# coding:utf-8 # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 fasiondog/hikyuu # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os import datetime from pathlib import Path import mysql.connector from hikyuu.data.common import MARKETID, get_stktype_list def is_exist_db(connect): """数据库是否已存在""" cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA where SCHEMA_NAME='hku_base'") a = cur.fetchone() cur.close() return True if a else False def get_db_version(connect): try: cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute("select `version` from `hku_base`.`version`") a = cur.fetchone() cur.close() return a[0] if a else 0 except: return 0 def create_database(connect): """创建数据库""" sql_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/mysql_upgrade" cur = connect.cursor() if not is_exist_db(connect): filename = sql_dir + "/createdb.sql" with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: sql = f.read() for x in cur.execute(sql, multi=True): #print(x.statement) pass db_version = get_db_version(connect) files = [x for x in Path(sql_dir).iterdir() \ if x.is_file() \ and x.name != 'createdb.sql' \ and x.name != '__init__.py' \ and int(x.stem) > db_version and not x.is_dir()] files.sort() for file in files: sql = file.read_text(encoding='utf8') for x in cur.execute(sql, multi=True): #print(x.statement) pass connect.commit() cur.close() def get_marketid(connect, market): cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute( "select marketid, market from `hku_base`.`market` where market='{}'".format(market.upper()) ) marketid = cur.fetchone() marketid = marketid[0] cur.close() return marketid def get_codepre_list(connect, marketid, quotations): """获取前缀代码表""" stktype_list = get_stktype_list(quotations) sql = "select codepre, type from `hku_base`.`coderuletype` " \ "where marketid={marketid} and type in {type_list}"\ .format(marketid=marketid, type_list=stktype_list) cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute(sql) a = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return sorted(a, key=lambda k: len(k[0]), reverse=True) def get_stock_list(connect, market, quotations): marketid = get_marketid(connect, market) stktype_list = get_stktype_list(quotations) sql = "select stockid, marketid, code, valid, type from `hku_base`.`stock` where marketid={} and type in {}"\ .format(marketid, stktype_list) cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute(sql) a = cur.fetchall() connect.commit() cur.close() return a def get_table(connect, market, code, ktype): cur = connect.cursor() ktype_dict = { 'day': 'day', 'week': 'week', 'month': 'month', 'quarter': 'quarter', 'halfyear': 'halfyear', 'year': 'year', 'min': 'min', '1min': 'min', '5min': 'min5', '15min': 'min15', '30min': 'min30', '60min': 'min60', 'min1': 'min', 'min5': 'min5', 'min15': 'min15', 'min30': 'min30', 'min60': 'min60', } schema = "{market}_{ktype}".format(market=market, ktype=ktype_dict[ktype.lower()]).lower() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA where SCHEMA_NAME='{}'".format(schema)) a = cur.fetchone() if not a: cur.execute("CREATE SCHEMA `{}`".format(schema)) connect.commit() tablename = code.lower() cur.execute( "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables " "where table_schema='{schema}' and table_name='{name}'".format( schema=schema, name=tablename ) ) a = cur.fetchone() if not a: sql = """ CREATE TABLE `{schema}`.`{name}` ( `date` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `open` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `high` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `low` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `close` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `amount` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `count` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`date`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=MyISAM ; """.format(schema=schema, name=tablename) cur.execute(sql) connect.commit() cur.close() return "`{schema}`.`{name}`".format(schema=schema, name=tablename) def get_lastdatetime(connect, tablename): cur = connect.cursor() cur.execute("select max(date) from {}".format(tablename)) a = cur.fetchone() return a[0] def update_extern_data(connect, market, code, data_type): """更新周线、月线、15分钟线等扩展数据索引""" def getWeekDate(olddate): y = olddate // 100000000 m = olddate // 1000000 - y * 100 d = olddate // 10000 - (y * 10000 + m * 100) tempdate = datetime.date(y, m, d) # python中周一是第0天,周五的第4天 startdate = tempdate + datetime.timedelta(0 - tempdate.weekday()) enddate = tempdate + datetime.timedelta(4 - tempdate.weekday()) return ( startdate.year * 100000000 + startdate.month * 1000000 + startdate.day * 10000, enddate.year * 100000000 + enddate.month * 1000000 + enddate.day * 10000 ) def getMonthDate(olddate): y = olddate // 100000000 m = olddate // 1000000 - y * 100 import calendar _, d = calendar.monthrange(y, m) return (y * 100000000 + m * 1000000 + 10000, y * 100000000 + m * 1000000 + d * 10000) def getQuarterDate(olddate): startDict = {1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 4, 5: 4, 6: 4, 7: 7, 8: 7, 9: 7, 10: 10, 11: 10, 12: 10} endDict = {1: 3, 2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 6, 5: 6, 6: 6, 7: 9, 8: 9, 9: 9, 10: 12, 11: 12, 12: 12} d_dict = {3: 310000, 6: 300000, 9: 300000, 12: 310000} y = olddate // 100000000 m = olddate // 1000000 - y * 100 start_m = startDict[m] end_m = endDict[m] return ( y * 100000000 + start_m * 1000000 + 10000, y * 100000000 + end_m * 1000000 + d_dict[end_m] ) def getHalfyearDate(olddate): y = olddate // 100000000 m = olddate // 1000000 - y * 100 return ( y * 100000000 + (1010000 if m < 7 else 7010000), y * 100000000 + (6300000 if m < 7 else 12310000) ) def getYearDate(olddate): y = olddate // 100000000 return (y * 100000000 + 1010000, y * 100000000 + 12310000) def getMin60Date(olddate): mint = olddate - olddate // 10000 * 10000 newdate = olddate // 10000 * 10000 if mint <= 1030: startdate = newdate + 931 enddate = newdate + 1030 elif mint <= 1130: startdate = newdate + 1031 enddate = newdate + 1130 elif mint <= 1400: startdate = newdate + 1301 enddate = newdate + 1400 else: startdate = newdate + 1401 enddate = newdate + 1500 return (startdate, enddate) def getMin15Date(olddate): mint = olddate - olddate // 10000 * 10000 newdate = olddate // 10000 * 10000 if mint <= 945: startdate = newdate + 931 enddate = newdate + 945 elif mint <= 1000: startdate = newdate + 946 enddate = newdate + 1000 elif mint <= 1015: startdate = newdate + 1001 enddate = newdate + 1015 elif mint <= 1030: startdate = newdate + 1016 enddate = newdate + 1030 elif mint <= 1045: startdate = newdate + 1031 enddate = newdate + 1045 elif mint <= 1100: startdate = newdate + 1046 enddate = newdate + 1100 elif mint <= 1115: startdate = newdate + 1101 enddate = newdate + 1115 elif mint <= 1130: startdate = newdate + 1116 enddate = newdate + 1130 elif mint <= 1315: startdate = newdate + 1301 enddate = newdate + 1315 elif mint <= 1330: startdate = newdate + 1316 enddate = newdate + 1330 elif mint <= 1345: startdate = newdate + 1331 enddate = newdate + 1345 elif mint <= 1400: startdate = newdate + 1346 enddate = newdate + 1400 elif mint <= 1415: startdate = newdate + 1401 enddate = newdate + 1415 elif mint <= 1430: startdate = newdate + 1416 enddate = newdate + 1430 elif mint <= 1445: startdate = newdate + 1431 enddate = newdate + 1445 else: startdate = newdate + 1446 enddate = newdate + 1500 return (startdate, enddate) def getMin30Date(olddate): mint = olddate - olddate // 10000 * 10000 newdate = olddate // 10000 * 10000 if mint <= 1000: startdate = newdate + 931 enddate = newdate + 1000 elif mint <= 1030: startdate = newdate + 1001 enddate = newdate + 1030 elif mint <= 1100: startdate = newdate + 1031 enddate = newdate + 1100 elif mint <= 1130: startdate = newdate + 1101 enddate = newdate + 1130 elif mint <= 1330: startdate = newdate + 1301 enddate = newdate + 1330 elif mint <= 1400: startdate = newdate + 1331 enddate = newdate + 1400 elif mint <= 1430: startdate = newdate + 1401 enddate = newdate + 1430 else: startdate = newdate + 1431 enddate = newdate + 1500 return (startdate, enddate) def getNewDate(index_type, olddate): if index_type == 'week': return getWeekDate(olddate) elif index_type == 'month': return getMonthDate(olddate) elif index_type == 'quarter': return getQuarterDate(olddate) elif index_type == 'halfyear': return getHalfyearDate(olddate) elif index_type == 'year': return getYearDate(olddate) elif index_type == 'min15': return getMin15Date(olddate) elif index_type == 'min30': return getMin30Date(olddate) elif index_type == 'min60': return getMin60Date(olddate) else: return None if data_type.lower() == 'day': index_list = ('week', 'month', 'year') #index_list = ('week', 'month', 'quarter', 'halfyear', 'year') base_table = get_table(connect, market, code, 'day') else: index_list = ('min15', 'min30', 'min60') #index_list = ('min15', ) base_table = get_table(connect, market, code, 'min5') base_lastdate = get_lastdatetime(connect, base_table) if base_lastdate is None: return for index_type in index_list: index_table = get_table(connect, market, code, index_type) index_last_date = get_lastdatetime(connect, index_table) # 获取当前日期大于等于索引表最大日期的基础表日期列表 cur = connect.cursor() if index_last_date is None: cur.execute( 'select date, open, high, low, close, amount, count from {} order by date asc '. format(base_table) ) else: start_date, _ = getNewDate(index_type, index_last_date) cur.execute( 'select date, open, high, low, close, amount, count from {} where date>={}'.format( base_table, start_date ) ) base_list = [x for x in cur] cur.close() last_start_date = 199012010000 last_end_date = 199012010000 update_buffer = [] insert_buffer = [] #for current_base in base_list: length_base_all = len(base_list) for x in range(length_base_all): current_date = base_list[x][0] if current_date <= last_end_date: continue last_start_date, last_end_date = getNewDate(index_type, current_date) #cur = connect.cursor() #cur.execute( # 'select date, open, high, low, close, amount, count from {} \ # where date>={} and date<={} order by date asc'.format( # base_table, last_start_date, last_end_date # ) #) #base_record_list = [r for r in cur] #cur.close() base_record_list = [] start_ix = x ix_date = current_date while start_ix < length_base_all and \ ix_date >= last_start_date and ix_date <= last_end_date: base_record_list.append(base_list[start_ix]) ix_date = base_list[start_ix][0] start_ix += 1 if not base_record_list: continue length = len(base_record_list) open_price = base_record_list[0][1] high_price = base_record_list[0][2] low_price = base_record_list[0][3] close_price = base_record_list[length - 1][4] amount = base_record_list[0][5] count = base_record_list[0][6] for i in range(1, length): if base_record_list[i][2] > high_price: high_price = base_record_list[i][2] if base_record_list[i][3] < low_price: low_price = base_record_list[i][3] amount += base_record_list[i][5] count += base_record_list[i][6] if last_end_date == index_last_date: update_buffer.append( (open_price, high_price, low_price, close_price, amount, count, last_end_date) ) else: insert_buffer.append( (last_end_date, open_price, high_price, low_price, close_price, amount, count) ) if update_buffer: cur = connect.cursor() cur.executemany( "update {} set open=%s, high=%s, low=%s, close=%s, amount=%s, count=%s \ where date=%s".format(index_table), update_buffer ) connect.commit() cur.close() if insert_buffer: cur = connect.cursor() cur.executemany( "insert into {} (date, open, high, low, close, amount, count) \ values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)".format(index_table), insert_buffer ) connect.commit() cur.close() if __name__ == '__main__': host = '' port = 3306 usr = 'root' pwd = '' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usr, password=pwd, host=host, port=port) update_extern_data(cnx, 'SH', '000001', 'day') cnx.close()