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Hyperf is built on the coroutine of Swoole 4, which is one of the big factors that Hyperf can provide for high performance.

Running Mode of PHP-FPM

Before we talk about what is going on, let's talk about the operation mode of the traditional PHP-FPM architecture. PHP-FPM is a multi-process FastCGI hypervisor, which is used by most PHP applications. Suppose we use Nginx to provide the HTTP service (it's same when use Apache). All client-initiated requests arrive at Nginx first, then Nginx forwards the request to PHP-FPM processing via the FastCGI protocol, the Master Process of PHP-FPM will allocate a Worker Process for each request. This processing means the whole process is blocked waiting between waiting for the parsing of the PHP script and waiting for the result of the business, and then recycle the child process, which means that how many the number of processes of PHP-FPM that you have, how many requests then you could handle. Assuming that PHP-FPM has 200 Worker Process , a request will take 1 seconds, so simply the entire server can theoretically handle up to 200's, QPS is 200/s, in high-concurrency scenario, such performance is often not enough, although you can use Nginx as load balancing with multiple PHP-FPM servers to provide services, but due to PHP-FPM blocking waiting model, a request will occupy at least one MySQL connection, then the multi-node will generate a lot of connections of MySQL obviously, and the maximum number of connections of MySQL default value is 100, although you could modified it, but this apparent that the pattern can not cope with high concurrency scenes properly.

Asynchronous Non-blocking System

In a high-concurrency scenario, asynchronous non-blocking has obvious advantages. The intuitive advantage is that the Worker Process is no longer synchronously blocking to handle a request, but can handle multiple requests at the same time, without I/O Waiting, the ability to concurrency is extremely strong, and a large number of requests can be initiated or maintained at the same time. So the most intuitive shortcomings you may know, is the callback hell, the business logic must be implemented in the corresponding callback function, if the business logic has multiple I/O requests, there will be many layers of callback function, the following example of a pseudo-code fragment under Swoole 1.x.

$db = new swoole_mysql();
$config = array(
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 3306,
    'user' => 'test',
    'password' => 'test',
    'database' => 'test',

$db->connect($config, function ($db, $r) {
    // Query a row of data from users table
    $sql = 'select * from users where id = 1';
    $db->query($sql, function(swoole_mysql $db, $r) {
        if ($r === true) {
            $rows = $db->affected_rows;
            // Modify a row of data after the query is successful
            $updateSql = 'update users set name='new name' where id = 1';
            $db->query($updateSql, function (swoole_mysql $db, $r) {
                if ($r === true) {
                    return $this->response->end('Update Successfully');

As you can see from the code snippets above, almost every operation requires a callback function, and the layering and code structure of a callback in a complex business scenario will absolutely break you down It's not hard to see that this approach is similar to writing asynchronous methods on JavaScript , and JavaScript offers a number of solutions (derived from other programming languages, of course) , such as Promise , yield + generator , Async/Await , while Promise is a way to wrap callbacks, yield + generator and Async/Await need to explicitly add some code syntax tags to the code, which are good alternatives to callbacks But you still need time to understand its implementation and syntax.
The Swoole coroutine is also a solution for asynchronous callbacks. In PHP, both the Swoole coroutine and the yield + generator are coroutine solutions that enable code to write asynchronous code in a nearly synchronous way The obvious difference is that in yield + generators coroutine mechanism, every I/O operation needs to be preceded by yield syntax to implement the coroutine switch, and every level of call needs to be preceded by yield Syntax, otherwise there will be unexpected errors The Swoole coroutine solution, by contrast, is a much more elegant one, with I/O being switched implicitly at the bottom without any additional syntax or yield being added to the code, and the COROUTINE switching is silent Greatly reduces the mental burden of maintaining an asynchronous system.

What is Coroutine ?

We already know that coroutines can solve the development problem of asynchronous non-blocking system very well, so what is coroutines themselves? By definition, *Coroutines are lightweight threads that are scheduled and managed by user code, rather than by the operating system kernel, that is, in user mode. This can be understood directly as a non standard thread implementation, but it is up to the user to make the switch, not the operating system to allocate CPU time. Specifically, each Worker process of Swoole has a coordinator Scheduler to schedule The coroutines, and the timing of a coroutine switch is when a I/O operation or explicit code switch occurs and the process runs the coroutine as a single thread, This means that there is only one coroutine running at the same time in a process and the switching time is clear, so there is no need to deal with the problem of synchronizing locks like multi-threaded programming.
The code within a single coroutine is still running serially, in an HTTP coroutine server to understand that each request is a coroutine. For example, suppose that coroutine A is created for request A and coroutine B is created for request B, then the code runs to the query MySQL while processing coroutine A , at which point coroutine A will trigger the coroutine switch, coroutine A will continue to wait for the I/O device to return the result, then it will switch to coroutine B , start processing the logic of coroutine B, then when you encounter another I/O operation, trigger the coroutine switch, and then go back and continue from where coroutine a just cut away, and so on When an I/O operation is encountered, it switches to another coroutine to continue instead of blocking and waiting.
The problem here is that the MySQL query operation for * coroutine A must be an asynchronous non-blocking operation, otherwise the coroutine scheduler can not switch to another coroutine to continue execution * Due to blocking This is one of the issues that needs to be avoided in coprogramming.

What is the difference between coroutine and ordinary thread ?

As we said that coroutine is a lightweight thread. Coroutines and threads are suitable for multitasking scenarios. From this perspective, coroutines are very similar to threads and have their own contexts, which can share global variables, but the difference is that multiple threads can be running at the same time, but there can only be one for the Swoole coroutine, and other coroutines will be paused. In addition, the normal thread is preemptive, which thread can get the resources determined by the operating system, but the coroutine is collaborative, and the execution right is allocated by the user state.

Coroutine programming considerations

Cannot exist blocking code

Blocking code in the coroutine will cause the coroutine scheduler cannot switch to another coroutine to continue executing code, so we must prevent the blocking code exist in the coroutine. Assuming we have started 4 Worker to handle HTTP Request (usually the number of Worker started is the same as the number of CPU cores or 2 times of CPU cores). If there is blocking code in the coroutine, theoretically, if each request will block 1 seconds, then the application QPS will also degenerate to 4/s, which is undoubtedly degenerate into a similar situation to PHP-FPM, so we must not allows blocking code exist in the coroutine.

So which ones are blocking code? We can simply think that most of the asynchronous functions provided by non-Swoole are MySQL, Redis, Memcache, MongoDB, HTTP, Socket, file operations. , sleep/usleep, etc. are blocking code, which covers almost all daily operations, so how to solve it? Swoole provides the MySQL client, PostgreSQL, Redis, HTTP, Socket for the coroutine clientin addition to, after Swoole 4.1, Swoole provide \Swoole\Runtime::enableCoroutine() function to make most of blocking code to coroutinedjust execute \Swoole\Runtime::enableCoroutine() before create coroutineSwoole will turn all sockets that use php_stream for coroutine scheduling, which can be understood as the most common operations become coroutined, except curl. More detailed information can be found in this section of the Swoole Documentation.

In Hyperf, we have handled this for you, you only need to pay attention to the blocking code that \Swoole\Runtime::enableCoroutine() still cannot be coroutined automatically.

Cannot store status via global variables

Under the persistence application of Swoole, a global variable in Worker is shared within Worker, and from the introduction of coroutine we can know that there will be multiple coroutines exist in the same Worker. Coroutine switching means that a Worker will process multiple coroutines (or directly understood as requests) in a single time period, which means that if you use global variables to store state, the state data may be used by multiple coroutines, which means that data may be confused between different requests or different coroutines. The global variables here refer to $_GET/$_POST/$_REQUEST/$_SESSION/$_COOKIE/$_SERVER etc. $_ Variables at the beginning, global variables, and static properties or variables.
So what should we do when we need to use these features?

For global variables, it is generated by a Request, and Hyperf's Request/Response are made by hyperf/http-message .com/hyperf/http-message) by implementing PSR-7, all global variables can be found in the Request object.

For the global variable and the static variable, in PHP-FPM mode, the essence is to survive in a request life cycle, and in Hyperf because of the CLI application, there will be a global cycle and request cycle (coroutine cycle) two long life cycles.

  • Global cycle, we only need to create a static variable for global call. Static variables mean that any coroutine and code logic share the data in this static variable after the service is started, which means that the stored data cannot be special service to a request or a certain coroutine;
  • Coroutine cycle, since Hyperf will automatically create a coroutine for each request to process, then a coroutine cycle can also be understood here as a request cycle. In the coroutine, all state data should be stored in In the Hyperf\Utils\Context class, the data of any structure is read and stored by get, set of the class. Get or Set any data in the Context (coroutine context) is limited to the corresponding coroutine that the get or set function executed, and the relevant context data is also automatically destroyed at the end of the coroutine.

Maximum number of coroutine

Set the max_coroutine parameter of Swoole Server via the set method to configure the maximum number of coroutines that can exist in a Worker process. Because the number of coroutines processed by the Worker process increases, the corresponding memory usage will also increase. To avoid exceeding the memory_limit limit of PHP, set the value according to the actual business pressure measurement result. The default value for Swoole is 3000, which is set to 100000 by default in the hyperf-skeleton project.

Usage of coroutine

Create a coroutine

Use co(callable $callable) or go(callable $callable) functions or Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::create(callable $callable) method to create a coroutine simply, coroutine related methods and clients can be used within the coroutine.

Is it running in coroutine environment ?

In some cases, we want to determine whether is current running in the coroutine environment, for some compatible coroutine environment and non-coroutine environment code will be used as a basis for judgment, we can use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine:: inCoroutine(): bool method to get the result.

Get the coroutine ID

In some cases, we need to do some logic according to the coroutine ID, such as coroutine context, you can get the current coroutine ID by Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::id(): int, if not in the coroutine environment, the method will return -1.


Similar to the go language chan, Channel provides support for multi-producer coroutines and multi-consumer coroutine modes. The bottom layer automatically implements the switching and scheduling of the coroutine. Channel is similar to PHP's array, it only takes up memory, there are no other additional resources to apply, all operations are memory operations, no I/O, the usage is similar to the SplQueue queue. Channel is mainly used for inter-coroutines communication. When we want to return some data from one coroutine to another coroutine, we can pass it through Channel.

Main methods:

  • Channel->push : When there are other coroutines in the queue waiting for pop data, a consumer coroutine is automatically invoked in sequence. Automatically yield gives up the control right when the queue is full, waiting for other coroutines to consume data
  • Channel->pop : Automatic yield when the queue is empty, waiting for other coroutine produce data. After the data is consumed, the queue can push new data into it and automatically wake up a producer coroutine in sequence.

The following is a simple example of a communication between coroutines:

co(function () {
    $channel = new \Swoole\Coroutine\Channel();
    co(function () use ($channel) {
    $data = $channel->pop();


When we want to run some code at the end of the coroutine, we can use a defer(callable $callable) function or Hyperf\Coroutine::defer(callable $callable) to put a function in the form of a stack'. Once stored, the functions in the stack' will be executed one by one at the end of the current coroutine, executed by LIFO (Last in, First out).


WaitGroup is a feature derived from Channel. If you know about the Go language, we will know the WaitGroup feature. In Hyperf, the purpose of WaitGroup is to block the main coroutine, wait until all relevant child coroutines have completed the task and then continue to run. The blocking wait mentioned here is only for the main coroutine (ie the current coroutine) and does not block the current process.
We demonstrate this feature with a piece of code:

$wg = new \Hyperf\Utils\WaitGroup();
// Counter increase 2
// Create coroutine A
co(function () use ($wg) {
    // some code
    // Counter decrease 1
// Create coroutine B
co(function () use ($wg) {
    // some code
    // Counter decrease 1
// Wait for coroutine A and coroutine B finished

Note that WaitGroup itself also needs to be used in the coroutine.


The Parallel feature is an abstraction based on the WaitGroup feature provided by Hyperf, more convenient way to use than WaitGroup. Let's demonstrate it with a piece of code:

$parallel = new \Hyperf\Utils\Parallel();
$parallel->add(function () {
    return \Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::id();
$parallel->add(function () {
    return \Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::id();
// $result is [1, 2]
$result = $parallel->wait();

From the above code we can see that it took only 1 second to get the ID of two different coroutines. When calling add(callable $callable), the Parallel class will automatically create a coroutine for it, and join it to the dispatcher of WaitGroup. Not only that, but we can further simplify the above code by using the parallel(array $callables) function to achieve the same purpose. The following is the simplified code.

use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;

// The passed array parameters can also use `key of array` to facilitate distinguish the result of coroutine, and the returned result will also return the corresponding result according to key.
$result = parallel([
    function () {
        return Coroutine::id();
    function () {
        return Coroutine::id();

Note that Parallel itself also needs to be used in the coroutine.

Coroutine Context

Since the coroutines in the same process are shared by memory, the execution/switching of the coroutines is non-sequential, which means that it is difficult to control which one of the current coroutines is * (in fact, it could, but no one would like to do like this) *, so we need to be able to switch the corresponding context at the same time when a coroutine switch occurs. Implementing context management for coroutines in Hyperf is very simple, based on set(string $id, $value), get(string $id, $default = null), has(string $id) static methods of the Hyperf\Utils\Context can complete the management of context data. The values set and obtained by these methods are limited to the current coroutine. At the end of the coroutine, the corresponding context will be automatically released. No need to manage manually, no need to worry about the risk of memory leaks.