state: model.ProjectFail,
defer session.Close()
var sshOutbuf, sshErrbuf bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &sshOutbuf
session.Stderr = &sshErrbuf
if err := session.Run(strings.Join(afterDeployCommands, "&&")); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, "ssh exec err: "+err.Error())
publishTraceModel.Detail = "err: " + err.Error() + ", detail: " + sshErrbuf.String()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Fail
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
detail: err.Error(),
state: model.ProjectFail,
publishTraceModel.Detail = sshOutbuf.String()
publishTraceModel.State = model.Success
msgChIn <- syncMessage{
serverName: projectServer.ServerName,
projectID: project.ID,
state: model.ProjectSuccess,
// commit id
// commit message
// server ip & name
// deploy user name
// deploy time
func (gsync Gsync) notify(deployState int, detail string) {
if gsync.Project.NotifyType == 0 {
serverList := ""
for _, projectServer := range gsync.ProjectServers {
if projectServer.ServerName != projectServer.ServerIP {
serverList += projectServer.ServerName + "(" + projectServer.ServerIP + ")"
} else {
serverList += projectServer.ServerIP
serverList += ", "
serverList = strings.TrimRight(serverList, ", ")
project := gsync.Project
commitInfo := gsync.CommitInfo
var err error
var resp *http.Response
if project.NotifyType == model.NotifyWeiXin {
type markdown struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
type message struct {
Msgtype string `json:"msgtype"`
Markdown markdown `json:"markdown"`
content := "Deploy: <font color=\"warning\">" + project.Name + "</font>\n"
content += "Publisher: <font color=\"comment\">" + project.PublisherName + "</font>\n"
content += "Author: <font color=\"comment\">" + commitInfo.Author + "</font>\n"
content += "Branch: <font color=\"comment\">" + commitInfo.Branch + "</font>\n"
content += "CommitSHA: <font color=\"comment\">" + commitInfo.Commit + "</font>\n"
content += "CommitMessage: <font color=\"comment\">" + commitInfo.Message + "</font>\n"
content += "ServerList: <font color=\"comment\">" + serverList + "</font>\n"
if deployState == model.ProjectFail {
content += "State: <font color=\"red\">fail</font> \n"
content += "> Detail: <font color=\"comment\">" + detail + "</font>"
} else {
content += "State: <font color=\"green\">success</font>"
msg := message{
Msgtype: "markdown",
Markdown: markdown{
Content: content,
b, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
resp, err = http.Post(project.NotifyTarget, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
} else if project.NotifyType == model.NotifyDingTalk {
type markdown struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Text string `json:"text"`
type message struct {
Msgtype string `json:"msgtype"`
Markdown markdown `json:"markdown"`
text := "#### Deploy:" + project.Name + " \n "
text += "#### Publisher:" + project.PublisherName + " \n "
text += "#### Author:" + commitInfo.Author + " \n "
text += "#### Branch:" + commitInfo.Branch + " \n "
text += "#### CommitSHA:" + commitInfo.Commit + " \n "
text += "#### CommitMessage:" + commitInfo.Message + " \n "
text += "#### ServerList:" + serverList + " \n "
if deployState == model.ProjectFail {
text += "#### State: <font color=\"red\">fail</font> \n "
text += "> Detail: <font color=\"comment\">" + detail + "</font>"
} else {
text += "#### State: <font color=\"green\">success</font>"
msg := message{
Msgtype: "markdown",
Markdown: markdown{
Title: project.Name,
Text: text,
b, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
resp, err = http.Post(project.NotifyTarget, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
} else if project.NotifyType == model.NotifyFeiShu {
type content struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
type message struct {
MsgType string `json:"msg_type"`
Content content `json:"content"`
text := ""
text += "Publisher: " + project.PublisherName + "\n"
text += "Author: " + commitInfo.Author + "\n"
text += "Branch: " + commitInfo.Branch + "\n"
text += "CommitSHA: " + commitInfo.Commit + "\n"
text += "CommitMessage: " + commitInfo.Message + "\n"
text += "ServerList: " + serverList + "\n"
if deployState == model.ProjectFail {
text += "State: fail\n "
text += "Detail: " + detail
} else {
text += "State: success"
msg := message{
MsgType: "text",
Content: content{
Text: text,
b, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
resp, err = http.Post(project.NotifyTarget, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
} else if project.NotifyType == model.NotifyCustom {
type message struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data struct {
ProjectID int64 `json:"projectId"`
ProjectName string `json:"projectName"`
Publisher string `json:"publisher"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
CommitSHA string `json:"commitSHA"`
CommitMessage string `json:"commitMessage"`
ServerList string `json:"serverList"`
} `json:"data"`
code := 0
if deployState == model.ProjectFail {
code = 1
msg := message{
Code: code,
Message: detail,
msg.Data.ProjectID = project.ID
msg.Data.ProjectName = project.Name
msg.Data.Publisher = project.PublisherName
msg.Data.Author = commitInfo.Author
msg.Data.Branch = commitInfo.Branch
msg.Data.CommitSHA = commitInfo.Commit
msg.Data.CommitMessage = commitInfo.Message
msg.Data.ServerList = serverList
b, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
resp, err = http.Post(project.NotifyTarget, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("notify projectID:%d %s", project.ID, err.Error()))
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
responseData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("notify projectID:%d read body error", project.ID))
} else {
core.Log(core.TRACE, fmt.Sprintf("notify projectID:%d return %s", project.ID, string(responseData)))
//keep the latest 10 project
func (gsync Gsync) removeExpiredBackup() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, projectServer := range gsync.ProjectServers {
go func(projectServer model.ProjectServer) {
defer wg.Done()
client, err := projectServer.Convert2SSHConfig().Dial()
if err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
defer client.Close()
session, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
defer session.Close()
var sshOutbuf, sshErrbuf bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &sshOutbuf
session.Stderr = &sshErrbuf
if err = session.Run("cd " + gsync.Project.SymlinkPath + ";ls -t | awk 'NR>" + strconv.Itoa(int(gsync.Project.SymlinkBackupNumber)) + "' | xargs rm -rf"); err != nil {
core.Log(core.ERROR, err.Error())
func ReplaceCommitVars(script string, commitInfo repository.CommitInfo) string {
scriptVars := map[string]string{
"${COMMIT_TAG}": commitInfo.Tag,
"${COMMIT_BRANCH}": commitInfo.Branch,
"${COMMIT_ID}": commitInfo.Commit,
"${COMMIT_SHORT_ID}": commitInfo.Commit,
"${COMMIT_AUTHOR}": commitInfo.Author,
"${COMMIT_TIMESTAMP}": strconv.FormatInt(commitInfo.Timestamp, 10),
"${COMMIT_MESSAGE}": commitInfo.Message,
if len(commitInfo.Commit) > 6 {
scriptVars["${COMMIT_SHORT_ID}"] = commitInfo.Commit[0:6]
for key, value := range scriptVars {
script = strings.Replace(script, key, value, -1)
return script
func ReplaceProjectVars(script string, project model.Project) string {
scriptVars := map[string]string{
"${PROJECT_PATH}": project.Path,
"${PROJECT_SYMLINK_PATH}": path.Join(project.SymlinkPath, project.LastPublishToken),
"${PROJECT_NAME}": project.Name,
"${REPOSITORY_PATH}": core.GetProjectPath(project.ID),
for key, value := range scriptVars {
script = strings.Replace(script, key, value, -1)
return script