/* * TradeManager.cpp * * Created on: 2013-2-13 * Author: fasiondog */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TradeManager.h" #include "../trade_sys/system/SystemPart.h" #include "../KData.h" #if HKU_SUPPORT_SERIALIZATION BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(hku::TradeManager) #endif namespace hku { string TradeManager::str() const { std::stringstream os; os << std::fixed; os.precision(2); FundsRecord funds = getFunds(); string strip(",\n"); os << "TradeManager {\n" << " params: " << getParameter() << strip << " name: " << name() << strip << " init_date: " << initDatetime() << strip << " init_cash: " << initCash() << strip << " firstDatetime: " << firstDatetime() << strip << " lastDatetime: " << lastDatetime() << strip << " TradeCostFunc: " << costFunc() << strip << " current total funds: " << funds.cash + funds.market_value + funds.borrow_asset - funds.short_market_value << strip << " current cash: " << currentCash() << strip << " current market_value: " << funds.market_value << strip << " current short_market_value: " << funds.short_market_value << strip << " current base_cash: " << funds.base_cash << strip << " current base_asset: " << funds.base_asset << strip << " current borrow_cash: " << funds.borrow_cash << strip << " current borrow_asset: " << funds.borrow_asset << strip << " Position: \n"; StockManager& sm = StockManager::instance(); KQuery query(-1); PositionRecordList position = getPositionList(); PositionRecordList::const_iterator iter = position.begin(); for (; iter != position.end(); ++iter) { price_t invest = iter->buyMoney - iter->sellMoney + iter->totalCost; KData k = iter->stock.getKData(query); price_t cur_val = k[0].closePrice * iter->number; price_t bonus = cur_val - invest; DatetimeList date_list = sm.getTradingCalendar(KQueryByDate(Datetime(iter->takeDatetime.date()))); os << " " << iter->stock.market_code() << " " << iter->stock.name() << " " << iter->takeDatetime << " " << date_list.size() << " " << iter->number << " " << invest << " " << cur_val << " " << bonus << " " << 100 * bonus / invest << "% " << 100 * bonus / m_init_cash << "%\n"; } os << " Short Position: \n"; position = getShortPositionList(); iter = position.begin(); for (; iter != position.end(); ++iter) { os << " " << iter->number << " " << iter->stock.toString() << "\n"; } os << " Borrow Stock: \n"; BorrowRecordList borrow = getBorrowStockList(); BorrowRecordList::const_iterator bor_iter = borrow.begin(); for (; bor_iter != borrow.end(); ++bor_iter) { os << " " << bor_iter->number << " " << bor_iter->value << " " << bor_iter->stock.toString() << "\n"; } os << "}"; os.unsetf(std::ostream::floatfield); os.precision(); return os.str(); } TradeManager::TradeManager(const Datetime& datetime, price_t initcash, const TradeCostPtr& costfunc, const string& name) : TradeManagerBase(name, costfunc), m_init_datetime(datetime), m_last_update_datetime(datetime), m_checkout_cash(0.0), m_checkin_stock(0.0), m_checkout_stock(0.0), m_borrow_cash(0.0) { setParam("support_borrow_cash", false); // 是否自动融资 setParam("support_borrow_stock", false); // 是否自动融券 setParam("save_action", true); // 是否保存命令 m_init_cash = roundEx(initcash, 2); m_cash = m_init_cash; m_checkin_cash = m_init_cash; m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), m_init_datetime, BUSINESS_INIT, m_init_cash, m_init_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); m_broker_last_datetime = Datetime::now(); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); } TradeManager::~TradeManager() {} void TradeManager::_reset() { m_last_update_datetime = m_init_datetime; m_cash = m_init_cash; m_checkin_cash = m_init_cash; m_checkout_cash = 0.0; m_checkin_stock = 0.0; m_checkout_stock = 0.0; m_borrow_cash = 0.0; m_loan_list.clear(); m_borrow_stock.clear(); m_trade_list.clear(); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), m_init_datetime, BUSINESS_INIT, m_init_cash, m_init_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); m_position.clear(); m_position_history.clear(); m_actions.clear(); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); } TradeManagerPtr TradeManager::_clone() { TradeManager* p = new TradeManager(m_init_datetime, m_init_cash, m_costfunc, m_name); p->m_params = m_params; p->m_name = m_name; p->m_init_datetime = m_init_datetime; p->m_init_cash = m_init_cash; p->m_last_update_datetime = m_last_update_datetime; // costfunc是一个公共的函数对象,是共享实现,无须deepcopy p->m_costfunc = m_costfunc; p->m_cash = m_cash; p->m_checkin_cash = m_checkin_cash; p->m_checkout_cash = m_checkout_cash; p->m_checkin_stock = m_checkin_stock; p->m_checkout_stock = m_checkout_stock; p->m_borrow_cash = m_borrow_cash; p->m_loan_list = m_loan_list; p->m_borrow_stock = m_borrow_stock; p->m_trade_list = m_trade_list; p->m_position = m_position; p->m_position_history = m_position_history; p->m_broker_list = m_broker_list; p->m_broker_last_datetime = m_broker_last_datetime; p->m_actions = m_actions; return TradeManagerPtr(p); } double TradeManager::getMarginRate(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock) { // TODO 获取保证金比率,默认固定取60% return 0.6; } Datetime TradeManager::firstDatetime() const { Datetime result; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->business == BUSINESS_BUY) { result = iter->datetime; break; } } return result; } double TradeManager::getHoldNumber(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock) { // 日期小于账户建立日期,返回0 HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_init_datetime, 0.0); // 根据权息信息调整持仓数量 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 如果指定的日期大于等于最后交易日期,则直接取当前持仓记录 if (datetime >= lastDatetime()) { position_map_type::const_iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter != m_position.end()) { return pos_iter->second.number; } return 0.0; } // 在历史交易记录中,重新计算在指定的查询日期时,该交易对象的持仓数量 double number = 0; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { // 交易记录中的交易日期已经大于查询日期,则跳出循环 if (iter->datetime > datetime) { break; } if (iter->stock == stock) { if (BUSINESS_BUY == iter->business || BUSINESS_GIFT == iter->business || BUSINESS_CHECKIN_STOCK == iter->business) { number += iter->number; } else if (BUSINESS_SELL == iter->business || BUSINESS_CHECKOUT_STOCK == iter->business) { number -= iter->number; } else { // 其他情况忽略 } } } return number; } double TradeManager::getShortHoldNumber(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock) { // 日期小于账户建立日期,返回0 HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_init_datetime, 0.0); // 根据权息信息调整持仓数量 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 如果指定的日期大于等于最后交易日期,则直接取当前持仓记录 if (datetime >= lastDatetime()) { position_map_type::const_iterator pos_iter = m_short_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter != m_short_position.end()) { return pos_iter->second.number; } return 0; } // 在历史交易记录中,重新计算在指定的查询日期时,该交易对象的持仓数量 double number = 0; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { // 交易记录中的交易日期已经大于查询日期,则跳出循环 if (iter->datetime > datetime) { break; } if (iter->stock == stock) { if (BUSINESS_SELL_SHORT == iter->business) { number += iter->number; } else if (BUSINESS_BUY_SHORT == iter->business) { number -= iter->number; } else { // 其他情况忽略 } } } return number; } double TradeManager::getDebtNumber(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock) { HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_init_datetime, 0.0); // 根据权息信息调整持仓数量 updateWithWeight(datetime); if (datetime >= lastDatetime()) { borrow_stock_map_type::const_iterator bor_iter; bor_iter = m_borrow_stock.find(stock.id()); if (bor_iter != m_borrow_stock.end()) { return bor_iter->second.number; } return 0; } double debt_n = 0; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->datetime > datetime) { break; } if (iter->stock == stock) { if (iter->business == BUSINESS_BORROW_STOCK) { debt_n += iter->number; } else if (iter->business == BUSINESS_RETURN_STOCK) { debt_n -= iter->number; } } } return debt_n; } price_t TradeManager::getDebtCash(const Datetime& datetime) { HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_init_datetime, 0.0); // 根据权息信息调整持仓数量 updateWithWeight(datetime); HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime >= lastDatetime(), m_borrow_cash); price_t debt_cash = 0.0; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->datetime > datetime) { break; } if (iter->business == BUSINESS_BORROW_CASH) { debt_cash += iter->realPrice; } else if (iter->business == BUSINESS_RETURN_CASH) { debt_cash -= iter->realPrice; } } return debt_cash; } TradeRecordList TradeManager::getTradeList(const Datetime& start_date, const Datetime& end_date) const { TradeRecordList result; HKU_IF_RETURN(start_date >= end_date, result); size_t total = m_trade_list.size(); HKU_IF_RETURN(total == 0, result); TradeRecord temp_record; temp_record.datetime = start_date; auto low = lower_bound( m_trade_list.begin(), m_trade_list.end(), temp_record, std::bind(std::less(), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_2))); temp_record.datetime = end_date; auto high = lower_bound( m_trade_list.begin(), m_trade_list.end(), temp_record, std::bind(std::less(), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_2))); result.insert(result.end(), low, high); return result; } PositionRecordList TradeManager::getPositionList() const { PositionRecordList result; position_map_type::const_iterator iter = m_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_position.end(); ++iter) { result.push_back(iter->second); } return result; } PositionRecordList TradeManager::getShortPositionList() const { PositionRecordList result; position_map_type::const_iterator iter = m_short_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_short_position.end(); ++iter) { result.push_back(iter->second); } return result; } PositionRecord TradeManager::getPosition(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock) { PositionRecord result; HKU_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), result); HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_init_datetime, result); // 根据权息信息调整持仓数量 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 如果指定的日期大于等于最后交易日期,则直接取当前持仓记录 if (datetime >= lastDatetime()) { position_map_type::const_iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter != m_position.end()) { result = pos_iter->second; } return result; } // 在历史交易记录中,重新计算在指定的查询日期时,该交易对象的持仓数量 double number = 0.0; for (auto iter = m_trade_list.begin(); iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { // 交易记录中的交易日期已经大于查询日期,则跳出循环 if (iter->datetime > datetime) { break; } if (iter->stock == stock) { if (BUSINESS_BUY == iter->business || BUSINESS_GIFT == iter->business || BUSINESS_CHECKIN_STOCK == iter->business) { number += iter->number; } else if (BUSINESS_SELL == iter->business || BUSINESS_CHECKOUT_STOCK == iter->business) { number -= iter->number; } else { // 其他情况忽略 } } } HKU_IF_RETURN(0.0 == number, result); // 倒序遍历历史持仓,寻找最后一条持仓记录 for (auto iter = m_position_history.rbegin(); iter != m_position_history.rend(); ++iter) { if (iter->stock == stock) { result = *iter; break; } } HKU_WARN_IF(result.stock != stock, "Not found in the history positions, maybe exists error! {}", stock); result.number = number; return result; } PositionRecord TradeManager::getShortPosition(const Stock& stock) const { HKU_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), PositionRecord()); position_map_type::const_iterator iter; iter = m_short_position.find(stock.id()); return iter == m_short_position.end() ? PositionRecord() : iter->second; } BorrowRecordList TradeManager::getBorrowStockList() const { BorrowRecordList result; borrow_stock_map_type::const_iterator iter = m_borrow_stock.begin(); for (; iter != m_borrow_stock.end(); ++iter) { result.push_back(iter->second); } return result; } bool TradeManager::checkin(const Datetime& datetime, price_t cash) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(cash <= 0.0, false, "{} cash({:<.3f}) must be > 0! ", datetime, cash); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, lastDatetime()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t in_cash = roundEx(cash, precision); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + in_cash, precision); m_checkin_cash = roundEx(m_checkin_cash + in_cash, precision); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKIN, in_cash, in_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); return true; } bool TradeManager::checkout(const Datetime& datetime, price_t cash) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(cash <= 0.0, false, "{} cash({:<.4f}) must be > 0! ", datetime, cash); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, lastDatetime()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t out_cash = roundEx(cash, precision); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(out_cash > m_cash, false, "{} cash({:<.4f}) must be <= current cash({:<.4f})!", datetime, cash, m_cash); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - out_cash, precision); m_checkout_cash = roundEx(m_checkout_cash + out_cash, precision); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKOUT, out_cash, out_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); return true; } bool TradeManager::checkinStock(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t price, double number) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), false, "{} Try checkin Null stock!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, false, "{} {} number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(price <= 0, false, "{} {} price({:<.4f}) must be > 0!", datetime, stock.market_code(), price); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 加入当前持仓 int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t market_value = roundEx(price * number * stock.unit(), precision); position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter == m_position.end()) { m_position[stock.id()] = PositionRecord(stock, datetime, Null(), number, 0.0, 0.0, number, market_value, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { PositionRecord& pos = pos_iter->second; pos.number += number; // pos.stoploss 不变 pos.totalNumber += number; pos.buyMoney = roundEx(pos.buyMoney + market_value, precision); // pos.totalCost 不变 // pos.totalRisk 不变 // pos.sellMoney 不变 } // 加入交易记录 m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKIN_STOCK, price, price, 0.0, number, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); // 更新累计存入资产价值记录 m_checkin_stock = roundEx(m_checkin_stock + market_value, precision); return true; } bool TradeManager::checkoutStock(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t price, double number) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), false, "{} Try checkout Null stock!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, false, "{} {} checkout number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(price <= 0.0, false, "{} {} checkout price({:<.4f}) must be > 0.0! ", datetime, stock.market_code(), price); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 当前是否有持仓 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(pos_iter == m_position.end(), false, "Try to checkout nonexistent stock!"); PositionRecord& pos = pos_iter->second; // 取出数量超出了当前持仓数量 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number > pos.number, false, "{} {} Try to checkout number({}) beyond position number({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, pos.number); int precision = getParam("precision"); pos.number -= number; pos.sellMoney = roundEx(pos.sellMoney + price * number * stock.unit(), precision); // 取出后当前所有持仓数量为0,清除当前持仓,存入历史持仓 if (0 == pos.number) { m_position_history.push_back(pos); m_position.erase(stock.id()); } // 更新交易记录 m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKOUT_STOCK, price, price, 0.0, number, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); // 更新累计取出股票价值 m_checkout_stock = roundEx(m_checkout_stock - price * number * stock.unit(), precision); return true; } bool TradeManager::borrowCash(const Datetime& datetime, price_t cash) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(cash <= 0.0, false, "{} cash({:<.4f}) must be > 0!", datetime, cash); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, lastDatetime()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t in_cash = roundEx(cash, precision); CostRecord cost = getBorrowCashCost(datetime, cash); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + in_cash - cost.total, precision); m_borrow_cash = roundEx(m_borrow_cash + in_cash, precision); m_loan_list.push_back(LoanRecord(datetime, in_cash)); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), datetime, BUSINESS_BORROW_CASH, in_cash, in_cash, 0.0, 0, cost, 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); return true; } bool TradeManager::returnCash(const Datetime& datetime, price_t cash) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(cash <= 0.0, false, "{} cash({:<.4f}) must be > 0! ", datetime, cash); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(m_loan_list.empty(), false, "{} not borrow any cash!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < m_loan_list.back().datetime, false, "{} must be >= the datetime({}) of last loan record!", datetime, m_loan_list.back().datetime); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); int precision = getParam("precision"); CostRecord cost, cur_cost; price_t in_cash = roundEx(cash, precision); price_t return_cash = in_cash; list::iterator iter = m_loan_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_loan_list.end(); ++iter) { if (return_cash <= iter->value) { cur_cost = getReturnCashCost(iter->datetime, datetime, return_cash); return_cash = 0.0; } else { // return_cash > loan.value cur_cost = getReturnCashCost(iter->datetime, datetime, iter->value); return_cash = roundEx(return_cash - iter->value, precision); } cost.commission = roundEx(cost.commission + cur_cost.commission, precision); cost.stamptax = roundEx(cost.stamptax + cur_cost.stamptax, precision); cost.transferfee = roundEx(cost.transferfee + cur_cost.transferfee, precision); cost.others = roundEx(cost.others + cur_cost.others, precision); cost.total = roundEx(cost.total + cur_cost.total, precision); if (return_cash == 0.0) break; } // 欲归还的钱多余实际欠款 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(return_cash != 0.0, false, "{} return cash must <= borrowed cash!", datetime); price_t out_cash = roundEx(in_cash + cost.total, precision); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(out_cash > m_cash, false, "{} cash({:<.4f}) must be <= current cash({:<.4f})!", datetime, cash, m_cash); return_cash = in_cash; do { iter = m_loan_list.begin(); if (return_cash == iter->value) { m_loan_list.pop_front(); break; } else if (return_cash < iter->value) { iter->value = roundEx(iter->value - return_cash, precision); break; } else { // return_cash > iter->value return_cash = roundEx(return_cash - iter->value, precision); m_loan_list.pop_front(); } } while (!m_loan_list.empty()); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - out_cash, precision); m_borrow_cash = roundEx(m_borrow_cash - in_cash, precision); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), datetime, BUSINESS_RETURN_CASH, in_cash, in_cash, 0.0, 0, cost, 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); return true; } bool TradeManager::borrowStock(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t price, double number) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), false, "{} Try checkin Null stock!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, false, "{} {} Try to borrow number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(price <= 0.0, false, "{} {} price({:<.4f}) must be > 0!", datetime, stock.market_code(), price); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 加入当前持仓 int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t market_value = roundEx(price * number * stock.unit(), precision); CostRecord cost = getBorrowStockCost(datetime, stock, price, number); // 更新现金,扣除借入时花费的成本 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - cost.total, precision); // 加入交易记录 m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_BORROW_STOCK, price, price, 0.0, number, cost, 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); // 更新当前借入股票信息 borrow_stock_map_type::iterator iter = m_borrow_stock.find(stock.id()); if (iter == m_borrow_stock.end()) { BorrowRecord record(stock, number, market_value); BorrowRecord::Data data(datetime, price, number); record.record_list.push_back(data); m_borrow_stock[stock.id()] = record; } else { // iter->second.stock = stock; iter->second.number += number; iter->second.value = roundEx(iter->second.value + market_value, precision); BorrowRecord::Data data(datetime, price, number); iter->second.record_list.push_back(data); } return true; } bool TradeManager::returnStock(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t price, double number) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), false, "{} Try checkout Null stock!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, false, "{} {} return stock number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(price <= 0.0, false, "{} {} price({:<.4f}) must be > 0!", datetime, stock.market_code(), price); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 查询借入股票信息 borrow_stock_map_type::iterator bor_iter = m_borrow_stock.find(stock.id()); // 并未借入股票 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(bor_iter == m_borrow_stock.end(), false, "{} {} Try to return nonborrowed stock! ", datetime, stock.market_code()); BorrowRecord& bor = bor_iter->second; // 欲归还的数量大于借入的数量 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number > bor.number, false, "{} {} Try to return number({}) > borrow number({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, bor.number); // 更新借入股票信息 int precision = getParam("precision"); CostRecord cost, cur_cost; price_t market_value = 0.0; double remain_num = number; list::iterator iter = bor.record_list.begin(); for (; iter != bor.record_list.end(); ++iter) { if (remain_num <= iter->number) { cur_cost = getReturnStockCost(iter->datetime, datetime, stock, price, number); market_value = roundEx(market_value + iter->price * remain_num * stock.unit(), precision); remain_num = 0; } else { // number > iter->number cur_cost = getReturnStockCost(iter->datetime, datetime, stock, price, number); market_value = roundEx(market_value + iter->price * iter->number * stock.unit(), precision); remain_num -= iter->number; } cost.commission = roundEx(cost.commission + cur_cost.commission, precision); cost.stamptax = roundEx(cost.stamptax + cur_cost.stamptax, precision); cost.transferfee = roundEx(cost.transferfee + cur_cost.transferfee, precision); cost.others = roundEx(cost.others + cur_cost.others, precision); cost.total = roundEx(cost.total + cur_cost.total, precision); if (remain_num == 0) break; } bor.number -= number; bor.value = roundEx(bor.value - market_value, precision); remain_num = number; do { iter = bor.record_list.begin(); if (remain_num == iter->number) { bor.record_list.pop_front(); break; } else if (remain_num < iter->number) { iter->number -= remain_num; break; } else { // remain_num > iter->number remain_num -= iter->number; bor.record_list.pop_front(); } } while (!bor.record_list.empty()); if (bor.record_list.empty()) { m_borrow_stock.erase(bor_iter); } // 更新现金,扣除归还时花费的成本 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - cost.total, precision); // 更新交易记录 m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_RETURN_STOCK, price, price, 0.0, number, cost, 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); return true; } TradeRecord TradeManager::buy(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t realPrice, double number, price_t stoploss, price_t goalPrice, price_t planPrice, SystemPart from) { TradeRecord result; result.business = BUSINESS_INVALID; HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), result, "{} Stock is Null!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), result, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0.0, result, "{} {} numer is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number < stock.minTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Buy number({}) must be >= minTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.minTradeNumber()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number > stock.maxTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Buy number({}) must be <= maxTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.maxTradeNumber()); #if 0 // 取消此处的检查,放松限制,另外也可以提高效率。另外,TM只负责交易管理,不许检查 //检查当日是否存在日线数据,不存在则认为不可交易 bd::date daydate = datetime.date(); KRecord krecord = stock.getKRecord(daydate, KQuery::DAY); if (krecord == Null()){ HKU_ERROR(datetime << " " << stock.market_code() <<" Non-trading day(" << daydate << ") [TradeManager::buy]"); return result; } //买入的价格是否在当日最高/最低价范围之内 if (realPrice > krecord.highPrice || realPrice < krecord.lowPrice) { HKU_ERROR(datetime << " " << stock.market_code() << " Invalid buy price(" << realPrice << ")! out of highPrice(" << krecord.highPrice << ") or lowPrice(" << krecord.lowPrice << "! [TradeManager::buy]"); return result; } #endif // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); CostRecord cost = getBuyCost(datetime, stock, realPrice, number); // 实际交易需要的现金=交易数量*实际交易价格+交易总成本 int precision = getParam("precision"); // price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * number * stock.unit() + cost.total, precision); price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * number * stock.unit(), precision); if (getParam("support_borrow_cash")) { // 获取要求的本金额 CostRecord bor_cost = getBorrowCashCost(datetime, money); double rate = getMarginRate(datetime, stock); price_t x = roundEx(m_cash / rate + cost.total + bor_cost.total, precision); if (x < money) { // 能够获得的融资不够,自动追加本金 checkin(datetime, roundUp(money - x, precision)); } // 融资,借入资金 borrowCash(datetime, roundUp(money, precision)); } HKU_WARN_IF_RETURN(m_cash < roundEx(money + cost.total, precision), result, "{} {} Can't buy, need cash({:<.4f}) > current cash({:<.4f})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), roundEx(money + cost.total, precision), m_cash); // 更新现金 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - money - cost.total, precision); // 加入交易记录 result = TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_BUY, planPrice, realPrice, goalPrice, number, cost, stoploss, m_cash, from); m_trade_list.push_back(result); // 更新当前持仓记录 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter == m_position.end()) { m_position[stock.id()] = PositionRecord( stock, datetime, Null(), number, stoploss, goalPrice, number, money, cost.total, roundEx((realPrice - stoploss) * number * stock.unit(), precision), 0.0); } else { PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; position.number += number; position.stoploss = stoploss; position.goalPrice = goalPrice; position.totalNumber += number; position.buyMoney = roundEx(money + position.buyMoney, precision); position.totalCost = roundEx(cost.total + position.totalCost, precision); position.totalRisk = roundEx(position.totalRisk + (realPrice - stoploss) * number * stock.unit(), precision); } if (result.datetime > m_broker_last_datetime) { list::const_iterator broker_iter = m_broker_list.begin(); Datetime realtime, nulltime; for (; broker_iter != m_broker_list.end(); ++broker_iter) { realtime = (*broker_iter)->buy(datetime, stock.market(), stock.code(), realPrice, number); if (realtime != nulltime && realtime > m_broker_last_datetime) { m_broker_last_datetime = realtime; } } } _saveAction(result); return result; } TradeRecord TradeManager::sell(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t realPrice, double number, price_t stoploss, price_t goalPrice, price_t planPrice, SystemPart from) { HKU_CHECK(!std::isnan(number), "sell number should be a valid double!"); TradeRecord result; HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), result, "{} Stock is Null!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), result, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0.0, result, "{} {} number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); // 对于分红扩股造成不满足最小交易量整数倍的情况,只能通过number=MAX_DOUBLE的方式全仓卖出 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number < stock.minTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Sell number({}) must be >= minTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.minTradeNumber()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number != MAX_DOUBLE && number > stock.maxTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Sell number({}) must be <= maxTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.maxTradeNumber()); // 未持仓 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(stock.id()); HKU_WARN_IF_RETURN(pos_iter == m_position.end(), result, "{} {} This stock was not bought never! ({}, {:<.4f}, {}, {})", datetime, stock.market_code(), datetime, realPrice, number, int(from)); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; // 调整欲卖出的数量,如果卖出数量等于MAX_DOUBLE,则表示卖出全部 double real_number = number == MAX_DOUBLE ? position.number : number; // 欲卖出的数量大于当前持仓的数量 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(position.number < real_number, result, "{} {} Try to sell number({}) > number of position({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), real_number, position.number); CostRecord cost = getSellCost(datetime, stock, realPrice, real_number); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * real_number * stock.unit(), precision); // 更新现金余额 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + money - cost.total, precision); // 更新交易记录 result = TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_SELL, planPrice, realPrice, goalPrice, real_number, cost, stoploss, m_cash, from); m_trade_list.push_back(result); // 更新当前持仓情况 position.number -= real_number; position.stoploss = stoploss; position.goalPrice = goalPrice; // position.buyMoney = position.buyMoney; position.totalCost = roundEx(position.totalCost + cost.total, precision); position.sellMoney = roundEx(position.sellMoney + money, precision); if (position.number == 0) { position.cleanDatetime = datetime; m_position_history.push_back(position); // 删除当前持仓 m_position.erase(stock.id()); } // 如果存在借款,则归还 if (getParam("support_borrow_cash") && m_borrow_cash > 0.0 && m_cash > 0.0) { returnCash(datetime, m_borrow_cash < m_cash ? m_borrow_cash : m_cash); } if (result.datetime > m_broker_last_datetime) { list::const_iterator broker_iter = m_broker_list.begin(); Datetime realtime, nulltime; for (; broker_iter != m_broker_list.end(); ++broker_iter) { realtime = (*broker_iter)->sell(datetime, stock.market(), stock.code(), realPrice, real_number); if (realtime != nulltime && realtime > m_broker_last_datetime) { m_broker_last_datetime = realtime; } } } _saveAction(result); return result; } TradeRecord TradeManager::sellShort(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t realPrice, double number, price_t stoploss, price_t goalPrice, price_t planPrice, SystemPart from) { TradeRecord result; result.business = BUSINESS_INVALID; HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), result, "{} Stock is Null!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), result, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, result, "{} {} numer is zero! ", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number < stock.minTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Buy number({}) must be >= minTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.minTradeNumber()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number > stock.maxTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} Buy number({}) must be <= maxTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.maxTradeNumber()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN( stoploss != 0.0 && stoploss < realPrice, result, "{} {} Sell short's stoploss({:<.4f}) must be > realPrice({:<.4f}) or = 0! ", datetime, stock.market_code(), stoploss, realPrice); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); int precision = getParam("precision"); if (getParam("support_borrow_stock")) { CostRecord cost = getSellCost(datetime, stock, realPrice, number); price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * number * stock.unit() + cost.total, precision); price_t x = roundEx(m_cash / getMarginRate(datetime, stock), precision); if (x < money) { checkin(datetime, roundEx(money - x, precision)); } borrowStock(datetime, stock, realPrice, number); } // 判断是否存在已借入的股票及其数量 borrow_stock_map_type::const_iterator bor_iter; bor_iter = m_borrow_stock.find(stock.id()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(bor_iter == m_borrow_stock.end(), result, "{} {} Non borrowed, can't sell short! ", datetime, stock.market_code()); double total_borrow_num = bor_iter->second.number; double can_sell_num = 0; position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_short_position.find(stock.id()); if (pos_iter == m_short_position.end()) { // 借入的股票并未卖出过 can_sell_num = total_borrow_num; } else { // 借入的股票已经卖出过 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(pos_iter->second.number >= total_borrow_num, result, "{} {} Borrowed Stock had all selled!", datetime, stock.market_code()); // 可以卖出的数量 = 借入的总数 - 已卖出的数量 can_sell_num = total_borrow_num - pos_iter->second.number; } // 如果计划卖出的数量大于可卖出的数量,则已可每卖出的数量卖出 double sell_num = number; if (number > can_sell_num) { sell_num = can_sell_num; } CostRecord cost = getSellCost(datetime, stock, realPrice, sell_num); price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * sell_num * stock.unit() - cost.total, precision); // 更新现金 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + money, precision); // 加入交易记录 result = TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_SELL_SHORT, planPrice, realPrice, goalPrice, sell_num, cost, stoploss, m_cash, from); m_trade_list.push_back(result); // 更新当前空头持仓记录 price_t risk = roundEx((stoploss - realPrice) * sell_num * stock.unit(), precision); if (pos_iter == m_short_position.end()) { m_short_position[stock.id()] = PositionRecord(stock, datetime, Null(), sell_num, stoploss, goalPrice, sell_num, cost.total, cost.total, risk, money); } else { PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; position.number += sell_num; position.stoploss = stoploss; position.goalPrice = goalPrice; position.totalNumber += sell_num; position.buyMoney = roundEx(position.buyMoney + cost.total); position.totalCost = roundEx(cost.total + position.totalCost, precision); position.totalRisk = roundEx(position.totalRisk + risk, precision); position.sellMoney = roundEx(position.sellMoney + money, precision); } if (result.datetime > m_broker_last_datetime) { list::const_iterator broker_iter = m_broker_list.begin(); Datetime realtime, nulltime; for (; broker_iter != m_broker_list.end(); ++broker_iter) { realtime = (*broker_iter)->sell(datetime, stock.market(), stock.code(), realPrice, number); if (realtime != nulltime && realtime > m_broker_last_datetime) { m_broker_last_datetime = realtime; } } } _saveAction(result); return result; } TradeRecord TradeManager::buyShort(const Datetime& datetime, const Stock& stock, price_t realPrice, double number, price_t stoploss, price_t goalPrice, price_t planPrice, SystemPart from) { TradeRecord result; HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(stock.isNull(), result, "{} Stock is Null!", datetime); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(datetime < lastDatetime(), result, "{} {} datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), lastDatetime()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number == 0, result, "{} {} number is zero!", datetime, stock.market_code()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number < stock.minTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} buyShort number({}) must be >= minTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.minTradeNumber()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(number != MAX_DOUBLE && number > stock.maxTradeNumber(), result, "{} {} buyShort number({}) must be <= maxTradeNumber({})!", datetime, stock.market_code(), number, stock.maxTradeNumber()); // 未持有空头仓位 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_short_position.find(stock.id()); HKU_WARN_IF_RETURN(pos_iter == m_short_position.end(), result, "{} {} This stock was not sell never! ", datetime, stock.market_code()); // 根据权息调整当前持仓情况 updateWithWeight(datetime); PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; // 调整欲买入的数量,如果买入数量等于MAX_DOUBLE或者大于实际仓位,则表示全部买入 double real_number = (number == MAX_DOUBLE || number > position.number) ? position.number : number; CostRecord cost = getBuyCost(datetime, stock, realPrice, real_number); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t money = roundEx(realPrice * real_number * stock.unit(), precision); // 更新现金余额 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - money - cost.total, precision); // 更新交易记录 result = TradeRecord(stock, datetime, BUSINESS_BUY_SHORT, planPrice, realPrice, goalPrice, real_number, cost, stoploss, m_cash, from); m_trade_list.push_back(result); // 更新当前空头持仓情况 position.number -= real_number; position.buyMoney = roundEx(position.buyMoney + money + cost.total, precision); position.totalCost = roundEx(position.totalCost + cost.total, precision); // position.sellMoney = roundEx(position.sellMoney, precision); if (position.number == 0) { position.cleanDatetime = datetime; m_short_position_history.push_back(position); // 删除当前持仓 m_short_position.erase(stock.id()); } if (result.datetime > m_broker_last_datetime) { list::const_iterator broker_iter = m_broker_list.begin(); Datetime realtime, nulltime; for (; broker_iter != m_broker_list.end(); ++broker_iter) { realtime = (*broker_iter)->buy(datetime, stock.market(), stock.code(), realPrice, number); if (realtime != nulltime && realtime > m_broker_last_datetime) { m_broker_last_datetime = realtime; } } } if (getParam("support_borrow_stock")) { returnStock(datetime, stock, realPrice, real_number); } _saveAction(result); return result; } price_t TradeManager::cash(const Datetime& datetime, KQuery::KType ktype) { // 如果指定时间大于更新权息最后时间,则先更新权息 if (datetime > m_last_update_datetime) { updateWithWeight(datetime); return m_cash; } // 如果指定时间等于最后权息更新时间,则直接返回当前现金 HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime == m_last_update_datetime, m_cash); // 指定时间小于最后权息更新时间,则通过计算指定时刻的资产获取资金余额 FundsRecord funds = getFunds(datetime, ktype); return funds.cash; } FundsRecord TradeManager::getFunds(KQuery::KType inktype) const { FundsRecord funds; int precision = getParam("precision"); string ktype(inktype); to_upper(ktype); price_t value{0.0}; // 当前市值 position_map_type::const_iterator iter = m_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_position.end(); ++iter) { const PositionRecord& record = iter->second; auto price = record.stock.getMarketValue(lastDatetime(), ktype); value = roundEx((value + record.number * price * record.stock.unit()), precision); } price_t short_value = 0.0; // 当前空头仓位市值 iter = m_short_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_short_position.end(); ++iter) { const PositionRecord& record = iter->second; auto price = record.stock.getMarketValue(lastDatetime(), ktype); short_value = roundEx((short_value + record.number * price * record.stock.unit()), precision); } funds.cash = m_cash; funds.market_value = value; funds.short_market_value = short_value; funds.base_cash = m_checkin_cash - m_checkout_cash; funds.base_asset = m_checkin_stock - m_checkout_stock; funds.borrow_cash = m_borrow_cash; funds.borrow_asset = 0; borrow_stock_map_type::const_iterator bor_iter = m_borrow_stock.begin(); for (; bor_iter != m_borrow_stock.end(); ++bor_iter) { funds.borrow_asset += bor_iter->second.value; } return funds; } FundsRecord TradeManager::getFunds(const Datetime& indatetime, KQuery::KType ktype) { FundsRecord funds; int precision = getParam("precision"); // // datetime为Null时,直接返回当前账户中的现金和买入时占用的资金,以及累计存取资金 // HKU_IF_RETURN(indatetime == Null() || indatetime == lastDatetime(), // getFunds(ktype)); Datetime datetime(indatetime.year(), indatetime.month(), indatetime.day(), 23, 59); price_t market_value = 0.0; price_t short_market_value = 0.0; if (datetime > lastDatetime()) { // 根据权息数据调整持仓 updateWithWeight(datetime); // 查询日期大于等于最后交易日期时,直接计算当前持仓证券的市值 position_map_type::const_iterator iter = m_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_position.end(); ++iter) { price_t price = iter->second.stock.getMarketValue(datetime, ktype); market_value = roundEx( market_value + price * iter->second.number * iter->second.stock.unit(), precision); } iter = m_short_position.begin(); for (; iter != m_short_position.end(); ++iter) { price_t price = iter->second.stock.getMarketValue(datetime, ktype); short_market_value = roundEx(short_market_value + price * iter->second.number * iter->second.stock.unit(), precision); } funds.cash = m_cash; funds.market_value = market_value; funds.short_market_value = short_market_value; funds.base_cash = m_checkin_cash - m_checkout_cash; funds.base_asset = m_checkin_stock - m_checkout_stock; funds.borrow_cash = m_borrow_cash; funds.borrow_asset = 0; borrow_stock_map_type::iterator bor_iter = m_borrow_stock.begin(); for (; bor_iter != m_borrow_stock.end(); ++bor_iter) { funds.borrow_asset += bor_iter->second.value; } return funds; } // if datetime >= lastDatetime() // 当查询日期小于最后交易日期时,遍历交易记录,计算当日的市值和现金 price_t cash = m_init_cash; struct Stock_Number { Stock_Number() : number(0) {} Stock_Number(const Stock& stock, size_t number) : stock(stock), number(number) {} Stock stock; size_t number; }; price_t checkin_cash = 0.0; price_t checkout_cash = 0.0; price_t checkin_stock = 0.0; price_t checkout_stock = 0.0; map stock_map; map short_stock_map; map::iterator stock_iter; map::iterator short_stock_iter; map bor_stock_map; map::iterator bor_stock_iter; TradeRecordList::const_iterator iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->datetime > datetime) { // 如果交易记录的日期大于指定的日期则跳出循环,处理完毕 break; } cash = iter->cash; switch (iter->business) { case BUSINESS_INIT: checkin_cash += iter->realPrice; break; case BUSINESS_BUY: case BUSINESS_GIFT: stock_iter = stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (stock_iter != stock_map.end()) { stock_iter->second.number += iter->number; } else { stock_map[iter->stock.id()] = Stock_Number(iter->stock, iter->number); } break; case BUSINESS_SELL: stock_iter = stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (stock_iter != stock_map.end()) { stock_iter->second.number -= iter->number; } else { HKU_WARN("{} {} Sell error in m_trade_list!", datetime, iter->stock.market_code()); } break; case BUSINESS_SELL_SHORT: short_stock_iter = short_stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (short_stock_iter != short_stock_map.end()) { short_stock_iter->second.number += iter->number; } else { short_stock_map[iter->stock.id()] = Stock_Number(iter->stock, iter->number); } break; case BUSINESS_BUY_SHORT: short_stock_iter = short_stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (short_stock_iter != short_stock_map.end()) { short_stock_iter->second.number -= iter->number; } else { HKU_WARN("{} {} BuyShort Error in m_trade_list!", datetime, iter->stock.market_code()); } break; case BUSINESS_BONUS: break; case BUSINESS_CHECKIN: checkin_cash += iter->realPrice; break; case BUSINESS_CHECKOUT: checkout_cash += iter->realPrice; break; case BUSINESS_CHECKIN_STOCK: stock_iter = stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (stock_iter != stock_map.end()) { stock_map[iter->stock.id()].number += iter->number; } else { stock_map[iter->stock.id()] = Stock_Number(iter->stock, iter->number); } checkin_stock = roundEx( checkin_stock + iter->realPrice * iter->number * iter->stock.unit(), precision); break; case BUSINESS_CHECKOUT_STOCK: stock_iter = stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (stock_iter != stock_map.end()) { stock_map[iter->stock.id()].number -= iter->number; } else { HKU_WARN("{} {} CheckoutStock Error in m_trade_list!", datetime, iter->stock.market_code()); } checkout_stock = roundEx( checkout_stock + iter->realPrice * iter->number * iter->stock.unit(), precision); break; case BUSINESS_BORROW_CASH: funds.borrow_cash += iter->realPrice; break; case BUSINESS_RETURN_CASH: funds.borrow_cash -= iter->realPrice; break; case BUSINESS_BORROW_STOCK: funds.borrow_asset = roundEx(funds.borrow_asset + iter->realPrice * iter->number * iter->stock.unit(), precision); bor_stock_iter = bor_stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (bor_stock_iter == bor_stock_map.end()) { BorrowRecord bor; BorrowRecord::Data data(iter->datetime, iter->realPrice, iter->number); bor.record_list.push_back(data); bor_stock_map[iter->stock.id()] = bor; } else { BorrowRecord::Data data(iter->datetime, iter->realPrice, iter->number); bor_stock_iter->second.record_list.push_back(data); } break; case BUSINESS_RETURN_STOCK: bor_stock_iter = bor_stock_map.find(iter->stock.id()); if (bor_stock_iter == bor_stock_map.end()) { HKU_WARN("{} {} Error return stock in m_trade_list!", iter->datetime, iter->stock.market_code()); } else { BorrowRecord& bor = bor_stock_iter->second; size_t remain_num = iter->number; do { list::iterator bor_iter = bor.record_list.begin(); if (remain_num == bor_iter->number) { funds.borrow_asset -= roundEx(bor_iter->price * remain_num * iter->stock.unit(), precision); bor.record_list.pop_front(); break; } else if (remain_num < bor_iter->number) { funds.borrow_asset -= roundEx(bor_iter->price * remain_num * iter->stock.unit(), precision); bor_iter->number -= remain_num; break; } else { // remain_num > bor_iter->number funds.borrow_asset -= roundEx( bor_iter->price * bor_iter->number * iter->stock.unit(), precision); remain_num -= bor_iter->number; bor.record_list.pop_front(); } } while (!bor.record_list.empty()); if (bor.record_list.empty()) { bor_stock_map.erase(bor_stock_iter); } } break; default: HKU_WARN("{} {} Unknown business in m_trade_list!", datetime, iter->stock.market_code()); break; } } stock_iter = stock_map.begin(); for (; stock_iter != stock_map.end(); ++stock_iter) { const size_t& number = stock_iter->second.number; if (number == 0) { continue; } price_t price = stock_iter->second.stock.getMarketValue(datetime, ktype); market_value = roundEx(market_value + price * number * stock_iter->second.stock.unit(), precision); } short_stock_iter = short_stock_map.begin(); for (; short_stock_iter != short_stock_map.end(); ++short_stock_iter) { const size_t& number = short_stock_iter->second.number; if (number == 0) { continue; } price_t price = short_stock_iter->second.stock.getMarketValue(datetime, ktype); short_market_value = roundEx(short_market_value + price * number * stock_iter->second.stock.unit(), precision); } funds.cash = cash; funds.market_value = market_value; funds.short_market_value = short_market_value; funds.base_cash = checkin_cash - checkout_cash; funds.base_asset = checkin_stock - checkout_stock; return funds; } /****************************************************************************** * 每次执行交易操作时,先根据权息信息调整持有仓位及现金记录 * 采用滞后更新的策略,即只在需要获取当前持仓情况及卖出时更新当前的持仓及资产情况 * 输入参数: 本次操作的日期 * 历史记录: 1) 2009/12/22 added *****************************************************************************/ void TradeManager::updateWithWeight(const Datetime& datetime) { HKU_IF_RETURN(datetime <= m_last_update_datetime, void()); // 权息信息查询日期范围 Datetime start_date(lastDatetime().date() + bd::days(1)); Datetime end_date(datetime.date() + bd::days(1)); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t total_bonus = 0.0; price_t last_cash = m_cash; TradeRecordList new_trade_buffer; // 更新持仓信息,并缓存新增的交易记录 position_map_type::iterator position_iter = m_position.begin(); for (; position_iter != m_position.end(); ++position_iter) { PositionRecord& position = position_iter->second; Stock stock = position.stock; StockWeightList weights = stock.getWeight(start_date, end_date); StockWeightList::const_iterator weight_iter = weights.begin(); for (; weight_iter != weights.end(); ++weight_iter) { // 如果没有红利并且也(派股和转增股数量都为零),则跳过 if (0.0 == weight_iter->bonus() && 0.0 == weight_iter->countAsGift() && 0.0 == weight_iter->increasement()) { continue; } // 必须在加入配送股之前,因为配送股会引起持仓数量的变化 if (weight_iter->bonus() != 0.0) { price_t bonus = roundEx(position.number * weight_iter->bonus() * 0.1, precision); position.sellMoney += bonus; last_cash += bonus; total_bonus += bonus; m_cash += bonus; TradeRecord record(stock, weight_iter->datetime(), BUSINESS_BONUS, bonus, bonus, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID); new_trade_buffer.push_back(record); } size_t addcount = (position.number / 10.0) * (weight_iter->countAsGift() + weight_iter->increasement()); if (addcount != 0.0) { position.number += addcount; position.totalNumber += addcount; TradeRecord record(stock, weight_iter->datetime(), BUSINESS_GIFT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, addcount, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID); new_trade_buffer.push_back(record); } } /* for weight */ } /* for position */ std::sort( new_trade_buffer.begin(), new_trade_buffer.end(), std::bind(std::less(), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&TradeRecord::datetime, std::placeholders::_2))); size_t total = new_trade_buffer.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < total; ++i) { if (new_trade_buffer[i].business == BUSINESS_BONUS) { price_t bonus = new_trade_buffer[i].realPrice; for (size_t j = i; j < total; ++j) { new_trade_buffer[j].cash += bonus; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < total; ++i) { m_trade_list.push_back(new_trade_buffer[i]); } m_last_update_datetime = datetime; } void TradeManager::_saveAction(const TradeRecord& record) { HKU_IF_RETURN(getParam("save_action") == false, void()); std::stringstream buf(std::stringstream::out); string my_tm("td = my_tm."); string sep(", "); switch (record.business) { case BUSINESS_INIT: buf << "my_tm = crtTM(datetime=Datetime('" << record.datetime.str() << "'), " << "initCash=" << record.cash << sep << "costFunc=" << m_costfunc->name() << "(" << m_costfunc->getParameter().getNameValueList() << "), " << "name='" << m_name << "'" << ")"; break; case BUSINESS_CHECKIN: buf << my_tm << "checkin(Datetime('" << record.datetime.str() << "'), " << record.cash << ")"; break; case BUSINESS_CHECKOUT: buf << my_tm << "checkout(Datetime('" << record.datetime.str() << "'), " << record.cash << ")"; break; case BUSINESS_BUY: buf << my_tm << "buy(Datetime('" << record.datetime.str() << "'), " << "sm['" << record.stock.market_code() << "'], " << record.realPrice << sep << record.number << sep << record.stoploss << sep << record.goalPrice << sep << record.planPrice << sep << record.from << ")"; break; case BUSINESS_SELL: buf << my_tm << "sell(Datetime('" << record.datetime.str() << "')," << "sm['" << record.stock.market_code() << "'], " << record.realPrice << sep << record.number << sep << record.stoploss << sep << record.goalPrice << sep << record.planPrice << sep << record.from << ")"; break; default: break; } m_actions.push_back(buf.str()); } void TradeManager::tocsv(const string& path) { string filename1, filename2, filename3, filename4; if (m_name.empty()) { string date = m_init_datetime.str(); filename1 = path + "/" + date + "_交易记录.csv"; filename2 = path + "/" + date + "_已平仓记录.csv"; filename3 = path + "/" + date + "_未平仓记录.csv"; filename4 = path + "/" + date + "_actions.txt"; } else { filename1 = path + "/" + m_name + "_交易记录.csv"; filename2 = path + "/" + m_name + "_已平仓记录.csv"; filename3 = path + "/" + m_name + "_未平仓记录.csv"; filename4 = path + "/" + m_name + "_actions.txt"; } #if defined(_MSC_VER) filename1 = utf8_to_gb(filename1); filename2 = utf8_to_gb(filename2); filename3 = utf8_to_gb(filename3); filename4 = utf8_to_gb(filename4); #endif string sep(","); // 导出交易记录 std::ofstream file(filename1.c_str()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(!file, void(), "Can't create file {}!", filename1); file.setf(std::ios_base::fixed); file.precision(3); file << "#成交日期,证券代码,证券名称,业务名称,计划交易价格," "实际成交价格,目标价格,成交数量,佣金,印花税,过户费,其他成本,交易总成本," "止损价,现金余额,信号来源,日期,开盘价,最高价,最低价,收盘价," "成交金额,成交量" << std::endl; TradeRecordList::const_iterator trade_iter = m_trade_list.begin(); for (; trade_iter != m_trade_list.end(); ++trade_iter) { const TradeRecord& record = *trade_iter; if (record.stock.isNull()) { file << record.datetime << sep << sep << sep << getBusinessName(record.business) << sep << record.planPrice << sep << record.realPrice << sep << record.goalPrice << sep << record.number << sep << record.cost.commission << sep << record.cost.stamptax << sep << record.cost.transferfee << sep << record.cost.others << sep << record.cost.total << sep << record.stoploss << sep << record.cash << sep << getSystemPartName(record.from) << std::endl; } else { file << record.datetime << sep << record.stock.market_code() << sep << record.stock.name() << sep << getBusinessName(record.business) << sep << record.planPrice << sep << record.realPrice << sep << record.goalPrice << sep << record.number << sep << record.cost.commission << sep << record.cost.stamptax << sep << record.cost.transferfee << sep << record.cost.others << sep << record.cost.total << sep << record.stoploss << sep << record.cash << sep << getSystemPartName(record.from) << sep; if (BUSINESS_BUY == record.business || BUSINESS_SELL == record.business) { KRecord kdata = record.stock.getKRecord(record.datetime, KQuery::DAY); if (kdata.isValid()) { file << kdata.datetime << sep << kdata.openPrice << sep << kdata.highPrice << sep << kdata.lowPrice << sep << kdata.closePrice << sep << kdata.transAmount << sep << kdata.transCount; } } file << std::endl; } } file.close(); // 导出已平仓记录 file.open(filename2.c_str()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(!file, void(), "Can't create file {}!", filename2); file << "#建仓日期,平仓日期,证券代码,证券名称,累计持仓数量," "累计花费资金,累计交易成本,已转化资金,总盈利,累积风险" << std::endl; PositionRecordList::const_iterator history_iter = m_position_history.begin(); for (; history_iter != m_position_history.end(); ++history_iter) { const PositionRecord& record = *history_iter; file << record.takeDatetime << sep << record.cleanDatetime << sep << record.stock.market_code() << sep << record.stock.name() << sep << record.totalNumber << sep << record.buyMoney << sep << record.totalCost << sep << record.sellMoney << sep << record.sellMoney - record.totalCost - record.buyMoney << sep << record.totalRisk << std::endl; } file.close(); // 导出未平仓记录 file.open(filename3.c_str()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(!file, void(), "Can't create file {}!", filename3); file << "#建仓日期,平仓日期,证券代码,证券名称,当前持仓数量,累计持仓数量," "累计花费资金,累计交易成本,已转化资金,累积风险," "累计浮动盈亏,当前盈亏成本价" << std::endl; position_map_type::const_iterator position_iter = m_position.begin(); for (; position_iter != m_position.end(); ++position_iter) { const PositionRecord& record = position_iter->second; file << record.takeDatetime << sep << record.cleanDatetime << sep << record.stock.market_code() << sep << record.stock.name() << sep << record.number << sep << record.totalNumber << sep << record.buyMoney << sep << record.totalCost << sep << record.sellMoney << sep << record.totalRisk << sep; size_t pos = record.stock.getCount(KQuery::DAY); if (pos != 0) { KRecord krecord = record.stock.getKRecord(pos - 1, KQuery::DAY); price_t bonus = record.buyMoney - record.sellMoney - record.totalCost; file << record.number * krecord.closePrice - bonus << sep << bonus / record.number << std::endl; } } file.close(); // 到处执行命令 // 导出已平仓记录 file.open(filename4.c_str()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(!file, void(), "Can't create file {}!", filename4); list::const_iterator action_iter = m_actions.begin(); for (; action_iter != m_actions.end(); ++action_iter) { file << *action_iter << std::endl; } file.close(); } bool TradeManager::addTradeRecord(const TradeRecord& tr) { HKU_IF_RETURN(BUSINESS_INIT == tr.business, _add_init_tr(tr)); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.datetime < lastDatetime(), false, "tr.datetime must be >= lastDatetime({})!", lastDatetime()); updateWithWeight(tr.datetime); switch (tr.business) { case BUSINESS_INIT: return false; case BUSINESS_BUY: return _add_buy_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_SELL: return _add_sell_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_GIFT: return true; case BUSINESS_BONUS: return true; case BUSINESS_CHECKIN: return _add_checkin_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_CHECKOUT: return _add_checkout_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_CHECKIN_STOCK: return _add_checkin_stock_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_CHECKOUT_STOCK: return _add_checkout_stock_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_BORROW_CASH: return _add_borrow_cash_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_RETURN_CASH: return _add_return_cash_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_BORROW_STOCK: return _add_borrow_stock_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_RETURN_STOCK: return _add_return_stock_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_SELL_SHORT: return _add_sell_short_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_BUY_SHORT: return _add_buy_short_tr(tr); case BUSINESS_INVALID: default: HKU_ERROR("tr.business is invalid({})!", int(tr.business)); return false; } return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_init_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { assert(BUSINESS_INIT == tr.business); m_init_datetime = tr.datetime; m_init_cash = roundEx(tr.realPrice, getParam("precision")); reset(); return true; } bool TradeManager::_add_buy_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.stock.isNull(), false, "tr.stock is null!"); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.number == 0, false, "tr.number is zero!"); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN( tr.number < tr.stock.minTradeNumber() || tr.number > tr.stock.maxTradeNumber(), false, "tr.number out of range!"); int precision = getParam("precision"); TradeRecord new_tr(tr); price_t money = roundEx(tr.realPrice * tr.number * tr.stock.unit(), precision); HKU_WARN_IF_RETURN(m_cash < roundEx(money + tr.cost.total, precision), false, "Don't have enough money! {} < {}, {}", m_cash, roundEx(money + tr.cost.total, precision), tr); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - money - tr.cost.total, precision); new_tr.cash = m_cash; m_trade_list.push_back(new_tr); // 更新当前持仓记录 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(tr.stock.id()); if (pos_iter == m_position.end()) { m_position[tr.stock.id()] = PositionRecord( tr.stock, tr.datetime, Null(), tr.number, tr.stoploss, tr.goalPrice, tr.number, money, tr.cost.total, roundEx((tr.realPrice - tr.stoploss) * tr.number * tr.stock.unit(), precision), 0.0); } else { PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; position.number += tr.number; position.stoploss = tr.stoploss; position.goalPrice = tr.goalPrice; position.totalNumber += tr.number; position.buyMoney = roundEx(money + position.buyMoney, precision); position.totalCost = roundEx(tr.cost.total + position.totalCost, precision); position.totalRisk = roundEx(position.totalRisk + (tr.realPrice - tr.stoploss) * tr.number * tr.stock.unit(), precision); } _saveAction(new_tr); return true; } bool TradeManager::_add_sell_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.stock.isNull(), false, "tr.stock is Null!"); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.number == 0, false, "tr.number is zero!"); // 未持仓 position_map_type::iterator pos_iter = m_position.find(tr.stock.id()); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(pos_iter == m_position.end(), false, "No position!"); PositionRecord& position = pos_iter->second; // 欲卖出的数量大于当前持仓的数量 HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(position.number < tr.number, false, "Try sell number greater position!"); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t money = roundEx(tr.realPrice * tr.number * tr.stock.unit(), precision); // 更新现金余额 m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + money - tr.cost.total, precision); // 更新交易记录 TradeRecord new_tr(tr); new_tr.cash = m_cash; m_trade_list.push_back(new_tr); // 更新当前持仓情况 position.number -= tr.number; position.stoploss = tr.stoploss; position.goalPrice = tr.goalPrice; // position.buyMoney = position.buyMoney; position.totalCost = roundEx(position.totalCost + tr.cost.total, precision); position.sellMoney = roundEx(position.sellMoney + money, precision); if (position.number == 0) { position.cleanDatetime = tr.datetime; m_position_history.push_back(position); // 删除当前持仓 m_position.erase(tr.stock.id()); } _saveAction(new_tr); return true; } bool TradeManager::_add_checkin_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.realPrice <= 0.0, false, "tr.realPrice <= 0.0!"); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t in_cash = roundEx(tr.realPrice, precision); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash + in_cash, precision); m_checkin_cash = roundEx(m_checkin_cash + in_cash, precision); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), tr.datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKIN, in_cash, in_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); return true; } bool TradeManager::_add_checkout_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(tr.realPrice <= 0.0, false, "tr.realPrice <= 0.0!"); int precision = getParam("precision"); price_t out_cash = roundEx(tr.realPrice, precision); HKU_ERROR_IF_RETURN(out_cash > m_cash, false, "Checkout money > current cash!"); m_cash = roundEx(m_cash - out_cash, precision); m_checkout_cash = roundEx(m_checkout_cash + out_cash, precision); m_trade_list.push_back(TradeRecord(Null(), tr.datetime, BUSINESS_CHECKOUT, out_cash, out_cash, 0.0, 0, CostRecord(), 0.0, m_cash, PART_INVALID)); _saveAction(m_trade_list.back()); return true; } bool TradeManager::_add_checkin_stock_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { // TODO: TradeManager::_add_checkin_stock_tr return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_checkout_stock_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_borrow_cash_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_return_cash_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_borrow_stock_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_return_stock_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_sell_short_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } bool TradeManager::_add_buy_short_tr(const TradeRecord& tr) { return false; } } /* namespace hku */