2020-03-10 17:36:29 +08:00
# Nsq
Nsq 是一个开源、轻量级、高性能的分布式消息中间件, 使用 go 语言实现
## 使用
### 配置
return [
'default' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 4150,
'pool' => [
'min_connections' => 1,
'max_connections' => 10,
'connect_timeout' => 10.0,
'wait_timeout' => 3.0,
'heartbeat' => -1,
'max_idle_time' => 60.0,
### 创建消费者
$ php bin/hyperf.php gen:nsq-consumer DemoConsumer
使用 `\Hyperf\Nsq\Annotation\Consumer` 注解可以是设置 `topic / channel / name / nums`, 使用 `$pool` 属性可以切换不同连接
namespace App\Nsq\Consumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\AbstractConsumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Annotation\Consumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Message;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Result;
* @Consumer(
* topic="hyperf",
* channel="hyperf",
* name ="TestNsqConsumer",
* nums=1
* )
class TestNsqConsumer extends AbstractConsumer
public function consume(Message $payload): string
return Result::ACK;
### 投递消息
使用 `\Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq::publish()` 投递消息, 同样可以使用 `$pool` 属性来切换不同连接
namespace App\Command;
use Hyperf\Command\Command as HyperfCommand;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq;
* @Command
class NsqCommand extends HyperfCommand
protected $name = 'nsq:pub';
public function handle()
/** @var Nsq $nsq */
$nsq = make(Nsq::class); // 可以设置 `$pool` 属性
$nsq->publish('hyperf', 'test'. time());
$this->line('nsq pub success', 'info');
2020-03-11 23:07:53 +08:00
## Nsq 协议
> https://nsq.io/clients/tcp_protocol_spec.html
- socket 基础
hide footbox
title **socket 基础**
participant "客户端" as client
participant "服务器" as server #orange
activate client
activate server
note right of server: 建立连接
client -> server: socket->connect(ip, port)
note right of server: 多次通信 send/recv
client -> server: socket->send()
server-> client: socket->recv()
note right of server: 关闭连接
client->server: socket->close()
deactivate client
deactivate server
- Nsq 协议流程
hide footbox
title **Nsq 协议**
participant "客户端" as client
participant "服务器" as server #orange
activate client
activate server
== connect ==
note left of client: connect 后都为 socket->send/recv
client -> server: socket->connect(ip, host)
note left of client: protocol version
client->server: magic: V2
== auth ==
note left of client: client metadata
client->server: IDENTIFY
note right of server: 如果需要 auth
server->client: auth_required=true
client->server: AUTH
== pub ==
note left of client: 发送一条消息
client -> server: PUB <topic_name>
note left of client: 发送多条消息
client -> server: MPUB
note left of client: 发送一条延时消息
client -> server: DPUB
== sub ==
note left of client: client 使用 channel 订阅 topic
note right of server: SUB 成功后, client 出于 RDY 0 阶段
client -> server: SUB <topic_name> <channel_name>
note left of client: 使用 RDY 告诉 server 准备好消费 <count> 条消息
client -> server: RDY <count>
note right of server: server 返回 client <count> 条消息
server -> client: <count> msg
note left of client: 标记消息完成消费(消费成功)
client -> server: FIN <message_id>
note left of client: 消息重新入队(消费失败, 重新入队)
client -> server: REQ <message_id> <timeout>
note left of client: 重置消息超时时间
client -> server: TOUCH <message_id>
== heartbeat ==
server -> client: _heartbeat_
note right of server: client 2 次没有应答 NOP, server 将断开连接
client -> server: NOP
== close ==
note left of client: clean close connection, 表示没有消息了, 关闭连接
client -> server: CLS
note right of server: server 端成功应答
server -> client: CLOSE_WAIT
deactivate client
deactivate server
2020-03-10 17:36:29 +08:00