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Model events are implemented in the psr/event-dispatcher interface.

Custom listener

Thanks to the support of the hyperf/event component, users can easily monitor the following events. For example QueryExecuted , StatementPrepared , TransactionBeginning , TransactionCommitted , TransactionRolledBack . Next, we will implement a listener that records SQL and talk about how to use it. First, we define DbQueryExecutedListener, implement the Hyperf\Event\Contract\ListenerInterface interface and define the Hyperf\Event\Annotation\Listener annotation on the class, so that Hyperf will automatically register the listener to the event scheduler, Without any manual configuration, the sample code is as follows:



namespace App\Listeners;

use Hyperf\Database\Events\QueryExecuted;
use Hyperf\Event\Annotation\Listener;
use Hyperf\Event\Contract\ListenerInterface;
use Hyperf\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use Hyperf\Collection\Arr;
use Hyperf\Utils\Str;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * @Listener
class DbQueryExecutedListener implements ListenerInterface
     * @var LoggerInterface
    private $logger;

    public function __construct(LoggerFactory $loggerFactory)
        $this->logger = $loggerFactory->get('sql');

    public function listen(): array
        return [

     * @param QueryExecuted $event
    public function process(object $event)
        if ($event instanceof QueryExecuted) {
            $sql = $event->sql;
            if (! Arr::isAssoc($event->bindings)) {
                foreach ($event->bindings as $key => $value) {
                    $sql = Str::replaceFirst('?', "'{$value}'", $sql);

            $this->logger->info(sprintf('[%s] %s', $event->time, $sql));

Model events

Model events are not consistent with EloquentORM, which uses Observer to listen for model events. Hyperf directly uses hooks to handle corresponding events. If you still like the way of Observer, you can implement event listener by yourself. Of course, you can also let us know under issue#2.

Hook function

Event name Trigger actual Whether to block Remark
booting Before the model is loaded for the first time no Triggered only once in the life cycle of the process
booted After the model is loaded for the first time no Triggered only once in the life cycle of the process
retrieved After filling the data no Fired whenever the model is queried from the DB or cache
creating When the data was created yes
created After the data is created no
updating When data is updated yes
updated After data update no
saving When data is created or updated yes
saved After data is created or updated no
restoring When soft deleted data is restored yes
restored After Soft Deleted Data Recovery no
deleting When data is deleted yes
deleted After data deletion no
forceDeleting When data is forcibly deleting yes yes
forceDeleted After the data is forcibly deleted no

The use of events for a model is very simple, just add the corresponding method to the model. For example, when the data is saved below, the saving event is triggered, and the created_at field is actively overwritten.



namespace App\Models;

use Hyperf\Database\Model\Events\Saving;

 * @property $id
 * @property $name
 * @property $gender
 * @property $created_at
 * @property $updated_at
class User extends Model
     * The table associated with the model.
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'user';

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = ['id', 'name', 'gender', 'created_at', 'updated_at'];

    protected $casts = ['id' => 'integer', 'gender' => 'integer'];

    public function saving(Saving $event)

Event listener

When you need to monitor all model events, you can easily customize the corresponding Listener, such as the listener of the model cache below. When the model is modified and deleted, the corresponding cache will be deleted.



namespace Hyperf\ModelCache\Listener;

use Hyperf\Database\Model\Events\Deleted;
use Hyperf\Database\Model\Events\Event;
use Hyperf\Database\Model\Events\Saved;
use Hyperf\Event\Annotation\Listener;
use Hyperf\Event\Contract\ListenerInterface;
use Hyperf\ModelCache\CacheableInterface;

 * @Listener
class DeleteCacheListener implements ListenerInterface
    public function listen(): array
        return [

    public function process(object $event)
        if ($event instanceof Event) {
            $model = $event->getModel();
            if ($model instanceof CacheableInterface) {