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NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform, writting by Golang.


composer require hyperf/nsq



The configuration file of the NSQ component is located in config/autoload/nsq.php by default. If the file does not exist, you could use the php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf/nsq command to publish the corresponding configuration file.

The default configuration file is as follows:

return [
    'default' => [
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 4150,
        'pool' => [
            'min_connections' => 1,
            'max_connections' => 10,
            'connect_timeout' => 10.0,
            'wait_timeout' => 3.0,
            'heartbeat' => -1,
            'max_idle_time' => 60.0,

Craete Consumer

You can quickly generate a consumer to consume the message through the gen:nsq-consumer command, for example:

php bin/hyperf.php gen:nsq-consumer DemoConsumer

You could also use the Hyperf\Nsq\Annotation\Consumer annotation to declare a subclass of the Hyperf/Nsq/AbstractConsumer abstract class to complete the definition of a consumer, where the annotation and the abstract classes both are contain the following properties:

Property Type Default Value Comment
topic string '' The topic that you want to listening to
channel string '' The channel that you want to listening to
name string NsqConsumer The name of the consumer
nums int 1 The process numbers of the consumers
pool string default The connection pool resource corresponding to the consumer, corresponding to the key of the configuration file

These annotation properties are optional, because the Hyperf/Nsq/AbstractConsumer class also defines the corresponding member properties and getter and setter respectively. When the annotation properties are not defined, the default value of the abstract class will be used.



namespace App\Nsq\Consumer;

use Hyperf\Nsq\AbstractConsumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Annotation\Consumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Message;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Result;

    topic: "hyperf", 
    channel: "hyperf", 
    name: "DemoNsqConsumer", 
    nums: 1
class DemoNsqConsumer extends AbstractConsumer
    public function consume(Message $payload): string 

        return Result::ACK;

Disable self-starting of the comsumer process

By default, after using the #[Consumer] annotation definition, the framework will automatically create a child process to start the consumer at startup, and will automatically re-pull it after the child process exits abnormally. However, if some debugging work is carried out in the development stage, it may be inconvenient to debug due to the automatic consumption of consumers.

In this situation, you could control the self-start of the consumption process through two forms to disable the feature, global shutdown and partial shutdown.

Global shutdown

You could set the enable option of the corresponding connection to false in the default configuration file config/autoload/nsq.php, which means that all consumer processes under this connection will disable the self-start feature.

Partial shutdown

When you only need to disable the self-start feature of individual consumer processes, you only need to override the parent method isEnable() in the corresponding consumer class and return false to disable the consumer's self-start feature.



namespace App\Nsq\Consumer;

use Hyperf\Nsq\AbstractConsumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Annotation\Consumer;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Message;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Result;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

    topic: "demo_topic", 
    channel: "demo_channel", 
    name: "DemoConsumer", 
    nums: 1
class DemoConsumer extends AbstractConsumer
    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)

    public function isEnable(): bool 
        return false;

    public function consume(Message $payload): string
        $body = json_decode($payload->getBody(), true);
        return Result::ACK;

Publish message

You could publish a message to NSQ by calling the Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq::publish(string $topic, $message, float $deferTime = 0.0) method. The following is an example of publish message in Command:



namespace App\Command;

use Hyperf\Command\Command as HyperfCommand;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq;

class NsqCommand extends HyperfCommand
    protected $name = 'nsq:pub';

    public function handle()
        /** @var Nsq $nsq */
        $nsq = make(Nsq::class);
        $topic = 'hyperf';
        $message = 'This is message at ' . time();
        $nsq->publish($topic, $message);

        $this->line('success', 'info');

Publish multiple messages at once

The second parameter of the Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq::publish(string $topic, $message, float $deferTime = 0.0) method can not just only pass a string value, but also an array of strings to achieve one-time publish multiple messages to a topic, an example is as follows:



namespace App\Command;

use Hyperf\Command\Command as HyperfCommand;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq;

class NsqCommand extends HyperfCommand
    protected $name = 'nsq:pub';

    public function handle()
        /** @var Nsq $nsq */
        $nsq = make(Nsq::class);
        $topic = 'hyperf';
        $messages = [
            'This is message 1 at ' . time(),
            'This is message 2 at ' . time(),
            'This is message 3 at ' . time(),
        $nsq->publish($topic, $messages);

        $this->line('success', 'info');

Publish delay message

When you want the message you publish to be consumed after a specific time, you could also pass the third parameter of the Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq::publish(string $topic, $message, float $deferTime = 0.0) method the delay time corresponding to the publish message, in seconds, an example is as follows:



namespace App\Command;

use Hyperf\Command\Command as HyperfCommand;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Nsq;

class NsqCommand extends HyperfCommand
    protected $name = 'nsq:pub';

    public function handle()
        /** @var Nsq $nsq */
        $nsq = make(Nsq::class);
        $topic = 'hyperf';
        $message = 'This is message at ' . time();
        $deferTime = 5.0;
        $nsq->publish($topic, $message, $deferTime);

        $this->line('success', 'info');


NSQD HTTP API Refer: https://nsq.io/components/nsqd.html

The component encapsulates the NSQD HTTP API, and you could easily call the NSQD HTTP API by this component.

For example, when you need to delete a Topic, you could execute the following code:

use Hyperf\Context\ApplicationContext;
use Hyperf\Nsq\Nsqd\Topic;

$container = ApplicationContext::getContainer();

$client = $container->get(Topic::class);

  • Hyperf\Nsq\Api\Topic class corresponds to topic related API;
  • Hyperf\Nsq\Api\Channle class corresponds to channel related API
  • Hyperf\Nsq\Api\Api class corresponds to pingstatsconfigdebug related API

NSQ Protocol


  • Socket

hide footbox
title **Socket**

participant "Client" as client
participant "Server" as server #orange

activate client
activate server

note right of server: Build Connection
client -> server: socket->connect(ip, port)

note right of server: Multiple communication send/recv
client -> server: socket->send()
server-> client: socket->recv()

note right of server: Close connection
client->server: socket->close()

deactivate client
deactivate server

  • NSQ Protocol

hide footbox
title **NSQ Protocol**

participant "Client" as client
participant "Server" as server #orange

activate client
activate server

== connect ==
note left of client: after connect, the remaining calls are socket->send/recv
client -> server: socket->connect(ip, host)
note left of client: protocol version
client->server: magic: V2

== auth ==
note left of client: client metadatat
client->server: IDENTIFY
note right of server: If need auth
server->client: auth_required=true
client->server: AUTH

== pub ==
note left of client: Send a message
client -> server: PUB <topic_name>
note left of client: Send multiple messages
client -> server: MPUB
note left of client: Send a delay message
client -> server: DPUB

== sub ==
note left of client: client follow a topic by channel
note right of server: after SUB, client in RDY 0 stage
client -> server: SUB <topic_name> <channel_name>
note left of client: Tells server to ready receive <count> messages
client -> server: RDY <count>
note right of server: server response <count> messages to client
server -> client: <count> msg
note left of client: Finish a message (indicate successful processing)
client -> server: FIN <message_id>
note left of client: Re-queue a message (indicate failure to process)
client -> server: REQ <message_id> <timeout>
note left of client: Reset the timeout for an in-flight message
client -> server: TOUCH <message_id>

== heartbeat ==
server -> client: _heartbeat_
note right of server: After 2 unanswered responses, nsqd will timeout and forcefully close a client connection that it has not heard from
client -> server: NOP

== close ==
note left of client: Cleanly close your connection (no more messages are sent)
client -> server: CLS
note right of server: server response successful
server -> client: CLOSE_WAIT

deactivate client
deactivate server
