# Magic behaviour with __get, __set, __call and __callStatic is not exactly static analyser-friendly :) # Fortunately, You can ignore it by the following config. # parameters: bootstrapFiles: - "bootstrap.php" inferPrivatePropertyTypeFromConstructor: true treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: true reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false excludes_analyse: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/*/tests/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/*/publish/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/di/src/Resolver/FactoryResolver.php - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/circuit-breaker/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/config-zookeeper/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/contract/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/crontab/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/database/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/graphql/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/grpc/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/grpc-server/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/swagger/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/validation/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/view/src/Engine/* - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/server/src/SwowServer.php ignoreErrors: - '#side of && is always#' - '#method Redis::zRevRangeByScore\(\) expects int, string given#' - '#Argument of an invalid type Hyperf\\AsyncQueue\\Job supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported#' - '#Variable .* in isset\(\) always exists and is not nullable#' - '#Static call to instance method Hyperf\\DbConnection\\Db.*#' - '#Static call to instance method SplPriorityQueue\:\:insert\(\)#' - '#Call to an undefined method ReflectionType::getName#' - '#Call to an undefined method Traversable\:\:getArrayCopy#' - '#Unsafe usage of new static#' - '#Method Hyperf\\Contract\\Sendable::send#' - '#Variable .* in PHPDoc tag @var does not exist#' - '#Call to an undefined method Hyperf\\Database\\Model\\Model::hydrate#' - '#PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value#' - '#Static call to instance method Hyperf\\RpcServer\\Router\\Router::#' - '#Method Hyperf\\Utils\\Serializer\\ScalarNormalizer::denormalize\(\) should return array\|object but returns#' - '#Function get_debug_type invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required#' - '#Call to an undefined method Hyperf\\Utils\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy::.*#' - '#InfluxDB\\Point constructor expects float\|null, string given#' - '#getSwooleTracker.* not found#' - '#trackerHookMalloc not found#'