2023-04-25 09:32:59 +08:00

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Swoole short function names have not been disabled

[ERROR] Swoole short function names must be disabled before the server starts, please set swoole.use_shortname = 'Off' in your php.ini.

You need to add swoole.use_shortname ='Off' to your php.ini configuration file

Note that this configuration MUST be configured in php.ini and CANNOT be overridden by the ini_set() function.

You could also start the server through the following command, disabling the Swoole short function names when executing the PHP command:

php -d swoole.use_shortname=Off bin/hyperf.php start

Message loss in asynchronous queues

If the handle method is not being executed when using the async-queue component, please check the following possibilities:

  1. Is Redis being shared with another project or other users, and are the messages being consumed by those projects or users?
  2. Do you have remnants of old processes still running which could be consuming the messages?

The following provides an easy solution to both of these issues:

  1. Run the command killall php in your console
  2. Modify the channel configuration of your async-queue

Swoole\Error: API must be called in the coroutine error when using the hyperf/amqp component

Set the close_on_destruct configuration value to false in the config/autoload/amqp.php configuration file.

All requests return 404 errors when using Swoole version 4.5 and the view component

If you are using Swoole version 4.5 and the view component and there is a 404 error problem, you can try to remove the static_handler_locations configuration item from the config/autoload/server.php configuration file.

This configuration value contains a path that will be considered a static file route, so if the value is /, all requests are processed as files, resulting in 404 errors.

Code changes have no effect

If there is no change when you modify the code of your Hyperf application, run the following command:

composer dump-autoload -o

During development, please DO NOT set the scan_cacheable configuration value to true, as it will cause the file to not be re-parsed when the collector cache is being used. In addition, the Dockerfile in the official hyperf-skeleton package has this configuration enabled by default. When developing under the Docker environment, please set scan_cacheable to false.

When the environment variable SCAN_CACHEABLE exists, this configuration cannot be modified in any .env file.

Syntax error when starting the server

Is the following exception is thrown when the Hyperf server starts:

Fatal error: Uncaught PhpParser\Error: Syntax error, unexpected T_STRING on line 27 in vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ParserAbstract.php:315

Please run composer analyse to initialize a static scan of the source code in order to locate the issue.

Normally this issue is caused by running version 3.0.5 of zircote/swagger, please see #834 for further information.

If you have installed hyperf/swagger, please lock the version of zircote/swagger at 3.0.4.

Hyperf cannot start because the memory_limit is too small

By default, the memory_limit of PHP is set to 128M. Because Hyperf makes use of the BetterReflection package to perform code analysis, a large amount of memory may be consumed and the PHP process may throw fatal exceptions when it runs out of memory.

You can either run commands with an argument to increase the memory limit php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/hyperf.php start or modify the php.ini configuration file:

# Look for the location of your php.ini file
php --ini

# Set the memory_limit within that file

Dependency injection is not working correctly in PHP version 7.3

In versions 2.0 - 2.1, Hyperf uses the BetterReflection package to make AOP work with none DI managed objects (such as objects instantiated using the new keyword). While implementing AOP in this way enhances the developer experience, it also brings several difficulties:

  • Project startup is slow without a scan cache
  • Inject and Value annotations have no effect
  • BetterReflection does not support PHP version 8 (as of the 2.2 release)

In newer versions, we stopped using the BetterReflection package in favour of using a child process to scan the codebase to solve these pain points but this introduced some compatibility issues in older versions of PHP:

In php7.3 you may encounter an error similar to the following when starting the application:

PHP Fatal error:  Interface 'Hyperf\Signal\SignalHandlerInterface' not found in vendor/hyperf/process/src/Handler/ProcessStopHandler.php on line 17

PHP Fatal error:  Interface 'Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface' not found in vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Serializer/Serializer.php on line 46

This problem is due to how PHP version 7.3 handles using reflection to find an interface which does exist or has no corresponding class. The best solution is to upgrade to PHP version 7.4 or 8.0 but the issue can also be fixed by installing the components which contain these interfaces as follows:

composer require hyperf/signal

composer require symfony/serializer

Error while injecting dependencies into... No entry or class found... error when injecting traits using #[Inject]

This error appears when you inject a trait using namespaces via Inject and the class containing the use Trait; syntax uses a conflicting namespace. This is a complex concept but the following examples should make it simple:

use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface; # Namespace containing ResponseInterface class
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;

trait TestTrait
    protected ResponseInterface $response;

In the above trait, the class Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface is injected. If the sub-class (the class which uses this trait) uses a ResponseInterface class with a difference namespace, for example Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, it will cause the injected ResponseInterfece to be overwritten.

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; # A conflicting namespace containing a ResponseInterface class

class IndexController
    use TestTrait;
    // Error while injecting dependencies into App\Controller\IndexController: No entry or class found for 'Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface'

This issue can be fixed using the following methods:

  • Create an alias in the sub-class to prevent a conflict: use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as PsrResponseInterface;
  • In PHP version 7.4 you can add a type to the attribute within the trait class: protected ResponseInterface $response;

Hyperf will not execute commands because gprc or pcntl extensions are not installed

Hyperf version 2.2 requires the pcntl extension, you can check if it's installed by running the command php --ri pcntl:


pcntl support => enabled

When using grpc, you must enable fork support to support opening child processes by adding the following to your php.ini:


The open_websocket_protocol value is set to false after receiving the error: Swoole\Server::start(): require onReceive callback

  1. Check if Swoole has been compiled with http2 support:
php --ri swoole | grep http2
http2 => enabled

If the result of this command is empty, you need to recompile Swoole with the --enabled-http2 parameter

  1. Check the open_http2_protocol configuration value is set to true in the config/autoload/server.php configuration file

Command cannot be closed properly

After using multiplex technologies such as AMQP in Command, it will not be able to close normally. In this case, you only need to add the following code at the end of the execution logic.

use Hyperf\Utils\Coordinator\CoordinatorManager;
use Hyperf\Utils\Coordinator\Constants;


OSS upload component reports iconv error

When using the aliyuncs/oss-sdk-php component to upload, an iconv error will be reported. You can try to avoid it by using the following methods:

When using hyperf/hyperf:8.0-alpine-v3.12-swoole image

RUN apk --no-cache --allow-untrusted --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community/ add gnu-libiconv=1.15-r2
ENV LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so

When using hyperf/hyperf:8.0-alpine-v3.13-swoole image

RUN apk add --no-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/community/gnu-libiconv=1.15-r3
ENV LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so php