`Snowflake` is a distributed global unique ID generation algorithm proposed by twitter. The result of the algorithm generating `ID` is a long integer with the size of `64bit` . Under the standard algorithm, its structure is shown in the figure below:
-`One bit`, unused.
- The highest bit in the binary system is the sign bit. The `ID` generated by us is generally a positive integer, so the highest bit is fixed to 0.
-`41 bits` to record the timestamp (MS).
-`41 bits` can represent `2^41 - 1` numbers.
- In other words, `41 bits` can represent the value of `2^41 - 1` milliseconds, and the unit year is `(2^41 - 1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)` about `69` years。
-`10 bits`, used to record the `ID` of the working machine.
- It can be deployed in `2^10` nodes, including `5` bits `DatacenterId` and `5` bits `WorkerId`.
-`12 bits`, serial number, used to record different `id` generated in the same millisecond.
-`12 bits` can represent the maximum number of positive integers `2^12 - 1` with a total of `4095` numbers, which represent the `4095``ID` serial numbers generated by the same machine in the same time interval (MS).
`Snowflake` can guarantee that:
- All generated `ID` increase with time trend.
- No duplicate `ID` will be generated in the whole distributed system (Because there is a distinction between `DatacenterId (5 bits)` and `WorkerId (5 bits)`.
The [hyperf/snowflake](https://github.com/hyperf/snowflake) component provides good extensibility in design, allowing you to implement other variant algorithms based on snowflake with simple extension.
## Install
composer require hyperf/snowflake
## Use
The framework provides `MetaGeneratorInterface` and `IdGeneratorInterface`. `MetaGeneratorInterface` generates `Meta` files of `ID`, and `IdGeneratorInterface` generates `distributed ID` based on the corresponding `Meta` files.
The `MetaGeneratorInterface` used by the framework by default is a `millisecond level generator` based on `Redis`.
The configuration file is located in `config/autoload/snowflake.php` If the configuration file does not exist, you can execute `php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf/snowflake` command to create a default configuration. The contents of the configuration file are as follows:
use Hyperf\Snowflake\MetaGenerator\RedisMilliSecondMetaGenerator;
use Hyperf\Snowflake\MetaGenerator\RedisSecondMetaGenerator;
There are many ways to implement the `distributed global unique ID`, and there are also many variants based on the `Snowflake` algorithm. Although they are all `Snowflake` algorithms, they are not the same. For example, someone may generate a `Meta` based on `UserId` rather than `WorkerId`. Next, let's implement a simple `MetaGenerator`.
In short, the `UserId` will definitely exceed '10 bits'. Therefore, the default `DataCenterId` and `WorkerId` cannot be installed. Therefore, the `UserId` module needs to be taken.
use Hyperf\Snowflake\IdGenerator;
class UserDefinedIdGenerator
*@var IdGenerator\SnowflakeIdGenerator
protected $idGenerator;
public function __construct(IdGenerator\SnowflakeIdGenerator $idGenerator)