
772 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package msgstream
import (
oplog ""
internalPb ""
type UniqueID = typeutil.UniqueID
type Timestamp = typeutil.Timestamp
type IntPrimaryKey = typeutil.IntPrimaryKey
type MsgPack struct {
BeginTs Timestamp
EndTs Timestamp
Msgs []TsMsg
type RepackFunc func(msgs []TsMsg, hashKeys [][]int32) (map[int32]*MsgPack, error)
type MsgStream interface {
Produce(*MsgPack) error
Broadcast(*MsgPack) error
Consume() *MsgPack
Chan() <-chan *MsgPack
type PulsarMsgStream struct {
ctx context.Context
client *pulsar.Client
producers []*pulsar.Producer
consumers []*pulsar.Consumer
repackFunc RepackFunc
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher
receiveBuf chan *MsgPack
wait *sync.WaitGroup
streamCancel func()
func NewPulsarMsgStream(ctx context.Context, receiveBufSize int64) *PulsarMsgStream {
streamCtx, streamCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
stream := &PulsarMsgStream{
ctx: streamCtx,
streamCancel: streamCancel,
stream.receiveBuf = make(chan *MsgPack, receiveBufSize)
return stream
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) SetPulsarClient(address string) {
client, err := pulsar.NewClient(pulsar.ClientOptions{URL: address})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Set pulsar client failed, error = %v", err)
ms.client = &client
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) CreatePulsarProducers(channels []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
fn := func() error {
pp, err := (*ms.client).CreateProducer(pulsar.ProducerOptions{Topic: channels[i]})
if err != nil {
return err
if pp == nil {
return errors.New("pulsar is not ready, producer is nil")
ms.producers = append(ms.producers, &pp)
return nil
err := Retry(10, time.Millisecond*200, fn)
if err != nil {
errMsg := "Failed to create producer " + channels[i] + ", error = " + err.Error()
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) CreatePulsarConsumers(channels []string,
subName string,
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher,
pulsarBufSize int64) {
ms.unmarshal = unmarshal
for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
fn := func() error {
receiveChannel := make(chan pulsar.ConsumerMessage, pulsarBufSize)
pc, err := (*ms.client).Subscribe(pulsar.ConsumerOptions{
Topic: channels[i],
SubscriptionName: subName,
Type: pulsar.KeyShared,
SubscriptionInitialPosition: pulsar.SubscriptionPositionEarliest,
MessageChannel: receiveChannel,
if err != nil {
return err
if pc == nil {
return errors.New("pulsar is not ready, consumer is nil")
ms.consumers = append(ms.consumers, &pc)
return nil
err := Retry(10, time.Millisecond*200, fn)
if err != nil {
errMsg := "Failed to create consumer " + channels[i] + ", error = " + err.Error()
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) SetRepackFunc(repackFunc RepackFunc) {
ms.repackFunc = repackFunc
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Start() {
ms.wait = &sync.WaitGroup{}
if ms.consumers != nil {
go ms.bufMsgPackToChannel()
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Close() {
for _, producer := range ms.producers {
if producer != nil {
for _, consumer := range ms.consumers {
if consumer != nil {
if ms.client != nil {
type propertiesReaderWriter struct {
ppMap map[string]string
func (ppRW *propertiesReaderWriter) Set(key, val string) {
// The GRPC HPACK implementation rejects any uppercase keys here.
// As such, since the HTTP_HEADERS format is case-insensitive anyway, we
// blindly lowercase the key (which is guaranteed to work in the
// Inject/Extract sense per the OpenTracing spec).
key = strings.ToLower(key)
ppRW.ppMap[key] = val
func (ppRW *propertiesReaderWriter) ForeachKey(handler func(key, val string) error) error {
for k, val := range ppRW.ppMap {
if err := handler(k, val); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Produce(msgPack *MsgPack) error {
tsMsgs := msgPack.Msgs
if len(tsMsgs) <= 0 {
log.Printf("Warning: Receive empty msgPack")
return nil
if len(ms.producers) <= 0 {
return errors.New("nil producer in msg stream")
reBucketValues := make([][]int32, len(tsMsgs))
for channelID, tsMsg := range tsMsgs {
hashValues := tsMsg.HashKeys()
bucketValues := make([]int32, len(hashValues))
for index, hashValue := range hashValues {
if tsMsg.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearchResult {
searchResult := tsMsg.(*SearchResultMsg)
channelID := int32(searchResult.ResultChannelID)
if channelID >= int32(len(ms.producers)) {
return errors.New("Failed to produce pulsar msg to unKnow channel")
bucketValues[index] = channelID
bucketValues[index] = int32(hashValue % uint32(len(ms.producers)))
reBucketValues[channelID] = bucketValues
var result map[int32]*MsgPack
var err error
if ms.repackFunc != nil {
result, err = ms.repackFunc(tsMsgs, reBucketValues)
} else {
msgType := (tsMsgs[0]).Type()
switch msgType {
case commonpb.MsgType_kInsert:
result, err = insertRepackFunc(tsMsgs, reBucketValues)
case commonpb.MsgType_kDelete:
result, err = deleteRepackFunc(tsMsgs, reBucketValues)
result, err = defaultRepackFunc(tsMsgs, reBucketValues)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range result {
for i := 0; i < len(v.Msgs); i++ {
mb, err := v.Msgs[i].Marshal(v.Msgs[i])
if err != nil {
return err
msg := &pulsar.ProducerMessage{Payload: mb}
var child opentracing.Span
if v.Msgs[i].Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kInsert ||
v.Msgs[i].Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearch ||
v.Msgs[i].Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearchResult {
tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
ctx := v.Msgs[i].GetMsgContext()
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if parent := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parent != nil {
child = tracer.StartSpan("start send pulsar msg",
} else {
child = tracer.StartSpan("start send pulsar msg")
child.SetTag("hash keys", v.Msgs[i].HashKeys())
child.SetTag("start time", v.Msgs[i].BeginTs())
child.SetTag("end time", v.Msgs[i].EndTs())
child.SetTag("msg type", v.Msgs[i].Type())
msg.Properties = make(map[string]string)
err = tracer.Inject(child.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, &propertiesReaderWriter{msg.Properties})
if err != nil {
return err
child.LogFields(oplog.String("inject success", "inject success"))
if _, err := (*ms.producers[k]).Send(
); err != nil {
if child != nil {
return err
if child != nil {
return nil
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Broadcast(msgPack *MsgPack) error {
producerLen := len(ms.producers)
for _, v := range msgPack.Msgs {
mb, err := v.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return err
msg := &pulsar.ProducerMessage{Payload: mb}
var child opentracing.Span
if v.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kInsert ||
v.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearch ||
v.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearchResult {
tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
ctx := v.GetMsgContext()
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if parent := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parent != nil {
child = tracer.StartSpan("start send pulsar msg",
} else {
child = tracer.StartSpan("start send pulsar msg, start time: %d")
child.SetTag("hash keys", v.HashKeys())
child.SetTag("start time", v.BeginTs())
child.SetTag("end time", v.EndTs())
child.SetTag("msg type", v.Type())
msg.Properties = make(map[string]string)
err = tracer.Inject(child.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, &propertiesReaderWriter{msg.Properties})
if err != nil {
return err
child.LogFields(oplog.String("inject success", "inject success"))
for i := 0; i < producerLen; i++ {
if _, err := (*ms.producers[i]).Send(
); err != nil {
if child != nil {
return err
if child != nil {
return nil
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Consume() *MsgPack {
for {
select {
case cm, ok := <-ms.receiveBuf:
if !ok {
log.Println("buf chan closed")
return nil
return cm
case <-ms.ctx.Done():
log.Printf("context closed")
return nil
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) bufMsgPackToChannel() {
defer ms.wait.Done()
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(ms.consumers))
for i := 0; i < len(ms.consumers); i++ {
ch := (*ms.consumers[i]).Chan()
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
for {
select {
case <-ms.ctx.Done():
tsMsgList := make([]TsMsg, 0)
for {
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
if !ok {
log.Printf("channel closed")
pulsarMsg, ok := value.Interface().(pulsar.ConsumerMessage)
if !ok {
log.Printf("type assertion failed, not consumer message type")
headerMsg := internalPb.MsgHeader{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(pulsarMsg.Payload(), &headerMsg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal message header, error = %v", err)
tsMsg, err := ms.unmarshal.Unmarshal(pulsarMsg.Payload(), headerMsg.MsgType)
if tsMsg.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearch ||
tsMsg.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kSearchResult {
tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
spanContext, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, &propertiesReaderWriter{pulsarMsg.Properties()})
if err != nil {
log.Println("extract message err")
span := opentracing.StartSpan("pulsar msg received",
span.SetTag("msg type", tsMsg.Type())
span.SetTag("hash keys", tsMsg.HashKeys())
span.SetTag("start time", tsMsg.BeginTs())
span.SetTag("end time", tsMsg.EndTs())
tsMsg.SetMsgContext(opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal tsMsg, error = %v", err)
tsMsgList = append(tsMsgList, tsMsg)
noMoreMessage := true
for i := 0; i < len(ms.consumers); i++ {
if len((*ms.consumers[i]).Chan()) > 0 {
noMoreMessage = false
if noMoreMessage {
if len(tsMsgList) > 0 {
msgPack := MsgPack{Msgs: tsMsgList}
ms.receiveBuf <- &msgPack
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Chan() <-chan *MsgPack {
return ms.receiveBuf
type PulsarTtMsgStream struct {
inputBuf []TsMsg
unsolvedBuf []TsMsg
lastTimeStamp Timestamp
func NewPulsarTtMsgStream(ctx context.Context, receiveBufSize int64) *PulsarTtMsgStream {
streamCtx, streamCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
pulsarMsgStream := PulsarMsgStream{
ctx: streamCtx,
streamCancel: streamCancel,
pulsarMsgStream.receiveBuf = make(chan *MsgPack, receiveBufSize)
return &PulsarTtMsgStream{
PulsarMsgStream: pulsarMsgStream,
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Start() {
ms.wait = &sync.WaitGroup{}
if ms.consumers != nil {
go ms.bufMsgPackToChannel()
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) bufMsgPackToChannel() {
defer ms.wait.Done()
ms.unsolvedBuf = make([]TsMsg, 0)
ms.inputBuf = make([]TsMsg, 0)
isChannelReady := make([]bool, len(ms.consumers))
eofMsgTimeStamp := make(map[int]Timestamp)
spans := make(map[Timestamp]opentracing.Span)
ctxs := make(map[Timestamp]context.Context)
for {
select {
case <-ms.ctx.Done():
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
mu := sync.Mutex{}
findMapMutex := sync.RWMutex{}
for i := 0; i < len(ms.consumers); i++ {
if isChannelReady[i] {
go ms.findTimeTick(i, eofMsgTimeStamp, &wg, &mu, &findMapMutex)
timeStamp, ok := checkTimeTickMsg(eofMsgTimeStamp, isChannelReady, &findMapMutex)
if !ok || timeStamp <= ms.lastTimeStamp {
log.Printf("All timeTick's timestamps are inconsistent")
timeTickBuf := make([]TsMsg, 0)
ms.inputBuf = append(ms.inputBuf, ms.unsolvedBuf...)
ms.unsolvedBuf = ms.unsolvedBuf[:0]
for _, v := range ms.inputBuf {
var ctx context.Context
var span opentracing.Span
if v.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kInsert {
if _, ok := spans[v.BeginTs()]; !ok {
span, ctx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(v.GetMsgContext(), "after find time tick")
ctxs[v.BeginTs()] = ctx
spans[v.BeginTs()] = span
if v.EndTs() <= timeStamp {
timeTickBuf = append(timeTickBuf, v)
if v.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kInsert {
delete(spans, v.BeginTs())
} else {
ms.unsolvedBuf = append(ms.unsolvedBuf, v)
ms.inputBuf = ms.inputBuf[:0]
msgPack := MsgPack{
BeginTs: ms.lastTimeStamp,
EndTs: timeStamp,
Msgs: timeTickBuf,
ms.receiveBuf <- &msgPack
ms.lastTimeStamp = timeStamp
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) findTimeTick(channelIndex int,
eofMsgMap map[int]Timestamp,
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
mu *sync.Mutex,
findMapMutex *sync.RWMutex) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-ms.ctx.Done():
case pulsarMsg, ok := <-(*ms.consumers[channelIndex]).Chan():
if !ok {
log.Printf("consumer closed!")
headerMsg := internalPb.MsgHeader{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(pulsarMsg.Payload(), &headerMsg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal, error = %v", err)
unMarshalFunc := (*ms.unmarshal).tempMap[headerMsg.MsgType]
if unMarshalFunc == nil {
panic("null unMarshalFunc for " + headerMsg.MsgType.String() + " msg type")
tsMsg, err := unMarshalFunc(pulsarMsg.Payload())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal, error = %v", err)
if tsMsg.Type() == commonpb.MsgType_kInsert {
tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
spanContext, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, &propertiesReaderWriter{pulsarMsg.Properties()})
if err != nil {
log.Println("extract message err")
span := opentracing.StartSpan("pulsar msg received",
span.SetTag("hash keys", tsMsg.HashKeys())
span.SetTag("start time", tsMsg.BeginTs())
span.SetTag("end time", tsMsg.EndTs())
span.SetTag("msg type", tsMsg.Type())
tsMsg.SetMsgContext(opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span))
if headerMsg.MsgType == commonpb.MsgType_kTimeTick {
eofMsgMap[channelIndex] = tsMsg.(*TimeTickMsg).Timestamp
ms.inputBuf = append(ms.inputBuf, tsMsg)
//TODO test InMemMsgStream
type InMemMsgStream struct {
buffer chan *MsgPack
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Start() {}
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Close() {}
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) ProduceOne(msg TsMsg) error {
msgPack := MsgPack{}
msgPack.BeginTs = msg.BeginTs()
msgPack.EndTs = msg.EndTs()
msgPack.Msgs = append(msgPack.Msgs, msg)
buffer <- &msgPack
return nil
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Produce(msgPack *MsgPack) error {
buffer <- msgPack
return nil
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Broadcast(msgPack *MsgPack) error {
return ms.Produce(msgPack)
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Consume() *MsgPack {
select {
case msgPack := <-ms.buffer:
return msgPack
func (ms *InMemMsgStream) Chan() <- chan *MsgPack {
return buffer
func checkTimeTickMsg(msg map[int]Timestamp, isChannelReady []bool, mu *sync.RWMutex) (Timestamp, bool) {
checkMap := make(map[Timestamp]int)
var maxTime Timestamp = 0
for _, v := range msg {
if v > maxTime {
maxTime = v
if len(checkMap) <= 1 {
for i := range msg {
isChannelReady[i] = false
return maxTime, true
for i := range msg {
v := msg[i]
if v != maxTime {
isChannelReady[i] = false
} else {
isChannelReady[i] = true
return 0, false
func insertRepackFunc(tsMsgs []TsMsg, hashKeys [][]int32) (map[int32]*MsgPack, error) {
result := make(map[int32]*MsgPack)
for i, request := range tsMsgs {
if request.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_kInsert {
return nil, errors.New("msg's must be Insert")
insertRequest := request.(*InsertMsg)
keys := hashKeys[i]
timestampLen := len(insertRequest.Timestamps)
rowIDLen := len(insertRequest.RowIDs)
rowDataLen := len(insertRequest.RowData)
keysLen := len(keys)
if keysLen != timestampLen || keysLen != rowIDLen || keysLen != rowDataLen {
return nil, errors.New("the length of hashValue, timestamps, rowIDs, RowData are not equal")
for index, key := range keys {
_, ok := result[key]
if !ok {
msgPack := MsgPack{}
result[key] = &msgPack
sliceRequest := internalPb.InsertRequest{
MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_kInsert,
ReqID: insertRequest.ReqID,
CollectionName: insertRequest.CollectionName,
PartitionTag: insertRequest.PartitionTag,
SegmentID: insertRequest.SegmentID,
ChannelID: insertRequest.ChannelID,
ProxyID: insertRequest.ProxyID,
Timestamps: []uint64{insertRequest.Timestamps[index]},
RowIDs: []int64{insertRequest.RowIDs[index]},
RowData: []*commonpb.Blob{insertRequest.RowData[index]},
insertMsg := &InsertMsg{
BaseMsg: BaseMsg{
MsgCtx: request.GetMsgContext(),
InsertRequest: sliceRequest,
result[key].Msgs = append(result[key].Msgs, insertMsg)
return result, nil
func deleteRepackFunc(tsMsgs []TsMsg, hashKeys [][]int32) (map[int32]*MsgPack, error) {
result := make(map[int32]*MsgPack)
for i, request := range tsMsgs {
if request.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_kDelete {
return nil, errors.New("msg's must be Delete")
deleteRequest := request.(*DeleteMsg)
keys := hashKeys[i]
timestampLen := len(deleteRequest.Timestamps)
primaryKeysLen := len(deleteRequest.PrimaryKeys)
keysLen := len(keys)
if keysLen != timestampLen || keysLen != primaryKeysLen {
return nil, errors.New("the length of hashValue, timestamps, primaryKeys are not equal")
for index, key := range keys {
_, ok := result[key]
if !ok {
msgPack := MsgPack{}
result[key] = &msgPack
sliceRequest := internalPb.DeleteRequest{
MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_kDelete,
ReqID: deleteRequest.ReqID,
CollectionName: deleteRequest.CollectionName,
ChannelID: deleteRequest.ChannelID,
ProxyID: deleteRequest.ProxyID,
Timestamps: []uint64{deleteRequest.Timestamps[index]},
PrimaryKeys: []int64{deleteRequest.PrimaryKeys[index]},
deleteMsg := &DeleteMsg{
DeleteRequest: sliceRequest,
result[key].Msgs = append(result[key].Msgs, deleteMsg)
return result, nil
func defaultRepackFunc(tsMsgs []TsMsg, hashKeys [][]int32) (map[int32]*MsgPack, error) {
result := make(map[int32]*MsgPack)
for i, request := range tsMsgs {
keys := hashKeys[i]
if len(keys) != 1 {
return nil, errors.New("len(msg.hashValue) must equal 1")
key := keys[0]
_, ok := result[key]
if !ok {
msgPack := MsgPack{}
result[key] = &msgPack
result[key].Msgs = append(result[key].Msgs, request)
return result, nil