set_xmakever("2.8.2") -- Last Modified: 2023-08-08 11:28:13 -- project set_project("hikyuu") add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release") if not is_plat("windows") then add_rules("mode.coverage", "mode.asan", "mode.msan", "mode.tsan", "mode.lsan") end -- version set_version("1.2.8", {build = "%Y%m%d%H%M"}) set_configvar("LOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL", 0) -- 激活的日志级别 -- if is_mode("debug") then -- set_configvar("LOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL", 0) -- 激活的日志级别 -- else -- set_configvar("LOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL", 2) -- 激活的日志级别 -- end set_configvar("USE_SPDLOG_LOGGER", 1) -- 是否使用spdlog作为日志输出 set_configvar("USE_SPDLOG_ASYNC_LOGGER", 0) -- 使用异步的spdlog set_configvar("CHECK_ACCESS_BOUND", 1) if is_plat("macosx") then set_configvar("SUPPORT_SERIALIZATION", 0) else set_configvar("SUPPORT_SERIALIZATION", is_mode("release") and 1 or 0) end set_configvar("SUPPORT_TEXT_ARCHIVE", 0) set_configvar("SUPPORT_XML_ARCHIVE", 1) set_configvar("SUPPORT_BINARY_ARCHIVE", 1) set_configvar("HKU_DISABLE_ASSERT", 0) -- set warning all as error if is_plat("windows") then set_warnings("all", "error") else set_warnings("all") end -- set language: C99, c++ standard set_languages("cxx17", "c99") local boost_version = "1.81.0" local hdf5_version = "1.12.2" local mysql_version = "8.0.31" local fmt_version = "10.0.0" if is_plat("windows") or (is_plat("linux", "cross") and is_arch("aarch64", "arm64.*")) then mysql_version = "8.0.21" end add_repositories("project-repo hikyuu_extern_libs") if is_plat("windows") then -- add_repositories("project-repo hikyuu_extern_libs") if is_mode("release") then add_requires("hdf5 " .. hdf5_version) else add_requires("hdf5_D " .. hdf5_version) end add_requires("mysql " .. mysql_version) elseif is_plat("linux", "cross") then add_requires("hdf5 " .. hdf5_version, { system = false }) -- add_requires("mysql" , {system = true}) add_requires("mysql " .. mysql_version, { system = false }) elseif is_plat("macosx") then add_requires("brew::hdf5") end add_requires("myboost " .. boost_version, { system = false, alias = "boost", configs = { shared = is_plat("windows") and true or false, data_time = true, filesystem = true, serialization = true, system = false, python = true, pyver = get_config("pyver"), }, }) if is_plat("windows") then add_requireconfs("myboost.python", {override = true, system=false}) end add_requires("spdlog", {system = false, configs = {header_only = true, fmt_external = true, vs_runtime = "MD"}}) add_requireconfs("spdlog.fmt", {override = true, version = fmt_version, configs = {header_only = true}}) add_requires("sqlite3", {system = false, configs = {shared = true, vs_runtime = "MD", cxflags = "-fPIC"}}) add_requires("flatbuffers 2.0.0", {system = false, configs = {vs_runtime = "MD"}}) add_requires("nng", {system = false, configs = {vs_runtime = "MD", cxflags = "-fPIC"}}) add_requires("nlohmann_json", {system = false}) add_requires("cpp-httplib", {system = false}) add_requires("zlib", {system = false}) add_defines("SPDLOG_DISABLE_DEFAULT_LOGGER") -- 禁用 spdlog 默认ogger set_objectdir("$(buildir)/$(mode)/$(plat)/$(arch)/.objs") set_targetdir("$(buildir)/$(mode)/$(plat)/$(arch)/lib") -- modifed to use boost static library, except boost.python, serialization if is_plat("windows") then add_defines("BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK") end -- is release now if is_mode("release") then if is_plat("windows") then -- Unix-like systems hidden symbols will cause the link dynamic libraries to failed! set_symbols("hidden") end end -- for the windows platform (msvc) if is_plat("windows") then -- add some defines only for windows add_defines("NOCRYPT", "NOGDI") add_cxflags("-EHsc", "/Zc:__cplusplus", "/utf-8") add_cxflags("-wd4819") -- template dll export warning add_defines("WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN") if is_mode("release") then add_cxflags("-MD") elseif is_mode("debug") then add_cxflags("-Gs", "-RTC1", "/bigobj") add_cxflags("-MDd") end end if not is_plat("windows") then -- disable some compiler errors add_cxflags("-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations", "-fno-strict-aliasing") add_cxflags("-ftemplate-depth=1023", "-pthread") add_shflags("-pthread") add_ldflags("-pthread") end -- -- add_vectorexts("sse", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3", "mmx", "avx") if not is_plat("cross") and ( == "linux" and is_arch("x86_64", "x64")) then -- fedora或者ubuntu,并且不是交叉编译 add_vectorexts("sse", "sse2", "ssse3", "avx", "avx2") end includes("./hikyuu_cpp/hikyuu") includes("./hikyuu_pywrap") includes("./hikyuu_cpp/unit_test") includes("./hikyuu_cpp/demo") includes("./hikyuu_cpp/hikyuu_server") before_install("scripts.before_install") on_install("scripts.on_install") before_run("scripts.before_run")