2019-11-05 13:11:05 +08:00
# 令牌桶重试器
## 安装
composer require hyperf/retry
## Hello World
在需要重试的方法上加入注解 `@Retry`。
* 异常时重试该方法
* @Retry
public function foo()
// 发起一次远程调用
## 原理
每一个 `@Retry` 注解处会生成一个对应的令牌桶,每当注解方法被调用时,就在令牌桶中放入一个具有过期时间(ttl)的令牌。如果发生可重试的错误,重试前要消耗掉对应的令牌数量(percentCanRetry),否则就不会重试(错误继续向下传递)。比如,当percentCanRetry=0.2,则每次重试要消耗5个令牌。如此,遇到对端宕机时,最多只会造成20%的额外重试消耗,对于大多数系统都应该可以接受了。
## 注解配置
class Retry extends AbstractAnnotation
* The algorithm for retry intervals.
* @var string
public $strategy = StrategyInterface::class;
* Max Attampts.
* @var float|int
public $maxAttempts = INF;
* Retry Budget.
* ttl: Seconds of token lifetime.
* minRetriesPerSec: Base retry token generation speed.
* percentCanRetry: Generate new token at this ratio of the request volume.
* @var array
public $retryBudget = [
'ttl' => 10,
'minRetriesPerSec' => 10,
'percentCanRetry' => 0.2,
* Base time inteval (ms) for each try. For backoff strategy this is the interval for the first try
* while for flat strategy this is the interval for every try.
* @var int
public $base = 0;
* Configures a Predicate which evaluates if an exception should be retried.
* The Predicate must return true if the exception should be retried, otherwise it must return false.
* @var callable|string
public $retryOnThrowablePredicate = '';
* Configures a Predicate which evaluates if an result should be retried.
* The Predicate must return true if the result should be retried, otherwise it must return false.
* @var callable|string
public $retryOnResultPredicate = '';
* Configures a list of Throwable classes that are recorded as a failure and thus are retried.
* Any Throwable matching or inheriting from one of the list will be retried, unless ignored via ignoreExceptions.
* Ignoring an Throwable has priority over retrying an exception.
* @var array<string|\Throwable>
public $retryThrowables = [\Throwable::class];
* Configures a list of error classes that are ignored and thus are not retried.
* Any exception matching or inheriting from one of the list will not be retried, even if marked via retryExceptions.
* @var array<string|\Throwable>
public $ignoreThrowables = [];
public function collectMethod(string $className, ?string $target): void
AnnotationCollector::collectMethod($className, $target, self::class, $this);
### strategy
### retryBudget
public $retryBudget = [
'ttl' => 10,
'minRetriesPerSec' => 10,
'percentCanRetry' => 0.2,
* `ttl` 令牌过期时间。
* `minRetriesPerSec` 每秒“低保”最少可以重试的次数。
* `percentCanRetry` 重试次数不超过总请求数的百分比。
2019-11-05 17:47:37 +08:00
> 重试组件的令牌桶在worker之间不共享,所以最终的重试次数要乘以worker数量。
2019-11-05 13:11:05 +08:00
### base
### maxAttempts
### ignoreThrowables
类型:array<string|\Throwable>。无视的 `Throwable` 。优先于 `retryThrowables`。
### retryThrowables
类型:array<string|\Throwable>。需要重试的 `Throwable` 。优先于 `retryOnThrowablePredicate`。
### retryOnThrowablePredicate
类型:callable|string。通过一个函数来判断 `Throwable` 是否可以重试。如果可以重试,请返回true,反之必须返回false。
### retryOnResultPredicate
类型:callable|string。 通过一个函数来判断返回值是否可以重试。如果可以重试,请返回true,反之必须返回false。
## 注解别名
* `@RetryThrowable` 只重试 `Throwable`。和默认的Retry相同。
* `@RetryFalsy` 只重试返回值弱等于false($result == false)的错误,不重试异常。
* `@BackoffRetryThrowable` `@RetryThrowable`的变长重试间歇版本,初次重试间歇100毫秒。
* `@BackoffRetryFalsy` `@RetryFalsy`的变长重试间歇版本,初次重试间歇100毫秒。
建议根据具体业务需要构造自己的注解别名。例如,配置只重试用户自定义的 `TimeoutException` , 并使用变长间歇, 方法如下:
namespace App\Annotation;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\Target;
* @Annotation
* @Target({"METHOD"})
class RetryTimeout extends Hyperf\Retry\Annotation\Retry
public $base = 100;
2019-11-05 15:58:12 +08:00
public $strategy = \Hyperf\Retry\BackoffStrategy::class;
2019-11-05 13:11:05 +08:00
public $retryThrowables = [\App\Exception\TimeoutException::class];
只要确保该文件被Hyperf扫描,就可以在方法中使用 `@RetryTimeout` 注解来重试超时错误了。