
This commit is contained in:
fasiondog 2020-08-09 00:06:35 +08:00
parent 52a3793c58
commit 70ccca946c
4 changed files with 121 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ AllocateFundsBase::AllocateFundsBase()
AllocateFundsBase::AllocateFundsBase(const string& name)
: m_name("AllocateMoneyBase"), m_count(0), m_pre_date(Datetime::min()), m_reserve_percent(0) {
setParam<bool>("adjust_hold_sys", false);
setParam<int>("max_sys_num", 10); //最大系统实例数
setParam<int>("freq", 1); //调仓频率
setParam<int>("max_sys_num", 100000); //最大系统实例数
setParam<int>("freq", 1); //调仓频率
AllocateFundsBase::~AllocateFundsBase() {}
@ -165,63 +165,123 @@ void AllocateFundsBase::_getAllocatedSystemList_adjust_hold(const Datetime& date
price_t total_funds =
funds.cash + funds.market_value + funds.borrow_asset - funds.short_market_value;
price_t per_weight_funds = total_funds / total_weight;
price_t can_allocate_cash = funds.cash;
int precision = m_tm->getParam<int>("precision");
price_t can_allocate_cash = m_tm->currentCash();
// int precision = m_tm->getParam<int>("precision");
// 按权重升序排序注意无法保证等权重的相对顺序即使用stable_sort也一样后面要倒序遍历
std::sort(sw_list.begin(), sw_list.end(),
boost::bind(std::less<double>(), boost::bind(&SystemWeight::m_weight, _1),
boost::bind(&SystemWeight::m_weight, _2)));
for (auto iter = sw_list.begin(); iter != sw_list.end(); ++iter) {
// 按分配的权重将现金转移至子账户
std::list<std::pair<SYSPtr, price_t>> wait_list;
for (auto iter = sw_list.rbegin(); iter != sw_list.rend(); ++iter) {
// 如果可分配的现金不足或选中系统的分配权重已经小于等于0则退出
if (can_allocate_cash <= 0 || iter->getWeight() <= 0) {
// 获取系统账户的当前资产市值
SYSPtr sys = iter->getSYS();
TMPtr tm = sys->getTM();
funds = tm->getFunds(m_query.kType());
price_t funds_value =
funds.cash + funds.market_value + funds.borrow_asset - funds.short_market_value;
price_t will_funds_value = iter->getWeight() * per_weight_funds;
price_t will_funds_value = roundDown(iter->getWeight() * per_weight_funds, precision);
if (funds_value == will_funds_value) {
// 如果当前资产已经等于期望分配的资产,则忽略
} else if (funds_value < will_funds_value) {
price_t will_cash = will_funds_value - funds_value;
// 如果当前资产小于期望分配的资产,则补充现金
price_t will_cash = roundDown(will_funds_value - funds_value, precision);
// 如果当前可用于分配的资金大于期望的资金,则尝试从总账户中将现金补充进子账户中
if (will_cash <= can_allocate_cash) {
m_tm->checkout(date, will_cash);
tm->checkin(date, will_cash);
can_allocate_cash -= will_cash;
if (m_tm->checkout(date, will_cash)) {
tm->checkin(date, will_cash);
can_allocate_cash = roundDown(can_allocate_cash - will_cash, precision);
} else {
HKU_WARN("Can't checkout from m_tm!");
} else {
iter->setWeight(iter->getWeight() / total_weight);
// 如果当前可用于分配的资金已经不足,则先全部转入子账户,并调整该系统实例权重。
// 同时,将该系统实例放入带重分配列表中,等有需要腾出仓位的系统卖出后,再重新分配补充现金
if (m_tm->checkout(date, can_allocate_cash)) {
tm->checkin(date, can_allocate_cash);
can_allocate_cash = 0;
} else {
HKU_WARN("Can't checkout from m_tm!");
std::make_pair(sys, roundDown(will_cash - can_allocate_cash, precision)));
} else {
price_t will_return_cash = funds_value - will_funds_value;
price_t will_return_cash = roundDown(funds_value - will_funds_value, precision);
price_t cash = tm->currentCash();
if (cash >= will_return_cash) {
m_tm->checkin(date, cash);
tm->checkout(date, cash);
if (tm->checkout(date, will_return_cash)) {
m_tm->checkin(date, will_return_cash);
} else {
HKU_ERROR("Could not checkout from tm");
} else {
/*Stock stock = sys->getStock();
// 将子账户的剩余资金都转出至总账户
if (tm->checkout(date, cash)) {
m_tm->checkin(date, cash);
} else {
HKU_ERROR("Could not checkout from tm");
// 还需要返还的资金
price_t need_cash = will_return_cash - cash;
// 计算并卖出部分股票以获取剩下需要返还的资金
Stock stock = sys->getStock();
KRecord k = sys->getTO().getKRecordByDate(date);
PositionRecord position = tm->getPosition(stock);
if (position.number > 0) {
price_t value = position.number * k.closePrice;
size_t min_num = stock.minTradeNumber();
if (position.number <= min_num) {
//tm->sell(date, stock, position.number, real)
//sys->_sell(record, PART_ALLOCATEFUNDS);
double need_sell_num = need_cash / k.closePrice;
need_sell_num =
size_t(need_sell_num / stock.minTradeNumber()) * stock.minTradeNumber();
if (position.number >= need_sell_num) {
sys->_sellFromAllocateFunds(k, need_sell_num);
// 卖出后,将资金取出转移至总账户
cash = tm->currentCash();
if (tm->checkout(date, cash)) {
m_tm->checkin(date, cash);
// TODO 待实现
// 部分调整仓位的股票被卖出后,再次将资金分配至等待资金的子系统
can_allocate_cash = m_tm->currentCash();
for (auto iter = wait_list.begin(); iter != wait_list.end(); ++iter) {
// 如果可分配的现金不足或选中系统的分配权重已经小于等于0则退出
if (can_allocate_cash <= 0) {
// 获取系统账户的当前资产市值
SYSPtr sys = iter->first;
TMPtr tm = sys->getTM();
price_t need_cash = iter->second;
if (m_tm->checkout(date, need_cash)) {
tm->checkin(date, need_cash);
can_allocate_cash = roundDown(can_allocate_cash - need_cash, precision);
void AllocateFundsBase::_getAllocatedSystemList_not_adjust_hold(const Datetime& date,

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@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ private:
double m_reserve_percent; //保留资产比例,不参与资产分配
list<SystemWeight> m_wait_for_allocate_list;
// 序列化支持

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@ -600,6 +600,39 @@ void System::_submitBuyRequest(const KRecord& today, Part from) {
void System::_sellFromAllocateFunds(const KRecord& today, double num) {
if (getParam<bool>("delay")) {
if (m_sellRequest.valid) {
if (m_sellRequest.count > getParam<int>("max_delay_count")) {
} else {
m_sellRequest.valid = true;
m_sellRequest.business = BUSINESS_SELL;
m_sellRequest.count = 1;
PositionRecord position = m_tm->getPosition(m_stock);
m_sellRequest.from = PART_ALLOCATEFUNDS;
m_sellRequest.datetime = today.datetime;
m_sellRequest.stoploss = position.stoploss;
m_sellRequest.goal = position.goalPrice;
m_sellRequest.number = num;
} else {
PositionRecord position = m_tm->getPosition(m_stock);
price_t realPrice = _getRealSellPrice(today.datetime, today.closePrice);
TradeRecord record = m_tm->sell(today.datetime, m_stock, realPrice, num, position.stoploss,
position.goalPrice, today.closePrice, PART_ALLOCATEFUNDS);
void System::_sell(const KRecord& today, Part from) {
if (getParam<bool>("delay")) {
_submitSellRequest(today, from);

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@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ public:
void _sellNow(const KRecord& today, Part from);
void _sellDelay(const KRecord& today);
void _submitSellRequest(const KRecord& today, Part from);
void _sellFromAllocateFunds(const KRecord& today, double num);
void _sellShort(const KRecord& today, Part from);
void _sellShortNow(const KRecord& today, Part from);