When using [hyperf/database](https://github.com/hyperf-cloud/database) to query data, it is very convenient to use [hyperf/paginator](https://github.com/hyperf-cloud /paginator) component to easily paginate query results.
When you query data through [Query Builder](en/db/querybuilder.md) or [Model](en/db/model.md), pagination can be handled through the `paginate` method, which automatically The page being viewed is used to set the limit and offset. By default, the current number of pages is detected by the value of the `page` parameter carried by the current HTTP request:
> Since Hyperf does not currently support views, the paging component does not yet support rendering of views, and the paging results returned directly will be output in application/json format by default.
Only the usage of the paginator in database queries is described here. For more details about the paginator, please read the [Pagination](en/paginator.md) chapter.