2019-10-09 09:45:47 +08:00

29 KiB

v1.1.2 - TBD


  • #678 Added ignore-tables for gen:model, and ignore migrations table.

v1.1.1 - 2019-10-08


  • #664 Changed the default return value of FormRequest::authorize which generate via gen:request command.
  • #665 Fixed framework will generate proxy class of all classes that in app directory every time.
  • #667 Fixed trying to get property 'callback' of non-object in Hyperf\Validation\Middleware\ValidationMiddleware.
  • #672 Fixed Hyperf\Validation\Middleware\ValidationMiddleware will throw an unexpected exception when the action method has defined a non-object parameter.
  • #674 Fixed the table of Model is not correct when using gen:model.

v1.1.0 - 2019-10-08


  • #401 Optimized server and fixed middleware that user defined does not works.
  • #402 Added Annotation @AsyncQueueMessage.
  • #418 Allows send WebSocket message to any fd in current server, even the worker process does not hold the fd
  • #420 Added listener for model.
  • #429 #643 Added validation component, a component similar to illuminate/validation.
  • #441 Automatically close the spare redis client when it is used in low frequency.
  • #478 Adopt opentracing interfaces and support Jaeger.
  • #500 Added fluent method calls of Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface.
  • #523 Added option table-mapping for command db:model.
  • #555 Added global function swoole_hook_flags to get the hook flags by constant SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS, and you could define in bin/hyperf.php via ! defined('SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS') && define('SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS', SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL); to define the constant.
  • #596 #658 Added required parameter for @Inject, if you define @Inject(required=false) annotation to a property, therefore the DI container will not throw an Hyperf\Di\Exception\NotFoundException when the dependency of the property does not exists, the default value of required parameter is true. In constructor injection mode, you could define the default value of the parameter of the __construct to null or define the parameter as a nullable parameter , this means this parameter is nullable and will not throw the exception too.
  • #597 Added concurrent for async-queue.
  • #599 Allows set the retry seconds according to attempt times of async queue consumer.
  • #619 Added HandlerStackFactory of guzzle.
  • #620 Add automatic restart mechanism for consumer of async queue.
  • #629 Allows to modify the clientIp, pullTimeout, intervalTimeout of Apollo client via config file.
  • #648 Added nack return type of AMQP consumer, the abstract consumer will execute basic_nack method when the message handler return a Hyperf\Amqp\Result::NACK.
  • #654 Added all Swoole events and abstract hyperf events.


  • #437 Changed Hyperf\Testing\Client handle exception handlers instead of throw an exception directly.
  • #463 Simplify container.php and improve annotation caching mechanism.



use Hyperf\Di\Container;
use Hyperf\Di\Definition\DefinitionSourceFactory;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;

$container = new Container((new DefinitionSourceFactory(true))());

if (! $container instanceof \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface) {
    throw new RuntimeException('The dependency injection container is invalid.');
return ApplicationContext::setContainer($container);
  • #486 Changed getParsedBody of Request is available to return JSON formatted data normally.
  • #523 The command db:model will generate the singular class name of an plural table as default.
  • #614 #617 Changed the structure of config provider, also moved config/dependencies.php to config/autoload/dependencies.php, also you could place dependencies into config/config.php.

Changed the structure of config provider:

'scan' => [
    'paths' => [
    'collectors' => [],


'annotations' => [
    'scan' => [
        'paths' => [
        'collectors' => [],
  • #630 Changed the way to instantiate Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware, use make() instead of new.
  • #631 Changed the way to instantiate AMQP Consumer, use make() instead of new.
  • #637 Changed the argument 1 of Hyperf\Contract\OnMessageInterface and Hyperf\Contract\OnOpenInterface, use Swoole\WebSocket\Server instead of Swoole\Server.
  • #638 Renamed command db:model to gen:model and added rewrite connection name visitor.


  • #401 Deleted class Hyperf\JsonRpc\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\HttpServer\ServerFactory, Hyperf\GrpcServer\ServerFactory.
  • #402 Deleted deprecated method AsyncQueue::delay.
  • #563 Deleted deprecated constants Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_TCP, use Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_BASE to instead of it.
  • #602 Removed timeout property of Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine\Concurrent.
  • #612 Deleted useless $url for RingPHP Handlers.
  • #616 #618 Deleted useless code of guzzle.


  • #644 Optimized annotation scan process, separate to two scan parts app and vendor, greatly decrease the elapsed time.
  • #653 Optimized the detect logical of swoole shortname.


  • #448 Fixed TCP Server does not works when HTTP Server or WebSocket Server exists.
  • #623 Fixed the argument value will be replaced by default value when pass a null to the method of proxy class.
  • #647 Append eof to TCP response, according to the server configuration.


  • #636 Fixed http client with pool handler may be used by different coroutine at the same time.

v1.0.17 - 2019-10-08


  • #636 Fixed http client with pool handler may be used by different coroutine at the same time.

v1.0.16 - 2019-09-20


  • #565 Added options config for redis.
  • #580 Added coroutine concurrency control features.


  • #564 Fixed typehint error, when Coroutine\Http2\Client->send failed.
  • #567 Fixed rpc-client getReturnType failed, when the name is not equal of service.
  • #571 Fixed the next request will be effected after using stopPropagation.
  • #579 Dynamic init snowflake meta data, fixed the problem that when using snowflake in command mode (e.g. di:init-proxy) will connect to redis server and wait timeout.


  • #583 Throw GrpcClientException, when BaseClient::start failed.
  • #585 Throw exception when execute failed in task worker.

v1.0.15 - 2019-09-11


  • #534 Fixed Guzzle HTTP Client does not handle the response status is equal to -3;
  • #541 Fixed bug grpc client cannot be set correctly.
  • #542 Fixed Hyperf\Grpc\Parser::parseResponse returns a non-standard error code for grpc.
  • #551 Fixed infinite loop in grpc client when the server closed the connection.
  • #558 Fixed UDP Server does not works.


  • #545 Deleted useless static methods restoring and restored of trait SoftDeletes.


  • #549 Optimized read and write of Hyperf\Amqp\Connection\SwooleIO.
  • #559 Optimized redirect of Hyperf\HttpServer\Response.
  • #560 Optimized class Hyperf\WebSocketServer\CoreMiddleware.


  • #558 Marked Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_TCP as deprecated, will be removed in v1.1.

v1.0.14 - 2019-09-05


  • #389 #419 #432 #524 #531 Added snowflake component, snowflake is a distributed global unique ID generation algorithm put forward by Twitter, this component implemented this algorithm for easy to use.
  • #525 Added download() method of Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface.


  • #482 Re-generate the fillable argument of Model when use refresh-fillable option, at the same time, the command will keep the fillable argument as default behaviours.
  • #501 When the path argument of Mapping annotation is an empty string, then the path is equal to prefix of Controller annotation.
  • #513 Rewrite process name with app_name.
  • #508 #526 When execute Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::parentId() static method in non-coroutine context will return null.


  • #479 Fixed typehint error when host of Elasticsearch client does not reached.
  • #514 Fixed redis auth failed when the password is an empty string.
  • #527 Fixed translator cannot translate repeatedly.

v1.0.13 - 2019-08-28


  • #428 Added an independent component hyperf/translation, forked by illuminate/translation.
  • #449 Added standard error code for grpc-server.
  • #450 Added comments of static methods for Hyperf\Database\Schema\Schema.


  • #451 Removed routes of magic methods from AuthController.
  • #468 Default exception handlers catch all exceptions.


  • #466 Fixed error when the number of data is not enough to paginate.
  • #466 Optimized vendor:publish command, if the destination folder exists, then will not repeatedly create the folder.

v1.0.12 - 2019-08-21


  • #405 Added Context::override() method.
  • #415 Added handlers configuration for logger, now you could config multiple handlers to logger.


  • #431 The third parameter of Hyperf\GrpcClient\GrpcClient::openStream() have been removed.


  • #414 Fixed WebSocketExceptionHandler typo
  • #424 Fixed proxy configuration of Hyperf\Guzzle\CoroutineHandler does not support array parameter.
  • #430 Fixed file() method of Request will threw an exception, when upload files with same name of form.
  • #431 Fixed missing parameters of the grpc request.


  • #425 Marked Hyperf\HttpServer\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\JsonRpc\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\JsonRpc\TcpServerFactory as deprecated, will be removed in v1.1.

v1.0.11 - 2019-08-15


  • #366 Added Hyperf\Server\Listener\InitProcessTitleListener to init th process name, also added Hyperf\Framework\Event\OnStart and Hyperf\Framework\Event\OnManagerStart events.
  • #389 Added Snowflake component.


  • #361 Fixed command db:model does not works in MySQL 8.
  • #369 Fixed the exception which implemented \Serializable, call serialize() and unserialize() functions failed.
  • #384 Fixed the ExceptionHandler that user defined does not works, because the framework has handled the exception automatically.
  • #370 Fixed set the error type client to Hyperf\GrpcClient\BaseClient, and added default content-type application/grpc+proto to the Request object, also allows the grpc client that user-defined to override the buildRequest() method to create a new Request object.


  • #356 #390 Optimized aysnc-queue when push a job that implemented Hyperf\Contract\CompressInterface, will compress the job to a small object automatically.
  • #358 Only write the annotation cache file when $enableCache is true.
  • #359 #390 Added compression ability for Collection and Model, if the object implemented Hyperf\Contract\CompressInterface, then the object could compress to a small one by call compress method.

v1.0.10 - 2019-08-09


  • #321 Adding custom object types of array support for the Controller/RequestHandler parameter of HTTP Server, especially for JSON RPC HTTP Server, now you can get support for auto-deserialization of objects by defining @var Object[] on the method.
  • #324 Added NodeRequestIdGenerator, an implementation of Hyperf\Contract\IdGeneratorInterface
  • #336 Added Dynamic Proxy RPC Client.
  • #346 #348 Added filesystem driver for hyperf/cache.


  • #330 Hidden the scan message of DI when $paths is empty.
  • #328 Added support for user defined project path according to the rules defined by composer.json's psr-4 autoload.
  • #329 Optimized exception handler of rpc-server and json-rpc component.
  • #340 Added support for make function accept index-based array as parameters.
  • #349 Renamed the class name below, fixed the typo.
Before After
Hyperf\Database\Commands\Ast\ModelUpdateVistor Hyperf\Database\Commands\Ast\ModelUpdateVisitor
Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyClassNameVistor Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyClassNameVisitor
Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyCallVistor Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyCallVisitor


  • #325 Fixed check the service registration status via consul services more than one times.
  • #332 Fixed type error in Hyperf\Tracer\Middleware\TraceMiddeware, only appears in openzipkin/zipkin v1.3.3+.
  • #333 Fixed Redis::delete() method has been removed in redis 5.0+.
  • #334 Fixed the configuration fetch from aliyun acm is not work expected in some case.
  • #337 Fixed the server will return 500 Response when the key of header is not a string.
  • #338 Fixed the problem of ProviderConfig::load will convert a string to a array when the dependencies has the same key in deep merging.

v1.0.9 - 2019-08-03


  • #317 Added composer-json-fixer and Optimized composer.json. @wenbinye
  • #320 DI added support for closure definition.


  • #300 Let message queues run in sub-coroutines. Fixed async queue attempts twice to handle message, but only once actually.
  • #305 Fixed $key of method Arr::set not support int and null.
  • #312 Fixed amqp process collect listener will be handled later than the process boot listener.
  • #315 Fixed config etcd center not work after worker restart or in user process.
  • #318 Fixed service will register to service center ceaselessly.


  • #323 Force convert type of $ttl in annotation Cacheable and CachePut into int.

v1.0.8 - 2019-07-31


  • #276 Amqp consumer support multi routing_key.
  • #277 Added etcd client and etcd config center.


  • #297 If register service failed, then sleep 10s and re-register, also hided the useless exception message when register service failed.
  • #298 #301 Adapted openzipkin/zipkin v1.3.3+


  • #271 Fixed aop only rewrite the first method in classes and method patten is not work.
  • #285 Fixed anonymous class should not rewrite in proxy class.
  • #286 Fixed not auto rollback when forgotten to commit or rollback in multi transactions.
  • #292 Fixed $default is not work in method Request::header.
  • #293 Fixed $key of method Arr::get not support int and null.

v1.0.7 - 2019-07-26


  • #266 Fixed timeout when produce a amqp message.
  • #273 Fixed all services have been registered to Consul will be deleted by the last register action.
  • #274 Fixed the content type of view response.

v1.0.6 - 2019-07-24


  • #203 #236 #247 #252 Added View component, support for Blade engine and Smarty engine.
  • #203 Added support for Swoole Task mechanism.
  • #245 Added TaskWorkerStrategy and WorkerStrategy crontab strategies.
  • #251 Added coroutine memory driver for cache.
  • #254 Added support for array value of RequestMapping::$methods, @RequestMapping(methods={"GET"}) and @RequestMapping(methods={RequestMapping::GET}) are available now.
  • #255 Transfer Hyperf\Utils\Contracts\Arrayable result of Request to Response automatically, and added text/plain content-type header for string Response.
  • #256 If Hyperf\Contract\IdGeneratorInterface exist, the json-rpc client will generate a Request ID via IdGenerator automatically, and stored in Request attibute. Also added support for service register and health checks of jsonrpc TCP protocol.


  • #247 Use WorkerStrategy as the default crontab strategy.
  • #256 Optimized error handling of json-rpc, server will response a standard json-rpc error object when the rpc method does not exist.


  • #235 Added default exception handler for grpc-server and optimized code.
  • #240 Fixed OnPipeMessage event will be dispatch by another listener.
  • #257 Fixed cannot get the Internal IP in some special environment.

v1.0.5 - 2019-07-17


  • #185 #224 Added support for xml format of response.
  • #202 Added trace message when throw a uncaptured exception in function go.
  • #138 #197 Added crontab component.


  • #195 Changed the behavior of parameter $times of retry() function, means the retry times of the callable function.
  • #198 Optimized has() method of Hyperf\Di\Container, if pass a un-instantiable object (like an interface) to $container->has($interface), the method result is false now.
  • #199 Re-produce one times when the amqp message produce failure.
  • #200 Make tests directory out of production package.


  • #176 Fixed TypeError: Return value of LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() must be of the type string or null, none returned.
  • #188 Fixed proxy of guzzle client does not work expected.
  • #211 Fixed rpc client will be replaced by the latest one.
  • #212 Fixed config ssl_key and cert of guzzle client does not work expected.

v1.0.4 - 2019-07-08


  • #140 Support Swoole v4.4.0.
  • #163 Added custom arguments support to AbstractConstants::__callStatic in hyperf/constants.


  • #124 Added $delay parameter for DriverInterface::push, and marked DriverInterface::delay method to deprecated.
  • #125 Changed the default value of parameter $default of config() function to null.


  • #110 #111 Fixed Redis::select is not work expected.
  • #131 Fixed property middlewares not work in Router::addGroup.
  • #132 Fixed request->hasFile does not work expected.
  • #135 Fixed response->redirect does not work expected.
  • #139 Fixed the BaseUri of ConsulAgent will be replaced by default BaseUri.
  • #148 Fixed cannot generate the migration when migrates directory does not exist.
  • #152 Fixed db connection will not be closed when a low use frequency.
  • #169 Fixed array parse failed when handle http request.
  • #170 Fixed websocket server interrupt when request a not exist route.


  • #131 Removed server property from Router options.

v1.0.3 - 2019-07-02


  • #48 Added WebSocket Client.
  • #51 Added property enableCache to DefinitionSource to enable annotation cache.
  • #61 Added property type of Model created by command db:model.
  • #65 Added JSON support for model-cache.
  • Added WebSocket Server.


  • #46 Removed hyperf/framework requirement of hyperf/di, hyperf/command and hyperf/dispatcher.


  • #45 Fixed http server start failed, when the skeleton included hyperf/websocket-server.
  • #55 Fixed the method level middleware annotation.
  • #73 Fixed short name is not work for db:model.
  • #88 Fixed prefix is not right in deep directory.
  • #101 Fixed constants resolution failed when no message annotation exists.

v1.0.2 - 2019-06-25


  • #25 Added Travis CI.
  • #29 Added some paramater of Redis::connect.


  • Fixed http server will be affected of websocket server.
  • Fixed proxy class
  • Fixed database pool will be fulled in testing.
  • Fixed co-phpunit work not expected.
  • Fixed model event creating, updating ... not work expected.
  • Fixed flushContext not work expected for testing.