Hyperf provides a large number of convenient utils. Some commonly used and useful ones but not all of them are listed in this section. For more details, please refer [hyperf/utils](https://github.com/hyperf/utils).
The static method `create(callable $callable)` can be used to create a coroutine. It can also be done by using global method `co(callable $callable)` and `go(callable $callable)`. The `create(callable $callable)` method is an encapsulation of the creation method in `Swoole`. The difference is that it will not throw out uncaught exceptions, which will be thrown by `Hyperf\Contract\StdoutLoggerInterface` as `warning` exceptions.
The `Context` is used to handle coroutine context. It is basically an encapsulation of `Swoole\Coroutine::getContext()`. However, the `Hyperf\Context\Context` is compatible with running in a non-coroutine environment.